





# Babánekite (vivianite: IMA2012-007) 8.CE

o o
(IUPAC: tricopper diarsenate octahydrate) #
Babefphite Babefphite is a rare phosphate mineral with the general formula BaBe(PO4)(F,OH). The name is given for its composition (Ba meaning barium, Be meaning beryllium, F meaning fluorine, and P for phosphorus). Crystallography Babefphite is tetragonal, ...
(IMA1966-003) 8.BA.1

(IUPAC: barium beryllium fluoro phosphate) #
Babingtonite Babingtonite is a calcium iron manganese inosilicate mineral with the formula Ca2( Fe, Mn)Fe Si5 O14(O H). It is unusual in that iron(III) completely replaces the aluminium so typical of silicate minerals. It is a very dark green to black transluc ...
(rhodonite: 1824) 9.DK.0

# Babkinite (tetradymite: IMA1994-030) 2.GC.40

(Pb2Bi2(S,Se)3) # Backite (tellurium oxysalt: IMA2013-113) 7.

o o
(IUPAC: dilead aluminium chloro tellurium(VI) hexaoxide) # Badakhshanite-(Y) (perettiite: IMA2018-085) 9.

o o# Badalovite (alluaudite: IMA2016-053) 8.

o o
() #
Baddeleyite Baddeleyite is a rare zirconium oxide mineral (ZrO2 or zirconia), occurring in a variety of monoclinic prismatic crystal forms. It is transparent to translucent, has high indices of refraction, and ranges from colorless to yellow, green, and dar ...
(baddeleyite: 1893) 4.DE.3

(IUPAC: zirconium(IV) dioxide) # Badengzhuite (phosphide: IMA2019-076) 1.

o o
(IUPAC: titanium phosphide) # Bafertisite (seidozerite, bafertisite: IMA2016 s.p., 1959) 9.BE.5

# Baghdadite (wohlerite: IMA1982-075) 9.BE.1

(IUPAC: hexacalcium dizirconium tetraoxo di(heptaoxodisilicate)) # Bahariyaite (IMA2020-022

o o# Bahianite (IMA1974-027) 4.DC.0

(IUPAC: pentaluminium triantimony(V) dihydro tetradecaoxide) # Baileychlore (chlorite: IMA1986-056) 9.EC.5

# Bainbridgeite-(YCe) (mckelveyite: IMA2020-065) 5.CC

o o# Bairdite (IMA2012-061) 8.

o o# Bakakinite (IMA2022-046) # Bakhchisaraitsevite (IMA1999-005) 8.CH.5

(IUPAC: disodium pentamagnesium tetraphosphate heptahydrate) # Baksanite (tetradymite: IMA1992-042) 2.DC.0

(IUPAC: hexabismuth ditelluride trisulfide) # Balangeroite (IMA1982-002) 9.DH.3

# Balestraite (mica: IMA2013-080) 9.E?

o o # Balićžunićite (IMA2012-098) 7.

o o
(IUPAC: dibismuth oxo disulfate) # Balipholite (carpholite: 1975) 9.DB.0

(IUPAC: lithium barium dimagnesium trialuminium di(hexaoxodisilicate) octahydroxyl) # Balkanite (IMA1971-009) 2.BD.1

(IUPAC: pentasilver nonacopper mercury octasulfide) # Balliranoite (cancrinite: IMA2008-065) 9.FB.0


# Balyakinite (tellurite: IMA1980-001) 4.JK.1

(IUPAC: copper(II) tellurite(IV)) # Bambollaite (IMA1965-014) 2.EB.05

() # Bamfordite (IMA1996-059) 4.FK.0

(IUPAC: iron(III) trihydro dimolybdenum hexaoxide monohydrate) # Banalsite (Y: 1944) 9.FA.6

# Bandylite (Y: 1938) 6.AC.3

(IUPAC: copper chloro tetrahydroxyborate) # Bannermanite (IMA1980-010) 4.HF.0

# Bannisterite (stilpnomelane: IMA1967-005) 9.EG.7

# Baotite (IMA1962 s.p., 1960) 9.CE.1

# Barahonaite 8.CH.60 ##Barahonaite-(Al) (IMA2006-051) 8.CH.6

##Barahonaite-(Fe) (IMA2006-052) 8.CH.6

Bararite Bararite is a natural form of ammonium fluorosilicate (also known as hexafluorosilicate or fluosilicate). It has chemical formula (NH4)2SiF6 and Trigonal crystal system, trigonal crystal structure. This mineral was once classified as part of crypt ...
(fluorosilicate: 1951) 3.CH.1

(IUPAC: diammonium hexafluorosilicate) # Baratovite (baratovite: IMA1974-055) 9.CJ.2

# Barberiite (fluoroborate: IMA1993-008) 3.CA.1

(IUPAC: ammonium tetrafluoroborate) # Barbosalite (Y: 1954) 8.BB.4

(IUPAC: iron(II) diiron(III) dihydro diphosphate) # Barentsite (IMA1982-101) 5.BB.0

(IUPAC: heptasodium aluminium tetrafluoro dicarbonate dibicarbonate) # Bariandite (straczekite: IMA1970-043) 4.HE.2

# Barićite (vivianite: IMA1975-027) 8.CE.4

(IUPAC: tri(magnesium,iron) diphosphate octahydrate) # Barikaite (sartorite: IMA2012-055) 2.

o o
(Ag3Pb10(Sb8As11)Σ19S40) # Barioferrite (magnetoplumbite: IMA2009-030) 4.CC.4

o o
(IUPAC: barium dodecairon(III) nonadecaoxide) # Bario-olgite (aphthitalite: IMA2003-002) 8.AC.4

# Bario-orthojoaquinite (joaquinite: IMA1979-081) 9.CE.2

(IUPAC: tetrabarium diiron(II) dititanium dioxo octa(trioxosilicate) monohydrate) # Barioperovskite (oxide perovskite: IMA2006-040) 4.CC.3

(IUPAC: barium titanium trioxide) # Bariopharmacoalumite (pharmacosiderite: IMA2010-041) 8.DK.1


(IUPAC: (0.5)barium tetraluminium etrahydro triarsenatetetrahydrate) #
Barite Baryte, barite or barytes ( or ) is a mineral consisting of barium sulfate ( Ba S O4). Baryte is generally white or colorless, and is the main source of the element barium. The ''baryte group'' consists of baryte, celestine (strontium sulfate), ...
# Bariumpharmacosiderite (pharmacosiderite: IMA1994 s.p., 1966 Rd) 8.DK.1

(IUPAC: barium tetrairon(III) etrahydro triarsenatepentahydrate) # Bariosincosite (IMA1998-047) 8.CJ.6

(IUPAC: barium di(oxovanadate) diphosphate tetrahydrate) # Barlowite (claringbullite: IMA2010-020) 3.DA.1

o o
(IUPAC: tetracopper hexahydro bromide fluoride) # Barnesite (hewettite: IMA1967 s.p., 1963) 4.HG.4

# Barquillite (stannite: IMA1996-050) 2.KA.1

(IUPAC: dicopper (cadmium,iron) germanide tetrasulfide) #
Barrerite Barrerite is a tectosilicate mineral and a member of the zeolite family. It is one of the rarer zeolites. It was named for Richard Barrer, a New Zealand-born chemist. Barrerite crystal are white to pinkish, with a vitreous-glassy luster. The cry ...
(zeolitic tectosilicate: IMA1974-017) 9.GE.1

# Barringerite (barringerite: IMA1968-037) 1.BD.1

(IUPAC: di(iron,nickel) phosphide) #
Barringtonite Magnesium carbonate, (archaic name magnesia alba), is an inorganic salt that is a colourless or white solid. Several hydrated and Base (chemistry), basic forms of magnesium carbonate also exist as minerals. Forms The most common magnesium car ...
N (Y: 1965) 5.CA.1

(IUPAC: magnesium carbonate dihydrate) # Barroisite a-Ca-amphibole: IMA2012 s.p., 19229.DE.2

# Barrotite (chalcophyllite: IMA2011-063a) 7.

o o# Barrydawsonite-(Y) (pectolite: IMA2014-042) 9.D?

o o#
Barstowite Barstowite, formula Pb4 CO3H2O, is a transparent to white mineral in the monoclinic system. It has a Mohs hardness of 3, a white streak and an adamantine lustre. The type locality for Barstowite is Bounds Cliff, St Endellion, Cornwall in the ...
(IMA1989-057) 3.DC.9

(IUPAC: tetralead hexachloro carbonate monohydrate) # Bartelkeite (lawsonite: IMA1979-029) 9.J0.1

(IUPAC: lead iron(II) germanium (heptaoxodigermanate) dihydroxyl monohydrate) # Bartonite (djerfisherite: IMA1977-039) 2.FC.1

(K6Fe20S26S) # Barwoodite (welinite: IMA2017-046) 9.AF

o o# Barylite (Y: 1876) 9.BB.1

(IUPAC: barium diberyllium heptaoxodisilicate) # Barysilite (Y: 1888) 9.BC.2

(IUPAC: octalead manganese tri(heptaoxodisilicate)) #
Baryte Baryte, barite or barytes ( or ) is a mineral consisting of barium sulfate ( Ba S O4). Baryte is generally white or colorless, and is the main source of the element barium. The ''baryte group'' consists of baryte, celestine (strontium sulfate), ...
(baryte: IMA1971 s.p., 1797) 7.AD.3

(IUPAC: barium sulfate) #
Barytocalcite Barytocalcite is an anhydrous barium calcium carbonate mineral with the chemical formula Ba Ca( C O3)2. It is trimorphous with alstonite and paralstonite, that is to say the three minerals have the same formula but different structures. Baryte a ...
(Y: 1824) 5.AB.4

(IUPAC: barium calcium dicarbonate) # Barytolamprophyllite (seidozerite, lamprophyllite: IMA1968 s.p., 1959) 9.BE.2

Bassanite Bassanite is a calcium sulfate mineral with formula CaSO4· H2O or 2CaSO4·H2O. In other words it has half a water molecule per CaSO4 unit, hence its synonym ''calcium sulfate hemihydrate''. Bassanite was first described in 1910 for an occurrenc ...
(rhabdophane: 1910) 7.CD.4

(IUPAC: calcium sulfate (0.5)hydrate) # Bassetite (Y: 1915) 8.EB.1

(IUPAC: iron(II) diuranyl diphosphate decawater) # Bassoite (IMA2011-028) 4.


Bastnäsite The mineral bastnäsite (or bastnaesite) is one of a family of three carbonate-fluoride minerals, which includes bastnäsite-( Ce) with a formula of (Ce, La)CO3F, bastnäsite-( La) with a formula of (La, Ce)CO3F, and bastnäsite-( Y) with a formul ...
(IUPAC: REE fluoro carbonate) ##Bastnäsite-(Ce) (IMA1987 s.p., 1841) 5.BD.20

##Bastnäsite-(La) (IMA1966 s.p.) 5.BD.20

##Bastnäsite-(Nd) (IMA2011-062) 5.BD.20


##Bastnäsite-(Y) (IMA1987 s.p., 1970) 5.BD.20

# Batagayite (IMA2017-002) 8.

o o# Batievaite-(Y) (seidozerite, rinkite: IMA2015-016) 9.B?


# Batiferrite (magnetoplumbite: IMA1997-038) 4.CC.4

# Batisite (batisite: IMA1962 s.p.) 9.DH.2

(IUPAC: disodium barium dititanium dioxo di(hexaoxodisilicate)) # Batisivite (IMA2006-054) 9.BE.9

# Baumhauerite (sartorite: 1902) 2.HC.05

(Pb12As16S36) # Baumhauerite IIQ (sartorite: 1959) 2.

o o# Baumoite (IMA2017-054) 4.

o o# Baumstarkite (aramayoite: IMA1999-049) 2.HA.2

(IUPAC: trisilver hexasulfa triantimonide) # Bauranoite (wolsendorfite: IMA1971-052) 4.GB.2

(IUPAC: barium diuranium heptaoxide (4-5)hydrate) #
Bavenite Bavenite is a calcium beryllium aluminosilicate, and it is a part of the Bavenite- Bohseite series. Its name originates from its type locality, which is Baveno, Italy. This mineral is approved by the IMA, and got grandfathered, meaning it is stil ...
(IMA2015 s.p., IMA1962 s.p., 1901) 9.DF.2

# Bavsiite (IMA2014-019) 9.

o o
(IUPAC: dibarium divanadium dioxo odecaoxotetrasilicate #
Bayerite Gibbsite, Al(OH)3, is one of the mineral forms of aluminium hydroxide. It is often designated as γ-Al(OH)3 (but sometimes as α-Al(OH)3.). It is also sometimes called hydrargillite (or hydrargyllite). Gibbsite is an important ore of aluminiu ...
(Y: 1928) 4.FE.1

(IUPAC: aluminium trihydroxide) #
Bayldonite Bayldonite (BAIL-done-ite) is a rare secondary mineral with the chemical formula PbCu3(AsO4)2(OH)2. It was first discovered in Penberthy Croft Mine, Cornwall, England, United Kingdom. It is named after its discoverer, John Bayldon (1837(8) – 187 ...
(Y: 1865) 8.BH.4

(IUPAC: tricopper lead dihydro oxo di(hydroxoarsenate)) #
Bayleyite Bayleyite is a uranium carbonate mineral with the chemical formula: Mg2(UO2)(CO3)3·18(H2O). It is a secondary mineral which contains magnesium, uranium and carbon. It is a bright yellow color. Its crystal habit is acicular but is more commonly f ...
(Y: 1951) 5.ED.0

(IUPAC: dimagnesium uranyl tricarbonate octadecahydrate) # Baylissite (IMA1975-024) 5.CB.4

(IUPAC: dipotassium magnesium dicarbonate tetrahydrate) # Bazhenovite (IMA1986-053) 2.FD.5

# Bazirite (benitoite: IMA1976-053) 9.CA.0

(IUPAC: barium zirconium nonaoxotrisilicate) #
Bazzite Bazzite is a beryllium scandium cyclosilicate mineral with chemical formula: Be3Sc2Si6O18 (Be3(Sc,Fe)2Si6O18 or Be3(Sc,Al)2Si6O18). It crystallizes in the hexagonal crystal system typically as small blue hexagonal crystals up to 2 cm length. It has ...
(beryl: 1915) 9.CJ.0


# Bearsite (IMA1967 s.p., 1962) 8.DA.0

(IUPAC: diberyllium hydro arsenate tetrahydrate) # Bearthite (brackebuschite: IMA1986-050) 8.BG.0

(IUPAC: dicalcium aluminium hydro diphosphate) # Beaverite 07.BC.10
(IUPAC: lead (diiron(III) Metal) hexahydro disulfate) ##Beaverite-Cu (alunite, alunite: IMA2007-D, IMA1987 s.p., 1911 Rd) 7.BC.1

##Beaverite-Zn (alunite, alunite: IMA2010-086) 7.BC.1


# Bechererite (IMA1994-005) 7.DD.5

# Beckettite (sapphirine: IMA2015-001) 4.

o o
(Ca2V6Al6O20) #
Becquerelite Becquerelite is a uranium mineral with the chemical formula: Ca(UO2)6O4(OH)6·8(H2O). It is a secondary mineral which contains calcium and is a bright yellow colour. It has a Mohs hardness of about 2. It was named after the French physicist Antoi ...
(Y: 1922) 4.GB.1

(IUPAC: calcium hexauranyl hexahydro tetraoxide octahydrate) # Bederite (wicksite: IMA1998-007) 8.CF.0

(IUPAC: dicalcium tetramanganese(II) diiron(III) hexaphosphate dihydrate) # Beershevaite (phosphate: IMA2020-095a

o o
(IUPAC: calcium triiron(III) oxotriphosphate) #
Béhierite Béhierite is a very rare mineral, a natural tantalum borate of the formula (Ta,Nb)BO4. Béhierite is also one of the most simple tantalum minerals. It contains simple tetrahedral borate anions, instead of more common among minerals, planar BO3 gro ...
(zircon: IMA1967 s.p., 1961) 6.AC.1

(IUPAC: tantalum borate) # Behoite (cristobalite: IMA1969-031) 4.FA.05

(IUPAC: beryllium dihydroxide) # Běhounekite (IMA2010-046) 7.

o o
(IUPAC: uranium disulfate tetrawater) # Beidellite (montmorillonite, smectite: 1925) 9.EC.4

# Belakovskiite (IMA2013-075) 7.


(IUPAC: heptasodium uranyl tetrasulfate hydroxosulfate triwater) # Belendorffite (amalgam: IMA1989-024) 1.AD.1

(IUPAC: heptacopper hexamercury amalgam) # Belkovite (IMA1989-053) 9.BE.7

# Bellbergite (zeolitic tectosilicate: IMA1990-057) 9.GD.2

# Bellidoite (IMA1970-050) 2.BA.2

(IUPAC: dicopper selenide) # Bellingerite (Y: 1940) 4.KC.0

(IUPAC: tricopper hexaiodate dihydrate) # Belloite (IMA1998-054) 3.DA.10

(IUPAC: copper hydro chloride) # Belogubite (chalcanthite: IMA2018-005) 7.

o o
(IUPAC: copper zinc disulfate decahydrate) # Belomarinaite (aphthitalite: IMA2017-069a) 7.

o o
(IUPAC: potassium sodium sulfate) # Belousovite (IMA2016-047) 7.

o o
(IUPAC: potassium zinc chloro sulfate) # Belovite 8.BN.05
(IUPAC: sodium REE tristrontium fluoro triphosphate) ##Belovite-(Ce) (apatite: 1954) 8.BN.0

##Belovite-(La) (apatite: IMA1995-023) 8.BN.0

# BelyankiniteQ (Y: 1950) 4.FM.2

# Bementite (IMA1963 s.p., 1888 Rd) 9.EE.0

# Benauite (alunite, crandallite: IMA1995-001) 8.BL.1

(IUPAC: strontium triiron(III) hexahydro phosphate hydroxophosphate) # Benavidesite (IMA1980-073) 2.HB.1

(IUPAC: tetralead manganese tetradecasulfa hexaantimonide) # Bendadaite (arthurite: IMA1998-053a) 8.DC.1

(IUPAC: iron(II) diiron(III) dihydro diarsenate tetrahydrate) #
Benitoite Benitoite () is a rare blue barium titanium cyclosilicate, found in hydrothermally altered serpentinite. It forms in low temperature, high pressure environments typical of subduction zones at convergent plate boundaries. Benitoite fluoresces u ...
(benitoite: 1907) 9.CA.0

(IUPAC: barium titanium nonaoxotrisilicate) # Benjaminite (pavonite: IMA1975-003a, 1925 Rd) 2.JA.05

(Ag3Bi7S12) # Benleonardite (pearceite-polybasite: IMA1985-043) 2.LA.5

() # Bennesherite (melilite: IMA2019-068) 9.

o o
(IUPAC: dibarium iron(II) heptaoxo disilicate) #
Benstonite Benstonite is a mineral with formula Ba6Ca6Mg(CO3)13. Discovered in 1954, the mineral was described in 1961 and named after Orlando J. Benston (1901–1966). Description and occurrence Benstonite is translucent and white, pale yellow, or pale ...
(IMA1967 s.p., 1961) 5.AB.5

(IUPAC: hexabarium hexacalcium magnesium tridecacarbonate) #
Bentorite Bentorite is a mineral with the chemical formula Ca6(Cr,Al)2(SO4)3(OH)12·26H2O. It is colored violet to light violet. Its crystals are hexagonal to dihexagonal dipyramidal. It is transparent and has vitreous luster. It has perfect cleavage. It ...
(ettringite: IMA1979-042) 7.DG.1

# Benyacarite (IMA1995-002) 8.DH.3

# Beraunite (beraunite: 1841) 8.DC.2

(IUPAC: iron(II) pentairon(III) pentahydro tetraphosphate hexahydrate) # Berborite (IMA1967-004) 6.AB.1

(IUPAC: diberyllium hydro borate monohydrate) # Berdesinskiite (berdesinskiite: IMA1980-036) 4.CB.3

(IUPAC: divanadium(III) titanium pentaoxide) # Berezanskite (milarite: IMA1996-041) 9.CM.0

o# Bergenite (phosphuranylite: 1959) 8.EC.4

# Bergslagite (gadolinite: IMA1983-021) 8.BA.1

(IUPAC: calcium beryllium hydro arsenate) #
Berlinite Berlinite (aluminium phosphate, chemical formula AlPO4 or Al(PO4)) is a rare high-temperature hydrothermal or metasomatic phosphate mineral. It has the same crystal structure as quartz with a low temperature polytype isostructural with α–quartz ...
(quartz: 1868) 8.AA.0

(IUPAC: aluminium phosphate) # Bermanite (arthurite: 1936) 8.DC.2

(IUPAC: manganese(II) dimanganese(III) dihydro diphosphate tetrahydrate) # Bernalite (perovskite, söhngeite: IMA1991-032) 4.FC.0

(IUPAC: iron trihydroxide) # Bernardite (IMA1987-052) 2.HD.5

(IUPAC: thallium octasulfa pentarsenide) # Bernarlottiite (IMA2013-133) 2.

o o
(Pb12(As10Sb6)S36) # Berndtite (melonite: IMA1968 s.p., 1966) 2.EA.2

(IUPAC: tin(IV) sulfide) #
Berryite Berryite is a mineral with the formula . It occurs as gray to blue-gray monoclinic prisms. It is opaque and has a metallic Lustre (mineralogy), luster. It has a Mohs hardness of 3.5 and a specific gravity of 6.7. It was first identified in 1965 u ...
(meneghinite: IMA1965-013) 2.HB.20

(Cu3Ag2Pb3Bi7S16) #
Berthierine Serpentine subgroup (part of the kaolinite-serpentine group in the category of phyllosilicates) are greenish, brownish, or spotted minerals commonly found in serpentinite. They are used as a source of magnesium and asbestos, and as decorative ...
(serpentine: 1832) 9.ED.1

Berthierite Berthierite is a mineral, a sulfide of iron and antimony with formula FeSb2S4. It is steel grey in colour with a metallic lustre which can be covered by an iridescent tarnish. Because of its appearance it is often mistaken for stibnite. It was ...
(berthierite: 1827) 2.HA.2

(IUPAC: iron tetrasulfa diantimonide) # Bertossaite (carminite: IMA1965-038) 8.BH.2

(IUPAC: dilithium calcium tetraluminium tetrahydro tetraphosphate) #
Bertrandite Bertrandite is a beryllium sorosilicate hydroxide mineral with composition: Be4Si2O7(OH)2. Bertrandite is a colorless to pale yellow orthorhombic mineral with a hardness of 6-7. It is commonly found in beryllium rich pegmatites and is in part an ...
(Y: 1883) 9.BD.0

(IUPAC: tetraberyllium heptaoxodisilicate dihydroxyl) #
Beryl Beryl ( ) is a mineral composed of beryllium aluminium silicate with the chemical formula Be3Al2Si6O18. Well-known varieties of beryl include emerald and aquamarine. Naturally occurring, hexagonal crystals of beryl can be up to several mete ...
(beryl: 1798) 9.CJ.0

# Beryllite (Y: 1954) 9.AE.0

(IUPAC: triberyllium tetraoxosilicate dihydroxyl monohydrate) # Beryllonite (beryllonite: 1888) 8.AA.1

(IUPAC: sodium beryllium phosphate) #
Berzelianite Berzelianite is a rare copper selenide mineral with the formula Cu2 Se. It occurs as thin dendritic crusts or as fine-grained inclusions. It crystallizes in the isometric system, unlike its dimorph, bellidoite, which crystallizes in the tetrag ...
(Y: 1832) 2.BA.2

( (x ≈ 0.12)) # Berzeliite (garnet: 1840) 8.AC.2

(IUPAC: (sodium dicalcium) dimagnesium triarsenate) # Beshtauite (IMA2012-051) 7.

o o
(IUPAC: diammonium uranyl disulfate dihydrate)
Note: for beta-domeykite see
domeykite Domeykite is a copper arsenide mineral, Cu3As. It crystallizes in the isometric system, although crystals are very rare. It typically forms as irregular masses or botryoidal forms. It is an opaque, white to gray (weathers brassy) metallic minera ...
-β, for beta-fergusonite series see
fergusonite Fergusonite is a mineral comprising a complex oxide of various rare-earth elements. The general chemical formula of fergusonite is (Y,REE)NbO4, where REE = rare-earth elements in solid solution with Y. Yttrium is usually dominant (the mineral in ...
-beta series, for beta-sulfur see
sulfur Sulfur (or sulphur in British English) is a chemical element with the symbol S and atomic number 16. It is abundant, multivalent and nonmetallic. Under normal conditions, sulfur atoms form cyclic octatomic molecules with a chemical formula ...
and for beta-roselite see
roselite Roselite is a rare arsenate mineral with chemical formula: . It was first described in 1825 for an occurrence in the Rappold mines of Schneeberg, Saxony, Schneeberg, Saxony, Germany and named by Armand Lévy (mineralogist), Armand Lévy after Ger ...
. #( Betafite group (), pyrochlore supergrou

/small>) # Betalomonosovite (seidozerite, murmanite: IMA2014-J) 9.B?

o o# Betekhtinite (Y: 1955) 2.BE.0

() # Betpakdalite 8.DM.15 ##Betpakdalite-CaCa (IMA1967 s.p., 1961 Rd) 8.DM.1

##Betpakdalite-CaMg (IMA2011-034) 8.DM.1

o o##Betpakdalite-FeFe (IMA2017-011) 8.DM.1

o o##Betpakdalite-NaCa (IMA1971-057) 8.DM.1

##Betpakdalite-NaNa (IMA2011-078) 8.DM.1

o o# Bettertonite (IMA2014-074) 8.

o o
(IUPAC: hexaluminium nonahydro triarsenate pentawater undecahydrate) # Betzite (cancrinite: IMA2021-037

o o#
Beudantite Beudandite is a secondary mineral occurring in the oxidized zones of polymetallic deposits. It is a lead, iron, arsenate, sulfate with endmember formula: PbFe3(OH)6SO4AsO4. Beudantite is in a subgroup of the alunite group. It is the arsenate an ...
(alunite, beudantite: IMA1987 s.p., 1826 Rd) 8.BL.0

(IUPAC: palladium triiron(III) hexahydro arsenate sulfate) # Beusite 8.AB.20
(IUPAC: M2+ dimanganese(II) diphosphate) ##Beusite (graftonite: IMA1968-012) 8.AB.2

##Beusite-(Ca) (graftonite: IMA2017-051) 8.AB.2

o o# Beyerite (bismutite: 1943) 5.BE.3

(IUPAC: calcium dibismuth dioxo dicarbonate) # Bezsmertnovite (IMA1979-014) 2.BA.8


Bi – Bo

# Biachellaite (cancrinite: IMA2007-044) 8.FB.0

o# Biagioniite (sulfosalt: IMA2019-120) 2.

o o
(IUPAC: dithallium disulfa antimonide) # Bianchiniite (IMA2019-022) 4.

o o
(IUPAC: dibarium (titanium vanadium) oxofluoro di(pentaoxodiarsenate)) # Bianchite (hexahydrite: 1930) 7.CB.2

(IUPAC: zinc sulfate hexahydrate) # Bicapite (polyoxometalate: IMA2018-048) 8.

o o# Bicchulite (sodalite: IMA1973-006) 9.FB.1

# Bideauxite (IMA1969-038) 3.DB.2

(IUPAC: silver dilead difluoride trichloride) #
Bieberite Bieberite (CoSO4 · 7H2O) is a pinkish red colored sulfate mineral high in cobalt content. The name is derived from the type locality at the copper deposit in Bieber, Hesse, Germany. It has been described and reported as far back as the 1700s.Sage ...
(melanterite: 1845) 7.CB.3

(IUPAC: cobalt sulfate heptahydrate) # Biehlite (IMA1999-019a) 4.DB.6

(IUPAC: di((antimony,arsenic) oxide) molybdate) # Bigcreekite (IMA1999-015) 9.DF.3

(IUPAC: barium pentaoxo disilicate tetrahydrate) # Bijvoetite-(Y) (IMA1981-035) 5.EB.2

# Bikitaite (zeolitic tectosilicate: IMA1997 s.p., 1957) 9.GD.5

(IUPAC: lithium hexaoxo aluminodisilicate monohydrate) #
Bilibinskite Bilibinskite is an Au - Cu - Pb telluride. It is a rare mineral that was named after Soviet geologist Yuri Bilibin (1901–1952), who researched the geology of gold deposits during the time of the USSR. Properties Bilibinskite is a metallic mi ...
(IMA1977-024) 2.BA.8

(IUPAC: lead trigold dicopper ditelluride) # Bílinite (halotrichite: 1914) 7.CB.8

(IUPAC: iron(II) diiron(III) tetrasulfate docosahydrate) #
Billietite Billietite is an uncommon mineral of uranium that contains barium. It has the chemical formula: Ba(UO2)6O4(OH)6•8H2O. It usually occurs as clear yellow orthorhombic crystals.M. Katherine Pagoaga, Daniel E, Appleman, & James M. Stewart "Cryst ...
(Y: 1947) 4.GB.1

(IUPAC: barium hexauranyl hexahydro tetraoxide octahydrate) # Billingsleyite (IMA1967-012) 2.KB.0

(IUPAC: heptasilver hexasulfa arsenide) # Billwiseite (IMA2010-053) 4.


(IUPAC: pentaantimony(III) triniobium tungsten octadecaoxide) # Bimbowrieite (dufrénite: IMA2020-006) 8.

o o# BindheimiteQ (pyrochlore: IMA2013 s.p., IMA2010 s.p., 1800) 4.DH.2

Note: possibly oxyplumboroméite. #(
Biotite Biotite is a common group of phyllosilicate minerals within the mica group, with the approximate chemical formula . It is primarily a solid-solution series between the iron-endmember annite, and the magnesium-endmember phlogopite; more alumino ...
, mica series (Y: 1963) 9.EC

/small>) # Biphosphammite (biphosphammite: 1870) 8.AD.1

(IUPAC: ammonium dihydrogen phosphate) # Biraite-(Ce) (IMA2003-037) 9.BE.9

(IUPAC: dicerium iron(II) heptaoxydisilicate carbonate) # Birchite (IMA2006-048) 8.DB.7

(IUPAC: dicadmium dicopper diphosphate sulfate pentahydrate) # Biringuccite (IMA1967 s.p., 1961) 6.EC.0

(IUPAC: disodium octaoxo hydro pentaborate monohydrate) #
Birnessite Birnessite (nominally MnO2.''n''H2O) is a hydrous manganese dioxide mineral with a chemical formula of Na0.7Ca0.3Mn7O14·2.8H2O. It is the main manganese mineral species at the Earth's surface, and commonly occurs as fine-grained, poorly crystall ...
(Y: 1956) 4.FL.4

# BiruniteQ (ettringite: 1957) 7.

o o#
Bischofite Bischofite is a hydrous magnesium chloride mineral with formula MgCl2·6H2O. It belongs to halides and is a sea salt concentrate. It contains many macro- and micro-elements vital for human health, in much higher concentrations than can be found ...
(Y: 1877) 3.BB.1

(IUPAC: magnesium dichloride hexahydrate) #
Bismite Bismite is a bismuth oxide mineral, bismuth trioxide or Bi2O3. It is a monoclinic mineral, but the typical form of occurrence is massive and clay-like with no macroscopic crystals. The color varies from green to yellow. It has a Mohs hardness of ...
(Y: 1868) 4.CB.6

(IUPAC: dibismuth trioxide) #
Bismoclite Bismoclite is a bismuth oxohalide mineral with formula BiOCl. It is the naturally occurring form of bismuth oxychloride. The name was derived from its chemical constituents. It is a secondary bismuth mineral first thought to be composed of bismuth ...
(matlockite: 1935) 3.DC.2

(IUPAC: bismuth oxychloride) #
Bismuth Bismuth is a chemical element with the Symbol (chemistry), symbol Bi and atomic number 83. It is a post-transition metal and one of the pnictogens, with chemical properties resembling its lighter group 15 siblings arsenic and antimony. Elemental ...
(arsenic: 1546) 1.CA.0

Bismuthinite Bismuthinite is a mineral consisting of bismuth sulfide ( Bi2 S3). It is an important ore for bismuth. The crystals are steel-grey to off-white with a metallic luster. It is soft enough to be scratched with a fingernail and rather dense. Bismu ...
(stibnite: 1832) 2.DB.0

(IUPAC: dibismuth trisulfide) #
Bismutite Bismutite or bismuthite is a bismuth carbonate mineral with formula Bi2(CO3)O2 (bismuth subcarbonate). Bismutite occurs as an oxidation product of other bismuth minerals such as bismuthinite and native bismuth in hydrothermal veins and pegmatites. ...
(bismutite: 1841) 5.BE.2

(IUPAC: dibismuth dioxo carbonate) # Bismutocolumbite (cervantite: IMA1991-003) 4.DE.30 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: bismuth niobium tetraoxide) # Bismutoferrite (kaolinite: 1871) 9.ED.25 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: diiron(III) bismuth di(tetraoxosilicate) hydroxyl) # Bismutohauchecornite (hauchecornite: IMA1978-F) 2.BB.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: nonanickel dibismuth octasulfide) # BismutostibiconiteQ (pyrochlore: IMA2013 s.p., IMA2010 s.p., IMA1981-065, 1983) 4.DH.20 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
Note: possibly bismutoroméite. # Bismutotantalite (cervantite: 1929) 4.DE.30 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: bismuth tantalum tetraoxide) # Bitikleite (garnet: IMA2009-052) 4.0 ttp:// o o
(IUPAC: tricalcium (tin antimony) tri(aluminium tetraoxide)) # Bityite (mica: IMA1998 s.p., 1908) 9.EC.35 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
Bixbyite Bixbyite is a manganese iron oxide mineral with chemical formula: (Mn,Fe)2O3. The iron/manganese ratio is quite variable and many specimens have almost no iron. It is a metallic dark black with a Mohs hardness of 6.0 - 6.5. It is a somewhat rare ...
(bixbyite) 4.CB.10 ##Bixbyite-(Fe) (bixbyite: IMA21-H) 4.CB.10 ttps:// o o##Bixbyite-(Mn) (bixbyite: IMA21-H, 1897) 4.CB.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: dimanganese(III) trioxide) # Bjarebyite (bjarebyite: IMA1972-022) 8.BH.20 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: barium dimanganese(II) dialuminium trihydro triphosphate) # BlakeiteQ (tellurite: 1941) 4.JM.10 ttp:// o o# Blatonite (IMA1997-025) 5.EB.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: uranyl carbonate monohydrate) # Blatterite (Y: IMA1984-038) 6.AB.40 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Bleasdaleite (IMA1998-003a) 8.DK.25 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Blixite (IMA1962 s.p., 1958) 3.DC.50 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: octalead pentaoxo dihydro tetrachloride) #
Blödite Blödite or bloedite is a hydrated sodium magnesium sulfate mineral with formula: Na2Mg(SO4)2·4H2O. The mineral is clear to yellow in color often darkened by inclusions and forms monoclinic crystals. Blödite was first described in 1821 for an ...
(IMA1982 s.p., 1821) 7.CC.50 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: disodium magnesium disulfate tetrahydrate) #
Blossite Blossite is an anhydrous copper vanadate mineral with the formula: . Blossite was named for mineralogist F. Donald Bloss of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Natural and synthetic occurrence Blossite was first described for an ...
(IMA1986-002) 8.FA.05 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: dicopper heptaoxodivanadate(V)) #
Bluebellite Bluebellite is a mineral discovered in 2013 in the Blue Bell Mine in the Mojave Desert, California at the same time as the discovery of mojaveite. This mineral was named after its locality, since the Blue Bell Mine claims most of the surrounding ...
(IMA2013-121) 4.0 ttp:// o o
(IUPAC: hexacopper chloro decahydro iodate) # Bluelizardite (IMA2013-062) 7.0 ttp:// o ttp://
(IUPAC: heptasodium uranyl chloro tetrasulfate diwater) # Bluestreakite (IMA2014-047) 4.0 ttp:// o o# Bobcookite (IMA2014-030) 7.0 ttp:// o o
(IUPAC: sodium aluminium diuranyl tetrasulfate octadecahydrate) #
Bobfergusonite Bobfergusonite is a mineral with formula Na2Mn5FeAl(PO4)6. The mineral varies in color from green-brown to red-brown. It was discovered in 1986 in Manitoba, Canada, and named for Robert Bury Ferguson (born 1920). , the mineral has only been found ...
(alluaudite, bobfergusonite: IMA1984-072a) 8.AC.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
() # Bobfinchite (schoepite: IMA2020-082) ttps:// o o# Bobierrite (vivianite: 1868) 8.CE.35 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: trimagnesium diphosphate octahydrate) # Bobjonesite (IMA2000-045) 7.DB.25 ttp:// ttp:// o
(IUPAC: vanadium(IV) oxosulfate trihydrate) # Bobkingite (IMA2000-029) 3.DA.50 ttp:// ttp:// o
(IUPAC: pentacopper octahydro dichloride dihydrate) # Bobmeyerite (cerchiaraite: IMA2012-019) 9.C?. ttp:// o o# Bobshannonite (seidozerite, bafertisite: IMA2014-052) 9.B?. ttp:// o o# Bobtraillite (IMA2001-041) 9.CA.30 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Bodieite (IMA2017-117) 4.0 ttps:// o o
(IUPAC: dibismuth(III) ditellurite(IV) sulfate) # Bogdanovite (auricupride: IMA1978-019) 2.BA.80 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
() # Bøggildite (Y: 1951) 3.CG.20 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: disodium distrontium phosphate dialumino nonafluoride) # Boggsite (zeolitic tectosilicate: IMA1989-009) 9.GC.30 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Bøgvadite (IMA1987-029) 3.CF.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: disodium dibarium strontium tetralumino icosafluoride) # Bohdanowiczite (IMA1978-C, 1967) 2.JA.20 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: silver bismuth diselenide) # Böhmite (lepidocrocite: 1927) 4.FE.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: hydroaluminium oxide) # Bohseite (bavenite: IMA2014-H, IMA2010-026) 9.D?. ttp:// o o# Bohuslavite (IMA2018-074a) 8.0 ttps:// o o# Bokite (straczekite: IMA1967 s.p., 1963) 4.HE.20 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Bojarite (IMA2020-037) ttps:// o o#
Boleite Boleite is a complex halide mineral with formula: KPb26Ag9Cu24(OH)48Cl62. It was first described in 1891 as an oxychloride mineral. It is an isometric mineral which forms in deep-blue cubes. There are numerous minerals related to boleite, such a ...
(Y: 1891) 3.DB.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(KAg9Pb26Cu24Cl62(OH)48) # BolivariteQ (Y: 1921) 8.DF.10 ttp:// ttp:// o
Note: possibly a variety of evansite. # Bolotinaite (IMA2021-088) #
Boltwoodite Boltwoodite is a hydrated potassium uranyl silicate mineral with formula HK(UO2)(SiO4)·1.5(H2O). It is formed from the oxidation and alteration of primary uranium ores. It takes the form of a crust on some sandstones that bear uranium. These crus ...
(Y: 1956) 9.AK.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: (kalium,sodium) uranyl hydroxosilicate (1.5)hydrate) # Bonaccordite (ludwigite: IMA1974-019) 6.AB.30 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: dinickel iron(III) dioxoborate) # Bonacinaite (phosphosiderite: IMA2018-056) 8.0 ttps:// o o
(IUPAC: scandium arsenate dihydrate) # Bonattite (Y: 1957) 7.CB.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: copper sulfate trihydrate) # Bonazziite (IMA2013-141) 2.FA. ttp:// o o
(IUPAC: tetrarsenic tetrasulfide) # Bonshtedtite (bradleyite: IMA1981-026a) 5.BF.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: trisodium iron(II) phosphate carbonate) #
Boothite Boothite is a very rare, naturally occurring mineral containing hydrated copper sulfate: Cu(SO4)·7H2O. It was discovered in the Leona Heights region near Oakland, California Oakland is the largest city and the county seat of Alameda County, ...
(melanterite: 1903) 7.CB.35 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: copper sulfate heptahydrate) #
Boracite Boracite is a magnesium borate mineral with formula: Mg3 B7 O13 Cl. It occurs as blue green, colorless, gray, yellow to white crystals in the orthorhombic - pyramidal crystal system. Boracite also shows pseudo-isometric cubical and octahedral for ...
(boracite: 1789) 6.GA.05 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: trimagnesium chloro tridecaoxo heptaborate) # Boralsilite (IMA1996-029) 9.BD.30 ttp:// ttp:// o #
Borax Borax is a salt (ionic compound), a hydrated borate of sodium, with chemical formula often written . It is a colorless crystalline solid, that dissolves in water to make a basic solution. It is commonly available in powder or granular form, ...
(Y: old) 6.DA.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: disodium tetrahydro pentaoxotetraborate octahydrate) # Borcarite (IMA1968 s.p., 1965) 6.DA.40 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Borisenkoite (lammerite-beta: IMA2015-113) 8.AB. ttp:// o o
() # Borishanskiite (IMA1974-010) 2.AC.45c ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(), (x = 0.0-0.2)) # Bornemanite (seidozerite, lamprophyllite: IMA1973-053) 9.BE.50 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Bornhardtite (spinel, linnaeite: 1955) 2.DA.05 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
() #
Bornite Bornite, also known as peacock ore, is a sulfide mineral with chemical composition Cu5 Fe S4 that crystallizes in the orthorhombic system (pseudo-cubic). Appearance Bornite has a brown to copper-red color on fresh surfaces that tarnishes to v ...
(IMA1962 s.p., 1725) 2.BA.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: pentacopper iron tetrasulfide) # Borocookeite (chlorite: IMA2000-013) 9.EC.55 ttp:// ttp:// o# Borodaevite (IMA1991-037) 2.JA.05g ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Boromullite (IMA2007-021) 9.AF.23 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
() # Boromuscovite (mica: IMA1989-027) 9.EC.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Borovskite (IMA1972-032) 2.LA.60 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: tripalladium antimonide tetratelluride) # Bortnikovite (alloy: IMA2006-027) 1.AG.65 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: tetrapalladium tricopper zinc alloy) # Bortolanite (seidozerite: IMA2021-040a) ttps:// o o# Boscardinite (sartorite: IMA2010-079) 2.0 ttp:// o ttp://
(TlPb4(Sb7As2)Σ=9S18) # Bosiite (tourmaline: IMA2014-094) 9.CK. ttp:// o o# Bosoite (organic zeolite: IMA2014-023) 10.0 ttp:// o o# Bostwickite (IMA1982-073) 9.HC.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
Botallackite Botallackite, chemical formula Cu2(OH)3Cl is a secondary copper mineral, named for its type locality at the Botallack Mine, St Just in Penwith, Cornwall. It is polymorphous with atacamite, paratacamite and . Botallackite crystallises in the mon ...
(atacamite: 1865) 3.DA.10b ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: dicopper trihydro chloride) #
Botryogen Botryogen is a hydrous magnesium sulfate mineral with formula: MgFe3+(SO4)2(OH)·7H2O. It is also known as ''quetenite''. It crystallizes in the monoclinic prismatic system and typically occurs as vitreous bright yellow to red botryoidal to renif ...
(botryogen: 1815) 7.DC.25 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: magnesium iron(III) hydro disulfate heptahydrate) # Bottinoite (IMA1991-029) 4.FH.05 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: nickel diantimony(V) dodecahydroxide hexahydrate) # Botuobinskite (crichtonite: IMA2018-143a) ttps:// o o# Bouazzerite (IMA2005-042) 8.DH.60 ttp:// ttp:// o#
Boulangerite Boulangerite is an uncommon monoclinic orthorhombic sulfosalt mineral, lead antimony sulfide, formula Pb5Sb4S11. It was named in 1837 in honor of French mining engineer Charles Boulanger (1810–1849), Mindat and ...
(Y: 1837) 2.HC.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: pentalead undecasulfa tetraantimonide) #
Bournonite Bournonite is a Sulfosalt minerals, sulfosalt mineral species, trithioantimoniate of lead and copper with the formula PbCuSbS3. It was first mentioned by Philip Rashleigh (1729–1811), Philip Rashleigh in 1797 as an ore of antimony and was mor ...
(bournonite: 1805) 2.GA.50 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: copper lead trisulfa antimonide) # Bouškaite (IMA2018-055a) 7.0 ttps:// o o
() # Boussingaultite (picromerite: 1864) 7.CC.60 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: diammonium magnesium disulfate hexahydrate) # Bounahasite (IMA2021-114) #
Bowieite Bowieite is a rhodium-iridium-platinum sulfide mineral (Rh,Ir,Pt)2S3, found in platinum-alloy nuggets from Goodnews Bay, Alaska. It was named (by the IMA in 1984) after the British scientist Stanley Bowie (1917–2008), in recognition of his wo ...
(bowieite: IMA1980-022) 2.DB.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: dirhodium trisulfide) # Bowlesite (cobaltite: IMA2019-079) 2.0 ttps:// o o
(IUPAC: platinum sulfa stannide) # Boyleite (starkeyite: IMA1977-026) 7.CB.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: zinc sulfate tetrahydrate)

Br – By

# Braccoite (saneroite: IMA2013-093) 9.0 ttp:// o o# Bracewellite ("O(OH)" group: IMA1967-035) 4.FD.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: hydrochromium oxide) # Brackebuschite (brackebuschite: 1880) 8.BG.05 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: dilead trimanganese hydro divanadate) # Bradaczekite (alluaudite: IMA2000-002) 8.AC.10 ttp:// ttp:// o
(NaCuCuCu2(AsO4)3) # Bradleyite (bradleyite: 1941) 5.BF.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: trisodium magnesium phosphate carbonate) #
Braggite Braggite is a sulfide mineral of platinum, palladium and nickel with chemical formula: (Pt, Pd, Ni)S. It is a dense (specific gravity of 10), steel grey, opaque mineral which crystallizes in the tetragonal crystal system. It is the central member ...
(Y: 1932) 2.CC.35a ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: platinum sulfide) # Braithwaiteite (IMA2006-050) 8.DB.75 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Braitschite-(Ce) (IMA1967-029) 6.H0.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
Brammallite Brammallite is a sodium rich analogue of illite. First described in 1943 for an occurrence in Llandybie, Carmarthenshire, Wales, it was named for British geologist and mineralogist Alfred Brammall (1879–1954). Believed to be a degradation pro ...
, mica series (Y: 1944) 9.EC.25 ttp:// ttp:// o/small>) # Branchite (Y: 1841, IMA2021 s.p.) 10.BA.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Brandãoite (IMA2017-071a) 8.CA. ttps:// o o# Brandholzite (IMA1998-017) 4.FH.05 ttp:// ttp:// o
(IUPAC: magnesium diantimony dodecahydroxide hexahydrate) # Brandtite (roselite: 1888) 8.CG.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: dicalcium manganese(II) diarsenate dihydrate) # Brannerite (brannerite: IMA1967 s.p., 1920) 4.DH.05 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: uranium dititanium hexaoxide) # Brannockite (milarite: IMA1972-029) 9.CM.05 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
Brassite Brassite is a rare arsenate mineral with the chemical formula Mg(AsO3OH)·4(H2O). It was named brassite, in 1973, to honor French chemist R`ejane Brasse, who first synthesized the compound. The type locality for brassite is Jáchymov of the Czech ...
(IMA1973-047) 8.CE.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: manganese hydroxoarsenate tetrahydrate) # Brattforsite (IMA2019-127) 4.0 ttps:// o o
(Mn19As12O36Cl2) # Braunerite (IMA2015-123) 5.0 ttp:// o o
(IUPAC: dipotassium calcium uranyl tricarbonate hexahydrate) #
Braunite Braunite is a silicate mineral containing both di- and tri- valent manganese with the chemical formula: Mn2+Mn3+6 SiO4 Common impurities include iron, calcium, boron, barium, titanium, aluminium, and magnesium. Braunite forms grey/black tetragon ...
(braunite: 1828) 9.AG.05 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: manganese(II) hexamanganese(III) octaoxy tetraoxosilicate) #
Brazilianite Brazilianite, whose name derives from its country of origin, Brazil, is a typically yellow-green phosphate mineral, most commonly found in phosphate-rich pegmatites. It occurs in the form of perfect crystals grouped in druses, in pegmatites, and ...
(Y: 1945) 8.BK.05 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: sodium trialuminium tetrahydro diphosphate) # Bredigite (Y: 1948) 9.AD.20 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: heptacalcium magnesium tetra(tetraoxosilicate)) #
Breithauptite Breithauptite is a nickel antimonide mineral with the simple formula NiSb. Breithauptite is a metallic opaque copper-red mineral crystallizing in the hexagonal - dihexagonal dipyramidal crystal system. It is typically massive to reniform in habit, ...
(nickeline: 1833) 2.CC.05 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: nickel antimonide) # Brendelite (IMA1997-001) 8.BM.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Brenkite (IMA1977-036) 5.BC.05 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: dicalcium difluoro carbonate) #
Brewsterite Brewsterite is the name of a series of tectosilicate minerals of the zeolite group. Prior to 1997, brewsterite was recognized as a mineral species, but a reclassification in 1997 by the International Mineralogical Association changed it to a ser ...
9.GE.20 ##Brewsterite-Ba (zeolitic tectosilicate: IMA1997 s.p., 1993) 9.GE.20 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// (zeolitic tectosilicate: IMA1997 s.p., 1822) 9.GE.20 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
Breyite Breyite is a high pressure calcium silicate mineral (CaSiO3) found in diamond inclusions. It is the second most abundant inclusion after ferropericlase Ferropericlase or magnesiowüstite is a magnesium/iron oxide with the chemical formula that i ...
(IMA2018-062) 9.0 ttps:// o o
(IUPAC: tricalcium nonaoxotrisilicate) #
Brezinaite Brezinaite, discovered in 1969, is a rare mineral composed of chromium and sulfur. It is found in meteorites, such as the Tucson Ring meteorite (Irwin-Ainsa meteorite), its type locality. It was also found in the New Baltimore meteorite and the S ...
(IMA1969-004) 2.DA.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: trichromium tetrasulfide) # Brianite (aphthitalite: IMA1966-030) 8.AC.30 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: disodium calcium magnesium diphosphate) # Brianroulstonite (IMA1996-009) 6.EC.35 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
Brianyoungite Brianyoungite is a Supergene (geology)#Oxidised zone, secondary zinc carbonate mineral. The Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC) of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) classifies it as a carbonate with ...
(IMA1991-053) 5.BF.30 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: trizinc tetrahydro carbonate) #
Briartite Briartite is an opaque iron-grey metallic sulfide mineral, with traces of Ga and Sn, found as inclusions in other germanium- gallium-bearing sulfides. It was discovered at the Prince Léopold Mine, Kipushi, Shaba, Congo (Léopoldville) in 1965 ...
(stannite: IMA1965-018) 2.KA.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: dicopper iron germanium tetrasulfide) # Bridgesite-(Ce) (IMA2019-034) 7.0 ttps:// o o#
Bridgmanite Silicate perovskite is either (the magnesium end-member is called bridgmanite) or (calcium silicate known as davemaoite) when arranged in a perovskite structure. Silicate perovskites are not stable at Earth's surface, and mainly exist in the low ...
(perovskite: IMA2014-017) 9.A0. ttp:// o o
(IUPAC: magnesium trioxosilicate) # Brindleyite (serpentine: IMA1975-009a) 9.ED.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Brinrobertsite (corrensite: IMA1997-040) 9.EC.60 ttp:// ttp:// o#
Britholite Britholite-(Ce) is a rare radioactive mineral with the chemical formula (Ce,Ca)(SiO)OH. It comes in a variety of different colors. Its type locality is Naujakasik (Naajakasik), Tunulliarfik Fjord, Ilímaussaq complex, Narsaq, Kujalleq, Greenland. ...
09.AH.25 ##Britholite-(Ce) (britholite, apatite: IMA1987 s.p., 1901) 9.AH.25 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// (britholite, apatite: IMA1966 s.p., 1938) 9.AH.25 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Britvinite (molybdophyllite: IMA2006-031) 9.EG.70 ttp:// ttp:// o# Brizziite (corundum: IMA1993-044) 4.CB.05 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: sodium antimonite) #
Brochantite Brochantite is a sulfate mineral, one of a number of cupric sulfates. Its chemical formula is Cu4SO4(OH)6. Formed in arid climates or in rapidly oxidizing copper sulfide deposits, it was named by Armand Lévy for his fellow Frenchman, geologist ...
(brochantite: IMA1980 s.p., 1824) 7.BB.25 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: tetracopper hexahydro sulfate) # Brockite (rhabdophane: IMA1967 s.p., 1962) 8.CJ.45 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Brodtkorbite (IMA1999-023) 2.BD.55 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: dicopper mercury diselenide) #
Bromargyrite Bromyrite or bromargyrite is a natural mineral form of silver bromide found mainly in Mexico and Chile. Hardness is 1.5 to 2. Related are chlorargyrite and iodyrite. It was first described in 1859 for an occurrence in Plateros, Zacatecas, Mexi ...
(IMA1962 s.p., 1849) 3.AA.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: silver bromide) #
Bromellite Bromellite, whose name derives from the Swedish chemist Magnus von Bromell (1670–1731), is a white oxide mineral, found in complex pegmatitic manganese-iron deposits, but is more frequently made synthetically. This is a rare mineral to encount ...
(Y: 1925) 4.AB.20 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: beryllium(II) oxide) # Brontesite (IMA2008-039) 3.AA. ttp:// o ttp://
(IUPAC: triammonium lead pentachloride) #
Brookite Brookite is the orthorhombic variant of titanium dioxide (TiO2), which occurs in four known natural polymorphic forms (minerals with the same composition but different structure). The other three of these forms are akaogiite (monoclinic), anatas ...
(Y: 1825) 4.DD.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: titanium dioxide) # Browneite (sphalerite: IMA2012-008) 2.00. ttp:// o o
(IUPAC: manganese sulfide) #
Brownleeite Brownleeite is a silicide mineral with chemical formula MnSi. It was discovered by researchers of the Johnson Space Center in Houston while analyzing the Pi Puppid particle shower of the comet 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup. The only other known natural m ...
(silicide: IMA2008-011) 1.BB. ttp:// ttp:// o
(IUPAC: manganese silicide) #
Brownmillerite Brownmillerite is a rare oxide mineral with chemical formula . It is named for Lorrin Thomas Brownmiller (1902–1990), chief chemist of the Alpha Portland Cement Company, Easton, Pennsylvania. Discovery and occurrence The chemical compound ...
(brownmillerite, perovskite: IMA1963-017) 4.AC.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: dicalcium iron(III) aluminium pentaoxide) #
Brucite Brucite is the mineral form of magnesium hydroxide, with the chemical formula Mg( OH)2. It is a common alteration product of periclase in marble; a low-temperature hydrothermal vein mineral in metamorphosed limestones and chlorite schists; and ...
(brucite: 1818) 4.FE.05 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: magnesium dihydroxide) # Brüggenite (IMA1970-040) 4.KC.10 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: calcium diiodate monohydrate) # BrugnatelliteQ (hydrotalcite: 1909) 5.DA.45 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Brumadoite (tellurium oxysalt: IMA2008-028) 7.C?. ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: tricopper tetrahydro (tetraoxo tellurium(VI)) pentahydrate) # Brunogeierite (spinel, ulvöspinel: IMA1972-004 Rd) 9.AC.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: diiron(II) tetraoxogermanate(IV)) #
Brushite Brushite is a phosphate mineral with the chemical formula . Crystals of the pure compound belong to the monoclinic space group C2/c and are colorless.ttp:// ttp:// ttps://
(IUPAC: calcium hydroxophosphate dihydrate) # Bubnovaite (aphthitalite: IMA2014-108) 7.AD. ttp:// o o
(IUPAC: dipotassium octasodium calcium hexasulfate) # Buchwaldite (IMA1975-041) 8.AD.25 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: sodium calcium phosphate) # Buckhornite (buckhornite: IMA1988-022) 2.HB.20b ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: (dilead bismuth trisulfide)(gold ditelluride)) # Buddingtonite (feldspar: IMA1963-001) 9.FA.30 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
Bukovite Bukovite is a rare selenide mineral with formula Tl2Cu3FeSe4. It is a brown to black metallic mineral which crystallizes in the tetragonal system. It was first described in 1971 for an occurrence in the Bukov uranium mine, Rožná deposit, Vyso ...
(IMA1970-029) 2.BD.30 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: tetracopper dithallium tetraselenide) # Bukovskýite (IMA1967-022) 8.DB.40 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: diiron(III) hydro arsenate sulfate heptahydrate) # Bulachite (IMA1982-081) 8.DE.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: dialuminium trihydro arsenate trihydrate) # Bulgakite (astrophyllite, astrophyllite: IMA2014-041) 9.DC. ttp:// o o#
Bultfonteinite Bultfonteinite, originally dutoitspanite, is a pink to colorless mineral with chemical formula Ca2SiO2(OH,F)4. It was discovered in 1903 or 1904 in the Bultfontein mine in South Africa, for which the mineral is named, and described in 1932. Descri ...
(spurrite-afwillite: 1932) 9.AG.80 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Bunnoite (IMA2014-054) 9.0 ttp:// o o#
Bunsenite Bunsenite is the naturally occurring form of nickel(II) oxide, NiO. It occurs as rare dark green crystal coatings. It crystallizes in the cubic crystal system and occurs as well formed cubic, octahedral and dodecahedral crystals. It is a member of ...
(rocksalt, periclase: 1868) 4.AB.25 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: nickel(II) oxide) # Burangaite (dufrenite: IMA1976-013) 8.DK.15 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: sodium iron(II) pentaluminium hexahydro tetraphosphate dihydrate) # Burbankite (burbankite: 1953) 5.AC.30 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Burckhardtite (IMA1976-052) 9.EC.70 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Burgessite (burgessite: IMA2007-055) 8.CB.60 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: dicobalt tetrawater di(hydroxoarsenate) water) # Burkeite (Y: 1921) 7.BD.25 ttp:// ttp:// ttp://
(IUPAC: tetrasodium sulfate carbonate) # Burnettite (pyroxene: IMA2013-054) 9.00. ttp:// o o
(CaVAlSiO6) # Burnsite (IMA2000-050) 4.JG.35 ttp:// ttp:// ttp:// Burovaite-Ca (labuntsovite: IMA2008-001) 9.CE.30c ttp:// ttp:// o# Burpalite (wohlerite: IMA1988-036) 9.BE.17 ttp://[] [] #Burroite (decavanadate: IMA2016-079) 4.H?. [] o o#Burtite (perovskite, schoenfliesite: IMA1980-078) 4.FC.10 [] [] []
(IUPAC: calcium tin(IV) hexahydroxide) #Buryatite (ettringite: IMA2000-021) 7.DG.15 [] [] o#Buseckite (wurtzite: IMA2011-070) 2.CB.45 [] o o#Buserite (IMA1970-024) 4.FL.35 [] o o
(IUPAC: tetrasodium tetradecamanganese heptacosaoxide henicosahydrate)
Note: it dehydrates to birnessite. #Bushmakinite (brackebuschite: IMA2001-031) 8.BG.05 [] [] o#Bussenite (seidozerite, bafertisite: IMA2000-035) 9.BE.65 [] [] o#Bussyite 9.EA. ##Bussyite-(Ce) (IMA2007-039) 9.EA.80 [] [] [] ##Bussyite-(Y) (IMA2014-060) 9.EA. [] o[] #Bustamite (Y: 1826) 9.DG.05 [] [] [] #Butianite (nuwaite: IMA2016-028) 2.0 [] o o#Butlerite (Y: 1928) 7.DC.10 [] [] []
(IUPAC: iron(III) hydro sulfate dihydrate) #Bütschliite (Y: 1947) 5.AC.15 [] [] []
(IUPAC: dipotassium calcium dicarbonate) #Buttgenbachite (connellite: 1925) 3.DA.25 [] [] [] #Byelorussite-(Ce) (joaquinite: IMA1988-042) 9.CE.25 [] [] [] #Bykovaite (IMA2003-044) 9.BE.55 [] [] [] #Byrudite (humite: IMA2013-045) 4.CA. [] o o#Bystrite (cancrinite-sodalite: IMA1990-008) 9.FB.05 [] [] [] #Byströmite (tapiolite: 1952) 4.DB.10 [] [] []
(IUPAC: magnesium diantimony(V) hexaoxide) #Bytízite (IMA2016-044) 2.0 [] o o
(IUPAC: tricopper antimony triselenide) #Byzantievite (IMA2009-001) 9.0 [] o o

External links

*[ IMA Database of Mineral Properties/ RRUFF Project] *[ - The Mineral Database] *[] *[ minerals B] {{Strunz Mineralogy, * la:Index mineralium, A-B hu:Ásványok listája (A–B)