Mitanni (;
Hittite cuneiform ; ''Mittani'' '), c. 1550–1260 BC, earlier called Ḫabigalbat in old Babylonian texts, c. 1600 BC;
Hanigalbat or Hani-Rabbat (''Hanikalbat'', ''Khanigalbat'', cuneiform ') in
Assyrian records, or ''
Naharin'' in
Egyptian texts, was a
Hurrian-speaking state in northern
Syria ( ar, سُورِيَا or سُورِيَة, translit=Sūriyā), officially the Syrian Arab Republic ( ar, الجمهورية العربية السورية, al-Jumhūrīyah al-ʻArabīyah as-Sūrīyah), is a Western Asian country loc ...
and southeast
Anatolia (modern-day
Turkey). Since no histories or royal annals/chronicles have yet been found in its excavated sites, knowledge about Mitanni is sparse compared to the other powers in the area, and dependent on what its neighbours commented in their texts.
The Hurrians (; cuneiform: ; transliteration: ''Ḫu-ur-ri''; also called Hari, Khurrites, Hourri, Churri, Hurri or Hurriter) were a people of the Bronze Age Near East. They spoke a Hurrian language and lived in Anatolia, Syria and Northern Mes ...
were in the region as of the late 3rd millennium BC. A king of Urkesh with a Hurrian name, Tupkish, was found on a clay sealing dated c. 2300 BC at Tell Mozan.
[Salvini, Mirjo. "The earliest evidences of the Hurrians before the formation of the reign of Mittanni." Urkesh and the Hurrians Studies in Honor of Lloyd Cotsen. Urkesh/Mozan Studies Bibliotheca Mesopotamica. Malibu: Undena Publications (1998): 99-115] The first recorded inscription of their language was of
Tish-atal (c. 21st century BC), king of
Urkesh. Later on, Hurrians made up the main population of Mitanni, that was firstly known as ''Ḫabigalbat'', at Babylonia, in two texts of the late
Old Babylonian period,
[von Dassow, Eva, (2022)]
"Mittani and Its Empire"
in Karen Radner, Nadine Moeller, D. T. Potts (eds.), The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East, Volume III: From the Hyksos to the Late Second Millennium BC, Oxford University Press, pp. 467, 469. during the reign of
Ammi-Saduqa, (c. 1646–1626 BC), in middle chronology.
The Egyptian official astronomer and clockmaker Amenemhet (Amen-hemet) apparently ordered to write on his tomb that he returned from the "foreign country called ''Mtn'' (''Mi-ti-ni'')," but Alexandra von Lieven (2016) and Eva von Dassow (2022) consider that the expedition to Mitanni could have taken place in pharaoh
Ahmose I's reign (c. 1550–1525 BC), actually by Amenemhet's father. During the reign of pharaoh
Thutmose I (1506–1493 BC), the names Mitanni and Naharin are among the reminiscences of several of the pharaoh's officers. One of them, Ahmose si-Abina, wrote: "...His Majesty arrived at Naharin..." Another one, Ahmose pa-Nekhbit, recorded: "...when I captured for him in the land of Naharin..."
After the
Battle of Megiddo, an officer of pharaoh
Thutmose III (1479–1425 BC), in the pharaoh's 22 regnal year, reported: "That
retchedenemy of Kadesh has come and has entered into Megiddo. He is
hereat this moment. He has gathered to him the princes of
Very may refer to:
* English's prevailing intensifier
* The Very Group, a British retail/consumer finance corporation
** Very (online retailer), their main e-commerce brand
* VERY TV, a Thai television channel
* Véry, a co ...
foreign country
hich had been
Ij ( fa, ايج, also Romanized as Īj; also known as Hich and Īch) is a village in Golabar Rural District, in the Central District of Ijrud County, Zanjan Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 726, in 183 families.
Refer ...
loyal to Egypt, as well as (those) as far as Naharin and M
tanni them of Hurru, them of Kode, their horses, their armies." In several later military campaigns the
Annals of Thutmose III The Annals of Thutmose III are composed of numerous inscriptions of ancient Egyptian military records gathered from the 18th Dynasty campaigns of Thutmose III's armies in Syro-Palestine, from regnal years 22 (1458 BCE) to 42 (1438 BCE). These reco ...
mention Naharin, in particular those of his regnal years 33, 35, and 42. After that time, records become more available from local sources until the empire's end in the mid-13th century BC.
The Mitanni Empire was a strong regional power limited by the Hittites to the north, Egyptians to the west, Kassites to the south, and later by the Assyrians to the east. At its maximum extent Mitanni ranged as far west as
Kizzuwatna by the
Taurus Mountains,
Tunip in the south,
Arraphe in the east, and north to
Lake Van
Lake Van ( tr, Van Gölü; hy, Վանա լիճ, translit=Vana lič̣; ku, Gola Wanê) is the largest lake in Turkey. It lies in the far east of Turkey, in the provinces of Van and Bitlis in the Armenian highlands. It is a saline soda lake ...
Their sphere of influence is shown in Hurrian place names, personal names and the spread through Syria and the
Levant of a distinct pottery type,
Nuzi ware.
Mitanni rulers
Mitanni, which first rose to power before 1550 BC, presents the following known kings:
:All dates are
Middle chronology
All dates must be taken with caution since they are worked out only by comparison with the
chronology of other ancient Near Eastern nations.
Parattarna I / Barattarna
King Barattarna is known from a cuneiform tablet in Nuzi and an inscription by
Idrimi was the king of Alalakh c. 1490–1465 BC, or around 1450 BC. He is known, mainly, from an inscription on his statue found at Alalakh by Leonard Woolley in 1939.Longman III, Tremper, (1991)Fictional Akkadian Autobiography: A Generic and Co ...
Alalakh. He reigned c. 1500–1480 BC.
Egyptian sources do not mention his name; that he was the king of Naharin whom
Thutmose III (1479 – 1425 BC) fought against, can only be deduced from assumptions. This king, also known as Parratarna is considered, by J. A. Belmonte-Marin quoting H. Klengel, to have reigned c. 1510–1490 BC (middle chronology). Parsha(ta)tar, known from another Nuzi inscription (HSS 13 165), an undated inventory list which mentions his death, is considered a different king than Barattarna by M. P. Maidman, Eva von Dassow, and Ian Mladjov.
Thutmose III again waged war in Mitanni in the 33rd year of his rule. The Egyptian army crossed the Euphrates at
Carchemish and reached a town called Iryn (maybe present day Erin, 20 km northwest of Aleppo.) They sailed down the Euphrates to
Emar (
Maskanah) and then returned home via Mitanni. A hunt for
Elephants are the largest existing land animals. Three living species are currently recognised: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. They are the only surviving members of the family Elephantidae and ...
at Lake Nija was important enough to be included in the annals.
Victories over Mitanni are recorded from the Egyptian campaigns in ''
Nuhašše'' (middle part of Syria). Barattarna or his son Shaushtatar controlled the North Mitanni interior up to ''Nuhašše'', and the coastal territories from
Kizzuwatna to Alalakh in the kingdom of Mukish at the mouth of the Orontes. Idrimi of Alalakh, returning from Egyptian exile, could only ascend his throne with Barattarna's consent. While he got to rule Mukish and Ama'u,
)), is an adjective which means "white-colored mixed with black".
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remained with Mitanni.
Shaushtatar, king of Mitanni, perhaps the most outstanding Mitannian king, reigned c. 1480–1460 BC,
[Maidman, M. P., (2010)]
Nuzi Texts and Their Uses as Historical Evidence
p. xx. he sacked the Assyrian capital of
Assur some time in the 15th century during the reign of
Nur-ili, and took the silver and golden doors of the royal palace to
Washukanni. This is known from a later Hittite document, the Suppililiuma-Shattiwaza treaty. After the sack of Assur, Assyria may have paid tribute to Mitanni up to the time of
Eriba-Adad I (1390–1366 BC).
The states of
)), is an adjective which means "white-colored mixed with black".
, motto =
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in the west, and
Nuzi and
Arrapha in the east, seem to have been incorporated into Mitanni under Shaushtatar as well. A letter (HSS 9 1) sealed with the seal of Shaushtatar was discovered in the house (Room A26) of Prince Šilwa-teššup in Nuzi which lay just north of the main mound. The letter is addressed to Ithia, vassal ruler of Arrapha under Mitanni. Because Šauštatar is not mentioned in the letter and dynastic seals were often used after the reign of a ruler, especially in the periphery of empire, it is difficult to date this letter. Stein, based on various factors, puts the date at c. 1400 BC. His
seal shows heroes and winged geniuses fighting lions and other animals, as well as a
winged sun. This style, with a multitude of figures distributed over the whole of the available space, is taken as typically Hurrian. A second seal, belonging to Shuttarna I and found in Alalakh, used by Shaushtatar in two letters (AT 13 and 14) shows a more traditional Post-Akkadian - Ur III style.
During the reign of Egyptian Pharaoh
Amenhotep II, Mitanni seems to have regained influence in the middle Orontes valley that had been conquered by Thutmose III. Amenhotep II fought in Syria in 1425 BC, presumably against Mitanni as well, but did not reach the Euphrates.
Artatama I and Shuttarna II
Later on, Egypt and Mitanni became allies, and King
Shuttarna II himself was received at the Egyptian court. Amicable letters, sumptuous gifts, and letters asking for sumptuous gifts were exchanged. Three Amarna letters (EA 182 EA 183 and EA 185) were sent by Shutarna with two being sent from "Mušiḫuna". Mitanni was especially interested in Egyptian gold. This culminated in a number of royal marriages: the daughter of King
Artatama I was married to
Thutmose IV. Kilu-Hepa, or
Gilukhipa, or more probable ''Kilu-Hepa'' in Hurrian language, in the Egyptian language ''Kirgipa'' (fl. early 14th c. BCE), was the daughter of Shuttarna II, king of Mitanni. She was the sister of Tushratta (later King of Mitanni), Biria-Waza a ...
, the daughter of Shuttarna II, was married to Pharaoh
Amenhotep III
Amenhotep III ( egy, jmn-ḥtp(.w), ''Amānəḥūtpū'' , "Amun is Satisfied"; Hellenized as Amenophis III), also known as Amenhotep the Magnificent or Amenhotep the Great, was the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. According to different ...
, who ruled in the early 14th century BC. In a later royal marriage Tadu-Hepa, or
Tadukhipa, the daughter of Tushratta, was sent to Egypt.
Amenhotep III
Amenhotep III ( egy, jmn-ḥtp(.w), ''Amānəḥūtpū'' , "Amun is Satisfied"; Hellenized as Amenophis III), also known as Amenhotep the Magnificent or Amenhotep the Great, was the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. According to different ...
fell ill, the king of Mitanni sent him a statue of the goddess
Shaushka (
Ishtar) of
Nineveh (; akk, ; Biblical Hebrew: '; ar, نَيْنَوَىٰ '; syr, ܢܝܼܢܘܹܐ, Nīnwē) was an ancient Assyrian city of Upper Mesopotamia, located in the modern-day city of Mosul in northern Iraq. It is located on the eastern ban ...
that was reputed to cure diseases. A more or less permanent border between Egypt and Mitanni seems to have existed near
Qatna on the Orontes River;
Ugarit was part of Egyptian territory.
The reason Mitanni sought peace with Egypt may have been trouble with the Hittites. A Hittite king called
Tudḫaliya I conducted campaigns against
Isuwa (transcribed Išuwa and sometimes rendered Ishuwa) was the ancient Hittite name for one of its neighboring Anatolian kingdoms to the east, in an area which later became the Luwian Neo-Hittite state of Kammanu.
The land
The land of Isuwa ...
, Aleppo, and maybe against Mitanni itself. Kizzuwatna may have fallen to the Hittites at that time.
Artashumara and Tushratta

Artašumara, reigned c. 1360-1358 BC,
is known only from a single mention in a tablet found in Tell Brak: "Artassumara the king, son of Shuttarna the king," and a mention in
Amarna letter 17.
[Finkel, Irving L. “Inscriptions from Tell Brak 1984.” Iraq, vol. 47, 1985, pp. 187–201] According to the later, after the death of
Shuttarna II he briefly took power but was then murdered (by someone named Tuhi) and succeeded by his brother
Tushratta, who reigned c. 1358-1335 BC.
[Mladjov, I., (2019)]
"The Kings of Mittani in Light of the New Evidence from Terqa"
in: NABU 2019, No. 1, March, p. 34.
Our knowledge of Tushratta comes from two sources, the Amarna letters and the texts of the Suppiluliuma-Shattiwaza treaties between Hittite ruler Suppiluliuma I and a son of Tushratta named Shattiwaza. These pair of treaties found at the ancient Hittite capital of
Hattusa codify the Mitanni Shattiwaza, probable son of Tushratta, entering the status of vassal to Suppiluliuma I. One (CTH 51, also known as KBo I 1) includes a historical prologue from the Hittite point of view which is complete,
this tablet also confirms that the existing Hittite treaty with Artatama II is still in effect so perhaps Suppiluliuma was hedging his bets. The other (CTH 52) includes a historical prologue from the Mitanni point of view which is partially lost though another fragment to this tablet was found in recent years. These prologues provide information about the events of the time of Tushratta but must be considered under the self interest of the two treaty parties.
[Kitchen, K.A./P.J.N. Lawrence 2012. Treaty, Law and Covenant in the Ancient Near East. Wiesbaden.] While the preambles of the treaties are a later retrospective and are filtered through the interests of the treaty parties, the tablets found in Egypt provide direct information. Eight Amarna letters were sent to pharaoh Amenhotep III (including
EA 19 and
EA 23) and four to pharaoh Akhenaten (including
EA 27). A single Amarna letter was sent by Tushratta to
Queen Tiye, wife of Amenhotep III, mother of Akhenaten and grandmother of Tutankhamun (
EA 26). A note in
Hieratic (; grc, ἱερατικά, hieratiká, priestly) is the name given to a cursive writing system used for Ancient Egyptian and the principal script used to write that language from its development in the third millennium BC until the ris ...
on the tablet stated that EA 23 arrived in the 36th year of Amenhotep III reign or roughly 1350 BC in the standard Egyptian Chronology.
Luckenbill, D. D. “The Hittites.” The American Journal of Theology, vol. 18, no. 1, 1914, pp. 24–58
Some of the Amarna letters covered minor matters between Tushratta and the pharaohs. Amenhotep III asked for Tushratta's daughter
Tadukhipa in marriage and after some back and forth over bride-price she traveled to Egypt and became a wife of the pharaoh. And when that pharaoh was ill near the end of his reign Tushratta sent (EA 23) the Hurrian goddess
Šauška of Nineveh (actually her cult statue) to him as had been done in the time of Shuttarna II. The main focus of the Amarna letters, though, was a consequence of the realignment of power in Syria with the decline of Egyptian influence and rise of Hittite power, with a number of lesser powers caught in the middle. In the first letter from Tusratta he claimed to have destroyed the Hittite forces that had invaded his territory and included a selection of the booty, including a chariot and several slaves. In later letters we see the Hittite ruler working to improve previously poor relations with the pharaoh so as to counterbalance Mitanni.
According to other Amarna letters (EA 85, EA86, EA95) from
Rib-Hadda, king of
Byblos, Tushratta personally joined a large Mitanni raid into
Amurru. In another Amarna letter (
EA 75) Rib-Hadda tells Ahkenaten that all the lands of the Mitanni have been conquered by the Hittites but its date is uncertain.
Tusratta faced a difficult situation, an ascendant Hittite New Kingdom in the west and in the east an Assyrian power beginning to free itself of Mitanni control at the start of the Middle Assyrian Period. A rule book-ended by succession crises. With no Mitanni or Assyrian records we are left with the historical claims of the Hittite king, for better or worse. In summary they are:
*Political - With the death of Shutarna II a crisis involving Tushratta and Artashumara resulted in Tushratta taking the throne. To counter this the Hittites entered a treaty with another brother Artatama II, which did not pan out. Then, after a reasonably long reign (based on the timing of Amarna letters), Tushratta is killed by his son (unnamed but generally thought to be
Shuttarna III
Shuttarna III was a Mitanni king who reigned for a short period in the 14th century BC. He was the son of Artatama II, a usurper to the throne of Tushratta.
At that time, Assyria, led by Ashur-uballit I, became more powerful. But also Babylon, ...
) who then allies with the Assyrians to take power in Mitanni with Assyria getting some Mitanni territory in exchange. Another son of Tushratta,
Shattiwaza, then becomes a vassal of the Hittite king in exchange for help retaking part of the Mitanni territory (with the rest going to the Suppiluliuma' son
Piyassili made king of
Carchemish). And this comes to pass. Note that the original treaty with Artatama II is specifically kept in force, suggesting he outlived Tushratta.
*Military - Tushratta having insulted the Hittite king, perhaps by refusing to be deposed, Suppiluliuma launched two campaigns against Mitanni interests, a "One Year War" and a "Six Year War". The first war is believed to have occurred roughly in the 15th regnal year of Ahkenaten. It is unclear how much time passes between them. Though unsuccessful at defeating Tushratta, the military efforts do manage to seize control of several Mitanni vassals/allies, including
)), is an adjective which means "white-colored mixed with black".
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Shattiwaza reigned c. 1330–1305 BC,
(alternately Šattiwaza, Kurtiwaza, or Mattiwaza). What little is known about his period, like the later parts of the reign of his father, Tushratta, all comes from the partially recovered pair of Hittite texts in which Shattiwaza becomes a vassal of Hittite king Suppiluliuma I. The first text (CTH 51 lays out the condition of vassalage and in the second (CTH 52) Shattiwaza accepts these conditions. The text can be difficult to interpret because of gaps and the obtuse prose.
The best that can be parsed out of the Hittite text is that some (unnamed) son killed the prior king Tushratta resulting in a succession crisis between Atratama II, brother of Tushratta, Shuttarna III, son of Tusratta, and Shattiwaza. son of Tushratta. The Hittites then made a treaty with Atratama II (still in effect as of the Suppiluliuma-Shattiwaza treaty). Some combination of Atratama II and Shuttarna III made an alliance with the Assyrians to hold power in Mitanni. returning cultic items taken when Mitanni king Shaushtatar sacked Asshur c. 1450. This resulted in Shattiwaza going to Hittite king Suppiluliuma and declaring vassalage in exchange for Hittite military assistance. This ployed succeeded as the Hittite forces carried the day but the cost, besides becoming a vassal, was the ceding of some Mitanni territory to the Hittites, subsequently ruled by the kings son Piyassili as King of Carchemesh. As part of the agreement Shattiwaza would marry a daughter of Suppiluliuma as Queen and would be allowed ten wives but none of the other wives could be primary and the children from his marriage with the Queen would succeed. The Hittite text does include some tidbits about the war of succesion which are hard to interpret. At one point the Hurrian nobles were taken to Taite and "criucified" though that practice was unknown in the ancient Near East until classical times. And at one point Shattiwaza flees to the
The Kassites () were people of the ancient Near East, who controlled Babylonia after the fall of the Old Babylonian Empire c. 1531 BC and until c. 1155 BC (short chronology).
They gained control of Babylonia after the Hittite sack of Babylon ...
with 200 chariots but the Kassites impounded the chariots and tried to kill him, which he mirsculously escapes and finds his way to Suppiluliuma. After presumably ascending the throne of what was left of Mitanni, Shattiwaza is lost to history.
Shattuara I
Shattuara reigned c. 1305–1285 BC.
The royal inscriptions of the Assyrian king
Adad-nirari I
Adad-nārārī I, rendered in all but two inscriptions ideographically as md''adad-''ZAB+DAḪ, meaning “Adad (is) my helper,” (1305–1274 BC or 1295–1263 BC short chronology) was a king of Assyria during the Middle Assyrian Empire. He is th ...
(c. 1307–1275 BC) relate how the vassal king
Shattuara of Mitanni rebelled and committed hostile acts against Assyria. How this Shattuara was related to the dynasty of Partatama is unclear. Some scholars think that he was the second son of Artatama II, and the brother of Shattiwazza's one-time rival Shuttarna. Adad-nirari claims to have captured King Shattuara and brought him to Ashur, where he took an oath as a vassal. Afterwards, he was allowed to return to Mitanni, where he paid Adad-nirari regular tribute. This must have happened during the reign of the Hittite King
Mursili II, but there is no exact date.
According to an inscription (BM 115687) by Assyrian king Adad-nirari I, Shattuara's son Wasashatta (also read Uasašatta), who reigned c. 1285-1265 BC,
attempted to rebel. He sought Hittite help which did not come. The Hittites took Wasashatta's money but did not help. The Assyrians expanded further, and conquered the royal city of
Taidu, and took
Washukanni, Amasakku,
Kahat, Shuru, Nabula, Hurra and Shuduhu as well. They conquered
Irridu, destroyed it utterly and
sowed salt over it. The wife, sons and daughters of Wasashatta were taken to
Ashur Ashur, Assur, or Asur may refer to:
* Assur, an Assyrian city and first capital of ancient Assyria
* Ashur, Iran, a village in Iran
* Asur, Thanjavur district, a village in the Kumbakonam taluk of Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu, India
* Assu ...
, together with much booty and other prisoners. As Wasashatta himself is not mentioned, he may have escaped capture. There is a letter (KBo. 1, 14) from a Hittle king (to probably the Egyptian king) referring to a "King of Hanigalbat" which was possibly Wasašatta.
Shattuara II
According to the royal annals (A.0.77.1) of Assyrian king
Shalmaneser I (1270s–1240s) King
Shattuara II of Hanigalbat, rebelled against Assyrian control with the help of the Hittites and the nomadic
Ahlamu or Aḫlamū, were a group or designation of Semitic semi-nomads. Their habitat was west of the Euphrates, between the mouth of the Khabur and Palmyra.
In the 18th century BC, they were first mentioned in the sources since Rim-Anum, a kin ...
around 1250 BC. Shalmaneser I claimed to have defeated the Hittites and Mitanni slaying 14,400 men; the rest were blinded and carried away. His inscriptions mention the conquest of nine fortified temples; 180 Hurrian cities were "turned into rubble mounds," and Shalmaneser "slaughtered like sheep the armies of the Hittites and the Ahlamu his allies." The cities from Taidu to
Irridu were captured, as well as all of mount Kashiar to Eluhat and the fortresses of Sudu and Harranu to Carchemish on the Euphrates. Another inscription mentions the restoration of a temple to god
Adad in
Kahat, a city of Mitanni that must have been occupied as well.
Origins and archaeology
The archaeological core zone of Mitanni is
Upper Mesopotamia, and Trans Tigridian region (Northwestern Iraq).
Upper Mesopotamia
Sites with Mitannian remains were found mainly in three regions: Northeastern Syria
Jazira Region, Northern Syria, and Southeastern Turkey (Upper Tigris).
Northeastern Syria (Jazira Region)
Mitanni's first phase in Jazira Region features Late
Khabur Ware from around 1600 to 1550 BC, due to this pottery was a continuity from non-Mitannian previous Old Babylonian period.
[Oselini, Valentina, (2020)]
"Defining the MB-LB transition in northern Mesopotamia: some archaeological considerations on the new data from the Erbil Plain and neighbouring regions"
in Costanza Coppini, Francesca Simi (eds.), Interactions and New Directions in Near Eastern Archaeology, Volume 3, Proceedings of the 5th Broadening Horizons Conference (Udine 5–8 June 2017), EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, p. 209, Figure 2. From around 1550 to 1270 BC, Painted
Nuzi Ware (the most characteristic pottery in Mitanni times) developed as a contemporary to Younger Khabur Ware.
Mitanni had outposts centred on its capital,
Washukanni, whose location has been determined by archaeologists to be on the
headwaters of the
Khabur River, most likely at the site of
Tell Fekheriye
Tell Fekheriye ( ar, تل الفخيرية) (often spelled as Tell el-Fakhariya or Tell Fecheriye, among other variants) is an ancient site in the Khabur River basin in the Al Hasakah Governorate of northern Syria. It is securely identified as ...
as recent German archaeological excavations suggest. The city of
Taite was also known to be a Mitanni "royal city" whose current location is unknown.
[De Martino, Stefano, 2018]
"Political and Cultural Relations between the Kingdom of Mittani and its Subordinated Polities in Syria and Southeast Anatolia"
in Changing Faces of Kingship in Syria-Palestine 1500–500 BCE, Ugarit Verlag, p. 38: "...the recent German archaeological excavations at Tell Fekheriye support the assumption that the capital of Mittani, Wassukkanni, was located there..." See also Novák (2013: 346) and Bonatz (2014).
The major 3rd millennium urban center of
Tell Brak which had dwindled to a minor settlement in Old Babylonian times, saw major development c. 1600 by the Mitanni. Monumental buildings including a palace and temple were constructed on the high ground and a 40 hectare lower town developed. The Mitanni occupation lasted until the site was destroyed (in two phases) between c.1300 and 1275 BC, presumably by the Assyrians. Two Mitanni-era tablets were found during the modern excavation. One (TB 6002) mentioned "Artassumara the king, son of Shuttarna the king".
Northern Syria
Mitanni period occupation, between 1400 and 1200 BC (radiocarbon) was found at the site of
Tell Bazi
Tall Bazi, is an ancient Near East archaeological site in Raqqa Governorate of Syria in the same general area as Mari and Ebla. It is located on the Euphrates river in upper Syria, about 60 kilometers south of Turkey near the abandoned town of Ta ...
. Finds included a Mitanni cylinder seal and several ritual bowls. Two cuneiform tablets of the Mitanni period sealed by Mitanni ruler
Shaushtatar (also spelled Šauštatar) was a king of the Hurrian kingdom of Mitanni in the fifteenth century BC. Two tablets of Shaushtatar (AIT 13 and AIT 14), legal decisions, were found at Alalakh. They mention Niqmepa, the king of Alalakh, pr ...
, one by
Artatama I were also found. There is also a record of Mitanni governance at
Tell Hadidi (Azu).
Southeastern Turkey (Upper Tigris)
The (2017) salvage excavations at the
Ilısu Dam in the right bank of upper
Tigris, southern Turkey, have shown a very early beginning of Mitanni period, as in the ruins of a temple in Müslümantepe, ritual artefacts and a Mitannian cylinder seal were found, radiocarbon-dated to 1760–1610 BC.
[Ay, Eyyüp, (2021)]
"A Hurrian-Mitanni Temple in Müslümantepe in The Upper Tigris and New Findings"
in ''Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, April 27, 2021.'' Archaeologist Eyyüp Ay, in his (2021) paper, describes the second phase of the temple as an "administrative center, which had craftsmen working in its workshops as well as farmers, gardeners and shepherds,
hatmight have been ruled by a priest bound to a powerful Mitannian leader."
Trans Tigridian region (Northwestern Iraq)
To the east of upper
Tigris river, Trans-Tigridian region in northern Iraq, a site now called
Bassetki was excavated, which in all likelihood was the ancient town of
Mardama with Mitanni layers from 1550 to 1300 BC, as its Phase A9 (in trench T2) may alternatively represent a Middle Bronze/Late Bronze transitional, or Proto-Mitanni occupation within 16th century BC. In a subsequent excavation season, the deeper Phase A10 was identified as having a mix of Middle Bronze and Mitanni potteries, considered to be in the turn of the Middle to the Late Bronze Age transitional period (late 17th – early 16th century BC).
In 2010, the 3,400-year-old ruins of
Kemune (thought to be the ancient city of Zakhiku) is an archaeological site discovered during a low water level in the reservoir of the Mosul Dam in the Nineveh Governorate, part of the Kurdistan region of Iraq in 2013. The Mitanni era city was ...
, a
Bronze Age Mitanni palace on the banks of the Tigris in modern-day
Iraqi Kurdistan, were discovered.
It became possible to excavate the ruins in 2018 and again in 2022 when a drought caused water levels to drop considerably. In the 1st excavation 10 Mitanni-era tablets were found, in Babylonian cuneiform written in Akkadian, bearing Hurrian names, dating to the Middle-Trans-Tigridian IA and IB periods. Middle Trans-Tigridian IA and IB are dated to (c. 1550-1350 BC) and (c. 1350-1270 BC) respectively by Peter Pfälzner (2007). In the 2nd excavation the entire city was mapped and 100 Middle Assyrian tablets were discovered. They were dated to after the city's destruction by earthquake and have not yet published.
Pottery and other characteristics
At least since around 1550 BC, in the beginning of Late Bronze age, Painted Nuzi Ware was identified as a characteristic pottery in Mitanni sites,
[De Martino, Stefano, (2018)]
"Political and Cultural Relations between the Kingdom of Mittani and its Subordinated Polities in Syria and Southeast Anatolia"
in ''Changing Faces of Kingship in Syria-Palestine 1500–500 BCE'', Alter Orient und Testament 459, Ugarit Verlag, p. 44. the origin of this decorated pottery is an unsolved question, but a possible previous development as
Aegean Kamares Ware has been suggested by Pecorelia (2000), and S. Soldi claims that Tell Brak was one of the first centers specializing in the production of this Painted Nuzi Ware, and analyses on samples support the assumption that it was produced locally in various centers throughout the Mitanni kingdom, it was particularly appreciated in
Upper Mesopotamia, but appears only sporadically in western Syrian cities such as
Alalakh and
At the height of its power, during the 15th and the first half of 14th century BC, a large region from North-West Syria to the Eastern Tigris was under Mitanni's control.
The Mitanni kingdom was firstly known as ''Ḫabigalbat'' before 1600 BC at Babylonia, during the reign of
Ammi-Saduqa, attested as ''ḫa-bi-in-gal-ba-ti-i'', and ''ḫa-bi-in-ga-al-ba-at'', in two texts of the late
Old Babylonian period.
[van Koppen, Frans, (2004)]
"The Geography of the Slave Trade and Northern Mesopotamia in the Late Old Babylonian Period"
in: H. Hunger and R. Pruzsinszky (eds.), ''Mesopotamian Dark Age Revisited'', Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, p. 21, and footnote 65: "An unpublished Old Babylonian text dated to Ammi-saduqa (circa 1600 B.C.), the knowledge of which I owe to the kindness of Mr. Douglas Kennedy of the Centre National de Recherches de Paris, deals with the issue of beer to the tu-ur-gu-ma-an-ni ša éren ḫa-bi-in-gal-ba-ti-i ‘the dragomans of the Hanigalbatian soldiers/workers’" uoting Gelb 1968: 97 and "...A personnel register, probably also from the reign of Ammisaduqa, mentions the person ib-ba-tum éren ḫa-bi-in-ga-al-ba-at (BM96955 iii 9)..." Egyptians referred to it as ''
Maryannu'', ''
Nahrin is a town in Baghlan Province in north-eastern Afghanistan.National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
It is the capital of Nahrin District.
See also
*Baghlan Province
Baghlan (Dari: ''Baġlān'') is one of the thirty-four provinces of ...
'' and ''Mitanni'',
it was ''Hurri'' to the Hittites, and ''Hanigalbat'' or ''Hani-Rabbat'' to the Assyrians. These names seem to have referred to the same kingdom and were often used interchangeably, according to Michael C. Astour. Hittite annals mention a people called ''Hurri'' ('), located in northeastern Syria. A Hittite fragment, probably from the time of
Mursili I, mentions a "King of the Hurri," and the
Assyro-Akkadian version of the text renders "Hurri" as ''Hanigalbat''. Tushratta, who styles himself "king of Mitanni" in his
Akkadian Amarna letters, refers to his kingdom as Hanigalbat.
The earliest attestation of the term Hanigalbat can be read in
Akkadian, along with the
Hittite version mentioning "the Hurrian enemy," in a copy from 13th century BC of the "Annals of
Ḫattušili I,"
[Bryce, Trevor R., (2018)]
"The Annals and Lost Golden Statue of the Hittite King Hattusili I"
in Gephyra 16, November 2018, p. 3: "Like most other Hittite documents, the Annals have survived only in a late 13th century copy, the last in a line of copies made over several centuries. There are generally only minor variations between the Hittite and Akkadian versions of the text. Consistent with van den Hout’s proposals, I have suggested that the document was first composed in Akkadian and later translated into Hittite – contra the suggestions that both versions were composed at the same time or that the Akkadian version was translated from an original Hittite one." who reigned between 1650 and 1620 BC.
The reading of the Assyrian term ''Ḫanigalbat'' has a history of multiple renderings. The first portion has been connected to, " '," "Hanu" or "Hana," first attested in
Mari to describe nomadic inhabitants along the southern shore of the northern
The Euphrates () is the longest and one of the most historically important rivers of Western Asia. Tigris–Euphrates river system, Together with the Tigris, it is one of the two defining rivers of Mesopotamia ( ''the land between the rivers'') ...
region, near the vicinity of
Terqa (capital of the
Kingdom of Hana) and the
Khabur River. The term developed into more than just a designation for a people group, but also took on a topographic aspect as well. In the
Middle Assyrian period
The Middle Assyrian Empire was the third stage of Assyrian history, covering the history of Assyria from the accession of Ashur-uballit I 1363 BC and the rise of Assyria as a territorial kingdom to the death of Ashur-dan II in 912 BC. ...
, a phrase "" "'," "cities of the Upper Hanu" has suggested that there was a distinction between two different Hanu's, likely across each side of the river. This northern side designation spans much of the core territory of Mitanni state.
The two signs that have led to variant readings are " '" and its alternative form " '". The first attempts at decipherment in the late 1800s rendered forms interpreting "''gal''," meaning "great" in Sumerian, as a logogram for Akkadian "''rab''" having the same meaning; "Ḫani-Rabbat" denoting "the Great Hani".
J. A. Knudtzon, and
E. A. Speiser
Ephraim Avigdor Speiser (January 24, 1902 – June 15, 1965) was a Polish-born American Assyriologist. He discovered the ancient site of Tepe Gawra in 1927 and supervised its excavation between 1931 and 1938.
Speiser was married to Sue Gimbe ...
after him, supported instead the reading of "''gal''" on the basis of its alternative spelling with "''gal
9''", which has since become the majority view.
There is still a difficulty to explain the suffix "''-bat''" if the first sign did not end in "''b''," or the apparent similarity to the Semitic feminine ending "''-at''," if derived from a Hurrian word. More recently, in 2011, scholar Miguel Valério, then at the
New University of Lisbon
NOVA University Lisbon ( pt, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, ), or just NOVA, is a Portuguese public university whose rectorate is located in Campolide, Lisbon. Founded in 1973, it is the newest of the public universities in the Portuguese capit ...
provided detailed support in favor to the older reading ''Hani-Rabbat''. The re-reading makes argument on basis of frequency, where "''gal''" not "''gal
9''," is far more numerous; the later being the deviation found in six documents, all from the periphery of the Akkadian sphere of influence. Additionally argued, although graphically distinct, there is a high degree of overlap between the two signs, as "''gal
9''" denotes "''dannum''" or ""strong"" opposed to "great", easily being used as synonyms. Both signs also represent correlative readings; alternative readings of "''gal
9''" include "''rib''" and "''rip''," just like "''gal''" being read as "''rab''."
The situation is complicated by there being, according to linguists, three separate dialects of Hurrian, central-western, northern, and eastern.
The Egyptians considered the Euphrates River to form the boundary between Syria and ''Naharain''.

The first known use (by now) of Indo-Aryan names for Mitanni rulers begins with
Shuttarna I who succeeded his father Kirta on the throne.
[De Martino, Stefano, (2014)]
"The Mittani State: The Formation of the Kingdom of Mittani"
in Constituent, Confederate, and Conquered Space in Upper Mesopotamia: The Emergence of the Mittani State, De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, p. 69. King
Barattarna, Parattarna, Paršatar, or Parshatatar was the name of a Hurrian king of Mitanni and is considered to have reigned, as per middle chronology between c. 1510 and 1490 BC by J. A. Belmonte-Marin quoting H. Klengel.
Very few records of hi ...
of Mitanni expanded the kingdom west to
)), is an adjective which means "white-colored mixed with black".
, motto =
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and made the
Amorite king
Idrimi was the king of Alalakh c. 1490–1465 BC, or around 1450 BC. He is known, mainly, from an inscription on his statue found at Alalakh by Leonard Woolley in 1939.Longman III, Tremper, (1991)Fictional Akkadian Autobiography: A Generic and Co ...
Alalakh his vassal, and five generations seems to separate this king (also known as Parattarna) from the rise of Mitanni kingdom. The state of
Kizzuwatna in the west also shifted its allegiance to Mitanni, and Assyria in the east had become largely a Mitannian vassal state by the mid-15th century BC. The nation grew stronger during the reign of
Shaushtatar, but the Hurrians were keen to keep the Hittites inside the Anatolian highland. Kizzuwatna in the west and
Isuwa (transcribed Išuwa and sometimes rendered Ishuwa) was the ancient Hittite name for one of its neighboring Anatolian kingdoms to the east, in an area which later became the Luwian Neo-Hittite state of Kammanu.
The land
The land of Isuwa ...
in the north were important allies against the hostile Hittites.
Mitanni's major rival was Egypt under the
Thutmosids. However, with the ascent of the
Hittite Empire, Mitanni and Egypt struck an alliance to protect their mutual interests from the threat of Hittite domination. After a few successful clashes with the Egyptians over the control of Syria, Mitanni sought peace with them, and an alliance was formed. During the reign of
Shuttarna II, in the early 14th century BC, the relationship was very amicable, and he sent his daughter
Gilu-Hepa to Egypt for a marriage with Pharaoh
Amenhotep III
Amenhotep III ( egy, jmn-ḥtp(.w), ''Amānəḥūtpū'' , "Amun is Satisfied"; Hellenized as Amenophis III), also known as Amenhotep the Magnificent or Amenhotep the Great, was the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. According to different ...
. Mitanni was now at its peak of power.
However, by the reign of
Eriba-Adad I (1390–1366 BC) Mitanni influence over Assyria was on the wane. Eriba-Adad I became involved in a dynastic battle between
Tushratta and his brother
Artatama II Artatama II was a brief usurper to the throne of king Tushratta of Mitanni in the fourteenth century BC. He may have been a brother of Tushratta or belonged to a rival line of the royal house. His son, Shuttarna III, ruled Mitanni after him.Pruzsins ...
and after this his son
Shuttarna II, who called himself king of the
Hurri while seeking support from the Assyrians. A pro-Hurri/Assyria faction appeared at the royal Mitanni court. Eriba-Adad I had thus loosened Mitanni influence over Assyria, and in turn had now made Assyria an influence over Mitanni affairs. King
Ashur-Uballit I (1365–1330 BC) of
Assyria attacked Shuttarna and annexed Mitanni territory in the middle of the 14th century BC, making Assyria once more a great power.
At the death of Shuttarna, Mitanni was ravaged by a war of succession. Eventually Tushratta, a son of Shuttarna, ascended the throne, but the kingdom had been weakened considerably and both the Hittite and Assyrian threats increased. At the same time, the diplomatic relationship with Egypt went cold, the Egyptians fearing the growing power of the Hittites and Assyrians. The Hittite king
Suppiluliuma I invaded the Mitanni vassal states in northern Syria and replaced them with loyal subjects.
In the capital
Washukanni, a new power struggle broke out. The Hittites and the Assyrians supported different pretenders to the throne. Finally a Hittite army conquered the capital Washukanni and installed
Shattiwaza, the son of Tushratta, as their vassal king of Mitanni in the late 14th century BC.
[Devecchi, Elena. “Details That Make the Difference: The Akkadian Manuscripts of the ‘Šattiwaza Treaties.’” Die Welt Des Orients, vol. 48, no. 1, 2018, pp. 72–95] The kingdom had by now been reduced to the
Khabur Valley. The Assyrians had not given up their claim on Mitanni, and in the 13th century BC,
Shalmaneser I annexed the kingdom.
The Mitanni dynasty had ruled over the northern
Euphrates-Tigris region between c. 1600 and 1350 BC,
[Novák, Mirko, (2013)]
"Upper Mesopotamia in the Mittani Period"
in Archéologie et Histoire de la Syrie I, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, p. 349. but succumbed to Hittite and later Assyrian attacks, and Mitanni was reduced to the status of a province of the
Middle Assyrian Empire
The Middle Assyrian Empire was the third stage of Assyrian history, covering the history of Assyria from the accession of Ashur-uballit I 1363 BC and the rise of Assyria as a territorial kingdom to the death of Ashur-dan II in 912 BC. ...
between c. 1350 and 1260 BC.
Early kingdom

As early as
Akkadian times, Hurrians are known to have lived east of the river Tigris on the northern rim of Mesopotamia, and in the Khabur Valley. The group which became Mitanni gradually moved south into Mesopotamia before the 17th century BC. It was already a powerful kingdom at the end of the 17th century or in the first half of the 16th century BC, and its beginnings date to well before the time of
Thutmose I, dating actually to the time of the Hittite sovereigns
Hattusili I and
Mursili I.
[De Martino, Stefano, (2014)]
"The Mittani State: The Formation of the Kingdom of Mittani"
in Constituent, Confederate, and Conquered Space in Upper Mesopotamia: The Emergence of the Mittani State, De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, p. 61.
Hurrians are mentioned in the private
Nuzi texts, in
Ugarit, and the Hittite archives in
Hattusa (
Cuneiform texts from
Mari mention rulers of city-states in upper Mesopotamia with both ''Amurru'' (Amorite) and Hurrian names. Rulers with Hurrian names are also attested for
Urshu, Warsuwa or Urshum was a Hurrian-Amorite city-state in southern Turkey, probably located on the west bank of the Euphrates, and north of Carchemish.
Urshu was a commercial city governed by a Lord ( EN). It was an ally of Ebla and ap ...
m and
Hassum, and tablets from
Alalakh (layer VII, from the later part of the Old
Babylonia (; Akkadian: , ''māt Akkadī'') was an ancient Akkadian-speaking state and cultural area based in the city of Babylon in central-southern Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq and parts of Syria). It emerged as an Amorite-ruled state c. ...
n period) mention people with Hurrian names at the mouth of the
Orontes. There is no evidence for any invasion from the North-east. Generally, these
onomastic sources have been taken as evidence for a Hurrian expansion to the South and the West.
A Hittite fragment, probably from the time of
Mursili I, mentions a "King of the Hurrians" (''LUGAL ERÍN.MEŠ Hurri''). This terminology was last used for King Tushratta of Mitanni, in a letter in the Amarna archives. The normal title of the king was 'King of the Hurri-men' (without the determinative ''KUR'' indicating a country).
After the fall of Mitanni
With the final decline of the Mitanni Empire the western portions of its territory came up direct control of the Hittites and the eastern portions came under direct control of the Assyrians. The middle part continued on as the
rump state of Hanigalbat. Eventually, under Shalmaneser I, that remaining part of the former Mitanni territory came under direct Assyrian control. This continued until the decline of Middle Assyrian power after the death of Tukulti-Ninurta I.
While under direct Assyrian control Hanigalbat was ruled by appointed governors such as the Assyrian grand-vizier
Ilī-padâ, father of
Ninurta-apal-Ekur (1191–1179), who took the title of
King of Hanigalbat
The king of Hanigalbat (Akkadian: ''šar Ḫanigalbat'') or king of the land of Hanigalbat (''šar māt Ḫanigalbat'') was an Assyrian vassal ruler, essentially a viceroy, in the territory of the Kingdom of Mitanni, also known as Hanigalbat, follo ...
. He resided in the newly built (over an existing Mitanni tower and residence) Assyrian administrative centre at
Tell Sabi Abyad.
The Babylonian Kings List A names the Assyrian ruler
Sennacherib (705–681 BC) and his son
Ashur-nadin-shumi (700–694) as being "Dynasty of Ḫabigal".
The name Hanigalbat was still in use as late as the later portion of the 1st millennium BC.
Indo-Aryan linguistic influences
"While the practice of bestowing throne names of Indo-Aryan derivation on most of Mittani’s kings suggests significant contact with an Indo-Aryan-speaking population, it does not indicate that the royal dynasty (much less the ruling class) was of Aryan 'blood' – whatever that might mean."
[von Dassow, Eva, (2014).]
Levantine Polities under Mittanian Hegemony
. In: Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum, Nicole Brisch and Jesper Eidem (eds.). ''Constituent, Confederate, and Conquered Space: The Emergence of the Mittani State''. pp. 11-32.
Some theonyms, proper names and other terminology of the Mitanni exhibit similarities to
Indo-Aryan or
Proto-Aryan. Several Mitanni rulers had names which could be interpreted as Indo-Aryan, most notably Shuttarna.
The deities
''Mitra'' ( Proto-Indo-Iranian: ''*mitrás'') is the name of an Indo-Iranian divinity from which the names and some characteristics of Rigvedic Mitrá and Avestan Mithra derive.
The names (and occasionally also some characteristics) of these t ...
Indra (; Sanskrit: इन्द्र) is the king of the devas (god-like deities) and Svarga (heaven) in Hindu mythology. He is associated with the sky, lightning, weather, thunder, storms, rains, river flows, and war. volumes/ref> I ...
, and
Nasatya (
Ashvins) are listed and invoked in two treaties found in
Hattusa, between the kings
Sattiwaza of Mitanni and
Suppiluliuma the Hittite: (treaty KBo I 3) and (treaty KBo I 1 and its duplicates).
Kikkuli's horse training text includes technical terms such as ''aika'' (''eka'', one), ''tera'' (''tri'', three), ''panza'' (''pancha'', five), ''satta'' (''sapta'', seven), ''na'' (''nava'', nine), ''vartana'' (''vartana'', turn, round in the horse race). The numeral "aika" (one) is of particular importance because it places the loanwords in the vicinity of Indo-Aryan proper as opposed to Indo-Iranian or early Iranian (which has "aiva") in general. Annelies Kammenhuber (1968) suggested that this vocabulary was derived from the still undivided
Indo-Iranian language,
Mayrhofer has shown that specifically Indo-Aryan features are present.
Another text has ''babru'' (''babhru'', brown), ''parita'' (''palita'', grey), and ''pinkara'' (''pingala'', red). Their chief festival was the celebration of the
solstice (''vishuva'') which was common in most cultures in the ancient world. The Mitanni warriors were called ''marya'', the term for warrior in
Sanskrit as well; note mišta-nnu (= miẓḍha,~ Sanskrit mīḍha) "payment (for catching a fugitive)."
Jasper Eidem in 2014 reported on Farouk Ismail's earlier study,
[Eidem, Jasper, (2014)]
"The Kingdom of Šamšī-Adad and its Legacies"
in Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum, Nicole Brisch and Jesper Eidem (eds.), ''Constituent, Confederate, and Conquered Space: The Emergence of the Mittani State'', p. 142, and footnote 16. in reference to the word ''marijannu'' that was found in a letter from
Tell Leilan in northeastern Syria dating to a period slightly before 1761 BC, which is the time when the reign of
Zimri-Lim ended in the region of
Mari. According to Kroonen et al. (2018) this may be considered as an early Indo-Aryan linguistic presence in Syria two centuries prior to the formation of the Mitanni realm, as ''mariannu'' can be seen as a Hurrianized form of the Indo-Aryan ''*marya'', which means man or youth, associated to military affairs and chariots.
[Kroonen, Guus, Gojko Barjamovic, and Michaël Peyrot, (2018)]
"Linguistic supplement to Damgaard et al. 2018: Early Indo-European languages, Anatolian, Tocharian and Indo-Iranian"
in Zenodo 2018, p. 11. Jasper Eidem (2014) comments that it's very surprising "the mention of ''marijannu'' soldiers to be exchanged between a ruler of Leilan and another king with a Hurrian name" and that "Leilan letter L.87–887,
assent from Kirip-seris to Himdija,
..with reference to a journey to Babylon to visit the 'king'. Presumably the letter dates to the very end of Zimri-Lim’s reign, or shortly after the fall of Mari. The soldiers exchanged are described as ''ṣāb ma-ri-ia-nim /ṣābī ša ma-ri-a/ia-nim.''"
See also
Chronology of the ancient Near East
The chronology of the ancient Near East is a framework of dates for various events, rulers and dynasties. Historical inscriptions and texts customarily record events in terms of a succession of officials or rulers: "in the year X of king Y". Com ...
List of Mesopotamian dynasties
Cities of the ancient Near East
The earliest cities in history were in the ancient Near East, an area covering roughly that of the modern Middle East: its history began in the 4th millennium BC and ended, depending on the interpretation of the term, either with the conquest by ...
History of the Hittites
The Hittites () were an Anatolian peoples, Anatolian people who played an important role in establishing first a kingdom in Kussara (before 1750 BC), then the Kültepe , Kanesh or Nesha kingdom (c. 1750–1650 BC), and next an empire centere ...
Seven-dots glyph
* Bryce, Trevor, ''Letters of the Great Kings of the Ancient Near East'', Routledge, 2003,
* Gaal, E. "The economic role of Hanilgalbat at the beginning of the Neo-Assyrian expansion." In: Hans-Jörg Nissen/Johannes Renger (eds.), ''Mesopotamien und seine Nachbarn. Politische und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen im Alten Orient vom 4. bis 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr.'' Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient 1 (Berlin, Reimer 1982), 349–354.
* Harrak, Amir "Assyria and Hanilgalbat. A historical reconstruction of the bilateral relations from the middle of the 14th to the end of the 12th centuries BC." ''Texte und Studien zur Orientalistik'', 400 (Hildesheim, Olms 1987).
Kelly-Buccellati, Marilyn. "The Urkesh Mittani Horizon: Ceramic Evidence." talugaeš witteš (2020): 237-256.
* Kühne, Cord, "Imperial Mittani. An Attempt at Historical Reconstruction", In David I Owen and Gernot Wilhelm (eds.) Studies in the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians 10, pp. 203–221, 1999 ISBN 9781883053505
* Kühne, Cord "Politische Szenerie und internationale Beziehungen Vorderasiens um die Mitte des 2. Jahrtausends vor Chr. (zugleich ein Konzept der Kurzchronologie). Mit einer Zeittafel." In: Hans-Jörg Nissen/Johannes Renger (eds.), ''Mesopotamien und seine Nachbarn. Politische und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen im Alten Orient vom 4. bis 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr.'' Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient 1 (Berlin, Reimer 1982), 203–264.
* Maidman, Maynard P. "Mittanni Royalty and Empire: How Far Back." Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Journal 11 (2018): 15-28
* Novák, Mirko: "Mittani Empire and the Question of Absolute Chronology: Some Archaeological Considerations." In: Manfred Bietak/Ernst Czerny (eds.): "The Synchronisation of Civilisations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium BC III"; Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Denkschrift Band XXXVII; Wien, 2007; ; pp. 389–401.
* Starr, R. F. S. ''Nuzi'' (London 1938).
* von Dassow, E.; David I Owen; Gernot Wilhelm, State and Society in the Late Bronze Age: Alalah under the Mittani Empire, Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians 17, ed. David I. Owen and Gernot Wilhelm (Bethesda 2008) ISBN 9781934309148
von Dassow, Eva. "Alalaḫ between Mittani and Ḫatti." Asia Anteriore Antica. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Cultures 2 (2020): 196-226
* Weidner, "Assyrien und Hanilgalbat." ''Ugaritica'' 6 (1969)
* Wilhelm, Gernot: ''The Hurrians'', Aris & Philips Warminster 1989. ISBN 9780856684425
External links
Dutch excavations at Tell Sabi Abyad*
ttps:// Iraq's drought unveils 3,400-year-old palace of mysterious empire
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Ancient Upper Mesopotamia
Former countries in the Middle East
Former monarchies of Western Asia
Indo-Aryan peoples
States and territories disestablished in the 13th century BC
States and territories established in the 17th century BC