

The sponges of
Venezuela Venezuela (; ), officially the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ( es, link=no, República Bolivariana de Venezuela), is a country on the northern coast of South America, consisting of a continental landmass and many islands and islets in ...
are a part of the Porifera fauna of
Venezuela Venezuela (; ), officially the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ( es, link=no, República Bolivariana de Venezuela), is a country on the northern coast of South America, consisting of a continental landmass and many islands and islets in ...
(which is part of the wildlife of Venezuela). A number of species of sponges are found in the wild in Venezuela. This is a partial list of the marine and freshwater sponges of Venezuela. The families are listed alphabetically within the classes.


Marine sponges

Acarnidae Acarnidae is a family of sponges belonging to the order Poecilosclerida. It has a global distribution, although several genera occur primarily in colder temperate waters, and several have very restricted ranges. It is estimated that there are seve ...
Acarnus ''Acarnus'' is a genus of sponges belonging to the family Acarnidae. The genus has almost cosmopolitan distribution (except Europe). Description Species are non-fistulose sponges with encrusting to massive growth forms. They have ectosomal tylo ...
Sutherland, J.P. 1980: Dynamics of the epibenthic community on roots of the mangrove ''Rhizophora mangle'', at Bahia de Buche, Venezuela. Marine Biology, 58:75-84
/ref> Family
Adociidae Chalinidae is a family (biology), family of marine demosponges, containing the following genera: * ''Chalinula'' Schmidt, 1868 * ''Cladocroce'' Topsent, 1892 * ''Dendrectilla'' Pulitzer-Finali, 1983 * ''Dendroxea'' Griessinger, 1971 * ''Haliclona ...
* ''
Sigmadocia caerulea ''Haliclona caerulea'' is a species of marine sponge in the family Chalinidae. It is an encrusting tubular sponge that grows anchored on rocky surfaces of coral reefs. Name The name of the species relates to its blue color: Latin caeruleus: ceru ...
'' Hechtel 1965Díaz, Humberto., Bevilacqua, Marina. y Bone, David. 1985. Esponjas del Parque Nacional Morrocoy. Fondo Editorial Acta Científica Venezolana. Caracas. 64p. Family Aplysinidae * ''
Aplysina archeri ''Aplysina archeri'', also known as a stove-pipe sponge because of its shape, is a species of tube sponge that has long tube-like structures of cylindrical shape. Although they can grow in a single tube, they often grow in large groups of up to ...
'' (Higgin, 1875)Catálogo de la colección de Porifera del Museo de Biología de la Universidad Central (MBUCV-XX)Villamizar, E. and R. A. Laughlin. 1991. Fauna associated with the sponges Aplysina archeri and Aplysina lacunosa in a coral reef of the Archipielago de Los Roques, National Park, Venezuela. Pages 522–542 in J. Reitner and H. Keupp, eds. Fossil and recent sponges. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. * ''
Aplysina caissara ''Aplysina'' is a genus of sea sponges in the order Verongiida. It was first authenticated and described by Giovanni Domenico Nardo Giovanni Domenico Nardo (4 March 1802 – 7 April 1877) was an Italian naturalist from Venice, although he sp ...
'' Pinheiro & Hajdu, 2001Venezuelatuya.com: Esponjas Marinas por Fundación La Tortuga. http://www.venezuelatuya.com/natura/esponjasmarinas.htm * ''
Aplysina cauliformis ''Aplysina'' is a genus of sea sponges in the order Verongiida. It was first authenticated and described by Giovanni Domenico Nardo Giovanni Domenico Nardo (4 March 1802 – 7 April 1877) was an Italian naturalist from Venice, although he sp ...
'' (Carter, 1882) * ''
Aplysina fistularis ''Aplysina fistularis'', also known as the yellow tube sponge, is a species of sea sponge in the order Verongiida. ''Aplysina fistularis'' is a golden or orange-brown color with a conulose surface. The animal is abundant in the Caribbean, where ...
'' (Pallas, 1766)Pompa M, Luis A. y Lin, Alan L. 1980: Carotenoides de algunas demospongias (Porifera) de la Bahía de Mochima, Edo. Sucre, Venezuela. Boletín del Instituto Oceanográfico Universidad de Oriente 19(1-2):9-14.Amaro, María E. y Liñero-Arana, Ildefonso. 2002: Demospongiae (Porifera) de Isla Larga, bahía de Mochima, Venezuela. Boletín del Instituto Oceanográfico de Venezuela 41(1-2):45=53
María Cristina Díaz and Klaus Rützler 2009: Biodiversity and abundance of sponges in Caribbean mangrove: indicators of environmental quality. Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences, 38:151-172
* ''
Aplysina fulva ''Aplysina'' is a genus of sea sponges in the order Verongiida. It was first authenticated and described by Giovanni Domenico Nardo Giovanni Domenico Nardo (4 March 1802 – 7 April 1877) was an Italian naturalist from Venice, although he spe ...
'' (Pallas, 1766) * ''
Aplysina lacunosa ''Aplysina'' is a genus of sea sponges in the order Verongiida. It was first authenticated and described by Giovanni Domenico Nardo Giovanni Domenico Nardo (4 March 1802 – 7 April 1877) was an Italian naturalist from Venice, although he spe ...
'' (Lamarck, 1814) Family Callyspongiidae * ''
Callyspongia arcesiosa ''Callyspongia'' is a genus of demosponges in the family Callyspongiidae Callyspongiidae is a family of sea sponges in the order Haplosclerida. It contains the following genera and species: * '' Arenosclera'' Pulitzer-Finali, 1982 ** '' Ar ...
'' Laubenfels, 1936 * '' Callyspongia vaginalis'' (Lamarck, 1814) Family Chalinidae * '' Chalinula molitba'' (Laubenfels, 1949) Family Chondrillidae * '' Chondrilla caribensis'' Rützler, Duran & Piantoni, 2007 * '' Chondrilla nucula'' Smithdt 1862 Family Clionidae * '' Cliona raphida'' Boury-Esnault, 1973 * '' Cliona varians'' (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) Family Coelosphaeridae * '' Lissodendoryx'' Family Crambeidae * '' Monanchora arbuscula'' (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) Family Darwinellidae * '' Aplysilla glacialis'' (Merejkowski, 1878) * '' Chelonaplysilla erecta'' Tsurnamal, 1967 * '' Darwinella rosacea'' Hechtel, 1965 Family
Desmacididae Desmacididae is a family of sponges belonging to the order Poecilosclerida Poecilosclerida is an order of the demosponge class. It is the most speciose demosponge order with over 2200 species (World Porifera Database). It contains about 25 reco ...
* '' Desmapsamma anchorata'' (Carter, 1882) Family Desmacidonidae * '' Liosina monticulosa'' (Verrill, 1907) Family Dysidea * ''
Dysidea etheria ''Dysidea etheria'', commonly known as the ethereal sponge or heavenly sponge, is a species of lobate sponge within the class Demospongiae. This marine sponge is known for its light blue color and can be found in the Caribbean as well as off th ...
'' Laubenfels, 1936 Family
Dictyonellidae ''Dictyonellidae'' is a family of sponges in the order Bubarida. Genera *''Acanthella'' Schmidt, 1862 *'' Dictyonella'' Schmidt, 1868 *'' Liosina'' Thiele, 1899 *'' Lipastrotethya'' de Laubenfels, 1954 *'' Phakettia'' de Laubenfels, 1936 *'' Rh ...
* ''
Scopalina ruetzleri ''Scopalina'' is a genus of sponges belonging to the family Scopalinidae. The genus has almost cosmopolitan distribution. Species: *''Scopalina agoga'' *''Scopalina australiensis'' *''Scopalina azurea ''Scopalina'' is a genus of sponges b ...
'' (Wiedenmayer, 1977) Family Dysideidae * ''
Dysidea etheria ''Dysidea etheria'', commonly known as the ethereal sponge or heavenly sponge, is a species of lobate sponge within the class Demospongiae. This marine sponge is known for its light blue color and can be found in the Caribbean as well as off th ...
'' Laubenfels, 1936 Family
Geodiidae Geodiidae is a family of sea sponges. Genera *'' Caminella'' Lendenfeld, 1894 *''Caminus'' Schmidt, 1862 *'' Depressiogeodia'' Cárdenas, Rapp, Schander & Tendal, 2010 (temporary name) *''Erylus'' Gray, 1867 *''Geodia'' Lamarck, 1815 *'' Melop ...
* ''
Geodia gibberosa ''Geodia gibberosa'', commonly known as the white encrusting sponge, is a species of sea sponge found in the Caribbean. It is eaten by hawksbill turtles. It was first described by Lamarck in 1815. Description ''Geodia gibberosa'' is a large, de ...
'' Lamarck, 1815 * ''
Geodia papyracea ''Geodia'' is a genus of sea sponge belonging to the family Geodiidae. It is the type genus of its taxonomic family. This genus is characterized by a high density of siliceous spicules. Members of this genus are known to be eaten by hawksbil ...
'' Hechtel, 1965 Family Grantiidae * ''
Leucandra aspera ''Leucandra'' may refer to: * Leucandra (plant), ''Leucandra'' (plant), a synonym for ''Tragia'', a flowering plant genus * Leucandra (sponge), ''Leucandra'' (sponge), a calcareous sponge genus {{Genus disambiguation ...
'' (Schmidt, 1862) Family Halichondriidae * ''
Anthosigmella varians ''Cliona'' is a genus of demosponges in the family Clionaidae. It contains about eighty described species. Species Species in this genus include: * ''Cliona acephala'' Zea & López-Victoria, 2016 * ''Cliona adriatica'' Calcinai, Bavestrello, C ...
'' (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) * ''
Halichondria magniculosa ''Halichondria'' is a genus of sea sponges belonging to the family Halichondriidae. These are massive, amorphous sponges with clearly separated inner and outer skeletons consisting of bundles of spicules arranged in a seemingly random pattern. ...
'' Hechtel * ''
Halichondria melanadocia ''Halichondria'' is a genus of sea sponges belonging to the family Halichondriidae. These are massive, amorphous sponges with clearly separated inner and outer skeletons consisting of bundles of spicules arranged in a seemingly random pattern. ...
'' Laubenfels, 1936 * '' Topsentia ophiraphidites'' (Laubenfels, 1934)Díaz, M.C.; Alvarez, B.; van Soest, R.W.M. 1987. New species of Demospongiae (Porifera) from the national park 'Archipiélago de Los Roques', Venezuela. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 57 (1): 31-41. Family Halicloniidae * '' Haliclona caerulea'' (Hechtel, 1965) * ''
Haliclona crassiloba ''Haliclona'' is a genus of demosponges in the family Chalinidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus ''Haliclona'': ;Subgenus Haliclona (Flagellia) Van Soest, 2017 * ''Haliclona (Flagellia) amirantensis'' Van Soest, 20 ...
'' Laubenfels, 1950 * ''
Haliclona curacaoensis ''Haliclona'' is a genus of demosponges in the family Chalinidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus ''Haliclona'': ;Subgenus Haliclona (Flagellia) Van Soest, 2017 * ''Haliclona (Flagellia) amirantensis'' Van Soest, 20 ...
'' (van Soest, 1980) * ''
Haliclona doria ''Neopetrosia subtriangularis'' is a species of marine petrosiid sponges native to the waters off Florida and the Caribbean Sea. They superficially resemble staghorn corals. Taxonomy ''Neopetrosia subtriangularis'' was originally described by t ...
'' Laubenfels, 1936 * ''
Haliclona implexiformis ''Haliclona'' is a genus of demosponges in the family Chalinidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus ''Haliclona'': ;Subgenus Haliclona (Flagellia) Van Soest, 2017 * ''Haliclona (Flagellia) amirantensis'' Van Soest, 20 ...
'' (Hechtel, 1965) * ''
Haliclona magnifica ''Haliclona'' is a genus of demosponges in the family Chalinidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus ''Haliclona'': ;Subgenus Haliclona (Flagellia) Van Soest, 2017 * ''Haliclona (Flagellia) amirantensis'' Van Soest, 20 ...
'' de Weerdt, Rützler & Smith, 1991 * ''
Haliclona manglaris ''Haliclona'' is a genus of demosponges in the family Chalinidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus ''Haliclona'': ;Subgenus Haliclona (Flagellia) Van Soest, 2017 * ''Haliclona (Flagellia) amirantensis'' Van Soest, 20 ...
'' Alcolado, 1984 * ''
Haliclona permollis ''Haliclona'' is a genus of demosponges in the family Chalinidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus ''Haliclona'': ;Subgenus Haliclona (Flagellia) Van Soest, 2017 * ''Haliclona (Flagellia) amirantensis'' Van Soest, 20 ...
'' (Bowerbank, 1866) * ''
Haliclona picadaerensis ''Haliclona'' is a genus of demosponges in the family Chalinidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus ''Haliclona'': ;Subgenus Haliclona (Flagellia) Van Soest, 2017 * ''Haliclona (Flagellia) amirantensis'' Van Soest, 20 ...
'' * ''
Haliclona tubifera ''Haliclona'' is a genus of demosponges in the family Chalinidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus ''Haliclona'': ;Subgenus Haliclona (Flagellia) Van Soest, 2017 * ''Haliclona (Flagellia) amirantensis'' Van Soest, 20 ...
'' (George & Wilson, 1919) * ''
Haliclona twincayensis ''Haliclona'' is a genus of demosponges in the family Chalinidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus ''Haliclona'': ;Subgenus Haliclona (Flagellia) Van Soest, 2017 * ''Haliclona (Flagellia) amirantensis'' Van Soest, 20 ...
'' de Weerdt, Rützler & Smith, 1991 * ''
Haliclona viridis ''Haliclona'' is a genus of demosponges in the family Chalinidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus ''Haliclona'': ;Subgenus Haliclona (Flagellia) Van Soest, 2017 * ''Haliclona (Flagellia) amirantensis'' Van Soest, 20 ...
'' (Keller, 1889) * '' Niphastes variabilis'' Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 Family Halisarcidae * ''
Halisarca Halisarcidae is a family of sea sponges within the order Chondrillida. Members of the family are characterised by having long tubular, branched choanocyte chambers; they have no spicules which makes it difficult to determine the group's affinitie ...
'' Family Heteroxyidae * '' Myrmekioderma rea'' (de Laubenfels, 1934) Family Hymedesmiidae * ''
Phorbas amaranthus In Greek mythology, Phorbas (; Ancient Greek: Φόρβας ''Phórbās'', gen. Φόρβαντος ''Phórbantos'' means "giving pasture"), or Phorbaceus , may refer to: *Phorbas of Elis, son of Lapithes and Orsinome, and a brother of Periphas. * ...
'' Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 Family
Iotrochotidae Iotrochotidae is a family of sponges belonging to the order Poecilosclerida Poecilosclerida is an order of the demosponge class. It is the most speciose demosponge order with over 2200 species (World Porifera Database). It contains about 25 rec ...
* '' Iotrochota birotulata'' (Higgin, 1877) Family Irciniidae * '' Irsinia fasciculata'' (Pallas, 1766) * ''
Ircinia felix ''Ircinia'' is a genus of sea sponges in the family Irciniidae Irciniidae is a family of sea sponges in the order Dictyoceratida Dictyoceratida is an order of sponges in the subclass Ceractinomorpha containing five families. Along with th ...
'' (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) * '' Irsinia strobilina'' (Lamarck, 1816) Family Microcionidae * ''
Artemisina melana ''Artemisina'' is a genus of sponges belonging to the family Microcionidae. The genus has cosmopolitan distribution In biogeography, cosmopolitan distribution is the term for the range of a taxon that extends across all or most of the worl ...
'' van Soest, 1984 * ''
Clathria ferrea ''Clathria'' is a large genus of demosponges in the family (biology), family Microcionidae. Taxonomy ''Clathria'' was first formally named in Eduard Oscar Schmidt's 1862 ''Die Spongien des adriatischen Meeres'' ("The sponges of the Adriatic Sea ...
'' (de Laubenfels, 1936) * ''
Clathria venosa ''Clathria'' is a large genus of demosponges in the family (biology), family Microcionidae. Taxonomy ''Clathria'' was first formally named in Eduard Oscar Schmidt's 1862 ''Die Spongien des adriatischen Meeres'' ("The sponges of the Adriatic Sea ...
'' Hooper, 1996 * ''
Clathria microchela ''Clathria'' is a large genus of demosponges in the family Microcionidae. Taxonomy ''Clathria'' was first formally named in Eduard Oscar Schmidt's 1862 ''Die Spongien des adriatischen Meeres'' ("The sponges of the Adriatic Sea"). The type spe ...
'' (Stephens, 1916) * ''
Clathria schoenus ''Clathria'' is a large genus of demosponges in the family Microcionidae. Taxonomy ''Clathria'' was first formally named in Eduard Oscar Schmidt's 1862 ''Die Spongien des adriatischen Meeres'' ("The sponges of the Adriatic Sea"). The type spe ...
'' (Laubenfels, 1936) * ''
Clathria venosa ''Clathria'' is a large genus of demosponges in the family (biology), family Microcionidae. Taxonomy ''Clathria'' was first formally named in Eduard Oscar Schmidt's 1862 ''Die Spongien des adriatischen Meeres'' ("The sponges of the Adriatic Sea ...
'' (Alcolado, 1984) * '' Microciona'' * ''
Pandaros acanthifolium ''Pandaros'' is a genus of demosponge in the family Family (from la, familia) is a Social group, group of people related either by consanguinity (by recognized birth) or Affinity (law), affinity (by marriage or other relationship). The purp ...
'' Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 Family
Mycalidae Mycalidae is a Family (biology), family of marine demosponges. Genera According to the World Register of Marine Species, there are only two Genus, genera in this family. Previously there were about 26, but most of these have been reallocated as ...
* '' Ulosa hispida'' Hechtel, 1965 * ''
Mycale americana Mycale (). also Mykale and Mykali ( grc, Μυκάλη, ''Mykálē''), called Samsun Dağı and Dilek Dağı (Dilek Peninsula) in modern Turkey, is a mountain on the west coast of central Anatolia in Turkey, north of the mouth of the Maeander an ...
'' van Soest, 1984 * ''
Mycale angulosa Mycale (). also Mykale and Mykali ( grc, Μυκάλη, ''Mykálē''), called Samsun Dağı and Dilek Dağı (Dilek Peninsula) in modern Turkey, is a mountain on the west coast of central Anatolia in Turkey, north of the mouth of the Maeander an ...
'' (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) * ''
Mycale carmigropila Mycale (). also Mykale and Mykali ( grc, Μυκάλη, ''Mykálē''), called Samsun Dağı and Dilek Dağı (Dilek Peninsula) in modern Turkey, is a mountain on the west coast of central Anatolia in Turkey, north of the mouth of the Maeander an ...
'' Hajdu & Rützler, 1998 * ''
Mycale citrina Mycale (). also Mykale and Mykali ( grc, Μυκάλη, ''Mykálē''), called Samsun Dağı and Dilek Dağı (Dilek Peninsula) in modern Turkey, is a mountain on the west coast of central Anatolia in Turkey, north of the mouth of the Maeander an ...
'' Hajdu & Rützler, 1998 * ''
Mycale laxissima Mycale (). also Mykale and Mykali ( grc, Μυκάλη, ''Mykálē''), called Samsun Dağı and Dilek Dağı (Dilek Peninsula) in modern Turkey, is a mountain on the west coast of central Anatolia in Turkey, north of the mouth of the Maeander an ...
'' (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) * ''
Mycale magnirhaphidifera Mycale (). also Mykale and Mykali ( grc, Μυκάλη, ''Mykálē''), called Samsun Dağı and Dilek Dağı (Dilek Peninsula) in modern Turkey, is a mountain on the west coast of central Anatolia in Turkey, north of the mouth of the Maeander an ...
'' van Soest, 1984 * ''
Mycale microsigmatosa Mycale (). also Mykale and Mykali ( grc, Μυκάλη, ''Mykálē''), called Samsun Dağı and Dilek Dağı (Dilek Peninsula) in modern Turkey, is a mountain on the west coast of central Anatolia in Turkey, north of the mouth of the Maeander an ...
'' Arndt, 1927Reinaldo S. Compagnone, Maria C. Oliveri, Ivette C. Piña, Sheila Marques, Héctor R. Rangel, Fracehulli Dagger, AlÍrica I. Suárez & Matilde Gómez. 1999: 5-Alkylpyrrole-2-Carboxaldehydes From the Caribbean Sponges ''Mycale Microsigmatosa'' and ''Desmapsamma Anchorata''. Natural Product Letters, 13(3) :203=211. Family Niphatidae * ''
Amphimedon compressa ''Amphimedon compressa'', the erect rope sponge, red tree sponge, red tubular sponge, or red sponge is a demosponge found in southern Florida, the Caribbean Sea, and the Bahamas. It can be deep red, orange, brown, or black. Taxonomy The erect r ...
'' Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 * ''
Amphimedon viridis : ''For the genus of sponge, see Amphimedon (sponge)'' In Homer's ''Odyssey'', Amphimedon (; grc, Ἀμφιμέδων) was the Ithacan son of Melaneus and one of the suitors of Penelope. Mythology While retreating from Odysseus's party dur ...
'' Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 * '' Gelliodes ramosa'' Kieschnick, 1898 * ''
Neopetrosia subtriangularis ''Neopetrosia subtriangularis'' is a species of marine petrosiid sponges native to the waters off Florida and the Caribbean Sea. They superficially resemble staghorn corals. Taxonomy ''Neopetrosia subtriangularis'' was originally described by t ...
'' (Duchassaing, 1850) * ''
Niphates erecta Niphates is a mountain chain in Armenia that John Milton uses in ''Paradise Lost'' iii. 742 as Satan Satan,, ; grc, ὁ σατανᾶς or , ; ar, شيطانالخَنَّاس , also known as Devil in Christianity, the Devil, and some ...
'' Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 Family Ophlitaspongiidae * ''
Biemna caribea ''Biemna'' is a genus of sea sponges in the family Biemnidae Biemnidae is a family of sponges belonging to the order Biemnida Biemnida is an order of demosponges in the subclass Heteroscleromorpha Heteroscleromorpha is a subclass of de ...
'' Pulitzer-Finali, 1986 * ''
Biemna microstyla ''Biemna'' is a genus of sea sponges in the family Biemnidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus Biemna: * '' Biemna anisotoxa'' Lévi, 1963 * '' Biemna bihamigera'' (Dendy, 1922) * ''Biemna caribea'' Pulitzer-Finali, 198 ...
'' Laubenfels, 1950 * '' Desmacella jania'' Verrill, 1907 * '' Desmacella meliorata'' Wiedenmayer, 1977 Family Petrosiidae * ''
Neopetrosia subtriangularis ''Neopetrosia subtriangularis'' is a species of marine petrosiid sponges native to the waters off Florida and the Caribbean Sea. They superficially resemble staghorn corals. Taxonomy ''Neopetrosia subtriangularis'' was originally described by t ...
'' (Duchassaing, 1850) Family Phloeodictyidae * ''
Oceanapia nodosa ''Oceanapia'' is a genus of sponges belonging to the family Phloeodictyidae. The genus has almost cosmopolitan distribution In biogeography, cosmopolitan distribution is the term for the range of a taxon that extends across all or most of th ...
'' (George & Wilson, 1919) Family Placospongiidae * ''
Placospongia intermedia ''Placospongia'' is a genus of sea sponges belonging to the family Placospongiidae. This genus is characterized by a high density of siliceous spicules. Members of this genus are known to be eaten by hawksbill turtles. Species *''Placospongia ...
'' Sollas, 1888 Family Spirastrellidae * '' Desmacella jania'' Family Spongiidae * ''
Spongia pertusa ''Spongia'' is a genus of marine sponges in the family Spongiidae, originally described by Carl Linnaeus in 1759, containing more than 60 species. Some species, including ''Spongia officinalis'', are used as cleaning tools, but have mostly been ...
'' Hyatt, 1877 * '' Spongia officinalis'' Linnaeus, 1759 * ''
Spongia tubulifera ''Spongia'' is a genus of marine sponges in the family Spongiidae, originally described by Carl Linnaeus in 1759, containing more than 60 species. Some species, including ''Spongia officinalis'', are used as cleaning tools, but have mostly been ...
'' Lamarck, 1814 * ''
Spongia zimocca ''Spongia'' is a genus of marine sponges in the family Spongiidae, originally described by Carl Linnaeus in 1759, containing more than 60 species. Some species, including ''Spongia officinalis'', are used as cleaning tools, but have mostly been ...
'' Schmidt, 1862 Family Suberitidae * '' Prosuberites laughlini'' (Díaz, Álvarez & van Soest, 1987) * '' Suberites aurantiacus'' (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) * ''
Terpios fugax ''Terpios fugax'' is a species of sea sponge belonging to the family Suberitidae. It is found on rocky shores on both sides of the North Atlantic. This species forms small, thin patches on rocks and would be inconspicuous if it weren't for its co ...
'' Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 * ''
Terpios zeteki ''Terpios'' is a genus of sea sponges belonging to the family Suberitidae. Species *''Terpios aploos'' de Laubenfels, 1954 *''Terpios australiensis'' Hentschel, 1909 *''Terpios belindae'' Rützler & Smith, 1993 *''Terpios cruciata'' (Dendy, 190 ...
'' Laubenfels 1936 * '' Terpios manglaris'' Rützler & Smith, 1993 Family Sycettidae * '' Sycon'' Family
Tethyidae Tethyidae is a family of sea sponges belonging to the order Tethyida. ReferencesTethyidae
at Tethya actinia'' de Laubenfels, 1950 * '' Tethya seychellensis'' (Wright, 1881) Family Tedaniide * ''
Tedania ignis ''Tedania'' is a genus of sea sponges in the family Tedaniidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus Tedania: * Subgenus '' Tedania (Stylotedania)'' Van Soest, 2017 ** '' Tedania folium'' Van Soest, 2017 * Subgenus '' Teda ...
'' (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864) * ''
Lissodendoryx isodictyalis ''Lissodendoryx'' is a genus of sponges belonging to the family Coelosphaeridae. The genus has cosmopolitan distribution. Species: *''Lissodendoryx acanthostylota'' *''Lissodendoryx albemarlensis'' *''Lissodendoryx amaknakensis'' *''Lissod ...
'' (Carter, 1882) Family Tetillidae * ''
Cinachyrella apion ''Cinachyrella'' is a genus of marine sponges in the family Tetillidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus ''Cinachyrella'': * ''Cinachyrella albabidens'' Lendenfeld, 1907 * '' Cinachyrella albaobtusa'' Lendenfeld, 1907 ...
'' (Uliczka, 1929) * ''
Cinachyrella kuekenthali ''Cinachyrella'' is a genus of marine sponges in the family Tetillidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus ''Cinachyrella'': * '' Cinachyrella albabidens'' Lendenfeld, 1907 * '' Cinachyrella albaobtusa'' Lendenfeld, 1907 ...
'' (Uliczka, 1929) * ''
Cinachyrella tarentina ''Cinachyrella'' is a genus of marine sponges in the family Tetillidae. Species The following species are recognised in the genus ''Cinachyrella'': * ''Cinachyrella albabidens'' Lendenfeld, 1907 * '' Cinachyrella albaobtusa'' Lendenfeld, 1907 ...
'' (Pulitzer-Finali, 1983) Family Thorectidae * '' Hyrtios proteus' Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 * '' Hyrtios violaceus'' (Duchassaing & Michelotti 1864)

Freshwater sponges

Family Metaniidae * ''
Acalle recurvata Acacallis (Ancient Greek: Ἀκακαλλίς means 'unwalled') in Greek mythology, was princess of Crete. The '' Bibliotheca'' calls her Acalle (Ἀκάλλη). Family Acacallis was the daughter of Minos, king of Crete, and Pasiphae the dau ...
'' (Bowerbank, 1863) y 2000: Esponjas de agua dulce (Porifera, Desmopongiae) de Venezuela. Acta Biologica Venezuelica, 20(1):1-28 * ''
Drulia browni Stanley W. Drulia (born January 5, 1968) is an American former professional right winger and a scout for the Nashville Predators of the NHL as of December, 2018. Playing career Prior to his mid-season hiring in Milwaukee he was the head coach of ...
'' (Bowerbank, 1863) * ''
Drulia conifera Stanley W. Drulia (born January 5, 1968) is an American former professional right winger and a scout for the Nashville Predators of the NHL as of December, 2018. Playing career Prior to his mid-season hiring in Milwaukee he was the head coach of ...
'' Boneto & Ezcurra de Drago, 1973 * ''
Drulia cristata Stanley W. Drulia (born January 5, 1968) is an American former professional right winger and a scout for the Nashville Predators of the NHL as of December, 2018. Playing career Prior to his mid-season hiring in Milwaukee he was the head coach of ...
'' (Weltner, 1895) * ''
Drulia uruguayensis Stanley W. Drulia (born January 5, 1968) is an American former professional right winger and a scout for the Nashville Predators of the NHL as of December, 2018. Playing career Prior to his mid-season hiring in Milwaukee he was the head coach of ...
'' Boneto & Ezcurra de Drago, 1968 * ''
Metania reticulata The different kinds of bows one could encounter at an Eastern Orthodox service are shown in the drawing below. Strict rules exist as to which type of a bow should be used at any particular time. The rules are very complicated, and are not alw ...
'' (Bowerbank, 1863) Family
Potamolepidae Potamolepidae is a family of freshwater sponges, with seven genera: Description This family contains freshwater sponges with a variety of body shapes, ranging from encrusting, massive to arborescent with irregular lobes, ridges or branches. Th ...
* '' Onosclera intermedia'' (Boneto & Ezcurra de Drago, 1973) * '' Onosclera navicella'' (Carter, 1881) * '' Onosclera spinifera'' (Boneto & Ezcurra de Drago, 1973) * '' Uruguaya corallioides'' (Bowerbank, 1863) Family
Spongillidae Spongilidae is a family of sponges that live in freshwater lakes and rivers. The following genera are recognized in the family: * ''Anheteromeyenia'' Schröder, 1927 * ''Corvoheteromeyenia'' Ezcurra de Drago, 1979 * ''Corvospongilla'' Annandale, ...
* '' Corvoheteromeyenia heterosclera'' (Ezcurra de drago, 1974) * '' Saturnospongilla carvalhoi'' Volkmer-Rivero, 1976 * ''
Spongilla alba Overview ''Spongilla'' is a genus of freshwater sponges with over 200 different species. Spongilla was first publicly recognized in 1696 by Leonard Plukenet and can be found in lakes, ponds and slow streams.''Spongilla'' have a leuconoid body f ...
'' Carter, 1849 * '' Pottsiela spoliata'' Volkmer-Rivero & Maciel, 1983 * ''
Trochospongilla gregaria ''Trochospongilla'' is a genus of sponges belonging to the family Spongillidae. The genus has almost cosmopolitan distribution. Species: *''Trochospongilla amazonica'' *''Trochospongilla delicata ''Trochospongilla'' is a genus of sponges b ...
'' (Bowerbank, 1863) * ''
Trochospongilla minuta ''Trochospongilla'' is a genus of sponges belonging to the family Spongillidae. The genus has almost cosmopolitan distribution In biogeography, cosmopolitan distribution is the term for the range of a taxon that extends across all or most o ...
'' (Postt, 1887) * ''
Trochospongilla paulula ''Trochospongilla'' is a genus of sponges belonging to the family Spongillidae. The genus has almost cosmopolitan distribution. Species: *''Trochospongilla amazonica'' *''Trochospongilla delicata'' *''Trochospongilla gregaria ''Trochospon ...
'' (Bowerbank, 1863)

See also

List of echinoderms of Venezuela The echinoderms of Venezuela are a strictly marine animal phylum comprising about 124 species of marine waters designated for Venezuelan Caribbean. The first lists of species for Venezuelan coast date back to 1939 and 1967. In Venezuela are five ...
* List of introduced molluscs of Venezuela *
List of marine molluscs of Venezuela The marine molluscs of Venezuela are a part of the molluscan fauna of Venezuela. The marine molluscs are the snails, clams and mussels, chitons, octopuses, squid and cuttlefish that live in marine and estuarine habitats. The freshwater and land m ...
List of molluscs of Falcón state, Venezuela Falcón State is a state on the coast in the northwestern part of the country of Venezuela. Falcón State covers a total surface area of 24,800 km² and, in 2010, had an estimated population of 950,057. There are four national parks in the s ...
* List of non-marine molluscs of El Hatillo Municipality, Miranda, Venezuela *
List of non-marine molluscs of Venezuela The non-marine molluscs of Venezuela are a part of the molluscan fauna of Venezuela (which is part of the wildlife of Venezuela). Non-marine molluscs are the snails, clams and mussels that live in freshwater habitats, and the snails and slugs th ...
* List of birds of Venezuela *
List of mammals of Venezuela This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Venezuela. Of the mammal species in Venezuela, one is critically endangered, six are endangered, nineteen are vulnerable, and four are near threatened. One species is classified as extinct. The foll ...



Other references

* Álvarez, A. I. 1989. Establecimiento, desarrollo y mantenimiento de una comunidad epibentónica tropical. ettlement, Development and Maintenance of a Tropical Epibenthic Community.Licenciate’s Thesis, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. * Diaz, M. C., S. Pauls, E. Villamizar, A. Alvizu, M. E. Amaro, M. Cellamare, S. Grune, I. Hernández, S. Narciso, A. Pérez, J. Pérez, I. Ramírez, R. Ramos, M. P. Romero, and P. Young. 2003. Porifera Biodiversity in Nueva Esparta, Venezuela: Common Species from La Restinga and Cabugua Island. Abstract. The Twin Cays Mangrove Ecosystem, Belize: Biodiversity, Geological History, and Two Decades of Change. Report from a Workshop, Smithsonian Marine Station, Fort Pierce, Florida, December 2003. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. * Pauls, S. 1998. Estudio Sistemático y Biodiversidad de Porifera y Cnidaria en la Bahía de la P. N. Henri Pittier. ystematic and Diversity Study of Porifera and Cnidaria of the Ciénaga de Ocumare de la Costa Bay, Henri Pittier National Park.Caracas: Escuela de Biología, Universidad Central de Venezuela. * Pauls, S. 2003. “Esponjas.” In Biodiversidad en Venezuela. Sponges.”In Biodiversity of Venezuela. ed. M. Aguilera, A. Azocar, and E. Gonzales, pp. 210– 219. Caracas, Venezuela: Polar Foundation and Ministry of Science and Technology. * Pérez, A. 2007. Biodiversidad y Estructura Comunitaria de Poriferos Asociados a Raíces del Manglar, Rhizophora mangle, en el P. N. Laguna de La Restinga, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela. iodiversity and Community Structure of Porifers Associated to Mangrove Roots, Rizophora mangle, in Laguna de La Restinga National Park, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela.Licenciate’s Thesis, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. * Ramírez, I. 2002. Taxonomía de Esponjas (Porifera: Demospongiae) de la Laguna de Bocaripo, Estado Sucre, e Islote Caribe, Dependencia Federal, Venezuela. axonomy of the Sponges (Porifera: Demospongiae) of Bocaripo Lagoon, Estado Sucre, and Caribe Island, Dependencia Federal, Venezuela.Licenciate’s Thesis, Universidad de Oriente, Cumaná.

External links

M. Cristina Diaz and Klaus Rützler. 2001: Sponges: an essential component of Caribbean coral reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science, 69(2): 535–546

World Register of Marine Species (Worms)

World Porifera database


Diving Los Roques HD / Buceo Los Roques HD / Mergulho Los Roques HD
Venezuela, List Poriferans
Sponges Sponges, the members of the phylum Porifera (; meaning 'pore bearer'), are a basal animal clade as a sister of the diploblasts. They are multicellular organisms that have bodies full of pores and channels allowing water to circulate throug ...
Lists of invertebrates