

Aztec mythology is the body or collection of myths of the
Aztec The Aztecs () were a Mesoamerican culture that flourished in central Mexico in the post-classic period from 1300 to 1521. The Aztec people included different ethnic groups of central Mexico, particularly those groups who spoke the Nahuatl ...
civilization of Central Mexico. The Aztecs were
Nahuatl Nahuatl (; ), Aztec, or Mexicano is a language or, by some definitions, a group of languages of the Uto-Aztecan language family. Varieties of Nahuatl are spoken by about Nahua peoples, most of whom live mainly in Central Mexico and have small ...
-speaking groups living in central Mexico and much of their mythology is similar to that of other
Mesoamerica Mesoamerica is a historical region and cultural area in southern North America and most of Central America. It extends from approximately central Mexico through Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and northern Costa Rica. W ...
n cultures. According to legend, the various groups who were to become the Aztecs arrived from the north into the
Anahuac valley The Valley of Mexico ( es, Valle de México) is a highlands plateau in central Mexico roughly coterminous with present-day Mexico City and the eastern half of the State of Mexico. Surrounded by mountains and volcanoes, the Valley of Mexico ...
Lake Texcoco Lake Texcoco ( es, Lago de Texcoco) was a natural lake within the "Anahuac" or Valley of Mexico. Lake Texcoco is best known as where the Aztecs built the city of Tenochtitlan, which was located on an island within the lake. After the Spanish con ...
. The location of this valley and lake of destination is clear – it is the heart of modern
Mexico City Mexico City ( es, link=no, Ciudad de México, ; abbr.: CDMX; Nahuatl: ''Altepetl Mexico'') is the capital and largest city of Mexico, and the most populous city in North America. One of the world's alpha cities, it is located in the Valley of ...
– but little can be known with certainty about the origin of the Aztec. There are different accounts of their origin. In the myth the ancestors of the Mexica/Aztec came from a place in the north called Aztlan, the last of seven ''nahuatlacas'' (Nahuatl-speaking tribes, from ''tlaca'', "man") to make the journey southward, hence their name "Azteca." Other accounts cite their origin in
Chicomoztoc Chicomoztoc () is the name for the mythical origin place of the Aztec Mexicas, Tepanecs, Acolhuas, and other Nahuatl-speaking peoples (or Nahuas) of the central Mexico region of Mesoamerica, in the Postclassic period. The term Chicomoztoc de ...
, "the place of the seven caves," or at Tamoanchan (the legendary origin of all civilizations). The Mexica/Aztec were said to be guided by their god Huitzilopochtli, meaning "Left-handed
Hummingbird Hummingbirds are birds native to the Americas and comprise the biological family Trochilidae. With about 361 species and 113 genera, they occur from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, but the vast majority of the species are found in the tropics ar ...
" or "Hummingbird from the South." At an island in
Lake Texcoco Lake Texcoco ( es, Lago de Texcoco) was a natural lake within the "Anahuac" or Valley of Mexico. Lake Texcoco is best known as where the Aztecs built the city of Tenochtitlan, which was located on an island within the lake. After the Spanish con ...
, they saw an
eagle Eagle is the common name for many large birds of prey of the family Accipitridae. Eagles belong to several groups of genera, some of which are closely related. Most of the 68 species of eagle are from Eurasia and Africa. Outside this area, j ...
holding a rattlesnake in its talons, perched on a nopal cactus. This vision fulfilled a prophecy telling them that they should found their new home on that spot. The Aztecs built their city of
Tenochtitlan , ; es, Tenochtitlan also known as Mexico-Tenochtitlan, ; es, México-Tenochtitlan was a large Mexican in what is now the historic center of Mexico City. The exact date of the founding of the city is unclear. The date 13 March 1325 was ...
on that site, building a great
artificial island An artificial island is an island that has been constructed by people rather than formed by natural means. Artificial islands may vary in size from small islets reclaimed solely to support a single pillar of a building or structure to those tha ...
, which today is in the center of
Mexico City Mexico City ( es, link=no, Ciudad de México, ; abbr.: CDMX; Nahuatl: ''Altepetl Mexico'') is the capital and largest city of Mexico, and the most populous city in North America. One of the world's alpha cities, it is located in the Valley of ...
. This legendary vision is pictured on the Coat of Arms of Mexico.

Creation myth

According to legend, when the Mexica arrived in the Anahuac valley around
Lake Texcoco Lake Texcoco ( es, Lago de Texcoco) was a natural lake within the "Anahuac" or Valley of Mexico. Lake Texcoco is best known as where the Aztecs built the city of Tenochtitlan, which was located on an island within the lake. After the Spanish con ...
, they were considered by the other groups as the least civilized of all, but the Mexica/Aztec decided to learn, and they took all they could from other people, especially from the ancient
Toltec The Toltec culture () was a pre-Columbian Mesoamerican culture that ruled a state centered in Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico, during the Epiclassic and the early Post-Classic period of Mesoamerican chronology, reaching prominence from 950 to 1150 CE. Th ...
(whom they seem to have partially confused with the more ancient civilization of
Teotihuacan Teotihuacan (Spanish: ''Teotihuacán'') (; ) is an ancient Mesoamerican city located in a sub-valley of the Valley of Mexico, which is located in the State of Mexico, northeast of modern-day Mexico City. Teotihuacan is known today as the ...
). To the Aztec, the Toltec were the originators of all culture; " Toltecayotl" was a synonym for culture. Aztec legends identify the Toltecs and the cult of
Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl (, ; Spanish: ''Quetzalcóatl'' ; nci-IPA, Quetzalcōātl, ket͡saɬˈkoːaːt͡ɬ (Modern Nahuatl pronunciation), in honorific form: ''Quetzalcōātzin'') is a deity in Aztec culture and literature whose name comes from the Na ...
with the legendary city of Tollan, which they also identified with the more ancient Teotihuacan. Because the Aztec adopted and combined several traditions with their own earlier traditions, they had several
creation myth A creation myth (or cosmogonic myth) is a symbolic narrative of how the world began and how people first came to inhabit it., "Creation myths are symbolic stories describing how the universe and its inhabitants came to be. Creation myths develop ...
s. One of these, the Five Suns, describes four great ages preceding the present world, each of which ended in a catastrophe, and "were named in function of the force or divine element that violently put an end to each one of them". Coatlicue was the mother of Centzon Huitznahua ("Four Hundred Southerners"), her sons, and Coyolxauhqui, her daughter. She found a ball filled with feathers and placed it in her waistband, becoming pregnant with Huitzilopochtli. Her other children became suspicious as to the identity of the father and vowed to kill their mother. She gave birth on Mount Coatepec, pursued by her children, but the newborn Huitzilopochtli defeated most of his brothers, who became the stars. He also killed his half-sister Coyolxauhqui by tearing out her heart using a Xiuhcoatl (a blue snake) and throwing her body down the mountain. This was said to inspire the Aztecs to rip the hearts out of their human sacrifices and throw their bodies down the sides of the temple dedicated to Huitzilopochtli, who represents the sun chasing away the stars at dawn. Our age ('' Nahui-Ollin''), the fifth age, or fifth creation, began in the ancient city of Teotihuacan. According to the myth, all the gods had gathered to sacrifice themselves and create a new age. Although the world and the sun had already been created, it would only be through their sacrifice that the sun would be set into motion and time as well as history could begin. The most handsome and strongest of the gods, Tecuciztecatl, was supposed to sacrifice himself but when it came time to self-immolate, he could not jump into the fire. Instead, Nanahuatl the smallest and humblest of the gods, who was also covered in boils, sacrificed himself first and jumped into the flames. The sun was set into motion with his sacrifice and time began. Humiliated by Nanahuatl's sacrifice, Tecuciztecatl too leaped into the fire and became the moon.Smith, Michael E. "The Aztecs". Blackwell Publishers, 2002.


*Water deities ** Tlaloc, god of rain, lightning and thunder. He is a fertility god. ** Chalchiuhtlicue, goddess of running water, lakes, rivers, seas, streams, horizontal waters, storms, and baptism. ** Huixtocihuatl, goddess of salt **
Opochtli In Aztec mythology, Opochtli was a god of hunting and fishing. He is said to have invented the atlatl, the net, the canoe pole, and the bird snare SNARE proteins – " SNAP REceptor" – are a large protein family consisting of at least 2 ...
, god of fishing and birdcatchers, discoverer of both the harpoon and net ** Atlahua, god of water, a fisherman and archer *Fire deities ** Xiuhtecuhtli, god of fire and time ** Chantico, goddess of firebox and volcanoes ** Xolotl, god of death, associated with Venus as the Evening Star (Double of Quetzalcoatl) *Death deities ** Mictlantecuhtli, god of the dead, ruler of the
Underworld The underworld, also known as the netherworld or hell, is the supernatural world of the dead in various religious traditions and myths, located below the world of the living. Chthonic is the technical adjective for things of the underworld ...
(Mictlan) ** Mictecacihuatl, goddess of the dead, ruler of the
Underworld The underworld, also known as the netherworld or hell, is the supernatural world of the dead in various religious traditions and myths, located below the world of the living. Chthonic is the technical adjective for things of the underworld ...
(Mictlan) ** Xolotl, god of death, associated with Venus as the Evening Star (Double of Quetzalcoatl) *Sky deities **
Tezcatlipoca Tezcatlipoca (; nci, Tēzcatl ihpōca ) was a central deity in Aztec religion, and his main festival was the Toxcatl ceremony celebrated in the month of May. One of the four sons of Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl, the God of providence, he is a ...
, god of providence, the darkness and the invisible, lord of the night, ruler of the
North North is one of the four compass points or cardinal directions. It is the opposite of south and is perpendicular to east and west. ''North'' is a noun, adjective, or adverb indicating direction or geography. Etymology The word ''no ...
. ** Xipe-Totec, god of force, lord of the seasons and rebirth, ruler of the
East East or Orient is one of the four cardinal directions or points of the compass. It is the opposite direction from west and is the direction from which the Sun rises on the Earth. Etymology As in other languages, the word is formed from the fa ...
. **
Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl (, ; Spanish: ''Quetzalcóatl'' ; nci-IPA, Quetzalcōātl, ket͡saɬˈkoːaːt͡ɬ (Modern Nahuatl pronunciation), in honorific form: ''Quetzalcōātzin'') is a deity in Aztec culture and literature whose name comes from the Na ...
, god of the life, the light and wisdom, lord of the winds and the day, ruler of the
West West or Occident is one of the four cardinal directions or points of the compass. It is the opposite direction from east and is the direction in which the Sun sets on the Earth. Etymology The word "west" is a Germanic word passed into some ...
. ** Huitzilopochtli, god of war, lord of the sun and fire, ruler of the South. ** Xolotl, god of death, associated with Venus as the Evening Star (Double of Quetzalcoatl) **
Ehecatl Ehecatl ( nci-IPA, Ehēcatl, eʔˈeːkatɬ, ) is a pre-Columbian deity associated with the wind, who features in Aztec mythology and the mythologies of other cultures from the central Mexico region of Mesoamerica. He is most usually interpreted ...
, god of wind ** Tlaloc, god of rain, lightning and thunder. He is a fertility god. ** Coyolxauhqui, goddess and leader of the Centzonhuitznahua, associated with the moon. ** Meztli, goddess of the moon. ** Tonatiuh, god of the sun. ** Nanahuatzin, god of the sun. He sacrificed himself in a burning fire, so the god Tonatiuh took his place. ** Centzonmimixcoa, 400 gods of the northern stars ** Centzonhuitznahua, 400 gods of the southern stars ** Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, god of the morning star (
Venus Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is sometimes called Earth's "sister" or "twin" planet as it is almost as large and has a similar composition. As an interior planet to Earth, Venus (like Mercury) appears in Earth's sky never f ...
) * Lords of the Night ** Xiuhtecuhtli, god of fire and time **
Tezcatlipoca Tezcatlipoca (; nci, Tēzcatl ihpōca ) was a central deity in Aztec religion, and his main festival was the Toxcatl ceremony celebrated in the month of May. One of the four sons of Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl, the God of providence, he is a ...
, god of providence, the darkness and the invisible, lord of the night, ruler of the
North North is one of the four compass points or cardinal directions. It is the opposite of south and is perpendicular to east and west. ''North'' is a noun, adjective, or adverb indicating direction or geography. Etymology The word ''no ...
. ** Piltzintecuhtli, god of visions, associated with Mercury (the planet that is visible just before sunrise or just after sunset) and healing ** Centeotl, god of maize ** Mictlantecuhtli, god of the
Underworld The underworld, also known as the netherworld or hell, is the supernatural world of the dead in various religious traditions and myths, located below the world of the living. Chthonic is the technical adjective for things of the underworld ...
(Mictlan) ** Chalchiuhtlicue, goddess of running water, lakes, rivers, seas, streams, horizontal waters, storms, and baptism. ** Tlazolteotl, goddess of lust, carnality, and sexual misdeeds. ** Tepeyollotl, god of the animals, darkened caves, echoes, and earthquakes. Tepeyollotl is a variant of Tezcatlipoca and is associated with mountains. ** Tlaloc, god of rain, lightning and thunder. He is a fertility god. *
Lords of the Day In Aztec mythology the Lords of the Day ( nci, Tonalteuctin) are a set of thirteen gods that ruled over a particular day corresponding to one of the thirteen heavens. They were cyclical, so that the same god recurred every thirteen days. In the ...
** Xiuhtecuhtli, god of fire and time ** Tlaltecuhtli, old god/goddess of earth (changed in the landscape and atmosphere) ** Chalchiuhtlicue, goddess of running water, lakes, rivers, seas, streams, horizontal waters, storms, and baptism. ** Tonatiuh, god of the Sun ** Tlazolteotl, goddess of lust, carnality, and sexual misdeeds. ** Mictlantecuhtli, god of the
Underworld The underworld, also known as the netherworld or hell, is the supernatural world of the dead in various religious traditions and myths, located below the world of the living. Chthonic is the technical adjective for things of the underworld ...
(Mictlan) ** Mictecacihuatl, goddess of the
Underworld The underworld, also known as the netherworld or hell, is the supernatural world of the dead in various religious traditions and myths, located below the world of the living. Chthonic is the technical adjective for things of the underworld ...
(Mictlan) ** Centeotl, god of maize ** Tlaloc, god of rain, lightning and thunder. He is a fertility god. **
Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl (, ; Spanish: ''Quetzalcóatl'' ; nci-IPA, Quetzalcōātl, ket͡saɬˈkoːaːt͡ɬ (Modern Nahuatl pronunciation), in honorific form: ''Quetzalcōātzin'') is a deity in Aztec culture and literature whose name comes from the Na ...
, god of life, light and wisdom, lord of the winds and the day, ruler of the
West West or Occident is one of the four cardinal directions or points of the compass. It is the opposite direction from east and is the direction in which the Sun sets on the Earth. Etymology The word "west" is a Germanic word passed into some ...
. **
Tezcatlipoca Tezcatlipoca (; nci, Tēzcatl ihpōca ) was a central deity in Aztec religion, and his main festival was the Toxcatl ceremony celebrated in the month of May. One of the four sons of Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl, the God of providence, he is a ...
, god of providence, the darkness and the invisible, lord of the night, ruler of the
North North is one of the four compass points or cardinal directions. It is the opposite of south and is perpendicular to east and west. ''North'' is a noun, adjective, or adverb indicating direction or geography. Etymology The word ''no ...
. ** Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, god of dawn (
Venus Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is sometimes called Earth's "sister" or "twin" planet as it is almost as large and has a similar composition. As an interior planet to Earth, Venus (like Mercury) appears in Earth's sky never f ...
) ** Citlalicue, goddess of female stars in the
Milky Way The Milky Way is the galaxy that includes our Solar System, with the name describing the galaxy's appearance from Earth: a hazy band of light seen in the night sky formed from stars that cannot be individually distinguished by the naked ey ...
. **
Citlalatonac In Aztec mythology, Citlalatonac created the star A star is an astronomical object comprising a luminous spheroid of plasma (physics), plasma held together by its gravity. The List of nearest stars and brown dwarfs, nearest star to Earth ...
, god of female stars (Husband of Citlalicue) *Earth deities ** Xipe-Totec, god of force, lord of the seasons and rebirth, ruler of the
East East or Orient is one of the four cardinal directions or points of the compass. It is the opposite direction from west and is the direction from which the Sun rises on the Earth. Etymology As in other languages, the word is formed from the fa ...
. ** Tonacatecuhtli, god of sustenance associated with Ometecuhtli. ** Tonacacihuatl, goddess of sustenance associated with Omecihuatl. ** Tlaltecuhtli, old god/goddess of earth (changed in the landscape and atmosphere) ** Chicomecoatl, goddess of agriculture ** Centeotl, god of the maize associated with the Tianquiztli (Pleiades) ** Xilonen, goddess of tender maize *Matron goddesses ** Coatlicue, goddess of fertility, life, death and rebirth ** Chimalma, goddess of fertility, life, death and rebirth ** Xochitlicue, goddess of fertility, life, death and rebirth ** Itzpapalotl, death goddess, obsidian butterfly, leader of the Tzitzimitl ** Toci, goddess of health

See also

* List of Aztec gods and supernatural beings *
Santa Muerte ''Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte'' (; Spanish for Our Lady of Holy Death), often shortened to Santa Muerte, is a cult image, female deity, and folk saint in folk Catholicism and Mexican Neopaganism. A personification of death, she is ass ...
, the Mictecacihuatl reincarnate *
The Stinking Corpse "The Stinking Corpse" is an Aztec myth that tells of the body of a giant, killed by the Toltecs, which released a stench that would kill anyone who smelled it. Versions of it are recorded in the '' Legend of the Suns'' (part of the Codex Chimalp ...
* Thirteen Heavens


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * James Lewis Thomas Chalmbers Spence, ''The Myths of Mexico and Peru: Aztec, Maya and Inca'', 191
The Myths of Mexico and Peru: Aztec, Maya and Inca
* Miguel León Portilla, ''Native Mesoamerican Spirituality'', Paulist Press, 198
Native Mesoamerican Spirituality: Ancient Myths, Discourses, Stories, Doctrines, Hymns, Poems from the Aztec, Yucatec, Quiche-Maya and Other Sacred Traditions


External links

, Daniel Brinton (Ed); late 19th-century compendium of some Aztec mythological texts and poems appearing in one manuscript version of Sahagun's 16th-century codices.
Aztec history, culture and religion
Bernal Díaz del Castillo, ''The Discovery and Conquest of Mexico'' (tr. by A. P. Maudsley, 1928, repr. 1965)
Portal Aztec Mythology
(in Spanish) * {{DEFAULTSORT:Aztec Mythology Mexican culture
Mythology Myth is a folklore genre consisting of Narrative, narratives that play a fundamental role in a society, such as foundational tales or Origin myth, origin myths. Since "myth" is widely used to imply that a story is not Objectivity (philosophy), ...
Mesoamerican mythology and religion Latin American culture Pre-Columbian mythology and religion