Rhetorical Shields



In the context of racism, rhetorical shields, also called discursive buffers, are semantic moves or strategically managed propositions to safely state certain views. They commonly appear as nonracial utterances between racial statements.



Disclaimers serve as a strategy to dismiss the racial nature of a story. Examples of such utterances are " I am not a racist, but..." and " Some of my best friends are black". They may be used to save face, such as in the statement "I didn't mean that because, as I told you, I am not a racist". The phrase "yes and no" as a response to a question about an issue could also be used in such a manner. Here, an individual may try to show that they are ambivalent on a very controversial issue, apparently taking or examining all sides, but they may actually conclude with taking a firm stand to one side of the issue. Another way to achieve this is through credentialing, which entails a discursive practice of listing characteristics that makes one not a racist.


Projection may serve as a strategy to escape from guilt and responsibility and affix blame elsewhere. An example of this is the explanation of an individual on why they do not have any friends of a certain race by claiming that people of the race segregate themselves from everyone. Another example is the expression of concern for how the other would feel. This is sometimes seen in the issue of affirmative action, where opponents may argue that minorities would feel bad and inferior due to preferential treatment, even though it may be themselves receiving preferential treatment.


Diminutives may be used as a strategy to lessen the impact of statements. For example, a person may say that they are "a little bit" against affirmative action. It could also, for example, appear as "I am just a bit concerned about the welfare of the children" when speaking on interracial marriage. This strategy could also be used to claim that other people are too sensitive, as the issue would be reduced as only a "little thing".


{{Reflist Rhetoric Racism