Presheaf With Transfers



algebraic geometry Algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics, classically studying zeros of multivariate polynomials. Modern algebraic geometry is based on the use of abstract algebraic techniques, mainly from commutative algebra, for solving geometrical ...
, a presheaf with transfers is, roughly, a
presheaf In mathematics, a sheaf is a tool for systematically tracking data (such as sets, abelian groups, rings) attached to the open sets of a topological space and defined locally with regard to them. For example, for each open set, the data could ...
that, like
cohomology theory In mathematics, specifically in homology theory and algebraic topology, cohomology is a general term for a sequence of abelian groups, usually one associated with a topological space, often defined from a cochain complex. Cohomology can be viewed ...
, comes with pushforwards, “transfer” maps. Precisely, it is, by definition, a contravariant additive functor from the category of finite correspondences (defined below) to the category of abelian groups (in
category theory Category theory is a general theory of mathematical structures and their relations that was introduced by Samuel Eilenberg and Saunders Mac Lane in the middle of the 20th century in their foundational work on algebraic topology. Nowadays, cate ...
, “presheaf” is another term for a contravariant functor). When a presheaf ''F'' with transfers is restricted to the subcategory of smooth separated schemes, it can be viewed as a presheaf on the category with ''extra'' maps F(Y) \to F(X), not coming from morphisms of schemes but also from finite correspondences from ''X'' to ''Y'' A presheaf ''F'' with transfers is said to be \mathbb^1-homotopy invariant if F(X) \simeq F(X \times \mathbb^1) for every ''X''. For example, Chow groups as well as
motivic cohomology Motivic cohomology is an invariant of algebraic varieties and of more general schemes. It is a type of cohomology related to motives and includes the Chow ring of algebraic cycles as a special case. Some of the deepest problems in algebraic geo ...
groups form presheaves with transfers.

Finite correspondence

Let X, Y be algebraic schemes (i.e., separated and of finite type over a field) and suppose X is smooth. Then an elementary correspondence is an irreducible closed subscheme W \subset X_i \times Y, X_i some connected component of ''X'', such that the projection \operatorname(W) \to X_i is finite and surjective. Let \operatorname(X, Y) be the free abelian group generated by elementary correspondences from ''X'' to ''Y''; elements of \operatorname(X, Y) are then called finite correspondences. The category of finite correspondences, denoted by Cor, is the category where the objects are smooth algebraic schemes over a field; where a Hom set is given as: \operatorname(X, Y) = \operatorname(X, Y) and where the composition is defined as in
intersection theory In mathematics, intersection theory is one of the main branches of algebraic geometry, where it gives information about the intersection of two subvarieties of a given variety. The theory for varieties is older, with roots in Bézout's theorem o ...
: given elementary correspondences \alpha from X to Y and \beta from Y to Z, their composition is: :\beta \circ \alpha = p_(p^*_ \alpha \cdot p^*_ \beta) where \cdot denotes the
intersection product In mathematics, intersection theory is one of the main branches of algebraic geometry, where it gives information about the intersection of two subvarieties of a given variety. The theory for varieties is older, with roots in Bézout's theore ...
and p_: X \times Y \times Z \to X \times Y, etc. Note that the category Cor is an additive category since each Hom set \operatorname(X, Y) is an abelian group. This category contains the category \textbf of smooth algebraic schemes as a subcategory in the following sense: there is a faithful functor \textbf \to Cor that sends an object to itself and a morphism f: X \to Y to the
graph Graph may refer to: Mathematics *Graph (discrete mathematics), a structure made of vertices and edges **Graph theory, the study of such graphs and their properties *Graph (topology), a topological space resembling a graph in the sense of discre ...
of f. With the product of schemes taken as the monoid operation, the category Cor is a symmetric monoidal category.

Sheaves with transfers

The basic notion underlying all of the different theories are presheaves with transfers. These are contravariant additive functors
F:\text_k \to \text
and their associated category is typically denoted \mathbf(k), or just \mathbf if the underlying field is understood. Each of the categories in this section are abelian categories, hence they are suitable for doing homological algebra.

Etale sheaves with transfers

These are defined as presheaves with transfers such that the restriction to any scheme X is an etale sheaf. That is, if U \to X is an etale cover, and F is a presheaf with transfers, it is an Etale sheaf with transfers if the sequence
0 \to F(X) \xrightarrow F(U) \xrightarrow F(U\times_XU)
is exact and there is an isomorphism
F(X\coprod Y) = F(X)\oplus F(Y)
for any fixed smooth schemes X,Y.

Nisnevich sheaves with transfers

There is a similar definition for Nisnevich sheaf with transfers, where the Etale topology is switched with the Nisnevich topology.



The sheaf of units \mathcal^* is a presheaf with transfers. Any correspondence W \subset X \times Y induces a finite map of degree N over X, hence there is the induced morphism
\mathcal^*(Y) \to \mathcal^*(W) \xrightarrow \mathcal^*(X)
showing it is a presheaf with transfers.

Representable functors

One of the basic examples of presheaves with transfers are given by representable functors. Given a smooth scheme X there is a presheaf with transfers \mathbb_(X) sending U \mapsto \text_(U,X).

Representable functor associated to a point

The associated presheaf with transfers of \text(k) is denoted \mathbb.

Pointed schemes

Another class of elementary examples comes from pointed schemes (X,x) with x: \text(k) \to X. This morphism induces a morphism x_*:\mathbb \to \mathbb_(X) whose cokernel is denoted \mathbb_(X,x). There is a splitting coming from the structure morphism X \to \text(k), so there is an induced map \mathbb_(X) \to \mathbb, hence \mathbb_(X) \cong \mathbb\oplus\mathbb_(X,x).

Representable functor associated to A1-0

There is a representable functor associated to the pointed scheme \mathbb_m = (\mathbb^1-\,1) denoted \mathbb_(\mathbb_m).

Smash product of pointed schemes

Given a finite family of pointed schemes (X_i, x_i) there is an associated presheaf with transfers \mathbb_((X_1,x_1)\wedge\cdots\wedge(X_n,x_n)), also denoted \mathbb_(X_1\wedge\cdots\wedge X_n) from their
Smash product In topology, a branch of mathematics, the smash product of two pointed spaces (i.e. topological spaces with distinguished basepoints) (''X,'' ''x''0) and (''Y'', ''y''0) is the quotient of the product space ''X'' × ''Y'' under the ide ...
. This is defined as the cokernel of
\text\left( \bigoplus_i \mathbb_(X_1\times \cdots \times \hat_i \times \cdots \times X_n) \xrightarrow \mathbb_(X_1\times\cdots\times X_n) \right)
For example, given two pointed schemes (X,x),(Y,y), there is the associated presheaf with transfers \mathbb_(X\wedge Y) equal to the cokernel of
\mathbb_(X)\oplus \mathbb_(Y) \xrightarrow \mathbb_(X\times Y)Note X \cong X\times \ giving \mathbb_(X\times\) \cong \mathbb_(X)
This is analogous to the smash product in topology since X\wedge Y = (X \times Y) / (X \vee Y) where the equivalence relation mods out X\times \ \cup \\times Y.

Wedge of single space

A finite wedge of a pointed space (X,x) is denoted \mathbb_(X^) = \mathbb_(X\wedge \cdots \wedge X). One example of this construction is \mathbb_(\mathbb_m^), which is used in the definition of the motivic complexes \mathbb(q) used in
Motivic cohomology Motivic cohomology is an invariant of algebraic varieties and of more general schemes. It is a type of cohomology related to motives and includes the Chow ring of algebraic cycles as a special case. Some of the deepest problems in algebraic geo ...

Homotopy invariant sheaves

A presheaf with transfers F is homotopy invariant if the projection morphism p:X\times\mathbb^1 \to X induces an isomorphism p^*:F(X) \to F(X\times \mathbb^1) for every smooth scheme X. There is a construction associating a homotopy invariant sheaf for every presheaf with transfers F using an analogue of simplicial homology.

Simplicial homology

There is a scheme
\Delta^n = \text\left( \frac \right)
giving a cosimplicial scheme \Delta^*, where the morphisms \partial_j:\Delta^n \to \Delta^ are given by x_j = 0. That is,
\frac \to \frac
gives the induced morphism \partial_j. Then, to a presheaf with transfers F, there is an associated complex of presheaves with transfers C_*F sending
C_iF: U \mapsto F(U \times \Delta^i)
and has the induced chain morphisms
\sum_^j (-1)^i \partial_i^*: C_jF \to C_F
giving a complex of presheaves with transfers. The homology invaritant presheaves with transfers H_i(C_*F) are homotopy invariant. In particular, H_0(C_*F) is the universal homotopy invariant presheaf with transfers associated to F.

Relation with Chow group of zero cycles

Denote H_0^(X/k) := H_0(C_*\mathbb_(X))(\text(k)). There is an induced surjection H_0^(X/k) \to \text_0(X) which is an isomorphism for X projective.

Zeroth homology of Ztr(X)

The zeroth homology of H_0(C_*\mathbb_(Y))(X) is \text_(X,Y)/\mathbb^1 \text where homotopy equivalence is given as follows. Two finite correspondences f,g:X \to Y are \mathbb^1-homotopy equivalent if there is a morphism h:X\times\mathbb^1 \to X such that h, _ = f and h, _ = g.

Motivic complexes

For Voevodsky's category of mixed motives, the motive M(X) associated to X, is the class of C_*\mathbb_(X) in DM_^(k,R). One of the elementary motivic complexes are \mathbb(q) for q \geq 1, defined by the class of
\mathbb(q) = C_*\mathbb_(\mathbb_m^) q/math>
For an abelian group A, such as \mathbb/\ell, there is a motivic complex A(q) = \mathbb(q) \otimes A. These give the motivic cohomology groups defined by
H^(X,\mathbb) = \mathbb_^p(X,\mathbb(q))
since the motivic complexes \mathbb(q) restrict to a complex of Zariksi sheaves of X. These are called the p-th motivic cohomology groups of weight q. They can also be extended to any abelian group A,
H^(X,A) = \mathbb_^p(X,A(q))
giving motivic cohomology with coefficients in A of weight q.

Special cases

There are a few special cases which can be analyzed explicitly. Namely, when q = 0,1. These results can be found in the fourth lecture of the Clay Math book.


In this case, \mathbb(0) \cong \mathbb_(\mathbb_m^) which is quasi-isomorphic to \mathbb (top of page 17), hence the weight 0 cohomology groups are isomorphic to
H^(X,\mathbb) = \begin \mathbb(X) & \text p = 0 \\ 0 & \text \end
where \mathbb(X) = \text_(X,\text(k)). Since an open cover


This case requires more work, but the end result is a quasi-isomorphism between \mathbb(1) and \mathcal^* 1/math>. This gives the two motivic cohomology groups
\begin H^(X,\mathbb) &= H^0_(X,\mathcal^*) = \mathcal^*(X) \\ H^(X,\mathbb) &= H^1_(X,\mathcal^*) = \text(X) \end
where the middle cohomology groups are Zariski cohomology.

General case: Z(n)

In general, over a perfect field k, there is a nice description of \mathbb(n) in terms of presheaves with transfer \mathbb_(\mathbb^n). There is a quasi-ismorphism
C_*(\mathbb_(\mathbb^n) / \mathbb_(\mathbb^)) \simeq C_*\mathbb_(\mathbb_m^)
\mathbb(n) \simeq C_(\mathbb _(\mathbb ^)/\mathbb _(\mathbb ^)) 2n
which is found using splitting techniques along with a series of quasi-isomorphisms. The details are in lecture 15 of the Clay Math book.

See also

* Relative cycle *
Motivic cohomology Motivic cohomology is an invariant of algebraic varieties and of more general schemes. It is a type of cohomology related to motives and includes the Chow ring of algebraic cycles as a special case. Some of the deepest problems in algebraic geo ...
Mixed motives (math) In algebraic geometry, motives (or sometimes motifs, following French usage) is a theory proposed by Alexander Grothendieck in the 1960s to unify the vast array of similarly behaved cohomology theories such as singular cohomology, de Rham coho ...
Étale topology In algebraic geometry, the étale topology is a Grothendieck topology on the category of schemes which has properties similar to the Euclidean topology, but unlike the Euclidean topology, it is also defined in positive characteristic. The étale t ...
Nisnevich topology In algebraic geometry, the Nisnevich topology, sometimes called the completely decomposed topology, is a Grothendieck topology on the category of schemes which has been used in algebraic K-theory, A¹ homotopy theory, and the theory of motives. It ...



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* {{algebraic-geometry-stub Homotopical algebra Sheaf theory Functors