Monad Transformer



In functional programming, a monad transformer is a type constructor which takes a monad as an argument and returns a monad as a result. Monad transformers can be used to compose features encapsulated by monads – such as state, exception handling, and I/O – in a modular way. Typically, a monad transformer is created by generalising an existing monad; applying the resulting monad transformer to the identity monad yields a monad which is equivalent to the original monad (ignoring any necessary boxing and unboxing).


A monad transformer consists of: # A type constructor t of kind (* -> *) -> * -> * # Monad operations return and bind (or an equivalent formulation) for all t m where m is a monad, satisfying the monad laws # An additional operation, lift :: m a -> t m a, satisfying the following laws: (the notation `bind` below indicates infix application): ## lift . return = return ## lift (m `bind` k) = (lift m) `bind` (lift . k)


The option monad transformer

Given any monad \mathrm \, A, the option monad transformer \mathrm \left( A^ \right) (where A^ denotes the option type) is defined by: :\begin \mathrm: & A \rarr \mathrm \left( A^ \right) = a \mapsto \mathrm (\mathrm\,a) \\ \mathrm: & \mathrm \left( A^ \right) \rarr \left( A \rarr \mathrm \left( B^ \right) \right) \rarr \mathrm \left( B^ \right) = m \mapsto f \mapsto \mathrm \, m \, \left(a \mapsto \begin \mbox & \mbox a = \mathrm\\ f \, a' & \mbox a = \mathrm \, a' \end \right) \\ \mathrm: & \mathrm (A) \rarr \mathrm \left( A^ \right) = m \mapsto \mathrm \, m \, (a \mapsto \mathrm (\mathrm \, a)) \end

The exception monad transformer

Given any monad \mathrm \, A, the exception monad transformer \mathrm (A + E) (where is the type of exceptions) is defined by: :\begin \mathrm: & A \rarr \mathrm (A + E) = a \mapsto \mathrm (\mathrm\,a) \\ \mathrm: & \mathrm (A + E) \rarr (A \rarr \mathrm (B + E)) \rarr \mathrm (B + E) = m \mapsto f \mapsto \mathrm \, m \,\left( a \mapsto \begin \mbox e & \mbox a = \mathrm \, e\\ f \, a' & \mbox a = \mathrm \, a' \end \right) \\ \mathrm: & \mathrm \, A \rarr \mathrm (A + E) = m \mapsto \mathrm \, m \, (a \mapsto \mathrm (\mathrm \, a)) \\ \end

The reader monad transformer

Given any monad \mathrm \, A, the reader monad transformer E \rarr \mathrm\,A (where is the environment type) is defined by: :\begin \mathrm: & A \rarr E \rarr \mathrm \, A = a \mapsto e \mapsto \mathrm \, a \\ \mathrm: & (E \rarr \mathrm \, A) \rarr (A \rarr E \rarr \mathrm\,B) \rarr E \rarr \mathrm\,B = m \mapsto k \mapsto e \mapsto \mathrm \, (m \, e) \,( a \mapsto k \, a \, e) \\ \mathrm: & \mathrm \, A \rarr E \rarr \mathrm \, A = a \mapsto e \mapsto a \\ \end

The state monad transformer

Given any monad \mathrm \, A, the state monad transformer S \rarr \mathrm(A \times S) (where is the state type) is defined by: :\begin \mathrm: & A \rarr S \rarr \mathrm (A \times S) = a \mapsto s \mapsto \mathrm \, (a, s) \\ \mathrm: & (S \rarr \mathrm(A \times S)) \rarr (A \rarr S \rarr \mathrm(B \times S)) \rarr S \rarr \mathrm(B \times S) = m \mapsto k \mapsto s \mapsto \mathrm \, (m \, s) \,((a, s') \mapsto k \, a \, s') \\ \mathrm: & \mathrm \, A \rarr S \rarr \mathrm(A \times S) = m \mapsto s \mapsto \mathrm \, m \, (a \mapsto \mathrm \, (a, s)) \end

The writer monad transformer

Given any monad \mathrm \, A, the writer monad transformer \mathrm(W \times A) (where is endowed with a monoid operation with identity element \varepsilon) is defined by: :\begin \mathrm: & A \rarr \mathrm (W \times A) = a \mapsto \mathrm \, (\varepsilon, a) \\ \mathrm: & \mathrm(W \times A) \rarr (A \rarr \mathrm(W \times B)) \rarr \mathrm(W \times B) = m \mapsto f \mapsto \mathrm \, m \,((w, a) \mapsto \mathrm \, (f \, a) \, ((w', b) \mapsto \mathrm \, (w * w', b))) \\ \mathrm: & \mathrm \, A \rarr \mathrm(W \times A) = m \mapsto \mathrm \, m \, (a \mapsto \mathrm \, (\varepsilon, a)) \\ \end

The continuation monad transformer

Given any monad \mathrm \, A, the continuation monad transformer maps an arbitrary type into functions of type (A \rarr \mathrm \, R) \rarr \mathrm \, R, where is the result type of the continuation. It is defined by: :\begin \mathrm \colon & A \rarr \left( A \rarr \mathrm \, R \right) \rarr \mathrm \, R = a \mapsto k \mapsto k \, a \\ \mathrm \colon & \left( \left( A \rarr \mathrm \, R \right) \rarr \mathrm \, R \right) \rarr \left( A \rarr \left( B \rarr \mathrm \, R \right) \rarr \mathrm \, R \right) \rarr \left( B \rarr \mathrm \, R \right) \rarr \mathrm \, R = c \mapsto f \mapsto k \mapsto c \, \left( a \mapsto f \, a \, k \right) \\ \mathrm \colon & \mathrm \, A \rarr (A \rarr \mathrm \, R) \rarr \mathrm \, R = \mathrm \end Note that monad transformations are usually not commutative: for instance, applying the state transformer to the option monad yields a type S \rarr \left(A \times S \right)^ (a computation which may fail and yield no final state), whereas the converse transformation has type S \rarr \left(A^ \times S \right) (a computation which yields a final state and an optional return value).

See also

Monads in functional programming In functional programming, a monad is a software design pattern with a structure that combines program fragments ( functions) and wraps their return values in a type with additional computation. In addition to defining a wrapping monadic type, m ...


External links

A highly technical blog post briefly reviewing some of the literature on monad transformers and related concepts, with a focus on categorical-theoretic treatment
{{Expand section, date=May 2008 Functional programming