JOSS was released in May 1963 on the one-off JOHNNIAC computer atFOCAL
The PDP-6 was DEC's firstBASIC
While FOCAL was becoming popular on DEC machines, BASIC was becoming a more popular alternative on other platforms. By the late 1960s, several companies were making inroads in DEC'sRebirth in the Soviet Union
The PDP-11 had been cloned in the Soviet Union in the 1970s for military purposes. In the 1980s, single-chip variations similar to the LSI-11 were produced that gave rise to a series of PDP-11 compatible home computers. Most notable among several models were theLanguage
The following description is based on FOCAL-69 as seen in the FOCAL-8 language reference manual.Direct and indirect modes
FOCAL followed the JOSS model for interaction via aProgram statements
Every line in a FOCAL program must start with a line number. As with JOSS, line numbers are fixed-point numbers consisting of two two-digit integers separated by a period. In FOCAL-8, valid line numbers range from 1.01 through 31.99. When printed out, using , the FOCAL equivalent to BASIC's , leading zeros will be added; 1.10 will be printed as . This makes all lines numbers five digits long when output so that all line numbers align. Statements referring to those lines do not need the leading zeros, for example, . The number on the left of the period is known as the "group number". Groups provide some level of code organization that is lacking in languages like Fortran or BASIC. The primary use of these was to use a group as aCommands
The command (abbreviation A) will take a list of strings and variables, echo the strings and store the user input in variables. Equivalent to BASIC's . 01.01 ASK "NAME", NAME 01.02 ASK "COORDINATES", X, Y 01.03 ASK "A1",A1,"OMEGA",W,"T0",T0,"DAMPING FACTOR",DAMPINGFACTOR If the user doesn't enter a number but enters text, the system will convert the initial character to a number with "A"=1, "B"=2, etc.COMMENT
The command (abbreviation C) creates a remark. Equivalent to BASIC's . 01.01 COMMENT: THE SUMER GAME, BY RICHARD MERRILLDO
The command (abbreviation D) branches execution to a subroutine. It is the equivalent of BASIC's . The subroutine is referenced either by group number or line number. If a line number is provided, that single line is run and then returns to the statement after the . If no line number is provided, execution starts at the first line of the block and continues until the end of the block is reached or a is encountered. is only required to return early from the group, it is not needed at the end of the group. 01.15 DO 7.24 01.16 DO 8FOR
The command (abbreviation F) implements a for loop. When three arguments are specified, the first is the initial value of the loop variable, the second is the increment, and the third value is the terminating value for the loop. If only two values are provided, the first is the initial value and the second is the terminating value, and the increment is set to 1. This is the pattern from FORTRAN's loops, as opposed to BASIC's where the increment is the last value, if present. In contrast to other parts of the language where multiple statements on a line are independent, the always runs the statements that follow it on the line before the termination has been met, and then continues to the next line. Thus, loops have to be on a single line, or alternately, call a subroutine with . There is no equivalent of BASIC's . 01.01 FOR X=1,10; TYPE X,! 01.02 FOR X=0,10,100; DO 2 A sample FOR loop: 01.10 ASK "HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU WANT TO BORROW ?",PRINCIPAL 01.20 ASK "FOR HOW MANY YEARS ?",TERM 01.30 FOR RATE=4.0,.5,10;DO 2.0 01.40 QUIT 02.10 SET INTEREST=PRINCIPAL*(RATE/100)*TERM 02.20 TYPE "RATE",RATE," ","INTEREST",INTEREST,!GOTO
The command (abbreviation G) jumps program execution to the specified line number. It is identical to the same-named statement in BASIC. In FOCAL, is also used to begin execution, like BASIC's , but in this use, the documentation refers to it as instead of in spite of the underlying command being the same. 01.05 GOTO 1.01 02.90 TYPE !!,"TRY AGAIN.",!!!!!;GOTO 1.1IF
The command (abbreviation I) provides a conditional branch based on the sign of the expression. After the numeric expression, the IF command can take one to three line numbers. If the expression is less than zero, execution branches to the first line number; if equal to zero, to the second line number; if greater than zero, to the third line number. The language lacked relative operators such as greater than, equal or less than. To branch if X > 5, one must compare X - 5. 02.20 IF (25-25) 2.4,2.3,2.4 03.01 IF (X) 3.1,3.02,3.1 IF could be short-formed by placing a semicolon (or end of line) beyond the first line number. For example: 02.20 IF (X)1.8; TYPE "Q" 02.30 IF (X)1.8,2.50 02.40 TYPE "P" In this case the test at 2.20 will cause the program to jump to line 1.8 if the test is negative, otherwise it will continue and type "Q" to the console. Line 2.30 will jump to 1.8 or 2.5 if the value is negative or zero, and otherwise continue to type "P" to the console.QUIT
The command (abbreviation Q) terminates execution of the program and returns control to the editing environment. Equivalent to BASIC's or . 01.10 FOR X=-10,1,10;TYPE X 01.20 QUITRETURN
The command (abbreviation R) branches execution from a subroutine back to the calling location. The use of is optional at the last line of a subroutine, a subroutine returns at the last line in the group anyway. The following is a sample subroutine for converting a yes/no prompt into a valuSET
The command (abbreviation S) assigns the results of an expression to the specified variable. Equivalent to BASIC's . 01.30 SET PI=3.14156 01.60 SET INTEREST=PRINCIPAL*(RATE/100)*TERMTYPE
The command (abbreviation T) provides for output of one or more items separated by commas. Equivalent to BASIC's . Items can be variables, literal strings surrounded by double-quotes, or a variety of control characters. The control characters include the to output a carriage return and line feed, for the carriage return alone, and for a tab character. Control characters can be strung together, for example, will output three CR/LFs without the need to separate them with commas. TYPE UMBERS, E1, "TEXT", !, #, :, $ OR %...OUTPUT 01.10 TYPE "HI THERE, GOOD LOOKING. HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU WANT TO BORROW?",! 01.50 TYPE "INTEREST",INTEREST,! 01.80 TYPE "THE INTEREST FOR",TERM," YEARS",!,"IS",INTEREST, " DOLLARS.",!! 01.90 TYPE "NEW YORK",!,"WASHINGTON",!,"ATLANTA",!,"DALLAS",! 02.10 TYPE "X",X," ","X^2",X^2," ","SQRT",FSQT(X) 03.20 TYPE ".",# 02.20 TYPE !!!!! also included an optional format specifier indicated using the format , where x is the number of digits to the left of the decimal, and yz is the number of digits to the right of the period. The default format was , meaning a maximum of eight digits and four to the right of the period. So, for example: SET A=67823 TYPE %6.01,A = 67823.0 TYPE %5,A = 67823 TYPE %8.03,A = 67823.000 TYPE %,A = 6.7823E4 Note the extra leading spaces in some examples, padding out the full defined width. Using % alone caused the output to be printed in "floating point format" using the E. A special control character was which caused a table of all defined variables and their values to be printed. Only the first two letters of the name will be printed, padded with a zero if need be. Arrays elements are printed on separate lines and variables with only one element will be indexed (00). For example: TYPE $ A0(00)=67823Variables
Variable names may start with any letter except F (F is reserved for functions) and may contain any sequence of letters and numbers. However, only the first two characters are significant. For example, the following code sample from ''FOCAL: A New Conversational Language'' refers to the same variable as DESTINATION and then DES. Internally, both references refer to a variable designated DE: 01.80 ASK DESTINATION 02.30 IF (DES-14) 2.4,3.1,2.4 Any variable may be treated as an array, allowing subscripts from -2048 through 204Math
FOCAL-69 contained five mathematical operators: * for exponents – the exponent is converted to a 12-bit integer * for multiplication * for division * for addition * for subtraction One curiosity of FOCAL was that the operators all had independent precedence, as in the order above. That means that the formula , it would be evaluated in the order 2-(3+1) and thus produce -2. This was very different than most languages, where the + and - had equal precedence and would be evaluated (2-3)+1 to produce 0. This can cause subtle errors when converting FOCAL source code to other systems. FOCAL was unusual in that mathematical expressions could use (), [], and <> interchangeably in matched pairs to establish precedence. For example, the following is a valid expression: 01.30 SET A=<10*[5+1]*(1+5)> All of these are the same level of precedence and read left-to-right when at the same level, so this statement will be evaluated [], then (), then <>, to produce 360. The language contained the following built-in functions: * – Absolute value * – Arctangent * – Cosine of argument in radians * – Natural base to the power of the argument * – Integer part of the argument * – Naperian log * – Random number * – Sign of the argument; FSGN(0)=1 in FOCAL-69, but FSGN(0)=0 in FOCAL-71 and later versions * – Sine of an angle given in radians * – Square rootOther functions
FOCAL also included several special-purpose functions: * took two values and plotted a dot on the screen of graphical terminals * read a value from a numbered analog input and returned an integer valueEnvironment commands
Running programs
FOCAL used in the editor to start a program. However, a rule-of-thumb was to shorten this to . This is the equivalent of in BASIC. can also be used in the editor to start execution at a specified line.Editing commands
New lines are entered into a program by simply starting the command with a line number. The editing commands wereERASE
(abbreviation E), MODIFY
(abbreviation M), and WRITE
(abbreviation W):
– zero out all variables; this is sometimes used in programs to reset them
* ERASE ''line number''
– delete the statement at a specified line
* ERASE ''group number''
– delete all statements in a specified group
– delete an entire program
* MODIFY ''line number''
– allow editing a specified line
* WRITE ''line number''
– display the statement at a specified line
* WRITE ''group number''
– display all statements in a specified group
– display a specified program
File commands
The file command was OPEN (abbreviation O): * – prepare to read from the start of a file * – prepare to write from the start of a file * – resume input * – resume output * – output the buffer and close a fileLibrary commands
FOCAL included the ability to manage collections of FOCAL programs as a code library. Programs could call other programs in a chain fashion usingLIBRARY CALL
, or call a single subroutine in another program using LIBRARY GOSUB
. Program names could be six characters long. The LIBRARY command (abbreviation L) had the following sub-commands:
* LIBRARY DELETE evice:'program name''
– delete a program
* LIBRARY LIST evice:file name]
– catalog
* LIBRARY RUN evice:'program name'' ine number
INE, Ine or ine may refer to:
* Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung, a German nuclear research center
* Instituto Nacional de Estadística (disambiguation)
* Instituto Nacional de Estatística (disambiguation)
* Instituto Nacional Elec ...
/code> – chain a program, optionally resuming at a specified line number
* LIBRARY SAVE evice:'program name''
– save a program
– return to the PDP-8 monitor program
FOCAL-71 added:
* LIBRARY CALL evice:'program name''
– load a program
* LIBRARY GOSUB evice:'program name'' roup number/code> – call a subroutine in an external program
Error codes
Since the interpreter lacked sufficient memory space to store error messages, or even a table of error numbers, FOCAL used a workaround by reporting the address of the error-detecting code as a fixed-point number. For example, the division by zero error was detected it would report , where 28.73 represents the code checking for this error at memory page 28 plus an offset of 73 words, and 01.10 is the line number where the error occurred. Pages in the PDP-8 were 128 bytes long, so this address translates to location 3657.
Changes between versions
DEC released three versions of FOCAL for the PDP-8 series, the original, known simply as FOCAL, and two updated versions,
FOCAL,1969 and FOCAL,1971. FOCAL,1969 was largely identical to the original, but FOCAL,1971 was major update that added file handling, new mathematics, and a variety of other changes. In contrast to the first two versions, which were stand-alone systems, FOCAL,1971 was based on the emerging OS/8 (then still known as PS/8) and relied more heavily on that operating system for file handling and editing.
One change in the new version was a 10-digit math package for added precision. The function now returned zero if the input expression evaluated to zero. Previously this would return one. The now used a better algorithm that produced more randomly distributed numbers. It also added the new function that took a string and returned its ASCII value (akin to BASIC's ) and which took a number and returned a string with that ASCII character ().
As all of these options used up limited memory, when started, FOCAL,1971 entered a dialog that asked the user what features they wanted to use.
Comparison with JOSS
FOCAL is, for all intents, a cleaned-up version of JOSS with changes to make the syntax terser and easier to parse. Almost all FOCAL commands have a one-to-one correspondence with JOSS and differ only in details. The most obvious change at first glance is that JOSS is case-insensitive and outputs keywords in mixed-case whereas JOSS was upper-case only. Additionally, JOSS statements end with a period, making them look like written statements, whereas JOSS has no required line-ending.
One major difference is that JOSS included a complete set of comparison operations and a boolean logic
In mathematics and mathematical logic, Boolean algebra is a branch of algebra. It differs from elementary algebra in two ways. First, the values of the variable (mathematics), variables are the truth values ''true'' and ''false'', usually denote ...
system that operated within and constructs. Furthermore, branches and loops could be applied to any statement, in contrast to FOCAL, where the only operation either could carry out was the equivalent to a goto. For example, in JOSS, one could:
1.10 Type A if X>10.
1.20 Type i for i=1(1)10.
The first line optionally prints A based on the value of X, and the second prints the numbers 1 to 10. In contrast, FOCAL lacked the ability to compare values, and loops were applied by skipping to the next line when they completed. The equivalent code in FOCAL would be:
1.10 IF (X-10) ,,1.30
1.20 TYPE A!
1.30 FOR I=1,1,10;TYPE I,!
JOSS' implementation makes common constructs easier to build and more closely match a programmer's intentions, at the cost of making the runtime more complex. For example, JOSS allowed ranges in loops to be described in a flexible fashion like 1,2,3,10(5)50,75,78. This flexibility comes at a cost; in FOCAL the start, stop, and step can be written in a custom in-memory structure and easily updated as the loop is performed, whereas JOSS requires it to reevaluate an expression that may be, but often isn't, more complex.
In order to make the code terser in FOCAL, changes were relatively minor. For example, JOSS' becomes the slightly smaller FOCAL , while becomes . Command keywords were also shortened where possible, so JOSS' becomes FOCAL's , both to make it shorter and to allow the letter D to be uniquely used for .
To simplify the parser, some FOCAL options were removed. For example, JOSS could perform multiple assignments with while in FOCAL these had to be made individual statements, . Likewise, JOSS' , used to format output, was combined into FOCAL's with the .
Comparison with BASIC
Comparisons between FOCAL and BASIC were inevitable since both languages were common on minicomputer
A minicomputer, or colloquially mini, is a class of smaller general purpose computers that developed in the mid-1960s and sold at a much lower price than mainframe and mid-size computers from IBM and its direct competitors. In a 1970 survey, ...
s of the same era, and the two languages have much in common in syntax and structure. In most cases, there is a direct conversion of FOCAL code to and from BASIC. For example, to ask a user to input a value, in FOCAL one would:
ASK "What is your age?",AGE
while in BASIC the equivalent is:
With the exception of a few features that were missing from one or the other, and some relatively minor differences in syntax, the two languages are very similar.
One notable exception is the in BASIC, which allowed any statement to be placed after the , making it more similar with JOSS' control structures. BASIC reversed the ordering of the code compared to JOSS, placing the conditional expression at the start of the line rather than the end; in BASIC one uses whereas FOCAL used , as in JOSS. BASIC's version has the advantage that the runtime could immediately abort reading the rest of the statement if the expression was not true. In contrast, FOCAL's was more like BASIC's computed goto, , but the allowed any number of lines as targets, as opposed to only three for negative, zero and positive as in JOSS and FOCAL.
Another major difference between the two is that FOCAL lacked inherent support for strings as data elements that could be assigned to variables. As was the case in early BASICs or FORTRAN versions before the addition of strings (in F77), this limitation was generally avoided through the use of literal strings in input and output commands. It was only when manipulating individual strings, or characters in them, that this became a significant problem.
As string variables were not supported, inputting a string used a kludge that converted any characters typed in by a user to their numeric character value. For example, if one typed at an input statement, FOCAL would convert the H to "8", the numeric value of "H" in the PDP-8's six-bit character codes ("H" is the eighth letter). It would then interpret the "E" as starting an exponent, then it would try to compute "8" to the "LLO" power, which would take several seconds of CPU time and result in a value of 0.76593020E+103, not a helpful response. Nevertheless, by asking questions that would be responded to using single-letter responses, like "Do you need instructions, Y or N", programmers could test the result against known character values to produce what looked like character input.
FOCAL's PDP-8 implementation used a floating point representation that represented numbers as four 12-bit words, forty-eight bits in total, with thirty-six bits of mantissa and twelve bits of exponent. This allowed for both significantly higher precision and a significantly wider range of values than most contemporary interpreters, making FOCAL a reasonable choice for serious numerical work. This high precision, and good choices for default decimal output formatting, meant that difficulties with binary-to-decimal rounding were not evident to beginning users. For comparison, Microsoft BASIC initially used a 32-bit format, while later versions expanded this to 40-bits. Most BASICs had problems with rounding that led to simple equations resulting in tiny non-zero remainders.
It is generally agreed that FOCAL was more efficient in its use of resources than comparable BASIC systems. On a typical machine of the day, often with 6 to 24 kilobytes of magnetic-core memory, FOCAL could handle larger and more complex programming tasks than BASIC.
Versions and spinoffs
The Coca-Cola Corporation used a customized version of FOCAL called COKE.
FOCAL was later implemented on the PDP-7, PDP-9, PDP-10, PDP-11, PDP-12, PDP-5 and LINC-8.
The FOCAL manual showed how to add commands to the FOCAL parser, so many sites added specialized commands for operating custom hardware.
The Digital Equipment Computer Users' Society
The Digital Equipment Computer Users' Society (DECUS) was an independent computer user group related to Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). The Connect User Group Community, formed from the consolidation in May, 2008 of DECUS, Encompass, HP-I ...
collected many patches and enhancements for FOCAL. There were even major enhanced offshoots of FOCAL, such as FOCAL-W, which added many features, including better mass storage file I/O and even virtual variable memory.
In the mid 1970s DELTA was a more sophisticated version of FOCAL. Program line numbers went from 00 to 99 "parts" and 000000 to 999999 "steps" executed in alphanumeric order. DELTA had some specialized commands for the Tektronix 4010/14 display scope.
In Russia, it saw use as late as the early 1990s in mass-produced home computers of the Electronika BK
The Electronika BK is a series of 16-bit PDP-11-compatible home computers developed under the Electronika brand by NPO Scientific Center, then the leading microcomputer design team in the Soviet Union. It is also the predecessor of the more power ...
Microsoft sold a version of FOCAL supplied on paper-tape. According to Raymond Chen, the master tape is missing and FOCAL is no longer available.
Example code
The original Lunar Lander makes an excellent example for examining FOCAL code, as it uses most of the features of the language. This code is from the original, found o
Jim Storer's Lunar Lander page
S A=120;S V=1;S M=32500;S N=16500;S G=.001;S Z=1.8
T " ",%3,L," ",FITR(A)," ",%4,5280*(A-FITR(A))
T %6.02," ",3600*V," ",%6.01,M-N," K=";A K;S T=10
T %7.02;I (200-K)2.72;I (8-K)3.1,3.1;I (K)2.72,3.1
T "NOT POSSIBLE";F X=1,51;T "."
T "K=";A K;G 2.7
I (M-N-.001)4.1;I (T-.001)2.1;S S=T
I ((N+S*K)-M)3.5,3.5;S S=(M-N)/K
D 9;I (I)7.1,7.1;I (V)3.8,3.8;I (J)8.1
D 6;G 3.1
S S=(FSQT(V*V+2*A*G)-V)/G;S V=V+G*S;S L=L+S
T "ON THE MOON AT",L," SECS"!;S W=3600*V
I (1-W)5.5,5.5:T "PERFECT LANDING !-(LUCKY)"!;G 5.9
I (10-W)5.6,5.6;T "GOOD LANDING-(COULD BE BETTER)"!;G 5.9
I (40-W)5.81,5.81;T "CRAFT DAMAGE. GOOD LUCK"!;G 5.9
I (60-W)5.82,5.82;T "CRASH LANDING-YOU'VE 5 HRS OXYGEN"!;G 5.9
T !!!!"TRY AGAIN?"!
A "(ANS. YES OR NO)"P;I (P-0NO)5.94,5.98
I (P-0YES)5.92,1.2,5.92
I (S-.005)5.1;S S=2*A/(V+FSQT(V*V+2*A*(G-Z*K/M)))
D 9;D 6;G 7.1
S W=(1-M*G/(Z*K))/2;S S=M*V/(Z*K*(W+FSQT(W*W+V/Z)))+.05;D 9
I (I)7.1,7.1;D 6;I (-J)3.1,3.1;I (V)3.1,3.1,8.1
S Q=S*K/M;S J=V+G*S+Z*(-Q-Q^2/2-Q^3/3-Q^4/4-Q^5/5)
S I=A-G*S*S/2-V*S+Z*S*(Q/2+Q^2/6+Q^3/12+Q^4/20+Q^5/30)
The program is cleanly separated into many subroutines. This was almost universal in FOCAL programs (and JOSS), as the line number scheme made such constructs easy to use. This program uses nine routines. The first, group 1, simply prints out the instructions using the ype statement and sets the initial values for the run. The mass of fuel is not recorded directly, instead, it uses the current ass and empty mass, , so the remaining fuel is and the lander runs out of fuel when is 0. Also note the rase at the end of line , which resets all the variable values.
The main game loop is driven by group 2. As the code "falls" through group 1 into group 2 during the first run, the initial values are printed out in the first two lines. Near the end of line , the user is sked to input the burn rate as , and then the loop timer is reset using . Line tests the user's input against several possibilities, if it is over 200 or below 8 it types "NOT POSSIBLE" and a row of periods, and then loops back to ask the user to try again. If the value is between these values, it jumps forward to group 3. Note that the limited capabilities of FOCAL's command are evident here, in BASIC this could be reduced to a single
Group 3 first tests to see if the fuel has run out, and jumps to group 4 if it has. Then it tests if the 10-second period in has expired and, if so, loops back to print everything out again, which has the side-effect of resetting and to 10. Line tests to see if the amount of fuel burned this period, , will reduce the mass of the vehicle as a whole, , beyond the empty weight, N. If not, it moves on, if it will, it instead sets the loop timer to the amount of time the remaining fuel will burn, thus ending the loop early. In either case, it calls group 9 to update the velocity and position. It then loops over groups 7, 8 and 9 until the value of I converges.
When the 10-second timer runs out, or it reaches the end due to the fuel test in line or the altitude test in . In the latter cases, it will jump to group 4 and fall through to group 5, or jump to group 5 directly. Group 5 types the end-of-game results and then asks the user if they'd like to try again. If so, it jumps to to clear out all values and print the headers again, if not if falls through to and uits.
See also
* JOSS, the Rand language that inspired FOCAL
MUMPS ("Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System"), or M, is an imperative, high-level programming language with an integrated transaction processing key–value database. It was originally developed at Massachusetts Gener ...
, a data-manipulation language based on JOSS and FOCAL concepts
External links
* tp://ftp.pdp8.net/software/games/focal/ FOCAL source code FOCAL source for several programs, including Lunar Lander, Sumer Game, and others
DEC's FOCAL 1969 Promotional Booklet
The Computer History Simulation Project (Focal is available as a free download here)
*ftp://www.cozx.com/pub/langs/focal.tar.gz C-source version that runs under several operating systems, including Linux
the C-source for a modern DOS version suitable for teaching
(in Russian)
(in Russian)
Фокал снаружи и изнутри. (пишется)
– FOCAL outside and inside. (in progress) (in Russian)
Файл справки к фокалу-1б
– Help file for FOCAL-1B (in Russian)
{{Digital Equipment Corporation
JOSS programming language family
Digital Equipment Corporation