The Prize
Th2008 winners
* Santiago SÁNCHEZ-AGUSTINO RODRÍGUEZ * José María MUÑOA GANUZA * Associação Nacional de Municípios Portugueses * Kärntner Konsensgruppe * Duna TV, Duna Televízió * Verein zur Förderung des Städtepartnerschaft Leipzig-Travnik * Lajos OSZLARI * AEDE-Canarias *2010 winners
* Jugendhilfsorganisation Schüler Helfen Leben * Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmów Młodego Widza Ale Kino! * Ing. Wolfgang NEUMANN * Margit Ricarda Rolf - Mobbing-Zentrale - Germany * Union européenne des étudiants juifs * Csaba Böjte * Lothar CZOSSEK * Fate VELAJ * Elżbieta LECH-GOTTHARD *2012 winners
* Albergo Etico * Arbeitskreis Schule Rhauderfehn e. V. * Biagio Conte (missionario), Biagio Conte * Congresso Ibérico de Jovens Engenheiros * Colours of Carinthia — Franz Tomazic (Projektleitung für die Personengruppe), Karlheinz FESSL, Christian BRANDSTÄTTER, Erich KUGI, Lojze WIESER * DEFRIT * Deutsch-Französische Gesellschaft Montabaur e.V. * Dr. Christoph Leitl * ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ Περιβάλλοντος και Πολιτισμού * Ekipa projekta Simbioz@ * Eurofeesten Geel 2012 * Europäische Vereinigung für Eifel und Ardennen * Giovanni RIEFOLO * Gisela PATERKIEWICZ * Jacek ŁUCZAK * Jeunes Européens — France * Kató Béla, református lelkész, püspökhelyettes * Latvijas Lauku sieviešu apvienība, padomes priekšsēdētāja, Rasma Freimane * Lovro Šturm * Mgr. Victor GRECH * Μουσικό Εργαστήρι "ΛΑΒΥΡΙΝΘΟΣ" * PassodopoPasso * Paul BRUSSON * Петър Петров, България (Peter Petrov, Bulgaria) * Πέτρος ΣΟΥΠΠΟΥΡHΣ και Huseyin AKANSOY * Polska Federacja Ruchów Obrony Życia * Róka GYULA * Sophie ROSSEELS * Stichting Werkgroep Polen * Stolperstein * Stowarzyszenie św. Celestyna * Stowarzyszenie WIOSNA * Symon KLIMAN * Szekely JANOS * UNITALSI * Vanhustyön keskusliitto — Centralförbundet för de gamlas väl ry * Vencer o Tempo, Associação para a Educação e Prevenção da Saúde2013 winners
* Alicja Kobus * Biruta Eglīte * Boris Pahor * Children’s International Summer Villages (CISV International) * Daniel Vogelmann, publisher * Д-р Милен Врабевски, председател на Фондация Българска Памет * Dr. Klaus Wilkens * Elke Jeanrond-Premauer * Eugenia Bonetti, Presidente 'Slaves No More Onlus', missionaria della Consolata, coordinatrice Ufficio Tratta Donne e Minori dell'USMI * Euregioschool: leren van de buurtaal door en voor uitwisseling * Lobby européen des femmes * Gábor Farkas * GAA Cumann Lúthchleas Gael * Hans Zohren * Heikki Huttunen/Suomen Ekumeeninen Neuvosto * Hela Sverige ska leva * Ioana Avadani * Jacek Glomb * Junge Europäische Bewegung * Kuoreveden nuorisoseura Nysäry * Mag.a (FH) Ursula Kapfenberger-Poindl, DI Hermann Hansy, Karl G Becker, DI Reinhard M. Weitzer, DI Andreas Weiß (allesamt Regionalmanager in Niederösterreich) * Matthias Zürl * Mehmet Emin Eminoglu & Άντρια Κυπριανού * Εθνικό Κέντρο Άμεσης Βοήθειας (EKAB) Κρήτης * Nistor Elena * Plataforma Afectados por la Hipoteca * Professor Richard Demarco * Puttinu Cares Children`s Cancer Support Group * Raoul Wallenberg Egyesület * Real Academia de la Lengua Vasca – Euskaltzaindia * Associazione "Avvocato di strada" (Street Lawyers) ONLUS * * Teatr Arka * Ośrodek 'Brama Grodzka - Teatr NN' * The AIRE Centre * Urmo Kübar (Executive Director, Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations) * Г-н Валери Нисимов Петров * Valeriu Nicolae * Association Vents et marées * Via Euregio * Working Together (représentée par M. Laurent Rouillon) * Youthnet Hellas * ZZI - Zentrum der zeitgemäßen Initiativen Austria2014 winners
* Prof. Anna Wolff-Powęska *2015 winners
* Antoine Deltour * Carole Roberts * Člověk v tísni * Davide Martello * Davidovics László * Die gewollte Donau * Don Michele De Paolis (EMMAUS) * Drago Jančar * Eva Siracká * Euriade e.V. * Fundación Barraquer * Fundacja Integracji Społecznej PROM * Fundacja Oswoić Los * Gaia Ferrara * Gemeinsam leben und lernen in Europa e.V. * Stichting Heart for Romania * Hrvatska gorska služba spašavanja * Ikäihmisten olohuone * Innovaction * Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr * Istituto di Medicina Solidale Onlus * Katri Raik * Κοινωνική Κουζίνα - ο Άλλος Άνθρωπος * La Ciudad Accesible * Asociacija „Lietuvos neįgaliųjų forumas“ * Lydia Foy * Maria Manuela Ramalho Eanes * Mário João de Oliveira Ruivo * Medici con l'Africa CUAMM * Miskolci Speciális Felderítő és Mentőcsoport * Μητροπολιτικό Κοινωνικό Ιατρείο Ελληνικού * Netzwerk sozialer Zusammenhalt * Народно читалище „Бъдеще сега 2006" * PAMINA Nachwuchsschwimmfest * PhDr. Marek Hrubec, PhD. * Rafel Shamri * Richmond Foundation * Romska Ungdomsförbundet * Rūta Dimanta * Schone Kleren Campagne * Serge Laborderie * SLYNCS * Τάκης Χατζηδημτρίου και Ali Tuncay * Territoires de la Mémoire * Tessy Fautsch * Tina Ellen Lee * Tomo Križnar * Yves D. Robert2016 winners
* ADRA Česká republika * Dennis ARVANITAKIS * Asociacija «Medardo Čoboto Trečiojo amžiaus universitetas» * Associazione Pegaso * BALAZS Major * Aleksandra BANASIAK * Iordan Gheorghe BĂRBULESCU * Evgen Angel BAVČAR * Berufliches Schulzentrum Wurzen; Frau Gabriele Hertel *2017 winners
* Αικατερίνη Παναγοπούλου * Αμερίκος Αργυρίου * Антони Стоянов * Agence de Développement rural Europe et Territoires * Border Communities against Brexit * Μπορούμε * Brexpats - Hear our voice * Bürger Europas * Buscant Alternatives * CERMI (Comité español de representantes de personas con discapacidad) * Charita Česká Republika * Cristian Pantazi * Davide Sousa Moura * Don Virginio Rigoldi * Ewa Dados * Fondazione Opera Immacolata Concezione ONLUS * Foróige * Għaqda Każini tal-Banda * "Glaskunst langs de Maas" van Stichting Ecrevissecomité Obbicht * Hej Främling! * Herta Hoffmann * Hope for girls * Hrvatska udruga Transplant * Ján Benčík * Junge Aktion der Ackermann-Gemeinde * Labdarības maratona “Dod Pieci” komanda * Lietuvos moterų lobistinė organizacija * Mazowieckie Stowarzyszenie Pracy dla Niepełnosprawnych „De Facto” * Médecins du monde - Belgique * Mihály Bencze * Mosaik * Mouvement du Nid / Délégation du Bas-Rhin * Pescatori siciliani di Mazara del Vallo * Plataforma de afectados por Hepatitis C * Plataforma de Apoio aos Refugiados * PRAKSIS * Pulse of Europe * Robert Hébras * Saint-Omer Cricket Club Stars * SámiSoster ry * Stowarzyszenie Drogami Tischnera * Strom života * Students and Refugees Together (START) - Avril Bellinger * Széll Tamás * Szilárd István * Teeme Ära * Teresa de Sousa * Tvrtko Barun * #VORREIPRENDEREILTRENO ONLUS * ZDUS - Zveza društev upokojencev Slovenije2020 winners
- Paraplü - EuroBabble - Generation Climate Europe - Medea/ Snezhina Petrova, Legal Art Centre - See Through Music/ Melina Krumoa, Foundation "Music for Bulgaria" - BORANKA (PAINT IT BACK) - Social Mediation in Practice (ICLAIM) - Culture meets volunteerisim (Kostas Vichas) - CIIRC CTU Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague - Read aloud - EKOenergy ecolabel - Association Banlieue Santé - Opération #Enmodedeconfiné - 91st International Session of the European Youth Parliament - Symbiosis - Oltalom karitativ egyesület / Gabor IVANYI - Keresztény társadalmi elvek a gazdaságban posztgraduális képzés / Laura Sarolta BARITZ (Post-graduate course in Christian Social Principles in the Economy) - Irish Girl Guides Europe Badge - Family Careers Ireland - Le Voci della Memoria (Voices of Remembrance) - Organizācijas "ManaBalss" - digitālās platformas pilsoniskajāi līdzdalībai - Pizza4doctors - #AllDagEngBA / #BitzDoheem - Lockdown Festival - Stichting Geen Grens (No borders) - Inicjatywa Wolne Sady (Free Courts Initiative) - Education for active citizenship, youth empowerment and skills development - Developing the Romanian National Child Cancer Registry - Olympiáda ľudských práv (Human Rights Olympiad) - Neighbourhood Solidarity Networks Somos Tribu VK (Puente de Vallecas) - We are tribe VK - Yalla Trappan2021 winners
- eljub European Youth Encounters - Paars (Purple) - TheMayor.EU - The European Portal for Cities and Citizens - With One Dream United - Documentary films: ‘Our Wall’ and ‘My Homeland’ - Masaryk University Volunteer Centre MUNI HELPS - European Debate Initiative - Youth English Club - The volunteers (about 800) of the Crises Helpline - Franco-German citizens’ dialogue on strengthening cross-border cooperation - International Youth Theatre Festival ‘Wilde Mischung’ (‘Mad Mix’) in Schwäbisch Hall - ELEPAP Rehabilitation for those with disabilities - Emergency Exit operation – international educational cooperation - Too Into You campaign by Women's Aid - FROLLA Microbiscottificio micro biscuit factory - Activity to support residents of Belarus - Liene Dambina - Mano Guru - RespectEachOther - Monument of Mercy - Project Phoenix of Stichting AeroDelft - Defending the dignity and independence of judges fighting for judicial independence in Poland - UMP - Uniao das Misericórdias - Geofolk - Zmudri Civics stream - Kristina Modic and Dr Samo Zver – For solidarity and pan-European health progress for cancer patients - Villa de Moya volunteers for the reception and integration of illegal migrants - The Navet (‘Hub’) Association in Bergsjön and its Collaborative Creation Project2022 winners
- Civil courage – Initiative against the deportation of schoolgirls - My talents. for diversity - The Coordination Centre of Promote Ukraine - FUND 5.5 - OXYGONO (Cyprus Forum & Nomoplatform) - Charita Znojmo’s humanitarian assistance to Ukraine - #HolkyzMarketingu - Europe Dialogue - Assisting Ukraine and ‘Ukraina heaks!’ (For Ukraine) initiative - InteRadional - ApplicAid - Doctors of the World - Greece: Emergency response to humanitarian crisis - Miklós Both, folk song collector - Jigsaw Pandemic Response - Connect Migrant Youth - #siamotuttelaura - Young people remember the Shoah – SOS UKRAINE - Hospiss LV - BLUE/YELLOW - Slava Ukrayini Luxembourg - The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation - News checkers (‘Nieuwscheckers’) - José Andrés, the chef that feeds the refugees of the war in Ukraine - Volunteers Without Borders’ – refugees from Ukraine - Tampinhas’ bottle cap project - Support for refugee children from Ukraine - Europe in a Cube (Kniha Európa v Kocke) - Legal Network for the Protection of Democracy - Customer Service in Bank Branches· ‘#SOY MAYOR, NO IDIOTA’ - ANAR 116000 Helpline for missing childrenSee also
{{Orders, decorations, and medals of the European Union 2008 establishments in the European Union European awards European Parliament Governance and civic leadership awards Orders, decorations, and medals of the European Union