Bibliography of advertising



This is a bibliography of advertising.


*Bhatia, Tej K. 2007. Advertising and marketing in rural India. Macmillan India. * Bhatia, Tej K. 2000. ''Advertising in Rural India: Language, Marketing Communication, and Consumerism''. Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Tokyo Press: Japan. * Arthur Richards, Kent US (2008) Teacher, Pirate, renaissance man * Clark, Eric, "The Want Makers", Viking, 1988. * Cook, Guy (2001 2nd edition) "The Discourse of Advertising", London: Routledge, * Graydon, Shari (2003) "Made You Look - How Advertising Works and Why You Should Know", Toronto: Annick Press, * Johnson, J. Douglas, "Advertising Today", Chicago: Science Research Associates, 1978. * * Kleppner, Otto, "Advertising Procedure", Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall, 1966. * Kotabe, Masaki and Kristiaan Helsen, ''Global Marketing Management, 3rd Edition'', John Wiley & Sopns, Inc, publishers, Copyright 2004, * Laermer, Richard; Simmons, Mark, ''Punk Marketing'', New York: Harper Collins, 2007. (Review of the book by Marilyn Scrizzi, in ''Journal of Consumer Marketing'' 24(7), 2007) * Lears, Jackson, ''Fables of Abundance: A Cultural History of Advertising in America'', Basic Books, 1995, * Leon, Jose Luis (1996) "Los effectos de la publicidad". Barcelona: Ariel, * Leon, Jose Luis (2001) "Mitoanálisis de la publicidad". Barcelona. Ariel, * McFall, Liz, ''Advertising: A Cultural Economy'', Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc., 2004. * Mulvihill, Donald F.
"Marketing Research for the Small Company"
Journal of Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 2, Oct., 1951, pp. 179–183. * Packard, Vance, ''The Hidden Persuaders'', New York, D. McKay Co., 1957. * Petley, Julian (2002) "Advertising". North Mankato, Minnesota: Smart Apple Media, * Young, Charles E., ''The Advertising Handbook'', Ideas in Flight, Seattle, WA April 2005, * Wernick, Andrew (1991) "Promotional Culture: Advertising, Ideology and Symbolic Expression (Theory, Culture & Society S.)", London: Sage Publications Ltd, * West, Nancy M. Kodak and the Lens of Nostalgia (2000) Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press


* Achbar, Mark (editor), ''Manufacturing consent : Noam Chomsky and the media: the companion book to the award-winning film by Peter Wintonick and Mark Achbar'', Montreal; New York: Black Rose Books, 1994. * Baines, Paul. (2001) "A Pie in the Face" in Alternatives Journal, Spring 2001 v. 27 i. 2 p. 14. Retrieved: InfoTrac Web: Expanded Academic ASAP plus. (24/07/2002). * Boiler, David in: Silent Theft. The Private Plunder of Our Common Wealth, Routledge, New York, February 2003, , * Chomsky, Noam, (edited by Peter R. Mitchell and John Schoeffel) ''Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky'', New York: The New Press, 2002. Cf. "An Exchange on Manufacturing Consent" * De Certeau, Michel. (1984) The Practice of Everyday Life. Berkeley, London: University of California Press. * Fraser, Nancy. (2000) "Rethinking the Public Sphere: A contribution to the critique of actually existing democracy" in S. During (ed), The Cultural Studies Reader. London and New York: Routledge. * Goldman, Debra. (1999) "Consumer Republic" in Adweek.Com, Nov 22, 1999 v36 i47 p13. Retrieved: (8/08/2002). * Habermas, Jürgen. (c1989) The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: an Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. * Harkin, James. (1996) "The Logos Fight Back" in New Statesman, June 18, 2001 v130 i4542 p 25. Retrieved: InfoTrac Web: Expanded Academic ASAP plus. (8/08/2002). * Hodge, R. and Kress, G. (1988) Social Semiotics. Cambridge: Polity Press. * Holt, D. (2002) "Why Brands Cause Trouble? A dialectical theory of Consumer Culture and Branding" in Journal of Consumer Research, June 2002 v29 i1 p 70(21). Retrieved: InfoTrac Web: Expanded Academic ASAP plus. (29/07/2002). * Horkheimer, Max and Adorno, Theodor W. (1973) Dialectic of Enlightenment. London: Allen Lane. * Jhully, Sut. (2006) The Spectacle of Accumulation. Essays in Media. Culture & Politics, Peter Lang Publishing (June 24, 2006), , * Jhully, Sut (1990) The Codes of Advertising: Fetishism and the political Economy of Meaning, Routledge; 1 edition (December 12, 1990), , * Jhully, Sut, Leiss, William, Kline, Stephen, Botterill, Jacqueline (2005): Social Communication in Advertising: Consumption in the Mediated Marketplace, Routledge; 3 edition (September 28, 2005), , * Kilbourne, Jean: Can't Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel, Free Press; 1 edition (November 2, 2000), * Klein, Naomi. (2000) '' No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies''. New York: Picador, * Korten, David. (1995) When Corporations Rule the World. 2. Edition 2001: Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, California, * Lasch, Christopher. The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations, Norton, New York, * Lasn, Kalle. (2000) Culture Jam: how to reverse America's suicidal consumer binge - and why we must, Harper Paperbacks (November 7, 2000), . * Lasn, Kalle. (1999) Culture Jam: The Uncooling of America, William Morrow & Company; 1st edition (November 1999), * Lees, Loretta, (1998) "Urban Renaissance and the Street" in Nicholas R. Fyfe (ed) Images of the Street: Planning, Identity and Control in Public Space. London; New York: Routledge. * Leiss, William: (1990) Social Communication in Advertising, Routledge; 2 edition (July 27, 1990), , * Lemke, Jay L. (1995) Textual Politics: Discourse and Social Dynamics. London: Taylor & Francis. * Livingston, Sonia and Lunt, Peter. (1994) Talk on Television: Audience Participation and Public Debate. London & New York: Routledge. * Louw, Eric. (2001) The Media and Cultural Production. London: Sage Publications. * McChesney, Robert W., Stolzfus, Duane C. S. and Nerone, John C, (2007) Freedom from Advertising: E. W. Scripps's Chicago Experiment (History of Communication), Univ of Illinois Pr (March 30, 2007) * McChesney, Robert W. “The Political Economy of Media: Enduring Issues, Emerging Dilemmas”. Monthly Review Press, New York, (May 1, 2008), * Prothers, Lisa (1998
"Culture Jamming: An Interview with Pedro Carvajal" in '' Bad Subjects: Political Education for Everyday Life'', Issue #37, March 1998. * Rorty, James: '' Our Master's Voice: Advertising'' Ayer Co Pub, 1976, * Sinclair, Upton (1919): The Brass Check * Stuart, Ewen. Captains of Consciousness: Advertising and the Social Roots of the Consumer Culture, Basic Books, , * Williamson, Judith (1994): Decoding Advertisements (Ideas in Progress), Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd (March 1, 1994), , {{ISBN, 978-0-7145-2615-7 Bibliography advertising