Édouard Lacroix



Édouard Lacroix (January 6, 1889 – January 19, 1963) was a politician and business person in
Quebec Quebec ( ; )According to the Government of Canada, Canadian government, ''Québec'' (with the acute accent) is the official name in Canadian French and ''Quebec'' (without the accent) is the province's official name in Canadian English is ...
Canada Canada is a country in North America. Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering over , making it the world's second-largest country by tota ...


He was born on January 6, 1889, in
Sainte-Marie, Quebec Sainte-Marie is a city in the province of Quebec, Canada. It is the seat of the Municipalité régionale de la Nouvelle-Beauce, in Chaudière-Appalaches. The population was 13,134 as of the Canada 2021 Census, and was 95.7% French-speaking as o ...
. At the age of twelve he began working in United States lumber camps along the
Maine Maine () is a U.S. state, state in the New England and Northeastern United States, Northeastern regions of the United States. It borders New Hampshire to the west, the Gulf of Maine to the southeast, and the Provinces and territories of Canad ...
border, where he learned the logging trade. He returned to
Saint-Georges, Quebec Saint-Georges () is a city in the province of Quebec. It is the seat of Beauce-Sartigan Regional County Municipality, part of the Chaudière-Appalaches region. The population was 32,935 as of the Canada 2021 Census. Route 173 runs through Sain ...
, at the age of sixteen and formed his own company in 1911. He made career in forestry and opened a lumber plant in Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine.

Member of Parliament

Lacroix ran as a Liberal candidate in the district of Beauce in the 1925 federal election and won. He was re-elected in the
1926 Events January * January 3 – Theodoros Pangalos (general), Theodoros Pangalos declares himself dictator in Greece. * January 8 **Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud is crowned King of Kingdom of Hejaz, Hejaz. ** Bảo Đại, Crown Prince Nguyễn P ...
1930 Events January * January 15 – The Moon moves into its nearest point to Earth, called perigee, at the same time as its fullest phase of the Lunar Cycle. This is the closest moon distance at in recent history, and the next one will be ...
1935 Events January * January 7 – Italian premier Benito Mussolini and French Foreign Minister Pierre Laval conclude an agreement, in which each power agrees not to oppose the other's colonial claims. * January 12 – Amelia Earhart bec ...
and 1940 elections. In September 1939, Lacroix and fellow Quebec Liberal MP Liguori Lacombe introduced an amendment calling for Canadian "non-participation" in the Second World War, reflecting some reluctance in French Canada to join Britain in war. The two MPs, who proved to be the amendment's only supporters, were condemned in a ''
Globe and Mail ''The Globe and Mail'' is a Canadian newspaper printed in five cities in western and central Canada. With a weekly readership of approximately 2 million in 2015, it is Canada's most widely read newspaper on weekdays and Saturdays, although it f ...
'' editorial the following day as "two French-Canadians who gained eternal distinction by an attitude unworthy of their people and country." Via
Canadian Museum of Civilization The Canadian Museum of History (french: Musée canadien de l’histoire) is a national museum on anthropology, Canadian history, cultural studies, and ethnology in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. The purpose of the museum is to promote the heritage ...
digital collections.
He left the Liberals and joined the Bloc Populaire Canadien on February 18, 1943. He resigned his seat on July 11, 1944, to switch to provincial politics.

Provincial politics

Lacroix, who had been a supporter of the Action libérale nationale in the 1930s, successfully ran as a Bloc Populaire candidate in the provincial district of Beauce in the 1944 provincial election. He never took his seat at the Legislative Assembly. He resigned and left politics on May 14, 1945.


He died on January 19, 1963.


External links

* 1889 births 1963 deaths Bloc populaire canadien MPs Bloc populaire MNAs Liberal Party of Canada MPs Members of the House of Commons of Canada from Quebec Persons of National Historic Significance (Canada) People from Sainte-Marie, Quebec French Quebecers {{Liberal-Quebec-MP-stub