
In mathematics, birational geometry is a field of algebraic geometry in which the goal is to determine when two algebraic varieties are isomorphic outside lower-dimensional subsets. This amounts to studying mappings that are given by rational functions rather than polynomials; the map may fail to be defined where the rational functions have poles. Birational maps Rational maps A rational map from one variety (understood to be irreducible) X to another variety Y, written as a dashed arrow , is defined as a morphism from a nonempty open subset U \subset X to Y. By definition of the Zariski topology used in algebraic geometry, a nonempty open subset U is always dense in X, in fact the complement of a lower-dimensional subset. Concretely, a rational map can be written in coordinates using rational functions. Birational maps A birational map from ''X'' to ''Y'' is a rational map such that there is a rational map inverse to ''f''. A birational map induces an isomorphism from a ...
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Rational Mapping
In mathematics, in particular the subfield of algebraic geometry, a rational map or rational mapping is a kind of partial function between algebraic varieties. This article uses the convention that varieties are irreducible. Definition Formal definition Formally, a rational map f \colon V \to W between two varieties is an equivalence class of pairs (f_U, U) in which f_U is a morphism of varieties from a non-empty open set U\subset V to W, and two such pairs (f_U, U) and (_, U') are considered equivalent if f_U and _ coincide on the intersection U \cap U' (this is, in particular, vacuously true if the intersection is empty, but since V is assumed irreducible, this is impossible). The proof that this defines an equivalence relation relies on the following lemma: * If two morphisms of varieties are equal on some non-empty open set, then they are equal. f is said to be birational if there exists a rational map g \colon W \to V which is its inverse, where the composition is taken i ...
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Projective Variety
In algebraic geometry, a projective variety over an algebraically closed field ''k'' is a subset of some projective ''n''-space \mathbb^n over ''k'' that is the zero-locus of some finite family of homogeneous polynomials of ''n'' + 1 variables with coefficients in ''k'', that generate a prime ideal, the defining ideal of the variety. Equivalently, an algebraic variety is projective if it can be embedded as a Zariski closed subvariety of \mathbb^n. A projective variety is a projective curve if its dimension is one; it is a projective surface if its dimension is two; it is a projective hypersurface if its dimension is one less than the dimension of the containing projective space; in this case it is the set of zeros of a single homogeneous polynomial. If ''X'' is a projective variety defined by a homogeneous prime ideal ''I'', then the quotient ring :k _0, \ldots, x_nI is called the homogeneous coordinate ring of ''X''. Basic invariants of ''X'' such as the degree and the dim ...
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Rational Variety
In mathematics, a rational variety is an algebraic variety, over a given field ''K'', which is birationally equivalent to a projective space of some dimension over ''K''. This means that its function field is isomorphic to :K(U_1, \dots , U_d), the field of all rational functions for some set \ of indeterminates, where ''d'' is the dimension of the variety. Rationality and parameterization Let ''V'' be an affine algebraic variety of dimension ''d'' defined by a prime ideal ''I'' = ⟨''f''1, ..., ''f''''k''⟩ in K _1, \dots , X_n/math>. If ''V'' is rational, then there are ''n'' + 1 polynomials ''g''0, ..., ''g''''n'' in K(U_1, \dots , U_d) such that f_i(g_1/g_0, \ldots, g_n/g_0)=0. In order words, we have a x_i=\frac(u_1,\ldots,u_d) of the variety. Conversely, such a rational parameterization induces a field homomorphism of the field of functions of ''V'' into K(U_1, \dots , U_d). But this homomorphism is not necessarily onto. If such a parameterization ...
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Minimal Model Program
In algebraic geometry, the minimal model program is part of the birational classification of algebraic varieties. Its goal is to construct a birational model of any complex projective variety which is as simple as possible. The subject has its origins in the classical birational geometry of surfaces studied by the Italian school, and is currently an active research area within algebraic geometry. Outline The basic idea of the theory is to simplify the birational classification of varieties by finding, in each birational equivalence class, a variety which is "as simple as possible". The precise meaning of this phrase has evolved with the development of the subject; originally for surfaces, it meant finding a smooth variety X for which any birational morphism f\colon X \to X' with a smooth surface X' is an isomorphism. In the modern formulation, the goal of the theory is as follows. Suppose we are given a projective variety X, which for simplicity is assumed non-singular. There are ...
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Rational Point
In number theory and algebraic geometry, a rational point of an algebraic variety is a point whose coordinates belong to a given field. If the field is not mentioned, the field of rational numbers is generally understood. If the field is the field of real numbers, a rational point is more commonly called a real point. Understanding rational points is a central goal of number theory and Diophantine geometry. For example, Fermat's Last Theorem may be restated as: for , the Fermat curve of equation x^n+y^n=1 has no other rational points than , , and, if is even, and . Definition Given a field ''k'', and an algebraically closed extension ''K'' of ''k'', an affine variety ''X'' over ''k'' is the set of common zeros in K^n of a collection of polynomials with coefficients in ''k'': :f_1(x_1,\ldots,x_n)=0,\ldots, f_r(x_1,\dots,x_n)=0. These common zeros are called the ''points'' of ''X''. A ''k''-rational point (or ''k''-point) of ''X'' is a point of ''X'' that belongs to ''k''''n'', ...
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Chow's Lemma
Chow's lemma, named after Wei-Liang Chow, is one of the foundational results in algebraic geometry. It roughly says that a proper morphism is fairly close to being a projective morphism. More precisely, a version of it states the following: :If X is a scheme that is proper over a noetherian base S, then there exists a projective S-scheme X' and a surjective S-morphism f: X' \to X that induces an isomorphism f^(U) \simeq U for some dense open U\subseteq X. Proof The proof here is a standard one. Reduction to the case of X irreducible We can first reduce to the case where X is irreducible. To start, X is noetherian since it is of finite type over a noetherian base. Therefore it has finitely many irreducible components X_i, and we claim that for each X_i there is an irreducible proper S-scheme Y_i so that Y_i\to X has set-theoretic image X_i and is an isomorphism on the open dense subset X_i\setminus \cup_ X_j of X_i. To see this, define Y_i to be the scheme-theoretic image of ...
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Blowing Up
In mathematics, blowing up or blowup is a type of geometric transformation which replaces a subspace of a given space with all the directions pointing out of that subspace. For example, the blowup of a point in a plane replaces the point with the projectivized tangent space at that point. The metaphor is that of zooming in on a photograph to enlarge part of the picture, rather than referring to an explosion. Blowups are the most fundamental transformation in birational geometry, because every birational morphism between projective varieties is a blowup. The weak factorization theorem says that every birational map can be factored as a composition of particularly simple blowups. The Cremona group, the group of birational automorphisms of the plane, is generated by blowups. Besides their importance in describing birational transformations, blowups are also an important way of constructing new spaces. For instance, most procedures for resolution of singularities proceed by bl ...
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Enriques–Kodaira Classification
In mathematics, the Enriques–Kodaira classification is a classification of compact complex surfaces into ten classes. For each of these classes, the surfaces in the class can be parametrized by a moduli space. For most of the classes the moduli spaces are well understood, but for the class of surfaces of general type the moduli spaces seem too complicated to describe explicitly, though some components are known. Max Noether began the systematic study of algebraic surfaces, and Guido Castelnuovo proved important parts of the classification. described the classification of complex projective surfaces. later extended the classification to include non-algebraic compact surfaces. The analogous classification of surfaces in positive characteristic was begun by and completed by ; it is similar to the characteristic 0 projective case, except that one also gets singular and supersingular Enriques surfaces in characteristic 2, and quasi-hyperelliptic surfaces in characteristics 2 and ...
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Canonical Bundle
In mathematics, the canonical bundle of a non-singular algebraic variety V of dimension n over a field is the line bundle \,\!\Omega^n = \omega, which is the ''n''th exterior power of the cotangent bundle Ω on ''V''. Over the complex numbers, it is the determinant bundle of holomorphic ''n''-forms on ''V''. This is the dualising object for Serre duality on ''V''. It may equally well be considered as an invertible sheaf. The canonical class is the divisor class of a Cartier divisor ''K'' on ''V'' giving rise to the canonical bundle — it is an equivalence class for linear equivalence on ''V'', and any divisor in it may be called a canonical divisor. An anticanonical divisor is any divisor −''K'' with ''K'' canonical. The anticanonical bundle is the corresponding inverse bundle ω−1. When the anticanonical bundle of V is ample, V is called a Fano variety. The adjunction formula Suppose that ''X'' is a smooth variety and that ''D'' is a smooth divisor on ''X'' ...
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Nef Line Bundle
In algebraic geometry, a line bundle on a projective variety is nef if it has nonnegative degree on every curve in the variety. The classes of nef line bundles are described by a convex cone, and the possible contractions of the variety correspond to certain faces of the nef cone. In view of the correspondence between line bundles and divisors (built from codimension-1 subvarieties), there is an equivalent notion of a nef divisor. Definition More generally, a line bundle ''L'' on a proper scheme ''X'' over a field ''k'' is said to be nef if it has nonnegative degree on every (closed irreducible) curve in ''X''. (The degree of a line bundle ''L'' on a proper curve ''C'' over ''k'' is the degree of the divisor (''s'') of any nonzero rational section ''s'' of ''L''.) A line bundle may also be called an invertible sheaf. The term "nef" was introduced by Miles Reid as a replacement for the older terms "arithmetically effective" and "numerically effective", as well as for the phrase "num ...
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Algebraic Varieties
Algebraic varieties are the central objects of study in algebraic geometry, a sub-field of mathematics. Classically, an algebraic variety is defined as the set of solutions of a system of polynomial equations over the real or complex numbers. Modern definitions generalize this concept in several different ways, while attempting to preserve the geometric intuition behind the original definition. Conventions regarding the definition of an algebraic variety differ slightly. For example, some definitions require an algebraic variety to be irreducible, which means that it is not the union of two smaller sets that are closed in the Zariski topology. Under this definition, non-irreducible algebraic varieties are called algebraic sets. Other conventions do not require irreducibility. The fundamental theorem of algebra establishes a link between algebra and geometry by showing that a monic polynomial (an algebraic object) in one variable with complex number coefficients is determined ...
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Betti Number
In algebraic topology, the Betti numbers are used to distinguish topological spaces based on the connectivity of ''n''-dimensional simplicial complexes. For the most reasonable finite-dimensional spaces (such as compact manifolds, finite simplicial complexes or CW complexes), the sequence of Betti numbers is 0 from some point onward (Betti numbers vanish above the dimension of a space), and they are all finite. The ''n''th Betti number represents the rank of the ''n''th homology group, denoted ''H''''n'', which tells us the maximum number of cuts that can be made before separating a surface into two pieces or 0-cycles, 1-cycles, etc. For example, if H_n(X) \cong 0 then b_n(X) = 0, if H_n(X) \cong \mathbb then b_n(X) = 1, if H_n(X) \cong \mathbb \oplus \mathbb then b_n(X) = 2, if H_n(X) \cong \mathbb \oplus \mathbb\oplus \mathbb then b_n(X) = 3, etc. Note that only the ranks of infinite groups are considered, so for example if H_n(X) \cong \mathbb^k \oplus \mathbb/(2) , where \mat ...
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