Karl Fleschen



Karl Fleschen (born 28 June 1955 in Daun, Germany, Daun, Rhineland-Palatinate) is a retired West German runner who specialized in the 3000 metres, 3000, 5000 metres, 5000 and 10,000 metres. He held the world records in athletics, world record in the rarely contested 4 x 1500 metres relay (14:38.8 minutes with Thomas Wessinghage, Harald Hudak and Michael Lederer). In addition he still holds the German record in 25 km road race, with 1:13:58 hours from 1978. He competed for the sports clubs LG Vulkaneifel and Bayer 04 Leverkusen during his active career.



1955 births Living people People from Daun, Germany German male long-distance runners German male middle-distance runners Athletes (track and field) at the 1976 Summer Olympics Olympic athletes of West Germany Sportspeople from Rhineland-Palatinate 20th-century German people {{Germany-middledistance-athletics-bio-stub