Wolverine (motor Vessel)



''Wolverine'' was a launch powered by a gasoline engine that operated on the Coquille River on the southern coast of Oregon, United States, from 1908 to the 1920s. Later the boat operated on Coos Bay, and, in the mid-1930s, was transferred to Eureka, California. ''Wolverine'' is principally known for its early service as a high-speed passenger vessel.

Design and construction

''Wolverine'' was built in Marshfield, Oregon in 1908 at the boatyard of Max Timmerman.”Gasoline Launch Wolverine, Now On Coquille River Run, and Young Woman Who Christened Her”, (Date line: Marshfield, Or. May 5), ‘’Morning Oregonian’’, May 6, 1908, page 5, col. 2.
/ref> J.F. Haehnel was one of the builders. The original owners of were Capt. Orsan R. "Ott" Willard and Capt. E.D. Stuller, who were also to operate the boat themselves. Willard had commanded the steamboat ''Antelope'' when that vessel was operating as a fishing tender on the Coquille River in 1906. The plans for ''Wolverine'' showed the boat to be (or ) long, with a beam of feet. and depth of hold of . Officially the dimensions of the boat turned out somewhat different. In 1911, the registered measurements for ''Wolverine'' were long, beam, and depth of hold. U.S. Treasury Dept., Statistics Bureau, ''Annual List of Merchant Vessels (for year ending June 30, 1911)''
at page 324.
''Wolverine'' was 14 gross and 10 net tons in overall size. Passenger capacity was reported to be 75. Total required crew was only one. Power was to be supplied by a 50-horsepower Wolverine engine, which was reported to have been able to drive the boat at "a speed far beyond anything ever turned out on Coos Bay", or according to another report, 15 miles per hour."Splashes and Splurges", ''Motor Boat'', Vol. 5 (1908), page 44, col. 2.
/ref> The official merchant vessel registry number was 204972.

Launch and delivery

''Wolverine'' was launched late in the afternoon of April 2, 1908."Launch New Boat", ''Coos Bay Times'', April 3, 1908, page 3, col. 5.
/ref> The boat was christened at its launching by Miss Mary Peterson, of Marshfield. With the boat having been built in Coos Bay, it was necessary to take it out into the open ocean to the Coquille River to be placed into service, which "attracted much attention, as it was built for river rather than open sea work." On April 22, 1908, ''Wolverine'' ran from Empire, Oregon south down the coast to Bandon in about 2.5 hours, much better time than had been expected."Wolverine makes fast run from Bay to Bandon – New Boat Covers Distance between Empire and City by the Sea in about Two Hours and a Half", ''Coos Bay Times'', April 23, 1908, page 1, col. 5.
/ref> A number of Marshfield men were taken on the trip, including Mayor Straw. ''Wolverine'' departed Empire at 5:20 pm. The seas were reported to have been heavy. ''Wolverine'' safely passed both the Coos Bay and Coquille River bars, and arrived in Bandon at about 8:00 p.m. Hundreds of people came to the Bandon docks to see the arrival of the new vessel and greet the people from Coos Bay. One of the passengers found a telephone station in Bandon and placed a telephone call back to Marshfield to report the boat's arrival.


Once in service, ''Wolverine'' met the morning train from Marshfield at Coquille City. ''Wolverine'' made the river trip from Coquille City to Bandon in two hours, making a substantial improvement in the overall traveling time from Marshfield to Bandon, which had previously taken an entire day. The improved service was expected to greatly benefit the business interests of Bandon and also the smaller inland towns. In January 1909, ''Wolverine'' was described as a "popular" boat. The distance on the river from Bandon to Coquille City was 26 miles.Advertisement, "The Success of the Wolverine Engine Abroad”, ''The Rudder'', Vol. 23 (1910), page 36.
(publishing a letter dated April 30, 1910 from O.R. Willard.)
In April 1910, ''Wolverine'' made one round-trip per day on this route, for a total of 52 river miles travelled daily. On February 9, 1913, it was reported that ''Wolverine'' and the steamboat ''Coquille'' carried about one-half of the passengers traveling between Coquille City and Bandon."Grown of City Bandon Keeps Steady and Atmosphere of Prosperity is Prevalent", ''The Sunday Oregonian'', February 9, 1908, page 14, col. 2.
/ref> The other four vessels then operating on the river accounted for the rest. From June 1912 to January 1, 1913, ''Wolverine'' carried 13,000 passengers, compared with ''Coquille'' 21,000 (about 100 per trip) during the same period. In January 1913, there were four vessels operating on the Coquille River that transported both passengers and freight."Better Transportation Service Makes Bandon Travelers' Mecca", ''Sunday Oregonian'', January 26, 1913, section three, page 10, col. 1.
/ref> Of these, two ran from Bandon to Myrtle Point and the other two covered only the route from Bandon to Coquille. In addition, there were two passenger-only boats operating on the river between Bandon and Coquille. These were the steamer ''Coquille'' and the motor vessel ''Wolverine''.

Ownership changes

In July 1908, Orsan R. Willard bought out the one-half interest of E.D. Stoller in ''Wolverine'', which the newspaper described as "that neat little boat." On August 1, 1908, it was announced that F.F. "Eli" Swearingen of Coquille had bought a one-half interest in the ''Wolverine''. In January 1909, Willard had bought out Swearingen's share, and had returned to being sole owner of ''Wolverine''."Briefs of Bandon", ''Coos Bay Times'', January 15, 1909, page 4, col. 1.
/ref> By April 1910, O.R. Willard was the sole owner of ''Wolverine''. In May 1914 Captain Charles Ashton, and Captain O.R. Willard and associates took over operation of ''Wolverine'', ''Coquille'' and the motor vessel ''Charm''."Boat Line Change", ''Coos Bay Times'', May 15, 1914, page 3, col. 6.
/ref> Captains Thomas White and Gurley Doak would take over operation of the sternwheeler ''Dispatch'' and were going operate it in freight service between Bandon and Coquille. In 1925, Carl W. Egenhoff, of Marshfield, was shown as the owner of ''Wolverine''.U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Navigation Bureau, "Annual List of Merchant Vessels" (for year ending June 30, 1925).
at pages 542-543.
Ownership changed by 1926, to Ed Sprague, of
North Bend, Oregon North Bend is a city in Coos County, Oregon, United States with a population of 9,695 as of the 2010 census.U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Navigation Bureau, "Annual List of Merchant Vessels" (for year ending June 30, 1926).
at pages 548-549.
Ownership passed to Philip J. Keizer by 1927.U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Navigation Bureau, "Annual List of Merchant Vessels" (for year ending June 30, 1927).
at pages 532-533, line 50.

Collisions with ''Coquille''

On the Saturday before January 19, 1909, the steamer ''Coquille'' collided with ''Wolverine''."Briefs of Bandon - News of City-by-Sea as Recorded in the Recorder", January 19, 1909, page 4, col. 1.
/ref> ''Wolverine'' pulled up to the landing at Rocky Point to pick up some passengers. ''Coquille'', a boat owned by the competing Coquille River Transportation Company, was closely following ''Wolverine'' and became caught in the river current, causing ''Coquille'' to butt into ''Wolverine'' before Captain White, of ''Coquille'', could regain control of his vessel. ''Wolverine'' was badly damaged, but the full extent could not be estimated until boat could be evaluated, which the two companies concerned agreed to settle by arbitration. On September 16, 1909, there was a second collision between ''Coquille'' and ''Wolverine'', this time at Johnson's Mill.U.S. Steamboat Inspection Service, ''Annual Report of the Supervising Inspector General to the Secretary of Commerce'', Vol. 15 (1910)
at page 271.
"Charges Filed Against Capt. Panter", ''Morning Oregonian'', October 5, 1909, page 16, col. 4.
/ref> Capt. W.T. Panter had been in charge of ''Coquille'' at the time of the collision. Capt. O.R. Willard was in charge of ''Wolverine''.”Will Probe Boat Trouble — United States Inspectors to Investigate Coos Bay and Coquille Collisions” (Dateline: Portland, OR Oct. 18), ''Coos Bay Times'', October 18, 1909, page 1, col. 3.
/ref> No damage was sustained by either vessel. However, by October 5, 1909, Orsan R. Willard, owner of ''Wolverine'', had filed a charge with the U.S. Steamboat Inspection Service against T.R. Panter, owner of the river steamer ''Coquille'' to the effect that while ''Wolverine'' had been docked, Panter had deliberately rammed ''Coquille'' into ''Wolverine''. Several affidavits from passengers on the ''Wolverine'' were included with the charges. On or before October 18, 1909, two steamboat inspectors and a secretary had departed Portland, Oregon, bound by steamer to the Coos Bay region to investigate, among other things, the collision of September 16, 1909, between ''Wolverine'' and ''Coquille'', and the charges that had been brought. The hearing on the Willard accusation was scheduled to be held on October 23, 1909, in Coquille, Oregon. On October 28, 1909, the Steamboat Inspection Service announced its decision. The license of Orsan R. Willard, master of ''Wolverine'', would be suspended for 30 days, and the license of Thomas W. Panter, master of ''Coquille'', would be suspended for 60 days.


In November 1909, Captain Willard was keeping ''Wolverine'' tied to a floating log boom on his place on the Coquille River."News of Coquille", ''Coos Bay Times'', November 29, 1909, page 4, col. 1.
/ref> The previous Monday night the river rose rapidly in what was called a "freshet". A log raft came down the river and somehow jammed into ''Wolverine'' and tore off the vessel's propeller. On February 21, 1910, it was reported that in a driving rain ''Wolverine'' collided with a smaller gasoline boat that was occupied by a Coquille physician, but due to the maneuvering of Captain Willard at the wheel, ''Wolverine'' barely struck the smaller boat, so the damage was much less and no one was hurt."Culin's Boat Smashed -- Coquille Physician in Collision on the Coquille River", ''Coos Bay Times'', February 21, 1910, page 4, col. 2.

Further charges against owners

In 1915, another Willard-operated boat, ''Dora'' came into fierce competition with the gasoline launch ''Charm'' run by the Panters. In January 1915, there was a collision between ''Dora'' and ''Charm'', and the captains of the vessels, O.R. Willard, of ''Dora'', and Allen Panter, of ''Charm'', each claimed the collision was the other's fault."Steamboat Controversy May Be Brought to Head", ''Semi-weekly Bandon Recorder'', January 29, 1915, page 1, col. 6.
/ref> Following the collision, the crews of the two vessels exchanged intemperate words, and someone was said to have thrown a gaspipe through a window on one of the vessels, while it was also claimed that someone had heaved a can of coal oil at the ''Dora''. Someone concerned about passenger safety contacted Sheriff Johnson, who in turn referred the matter to the Steamboat Inspection Service. The inspectors instructed captains Willard and Panter to each submit written reports of the incident. On February 3, 1915, following a two-day trial before inspectors Edwards and Fuller, the U.S. Steamboat Inspection Service suspended, for 20 months each, the licenses of Captains Walter Panter and Allen Panter, as well as that of engineer William Panter, all of the Myrtle Point Transportation Company, as well as the licenses of Capt. O. R. Willard and engineer Elmer Willard, both of the Coquille River Company."Riverboat Men Get Vacations", ''Bandon Recorder'', February 5, 1915, page 1, col. 6.
/ref> Both the Panters and the Willards were barred from operating any vessel on the Coquille River or anywhere else.

Later years

On July 13, 1915, it was announced that Captain Willard had sold his interest in the Coquille River Transportation Company and would refit ''Wolverine'' as the nucleus of another steamboat line. However, the next day, in another newspaper, it was reported that a Captain Lloyd "will run the gasoline boat ''Wolverine'' built on Coos Bay and run for a long time by Captain Willard on the passenger run between Coquille and Bandon.""Operate Fish Boat", ''Coos Bay Times'', June 14, 1915, page 5, col. 3.
/ref> The newspaper also stated that ''Wolverine'' "is to be taken south and will be remodeled." By August 1915, ''Wolverine'' had been inactive for two years."Coquille River Trade Keeps Craft Bustling", ''Sunday Oregonian'', August 22, 1915, section 4, page 43, col. 5
There had been an announcement on June 29, 1915, that ''Wolverine'' had been sold and would be transferred to California for use on the Sacramento River. However, not long later, on July 13, 1915, there was another announcement that ''Wolverine'' was to be operated independently by Captain Willard. A week later, Captain Willard was reported to be "rebuilding the ''Wolverine'', which has been tied up for some time" to establish a new transportation line between Bandon and Coquille City."Will Have New Boat", ''Coos Bay Times'', July 20, 1915, page 2, col. 3.
/ref> ''Wolverine'' was to be made larger with a more powerful engine installed. ''Wolverine'' appears to have remained out of service until and possibly after January 25, 1916, when it was reported that the boat was "tied up".Item,''Bandon Recorder'', January 25, 1916, page 6, col. 4.
/ref> On that date, Capt. Willard was reported to have "got the ''Wolverine'' in shape and ran her a couple of days." Willard was also reported at the same time to be running ''Wolverine'' on the river in competition with another line.Item, ''Coos Bay Times'', January 24, 1916, page 1, col. 5.
/ref> ''Wolverine'' was still registered in 1925. The boat was transferred to service on Coos Bay by that time. In 1926, ''Wolverine'' was operating out of Marshfield in miscellaneous service. This continued until 1934, when the boat was under the ownership of E.E. Sprague, of North Bend.U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Navigation Bureau, ''Merchant Vessels of the United States'' (for year ending June 30, 1934).
at pages 624–625, line 16.
In 1935, ''Wolverine'' was still listed on the registry of merchant vessels, but with a new home port of Eureka, California, and a new owner, William Kay.U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Navigation Bureau, ''Merchant Vessels of the United States'' (for year ending June 30, 1935).
at pages 638–639, line 4.

See also

Steamboats of the Coquille River The Coquille River starts in the Siskiyou National Forest and flows hundreds of miles through the Coquille Valley on its way to the Pacific Ocean. Bandon, Oregon, sits at the mouth of the Coquille River on the Pacific Ocean. Before the era of ra ...
Coos Bay Mosquito Fleet The Coos Bay Mosquito Fleet comprised numerous small steamboats and motor vessels which operated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries on Coos Bay, a large and mostly shallow harbor on the southwest coast of the U.S. state of Oregon, to the no ...



Historic Oregon Newspapers
* Newell, Gordon R. ed., ''H.W. McCurdy Marine History of the Pacific Northwest'', Superior Publishing, Seattle WA (1966) {{Oregon Coast Steamboats 1908 ships Coos County, Oregon Coos Bay Mosquito Fleet Steamboats of Oregon Ships built in Portland, Oregon History of Humboldt County, California