In mathematics, a vertex operator algebra (VOA) is an algebraic structure that plays an important role in
two-dimensional conformal field theory
A two-dimensional conformal field theory is a quantum field theory on a Euclidean two-dimensional space, that is invariant under local conformal transformations.
In contrast to other types of conformal field theories, two-dimensional conformal fie ...
string theory
In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. String theory describes how these strings propagate through space and interac ...
. In addition to physical applications, vertex operator algebras have proven useful in purely mathematical contexts such as
monstrous moonshine
In mathematics, monstrous moonshine, or moonshine theory, is the unexpected connection between the monster group ''M'' and modular functions, in particular, the ''j'' function. The term was coined by John Conway and Simon P. Norton in 1979.
and the
geometric Langlands correspondence In mathematics, the geometric Langlands correspondence is a reformulation of the Langlands correspondence obtained by replacing the number fields appearing in the original number theoretic version by function fields and applying techniques from al ...
The related notion of vertex algebra was introduced by
Richard Borcherds
Richard Ewen Borcherds (; born 29 November 1959) is a British mathematician currently working in quantum field theory. He is known for his work in lattice (group), lattices, group theory, and infinite-dimensional algebra over a field, algebras, f ...
in 1986, motivated by a construction of an infinite-dimensional Lie algebra due to
Igor Frenkel
Igor Borisovich Frenkel (russian: Игорь Борисович Френкель; born April 22, 1952) is a Russian-American mathematician at Yale University working in representation theory and mathematical physics.
Frenkel emigrated to the Uni ...
. In the course of this construction, one employs a
Fock space
The Fock space is an algebraic construction used in quantum mechanics to construct the quantum states space of a variable or unknown number of identical particles from a single particle Hilbert space . It is named after V. A. Fock who first intr ...
that admits an action of vertex operators attached to lattice vectors. Borcherds formulated the notion of vertex algebra by axiomatizing the relations between the lattice vertex operators, producing an algebraic structure that allows one to construct new Lie algebras by following Frenkel's method.
The notion of vertex operator algebra was introduced as a modification of the notion of vertex algebra, by Frenkel,
James Lepowsky
James "Jim" Lepowsky (born July 5, 1944, in New York City) is a professor of mathematics at Rutgers University, New Jersey. Previously he taught at Yale University. He received his Ph.D. from M.I.T. in 1970 where his advisors were Bertram Kostant ...
, and
Arne Meurman
Arne Meurman (born 6 April 1956) is a Swedish mathematician working on finite groups and vertex operator algebras. Currently, he is a professor at Lund University.
He is best known for constructing the monster vertex algebra
The monster vertex a ...
in 1988, as part of their project to construct the
moonshine module
The monster vertex algebra (or moonshine module) is a vertex algebra acted on by the monster group that was constructed by Igor Frenkel, James Lepowsky, and Arne Meurman. R. Borcherds used it to prove the monstrous moonshine conjectures, by apply ...
. They observed that many vertex algebras that appear in nature have a useful additional structure (an action of the Virasoro algebra), and satisfy a bounded-below property with respect to an energy operator. Motivated by this observation, they added the Virasoro action and bounded-below property as axioms.
We now have post-hoc motivation for these notions from physics, together with several interpretations of the axioms that were not initially known. Physically, the vertex operators arising from holomorphic field insertions at points (i.e., vertices) in two-dimensional conformal field theory admit
operator product expansion
In quantum field theory, the operator product expansion (OPE) is used as an axiom to define the product of fields as a sum over the same fields. As an axiom, it offers a non-perturbative approach to quantum field theory. One example is the vertex ...
s when insertions collide, and these satisfy precisely the relations specified in the definition of vertex operator algebra. Indeed, the axioms of a vertex operator algebra are a formal algebraic interpretation of what physicists call
chiral algebra In mathematics, a chiral algebra is an algebraic structure introduced by as a rigorous version of the rather vague concept of a chiral algebra in physics. In Chiral Algebras, Beilinson and Drinfeld introduced the notion of chiral algebra, which ba ...
s, or "algebras of chiral symmetries", where these symmetries describe the Ward identities satisfied by a given conformal field theory, including conformal invariance. Other formulations of the vertex algebra axioms include Borcherds's later work on singular
commutative ring
In mathematics, a commutative ring is a ring in which the multiplication operation is commutative. The study of commutative rings is called commutative algebra. Complementarily, noncommutative algebra is the study of ring properties that are not sp ...
s, algebras over certain operads on curves introduced by Huang, Kriz, and others, and
In mathematics, a ''D''-module is a module (mathematics), module over a ring (mathematics), ring ''D'' of differential operators. The major interest of such ''D''-modules is as an approach to the theory of linear partial differential equations. Sin ...
-theoretic objects called chiral algebras introduced by
Alexander Beilinson
Alexander A. Beilinson (born 1957) is the David and Mary Winton Green University professor at the University of Chicago and works on mathematics. His research has spanned representation theory, algebraic geometry and mathematical physics. In 1 ...
Vladimir Drinfeld
Vladimir Gershonovich Drinfeld ( uk, Володи́мир Ге́ршонович Дрінфельд; russian: Влади́мир Ге́ршонович Дри́нфельд; born February 14, 1954), surname also romanized as Drinfel'd, is a renowne ...
. While related, these chiral algebras are not precisely the same as the objects with the same name that physicists use.
Important basic examples of vertex operator algebras include lattice VOAs (modeling lattice conformal field theories), VOAs given by representations of affine
Kac–Moody algebra
In mathematics, a Kac–Moody algebra (named for Victor Kac and Robert Moody, who independently and simultaneously discovered them in 1968) is a Lie algebra, usually infinite-dimensional, that can be defined by generators and relations through a ge ...
s (from the
WZW model), the Virasoro VOAs (i.e., VOAs corresponding to representations of the
Virasoro algebra
In mathematics, the Virasoro algebra (named after the physicist Miguel Ángel Virasoro) is a complex Lie algebra and the unique central extension of the Witt algebra. It is widely used in two-dimensional conformal field theory and in string the ...
) and the
moonshine module
The monster vertex algebra (or moonshine module) is a vertex algebra acted on by the monster group that was constructed by Igor Frenkel, James Lepowsky, and Arne Meurman. R. Borcherds used it to prove the monstrous moonshine conjectures, by apply ...
♮, which is distinguished by its monster symmetry. More sophisticated examples such as
affine W-algebras and the
chiral de Rham complex
Chirality is a property of asymmetry important in several branches of science. The word ''chirality'' is derived from the Greek (''kheir''), "hand", a familiar chiral object.
An object or a system is ''chiral'' if it is distinguishable from i ...
on a
complex manifold
In differential geometry and complex geometry, a complex manifold is a manifold with an atlas of charts to the open unit disc in \mathbb^n, such that the transition maps are holomorphic.
The term complex manifold is variously used to mean a com ...
arise in geometric representation theory and
mathematical physics
Mathematical physics refers to the development of mathematics, mathematical methods for application to problems in physics. The ''Journal of Mathematical Physics'' defines the field as "the application of mathematics to problems in physics and t ...
Formal definition
Vertex algebra
A vertex algebra is a collection of data that satisfy certain axioms.
* a
vector space
In mathematics and physics, a vector space (also called a linear space) is a set whose elements, often called ''vectors'', may be added together and multiplied ("scaled") by numbers called '' scalars''. Scalars are often real numbers, but can ...
, called the space of states. The underlying
Field may refer to:
Expanses of open ground
* Field (agriculture), an area of land used for agricultural purposes
* Airfield, an aerodrome that lacks the infrastructure of an airport
* Battlefield
* Lawn, an area of mowed grass
* Meadow, a grass ...
is typically taken to be the
complex number
In mathematics, a complex number is an element of a number system that extends the real numbers with a specific element denoted , called the imaginary unit and satisfying the equation i^= -1; every complex number can be expressed in the form ...
s, although Borcherds's original formulation allowed for an arbitrary
commutative ring
In mathematics, a commutative ring is a ring in which the multiplication operation is commutative. The study of commutative rings is called commutative algebra. Complementarily, noncommutative algebra is the study of ring properties that are not sp ...
* an identity element
, sometimes written
to indicate a vacuum state.
* an
In mathematics, an endomorphism is a morphism from a mathematical object to itself. An endomorphism that is also an isomorphism is an automorphism. For example, an endomorphism of a vector space is a linear map , and an endomorphism of a g ...
, called "translation". (Borcherds's original formulation included a system of divided powers of
, because he did not assume the ground ring was divisible.)
* a linear multiplication map
, where
is the space of all
formal Laurent series
In mathematics, a formal series is an infinite sum that is considered independently from any notion of convergence, and can be manipulated with the usual algebraic operations on series (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, partial sums ...
with coefficients in
. This structure is alternatively presented as an infinite collection of bilinear products
, or as a left-multiplication map
, called the state-field correspondence. For each
, the operator-valued formal distribution
is called a vertex operator or a field (inserted at zero), and the coefficient of
is the operator
. The standard notation for the multiplication is
These data are required to satisfy the following axioms:
* Identity. For any
* Translation.
, and for any
* Locality (Jacobi identity, or Borcherds identity). For any
, there exists a positive
An integer is the number zero (), a positive natural number (, , , etc.) or a negative integer with a minus sign (−1, −2, −3, etc.). The negative numbers are the additive inverses of the corresponding positive numbers. In the language ...
such that:
= Equivalent formulations of locality axiom
The Locality axiom has several equivalent formulations in the literature, e.g., Frenkel–Lepowsky–Meurman introduced the Jacobi identity:
where we define the formal delta series by:
Borcherds initially used the following two identities: for any vectors ''u'', ''v'', and ''w'', and integers ''m'' and ''n'' we have
He later gave a more expansive version that is equivalent but easier to use: for any vectors ''u'', ''v'', and ''w'', and integers ''m'', ''n'', and ''q'' we have
Finally, there is a formal function version of locality: For any
, there is an element