The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is a research centre dedicated to the research and documentation of and education on all aspects of
Antisemitism (also spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against Jews. A person who holds such positions is called an antisemite. Antisemitism is considered to be a form of racism.
Antis ...
Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to inherited attributes and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonis ...
and the
The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe; ...
, including its emergence and aftermath. It was designed by Simon Wiesenthal as well as international and Austrian researchers. The institute is located in
en, Viennese
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Austria, , bar, Östareich officially the Republic of Austria, is a country in the southern part of Central Europe, lying in the Eastern Alps. It is a federation of nine states, one of which is the capital, Vienna, the most populous ...
. It is financed by the City of Vienna and the Austrian
Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
The Ministry of Education (German: ''Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung'', ''Bildungsministerium'', historically also ''Unterrichtsministerium'') is the government ministry of Austria in charge of public schools and acade ...
Jewish Community Vienna (Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, IKG) and several other renowned institutions initiated the idea to establish an international
The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe; ar ...
research institute in Vienna in 2002.
Simon Wiesenthal
Simon Wiesenthal (31 December 190820 September 2005) was a Jewish Austrian Holocaust survivor, Nazi hunter, and writer. He studied architecture and was living in Lwów at the outbreak of World War II. He survived the Janowska concentration ...
was still personally involved in designing the concept for the institute before his death in 2005.
In December 2002, the City of Vienna confirmed that it would financially support the project with a sum to match that to be provided by the Republic of Austria. In March 2008, support by the Republic of Austria for the VWI was also finally confirmed in a speech in the council of ministers. There followed the establishment of the office, taking up work in the spring of 2009.
The preliminary phase in 2010 and 2011 is to see the groundwork being laid for a specialized scholarly library and an institute-affiliated archive (based on the Holocaust-relevant documents of the IKG archive) as well as the design and trial of various forms of public events – such as lectures, book presentations, conferences and workshops as well as public media interventions in remembrance of the Shoah. This was followed by the preparation of a scholarly research program as well as a long-term development plan for the institute.
In December 2016, VWI moved to its new premises in the city centre of Vienna on Rabensteig 3.
Supporting body
The supporting body of the VWI is an association that had been formed in the founding phase of the VWI by the Jewish Community Vienna, the
Jewish Documentation Center (Dokumentationszentrum des Bundes Jüdischer Verfolgter des Naziregimes), the
Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance
The Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance (DÖW) was established in 1963. Its main topics deal with research concerning resistance and persecution from 1938 until 1945, exile, Nazi crimes, right-wing extremism after 1945, and victims' repara ...
(Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes DÖW), the
Institute of Contemporary History at the University of Vienna (Institut für Zeitgeschichte der Universität Wien), the Institute of Conflict Research (Institut für Konfliktforschung), the
Jewish Museum Vienna
The Jüdisches Museum Wien, trading as ''Jüdisches Museum der Stadt Wien GmbH'' or the Jewish Museum Vienna, is a museum of Jewish history, life and religion in Austria. The museum is present on two locations, in the Palais Eskeles in the Dorot ...
and the International Research Centre for Cultural Studies (Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, IFK). Following a dispute on the permission for use of the archive of the Jewish Community Vienna, the Institute of Conflict Research and the IFK left the supporting body in November 2009, their representatives also resigning from their posts in the VWI board of directors.
Anton Pelinka
Anton Pelinka (born October 14, 1941) is a professor of political science and nationalism studies at the English-speaking Central European University of Budapest. Prior to this appointment, Pelinka was a professor of political science at the Univ ...
''Mein Abschied vom Wiener Wiesenthal Institut''
guest commentary for the Austrian magazine "profil", November 16, 2009; Ingo Zechner
''Zensur durch Muzicant''
guest commentary for the Austrian magazine "profil", December 8, 2009
Report on the resignation of the International Academic Advisory Board
"profil" November 18, 2009
After the settlement of this dispute, a lending agreement on the use of the Holocaust-relevant materials in the IKG archive – as envisaged by the original board of directors – was signed by the new board of directors in November 2009. Subsequently, the
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) (until January 2013 known as the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and Research or ITF) is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1998 which ...
and the Centre for Jewish Cultural History at the
University of Salzburg
The University of Salzburg (german: Universität Salzburg), also known as the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (''Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg'', PLUS), is an Austrian public university in Salzburg municipality, Salzburg state, named af ...
(Zentrum für jüdische Kulturgeschichte, Universität Salzburg) joined the supporting body of the VWI in the beginning of 2010. The development of the institute and preparation for full operation was continued on the basis of the step-by-step plan as agreed on in the founding phase. With the arrival of the first fellows in autumn 2012 the institute started its all-out operation.
Board of Directors
The board of directors of the VWI is appointed by the members of the supporting body. This holds the highest decision-making power in all organisational aspects of the VWI.
Anton Pelinka
Anton Pelinka (born October 14, 1941) is a professor of political science and nationalism studies at the English-speaking Central European University of Budapest. Prior to this appointment, Pelinka was a professor of political science at the Univ ...
was the first chairman of the board, the historian and philosopher
Ingo Zechner VWI's first managing director. In November 2009, after a dispute on the proper usage of the archives of the IKG (intended to become a part of the holdings of the VWI), several members of the board and the managing director resigned. Under the new chairman of the board, the professor of law at the University of Salzburg, Georg Graf, is deputies being Brigitte Bailer-Galanda and
Ariel Muzicant
Ariel Muzicant ( he, אריאל מוזיקנט, born 1952 in Haifa, Israel) is an Austrian-Israeli businessman, who served as the president of the Viennese Jewish community (Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien).
He is the president of the Bnai B ...
this conflict – well documented in the Austrian media – finally was settled, and a contract on the usage of the archives already worked out by the former board in accordance with the IKG was signed.
In January 2010, the Viennese contemporary historian Béla Rásky became VWI's new managing director. As of October 2012, sociologist Éva Kovács from the Centre of Social Studies at the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences became the institute's Research Programme Director.
In December 2018, Georg Graf resigned and was followed by
Terezija Stoisits
Terezija Stoisits (; born 14 November 1958 in Stinatz, Austria) is an Austrian politician of the Green Party. She served as an ombudswoman of the Republic of Austria 2007–2013. Before that she was the longest serving member of parliament of h ...
as new chairwoman of the board.
International Academic Board
The International Academic Board is a key actor in all academic issues. The board consists of at least nine, maximum twelve internationally renowned experts, of whom no more than three are allowed to be from within Austrian academic institutions. Particular care is taken that the board remains interdisciplinary. Members and employees of members of the supporting body of the VWI cannot join the International Academic Board. The International Academic Board is elected for a period of three years at the general assembly, like the board.
As of January 2020, the members of the board are as follows (in alphabetical order):
* Nanci Adler (
The NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Dutch: ''NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies'') is an organisation in the Netherlands which maintains archives and carries out historical studies into the Second Wo ...
, Amsterdam)
* Jolanta Ambrosewicz-Jacobs (
Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków)
* Peter Black (
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) is the United States' official memorial to the Holocaust. Adjacent to the National Mall in Washington, D.C., the USHMM provides for the documentation, study, and interpretation of Holocaust hi ...
* Susanne Heim (
Institute of Contemporary History, Munich-Berlin)
* Robert Graham Knight (
Loughborough University, Leicestershire)
* Dan Michman (International Institute for Holocaust Research,
Yad Vashem
Yad Vashem ( he, יָד וַשֵׁם; literally, "a memorial and a name") is Israel's official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. It is dedicated to preserving the memory of the Jews who were murdered; honoring Jews who fought against th ...
, Jerusalem;
Bar-Ilan University
Bar-Ilan University (BIU, he, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, ''Universitat Bar-Ilan'') is a public research university in the Tel Aviv District city of Ramat Gan, Israel. Established in 1955, Bar Ilan is Israel's second-largest academi ...
, Ramat Gan)
* Anthony
Dirk Moses
Anthony Dirk Moses (born 1967) is an Australian scholar who researches various aspects of genocide. In 2022 he became the Anne and Bernard Spitzer Professor of Political Science at the City College of New York, after having been the Frank Porter ...
European University Institute
The European University Institute (EUI) is an international postgraduate and post-doctoral teaching and research institute and an independent body of the European Union with juridical personality, established by the member states to contribu ...
, Florence)
Dirk Rupnow (
University of Innsbruck
The University of Innsbruck (german: Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck; la, Universitas Leopoldino Franciscea) is a public research university in Innsbruck, the capital of the Austrian federal state of Tyrol, founded on October 15, 1669. ...
* Irina Sherbakova (
Memorial, Moscow)
* Sybille Steinbacher (Fritz Bauer Institut, Frankfurt)
* Dominique Trimbur (
Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah
Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah is a foundation that was formed in 2000, with recovered money from the property taken from French Jews during World War II. Simone Veil, a survivor of Auschwitz concentration camp who later became the first di ...
* Yfaat Weiss (Simon-Dubnow-Institut, Leipzig)

The activities of the VWI fall into the three categories research, documentation and education. Within these categories, the institute addresses all issues related to antisemitism, racism and the Holocaust, including its emergence and aftermath.
Research is to be international and interdisciplinary at the VWI. It takes one of two forms: on the one hand, there is an annually announced fellowship program for Senior, Research and senior fellows, while on the other hand research projects of varying length will be conducted. Various research projects on the history of antisemitism and the Holocaust have been already worked out by the Research Programme Director, the managing director and the staff members of the institute (with the support of the academic advisory board), are already filed for application.
Since November 2010, VWI is a member in the consortium for the EU projec
European Holocaust Research Infrastructure – EHRIwhich entered in its second phase – EHRI-2 – in the end of 2014. Since February 2020, the institute is part of the EU-financed preparatory phase to build up a European research infrastructure on the Holocaust within th
European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures – ESFRI
The aim of the documentation project of the VWI is to unite thematically relevant but hitherto separated archival materials, ensure their safekeeping and make them accessible to search tools. A first step in this direction has been taken in the form of cooperation in producing the online platfor
ns-quellen.atwhich had been commissioned to the "Research Office. Association for Academic and Cultural Services"
Forschungsbüro. Verein für wissenschaftliche und kulturelle Dienstleistungen and was completed in March 2011. Digitalization of the Holocaust-relevant parts of the IKG archive began in September 2010 with work on the so-called Jerusalem materials of the archive. This work is conducted using the archival software "scopeArchiv", which is in widespread use in Austria. Th
scholarly library of the VWIof the VWI is currently numbering approx. 14,000 volumes so far, concentrating to some extent on books on Holocaust-Studies which are not accessible in Austria. The institute library is a public reference library. The library catalogue can be searched via the
Austrian joint library system (OBV).
Since the autumn of 2012, the institute hosts two senior, two research and four junior fellows a year. In general, the call for proposals is announced at the end of a calendar year. Decision on grants is made by a sub-commission of the academic advisory board and a research staff member of the VWI in the spring of each year.
In the autumn of 2014, the e-Journal of the institute
S:I.M.O.N. - Shoah: Intervention. Methods. DocumentatiON.– went online, publishing the peer-reviewed manuscripts of the Simon Wiesenthal Lectures, the Working Papers of the fellows and articles selected by the Editorial Committee. VWI's bilingual – German and English – book series is edited by the Viennese publishing hous
new academic press
The institute's German-speaking, annual newslette
VWI im Fokusinforms on all upcoming events and activities.

To achieve its aims of education, the VWI organises events such as book presentations, media and/or arts interventions in the public space in remembrance of the Shoah. An exhibition centre and an online platform are planned for when the institute has taken up full operation.
The "Simon Wiesenthal Lectures" which have by now grown into a VWI trademark event, aim to bring current Holocaust research to a wider public with the help of renowned international researchers. They take place approx. every two months in the roof-top foyer of the Austrian State Archives at the
The Minoritenplatz is one of the oldest public squares in Vienna. It is located in the first district Innere Stadt, and is dominated by the Minoritenkirche church, after which the square is named. The church itself was constructed by the Greyfriar ...
in Vienna.
At the end of a calendar year, VWI organises its annual "Simon Wiesenthal Conference": In 2011, the conference's topic was "Scores of Commemoration. The Holocaust in Music", while in 2012, "
Before the Holocaust had its Name. Early Confrontations of the Mass Murder of the Jews". In 2013, VWI – together with the
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) is the United States' official memorial to the Holocaust. Adjacent to the National Mall in Washington, D.C., the USHMM provides for the documentation, study, and interpretation of Holocaust hi ...
– hosted the Simon Wiesenthal Conference under the title "Collaboration in Eastern Europe during World War II and the Holocaust".
External links
VWI's YouTube-ChannelForschungsbüro. Verein für wissenschaftliche und kulturelle DienstleistungenDieter Pohl: Vergessenes Wissen zum Holocaust – Interview of the Austrian Broadcasting Company with Board Member Dieter Pohl, 16 December 2010, in German
Report on VWI's Workshop 2011 "Alma Mater Antisemitica", in GermanReport on the Simon Wiesenthal Conference 2012 "Before the Holocaust did not have its name. Early Confrontations with the Nazi Mass Murder of the Jews", in GermanReport on the Simon Wiesenthal Conference 2013 "Collaboration in World War II and the Holocaust in Eastern Europe", in GermanReport on the Simon Wiesenthal Conference 2014 "Genocide at Prime Time. The Holocaust on TV"inGerman
{{Authority control
Anti-fascism in Austria
Antisemitism in Austria
Opposition to antisemitism in Austria
Holocaust-related organizations
Holocaust studies
Non-profit organisations based in Austria
Organizations established in 2009