

The Ministry of Energy ( uk, Міністерство енергетики України) is the main body in the system of central government of
Ukraine Ukraine ( uk, Україна, Ukraïna, ) is a country in Eastern Europe. It is the second-largest European country after Russia, which it borders to the east and northeast. Ukraine covers approximately . Prior to the ongoing Russian inv ...
responsible for realization of
electric power Electric power is the rate at which electrical energy is transferred by an electric circuit. The SI unit of power is the watt, one joule per second. Standard prefixes apply to watts as with other SI units: thousands, millions and billions o ...
-generating state policies; nuclear-industrial, and oil-gas complexes often referred simply as the ''Fuel-Energy Complex''. The government ministry was originally formed in 1970s as Ministry of Energy and Electrification.


* state governing of the Fuel-Energy Complex * ensuring the realization of the state policies in the Fuel-Energy Complex * ensuring energy security of the State * participation in the formation, regulation, and improvement of the fuel-energy resource market * developing proposals to improve economic incentives in stimulation of the Fuel-Energy Complex development

Vectors of specialization

* Power generation * Nuclear power * Oil and Gas industry * Coal mining

Fuel Energy Complex Associations

Power Generation

* National Nuclear Power-generating Company
Energoatom State Enterprise National Nuclear Energy Generating Company "Energoatom" (SE NNEGC "Energoatom") is a state enterprise operating all four nuclear power plants in Ukraine ( Zaporizhzhia NPP, Rivne NPP, South Ukraine NPP, and Khmelnytskyi NPP). ...
Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant The Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant is a nuclear power plant in Netishyn, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine. The plant is operated by Energoatom. Two VVER-1000 reactors are operational, each generating 1000 MW (net) of electricity. Construction of the first ...
Rivne Nuclear Power Plant The Rivne Nuclear Power Plant ( uk, Рівненська АЕС), also called Rovno is a nuclear power plant in Varash, Rivne Oblast, Ukraine. The Rivne Nuclear Power Station were the first VVER-400 reactors to be constructed in Ukraine. As the ...
South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant The South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant ( uk, Південноукраїнська АЕС), also known as the Pivdennoukrainsk Nuclear Power Plant, is a nuclear power plant in Ukraine, near the city of Yuzhnoukrainsk in Mykolaiv Oblast, about sou ...
Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station ( uk, Запорізька атомна електростанція, translit=Zaporiz'ka atomna elektrostantsiya, russian: Запорожская атомная электростанция, Zaporozhskaya ...
** Donuzlav WES (Wind Power Plant) ** other supporting companies * Sevastopol Institute of Nuclear Power an Industry * State Research Company "Tsyrkoniy" * Chornobyl Center on issues of Nuclear Security, Radioactive Waste and Radioecology * Industrial Reserve-Investment Fund in Development of Energy * Ukrenerhokomplekt * Ukrainian Nuclear Association * Ukrinterenergo * State Enterprise National Power Company Ukrenerho ** Derzhenerhonahlyad (State Energy Supervision) ** Derzhinspektsia (State Inspection) * Centrenergo *
Ukrhydroenergo PJSC «Ukrhydroenergo» ( uk, Укргідроенерго) is a State-owned enterprise, state company of Ukraine that administers a cascade of major hydro power plants along Dnieper and Dniester riversPrivate Joint Stock Company «Ukrhydroenergo ...
(100%) *
Dniester Hydro-accumulating Power Station The Dniester Pumped Storage Power Station is a pumped storage hydroelectric scheme that uses the Dniester River northeast of Sokyriany in Chernivtsi Oblast, Ukraine. Currently, four of seven generators are operational and when complete in 20 ...
(87.4%) * others

Oil/Gas and Oil Refinery industries

* National Joint-Stock Company
Naftogaz Ukrainy Naftogaz of Ukraine ( uk, НАК "Нафтогаз України", ''Naftogaz Ukrayiny''; literally "Petro-Gas of Ukraine") is the largest national oil and gas company of Ukraine. It is a state-owned company
** Subsidiary Company Ukrgasproduction ** Open Joint-Stock Company
Ukrnafta Ukrnafta is a Ukrainian petroleum, oil and natural gas extracting company, the largest producer of oil and gas in the country. Ukrnafta is also an operator of a gas filling station network in Ukraine nationwide. In 2006, the company conducted some ...
(50% + 1) ** Subsidiary Joint-Stock Company Chornomornaftogaz ** Overseas branches ** other enterprises

Small share participants

* Donbasenergo (25.0%) *
DTEK Dniproenergo Dniproenergo ( uk, «Дніпроенерго») is a major electric and thermal energy producing companies in central Ukraine. Until 2012 it was known as Dniproenergo. Structure It is a subsidiary of the Government of Ukraine (25%), while its ma ...

Former members

* State Special Enterprise
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP; ; ), is a nuclear power plant undergoing decommissioning. ChNPP is located near the abandoned city of Pripyat in northern Ukraine northwest of the city of Chernobyl, from the Belarus–Ukraine border, ...
was created on July 11, 2001 on base of the former Energoatom's company of the same name. The company was basically recommissioned under a special jurisdiction for the further decommissioning of its nuclear power station. On July 15, 2005 the enterprise was transferred from under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy to the Ministry of Emergencies. * National Joint-Stock Company
Energy Company of Ukraine In physics, energy (from Ancient Greek: ἐνέργεια, ''enérgeia'', “activity”) is the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat ...


Previous names: * 1982–1997 Ministry of Energy and Electrification * 1997–1999 Ministry of Energy * 1999–2010 Ministry of Fuel and Energy * 2010–present Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining The ministry also absorbed a separate Ministry of Coal Mining which existed since 1954 until 1999 and was revived in 2005-2010. The Ministry was (as it turned out) temporally merged the ministry with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources by
Honcharuk Government The Honcharuk government was formed on 29 August 2019, and was led by Oleksiy Honcharuk. It was the fourth Ukrainian cabinet formed since the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, following the 2019 Ukrainian parliamentary election. History Appointment of ...
(on 29 August 2019).New Cabinet formed in Ukraine The Rada appointed the new Cabinet: Avakov and Markarova remained (РАДА ПРИЗНАЧИЛА НОВИЙ КАБМІН: АВАКОВ І МАРКАРОВА ЛИШИЛИСЬ)
Ukrayinska Pravda ''Ukrainska Pravda'' ( uk, Українська правда, lit=Ukrainian Truth) is a Ukrainian online newspaper founded by Georgiy Gongadze on 16 April 2000 (the day of the Ukrainian constitutional referendum). Published mainly in Ukraini ...
(29 August 2019)
But the succeeding
Shmyhal Government The Shmyhal government ( uk, Уряд Дениса Шмигаля) is the current government of Ukraine, formed on 4 March 2020 and led by Denys Shmyhal, who was previously acting vice prime minister, and earlier the Governor of Ivano-Frankivsk ...
re-created the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (on 27 May 2020).Govt backs separation of ecology ministry from Energy and Environmental Protection Ministry
Interfax-Ukraine The Interfax-Ukraine ( uk, Інтерфакс-Україна) is a Kyiv-based Ukraine, Ukrainian independent news agency founded in 1992. The company does not belong to the Russian news corporation Interfax Information Services. The company pub ...
(27 May 2020)


List of Ministers of Energy and Electrification

List of Ministers of Energy

List of Ministers of Fuel and Energy

List of Ministers of Coal Mining

Ministry of Coal Mining of Ukraine existed at least since 1954.

List of Ministers of Energy and Coal Mining

List of Ministers of Energy and Environmental Protection

List of Ministers of Energy

See also

Nuclear power in Ukraine Ukraine operates four nuclear power plants with 15 reactors located in Volhynia and South Ukraine. The total installed nuclear power capacity is over 13 GWe, ranking 7th in the world in 2020. Energoatom, a Ukrainian state enterprise, operates ...
Ministry of Emergencies (Ukraine) The State Emergency Service of Ukraine
Ministry of Industrial Policy (Ukraine) *
DTEK DTEK (Ukrainian: ДТЕК) is the largest private investor in the energy industry in Ukraine. The company's enterprises generate electricity at solar, wind and thermal power plants; extract coal and natural gas, trade energy products in the Ukrain ...
List of power stations in Ukraine The following page lists power stations in Ukraine. Nuclear In service Historic Hydroelectric Thermal Solar Wind * - 200 MWp * - 500 MWp * - 67,5 MWp * - 200 MWp * - 565 MWp * - 107,5 MWp * - 25 MWp * - 246 MWp * ...


External links

* * * * {{DEFAULTSORT:Ministry of Fuel and Energy (Ukraine) Fuel and Energy Fuel and Energy Energy in Ukraine Energy ministries Mining ministries