Saygorytes Phaleratus



''Saygorytes phaleratus'' is a species of
sand wasp A sand wasp is a wasp of one of the following groups: * '' Ammophila'', a narrow-waisted genus of hunting wasps that often nests in sandy soil * Bembicini The Bembicini, or sand wasps, are a large tribe of crabronid wasps, comprising 20 genera ...
in the family
Crabronidae The Crabronidae are a large paraphyletic group (nominally a family) of wasps, including nearly all of the species formerly comprising the now-defunct superfamily Sphecoidea. It collectively includes well over 200 genera, containing well over ...
. It is found in Central America and North America.


External links

Crabronidae Articles created by Qbugbot Insects described in 1837 {{apoidea-stub