

A quantum dot single-photon source is based on a single quantum dot placed in an optical cavity. It is an on-demand single-photon source. A laser pulse can excite a pair of carriers known as an exciton in the quantum dot. The decay of a single exciton due to spontaneous emission leads to the emission of a single photon. Due to interactions between excitons, the emission when the quantum dot contains a single exciton is energetically distinct from that when the quantum dot contains more than one exciton. Therefore, a single exciton can be deterministically created by a laser pulse and the quantum dot becomes a nonclassical light source that emits photons one by one and thus shows
photon antibunching Photon antibunching generally refers to a light field with photons more equally spaced than a coherent laser field, a signature being signals at appropriate detectors which are anticorrelated. More specifically, it can refer to sub-Poissonian ph ...
. The emission of single photons can be proven by measuring the second order intensity correlation function. The spontaneous emission rate of the emitted
photon A photon () is an elementary particle that is a quantum of the electromagnetic field, including electromagnetic radiation such as light and radio waves, and the force carrier for the electromagnetic force. Photons are massless, so they a ...
s can be enhanced by integrating the quantum dot in an optical cavity. Additionally, the cavity leads to emission in a well-defined optical mode increasing the efficiency of the photon source.


With the growing interest in
quantum information science Quantum information science is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand the analysis, processing, and transmission of information using quantum mechanics principles. It combines the study of Information science with quantum effects in ...
since the beginning of the 21st century, research in different kinds of single-photon sources was growing. Early single-photon sources such as heralded photon sources that were first reported in 1985 are based on non-deterministic processes. Quantum dot single-photon sources are on-demand. A single-photon source based on a quantum dot in a microdisk structure was reported in 2000. Sources were subsequently embedded in different structures such as photonic crystals or micropillars. Adding distributed bragg reflectors (DBRs) allowed emission in a well-defined direction and increased emission efficiency. Most quantum dot single-photon sources need to work at cryogenic temperatures, which is still a technical challenge. The other challenge is to realize high-quality quantum dot single-photon sources at telecom wavelength for fiber telecommunication application. The first report on Purcell-enhanced single-photon emission of a telecom-wavelength quantum dot in a two-dimensional photonic crystal cavity with a quality factor of 2,000 shows the enhancements of the emission rate and the intensity by five and six folds, respectively.

Theory of realizing a single-photon source

Exciting an electron in a
semiconductor A semiconductor is a material which has an electrical conductivity value falling between that of a conductor, such as copper, and an insulator, such as glass. Its resistivity falls as its temperature rises; metals behave in the opposite way. ...
from the
valence band In solid-state physics, the valence band and conduction band are the bands closest to the Fermi level, and thus determine the electrical conductivity of the solid. In nonmetals, the valence band is the highest range of electron energies in w ...
to the conduction band creates an excited state, a so-called exciton. The spontaneous radiative decay of this exciton results in the emission of a photon. Since a quantum dot has discrete energy levels, it can be achieved that there is never more than one exciton in the quantum dot simultaneously. Therefore, the quantum dot is an emitter of single photons. A key challenge in making a good single-photon source is to make sure that the emission from the quantum dot is collected efficiently. To do that, the quantum dot is placed in an optical cavity. The cavity can, for instance, consist of two DBRs in a micropillar (Fig. 1). The cavity enhances the spontaneous emission in a well-defined optical mode (
Purcell effect Henry Purcell (, rare: September 1659 – 21 November 1695) was an English composer. Purcell's style of Baroque music was uniquely English, although it incorporated Italian and French elements. Generally considered among the greatest Eng ...
), facilitating efficient guiding of the emission into an optical fiber. Furthermore, the reduced exciton lifetime \Delta t (see Fig. 2) reduces the significance of linewidth broadening due to noise. The system can then be approximated by the Jaynes-Cummings model. In this model, the quantum dot only interacts with one single mode of the optical cavity. The frequency of the optical mode is well defined. This makes the photons indistinguishable if their polarization is aligned by a polarizer. The solution of the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian is a vacuum Rabi oscillation. A vacuum Rabi oscillation of a photon interacting with an exciton is known as an
exciton-polariton In physics the Exciton–polariton is a type of polariton; a hybrid light and matter quasiparticle arising from the strong coupling of the electromagnetic dipolar oscillations of excitons (either in bulk or quantum wells) and photons. Because lig ...
. To eliminate the probability of the simultaneous emission of two photons it has to be made sure that there can only be one exciton in the cavity at one time. The discrete energy states in a quantum dot allow only one excitation. Additionally, the Rydberg blockade prevents the excitation of two excitons at the same space... The
electromagnetic interaction In physics, electromagnetism is an interaction that occurs between particles with electric charge. It is the second-strongest of the four fundamental interactions, after the strong force, and it is the dominant force in the interactions o ...
with the already existing exciton changes the energy for creating another exciton at the same space slightly. If the energy of the pump laser is tuned on resonance, the second exciton cannot be created. Still, there is a small probability of having two excitations in the quantum dot at the same time. Two excitons confined in a small volume are called biexcitons. They interact with each other and thus slightly change their energy. Photons resulting from the decay of biexcitons have a different energy than photons resulting from the decay of excitons. They can be filtered out by letting the outgoing beam pass an
optical filter An optical filter is a device that selectively transmits light of different wavelengths, usually implemented as a glass plane or plastic device in the optical path, which are either dyed in the bulk or have interference coatings. The optical ...
. The quantum dots can be excited both electrically and optically. For optical pumping, a pulsed
laser A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. The word "laser" is an acronym for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation". The fi ...
can be used for excitation of the quantum dots. In order to have the highest probability of creating an exciton, the pump laser is tuned on resonance. This resembles a \pi-pulse on the
Bloch sphere In quantum mechanics and computing, the Bloch sphere is a geometrical representation of the pure state space of a two-level quantum mechanical system (qubit), named after the physicist Felix Bloch. Quantum mechanics is mathematically formulated i ...
. However, this way the emitted photons have the same frequency as the pump laser. A polarizer is needed to distinguish between them. As the direction of polarization of the photons from the cavity is random, half of the emitted photons are blocked by this filter.

Experimental realization

There are several ways to realize a quantum dot-cavity system that can act as a single-photon source. Typical cavity structures are micro-pillars,
photonic crystal A photonic crystal is an optical nanostructure in which the refractive index changes periodically. This affects the propagation of light in the same way that the structure of natural crystals gives rise to X-ray diffraction and that the atomic ...
cavities, or tunable micro-cavities. Inside the cavity, different types of quantum dots can be used. The most widely used type are self-assembled InAs quantum dots grown in the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode, but other materials and growth methods such as local droplet etching have been used. A list of different experimental realizations is shown below: * Micropillars: In this approach, quantum dots are grown between two distributed bragg reflectors (DBR mirrors). The DBRs are typically both grown by
molecular beam epitaxy Molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) is an epitaxy method for thin-film deposition of single crystals. MBE is widely used in the manufacture of semiconductor devices, including transistors, and it is considered one of the fundamental tools for the devel ...
(MBE). For the mirrors two materials with different indices of refraction are grown in alternate order. Their lattice parameters should match to prevent strain. A possible combination is a combination of
aluminum arsenide Aluminium arsenide () is a semiconductor material with almost the same lattice constant as gallium arsenide and aluminium gallium arsenide and wider band gap than gallium arsenide. (AlAs) can form a superlattice with gallium arsenide ( GaAs) which ...
and gallium arsenide-layers. After the first DBR, material with smaller
band gap In solid-state physics, a band gap, also called an energy gap, is an energy range in a solid where no electronic states can exist. In graphs of the electronic band structure of solids, the band gap generally refers to the energy difference ( ...
is used to grow the quantum dot above the first DBR. The second layer of DBRs can now be grown on top of the layer with the quantum dots. The diameter of the pillar is only a few microns wide. To prevent the optical mode from exiting the cavity the micropillar must act as a waveguide. Semiconductors usually have relatively high indices of refraction about n≅3. Therefore, their extraction cone is small. On a smooth surface the micropillar works as an almost perfect waveguide. However losses increase with roughness of the walls and decreasing diameter of the micropillar. The edges thus must be as smooth as possible to minimize losses. This can be achieved by structuring the sample with
Electron beam lithography Electron-beam lithography (often abbreviated as e-beam lithography, EBL) is the practice of scanning a focused beam of electrons to draw custom shapes on a surface covered with an electron-sensitive film called a resist (exposing). The electron ...
and processing the pillars with
reactive ion etching Reactive-ion etching (RIE) is an etching technology used in microfabrication. RIE is a type of dry etching which has different characteristics than wet etching. RIE uses chemically reactive plasma to remove material deposited on wafers. The pl ...
. * Tunable micro-cavities hosting quantum dots can be also used as single-photon source. Different compared to micro-pillars, only a single DBR is grown below the quantum dots. The second part of the cavity is a curved top mirror that is physically detached from the
semiconductor A semiconductor is a material which has an electrical conductivity value falling between that of a conductor, such as copper, and an insulator, such as glass. Its resistivity falls as its temperature rises; metals behave in the opposite way. ...
. The top-mirror can be moved with respect to the quantum dot position which allows tuning the cavity quantum dot coupling as needed. A further advantage over micro-pillars is that the charge-environment of the quantum dots can be stabilized by using diode structures. A disadvantage of the micro-cavity system is that it requires additional mechanical components to tune the cavity which increases the overall system size. * Microlens and
solid immersion lens A solid immersion lens (SIL) has higher magnification and higher numerical aperture than common lenses by filling the object space with a high- refractive-index solid material. SIL was originally developed for enhancing the spatial resolution of o ...
: To increase the brightness of a quantum dot single-photon source, also microlens structures have been used. The concept is to reduce losses due to
total internal reflection Total internal reflection (TIR) is the optical phenomenon in which waves arriving at the interface (boundary) from one medium to another (e.g., from water to air) are not refracted into the second ("external") medium, but completely reflect ...
similar to what can be achieved with a solid immersion lens. * Other single-photon sources are nanobeam or photonic crystal waveguides that contain quantum dots. For such structures, no DBRs are needed but can be used to improve the outcoupling efficiency. Compared to micropillars, this architecture has the advantage that on-chip routing of photons is possible. On the other side, the structure sizes are much smaller requiring more advanced nano-fabrication techniques. The close proximity of quantum dots to the surface is a further challenge.

Verification of emission of single photons

Single photon sources exhibit antibunching. As photons are emitted one at a time, the probability of seeing two photons at the same time for an ideal source is 0. To verify the antibunching of a light source, one can measure the autocorrelation function g^(\tau). A photon source is antibunched if g^(0)g^(\tau). For an ideal single photon source, g^(0)=0. Experimentally, g^(\tau) is measured using the
Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect In physics, the Hanbury Brown and Twiss (HBT) effect is any of a variety of correlation and anti-correlation effects in the intensities received by two detectors from a beam of particles. HBT effects can generally be attributed to the wave–par ...
. Using resonant excitation schemes, experimental values for g^(0) are typically in the regime of just a few percent. Values down to g^(0)=7.5 \times 10^ have been reached without resonant excitation.

Indistinguishability of the emitted photons

For applications the photons emitted by a single photon source must be indistinguishable. The theoretical solution of the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian is a well-defined mode in which only the polarization is random. After aligning the polarization of the photons, their indistinguishability can be measured. For that, the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect is used. Two photons of the source are prepared so that they enter a 50:50 beam splitter at the same time from the two different input channels. A
detector A sensor is a device that produces an output signal for the purpose of sensing a physical phenomenon. In the broadest definition, a sensor is a device, module, machine, or subsystem that detects events or changes in its environment and sends ...
is placed on both exits of the beam splitter. Coincidences between the two detectors are measured. If the photons are indistinguishable, no coincidences should occur. Experimentally, almost perfect indistinguishability is found.


Single-photon sources are of great importance in quantum communication science. They can be used for truly random number generators. Single photons entering a beam splitter exhibit inherent
quantum indeterminacy Quantum indeterminacy is the apparent ''necessary'' incompleteness in the description of a physical system, that has become one of the characteristics of the standard description of quantum physics. Prior to quantum physics, it was thought that ...
. Random numbers are used extensively in simulations using the
Monte Carlo method Monte Carlo methods, or Monte Carlo experiments, are a broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results. The underlying concept is to use randomness to solve problems that might be determi ...
. Furthermore, single photon sources are essential in
quantum cryptography Quantum cryptography is the science of exploiting quantum mechanical properties to perform cryptographic tasks. The best known example of quantum cryptography is quantum key distribution which offers an information-theoretically secure solution ...
. The
BB84 BB84 is a quantum key distribution scheme developed by Charles Bennett and Gilles Brassard in 1984. It is the first quantum cryptography protocol. The protocol is provably secure, relying on two conditions: (1) the quantum property that informat ...
C. H. Bennett and G. Brassard. "Quantum cryptography: Public key distribution and coin tossing". In ''Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computers, Systems and Signal Processing'', volume 175, page 8. New York, 1984. http://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/files/us-bennetc/BB84highest.pdf scheme is a provable secure
quantum key distribution Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a secure communication method which implements a cryptographic protocol involving components of quantum mechanics. It enables two parties to produce a shared random secret key known only to them, which can then b ...
scheme. It works with a light source that perfectly emits only one photon at a time. Due to the
no-cloning theorem In physics, the no-cloning theorem states that it is impossible to create an independent and identical copy of an arbitrary unknown quantum state, a statement which has profound implications in the field of quantum computing among others. The theore ...
, no eavesdropping can happen without being noticed. The use of quantum randomness while writing the key prevents any patterns in the key that can be used to decipher the code. Apart from that, single photon sources can be used to test some fundamental properties of quantum field theory.

See also

Single-photon source Single-photon sources are light sources that emit light as single particles or photons. These sources are distinct from coherent light sources (lasers) and thermal light sources such as incandescent light bulbs. The Heisenberg uncertainty principl ...
* Quantum Dot *
Optical microcavity An optical microcavity or microresonator is a structure formed by reflecting faces on the two sides of a spacer layer or optical medium, or by wrapping a waveguide in a circular fashion to form a ring. The former type is a standing wave cavity, a ...


{{DEFAULTSORT:Quantum dots as single-photon sources Quantum optics Condensed matter physics