Quality Air Force (QAF) was an initiative inside the
United States Air Force in the 1990s that attempted to apply
quality control
Quality control (QC) is a process by which entities review the quality of all factors involved in production. ISO 9000 defines quality control as "a part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements".
This approach places ...
to all activities. The effort was associated with
General Merrill McPeak.
Quality control had been developed to help industrial manufacturers increase profits by reducing waste and producing consistent, defect-free physical goods. Most Air Force personnel could not figure out how to apply the techniques of manufacturing's quality control to most of the duties of their Air Force missions, which are often human services depending upon individual skills, with little repetition and numerous exceptions, and difficult to measure in physical terms.
In order to be competitive for promotions it became a requirement for airmen to show that they were executing Quality Air Force in their duties and using it to show improvements.
Air University Press printed books on QAF subjects that were distributed to airmen worldwide.
Further reading
Air Force total quality management: An assessment of its effectiveness(2010)
Quality control