

Pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is an
electron paramagnetic resonance Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) or electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is a method for studying materials that have unpaired electrons. The basic concepts of EPR are analogous to those of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), but the spin ...
technique that involves the alignment of the net magnetization vector of the electron spins in a constant
magnetic field A magnetic field is a vector field that describes the magnetic influence on moving electric charges, electric currents, and magnetic materials. A moving charge in a magnetic field experiences a force perpendicular to its own velocity and to ...
. This alignment is perturbed by applying a short oscillating field, usually a microwave pulse. One can then measure the emitted microwave signal which is created by the sample magnetization.
Fourier transform A Fourier transform (FT) is a mathematical transform that decomposes functions into frequency components, which are represented by the output of the transform as a function of frequency. Most commonly functions of time or space are transformed, ...
ation of the microwave signal yields an EPR spectrum in the frequency domain. With a vast variety of pulse sequences it is possible to gain extensive knowledge on structural and dynamical properties of paramagnetic compounds. Pulsed EPR techniques such as electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) or pulsed
electron nuclear double resonance Electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) is a magnetic resonance technique for elucidating the molecular and electronic structure of paramagnetic species.Kevan, L and Kispert, L. D. ''Electron Spin Double Resonance Spectroscopy'' Interscience: New ...
(ENDOR) can reveal the interactions of the electron spin with its surrounding nuclear spins.


Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) or electron spin resonance (ESR) is a spectroscopic technique widely used in biology, chemistry, medicine and physics to study systems with one or more unpaired electrons. Because of the specific relation between the magnetic parameters, electronic wavefunction and the configuration of the surrounding non-zero spin nuclei, EPR and ENDOR provide information on the structure, dynamics and the spatial distribution of the paramagnetic species. However, these techniques are limited in spectral and time resolution when used with traditional continuous wave methods. This resolution can be improved in pulsed EPR by investigating interactions separately from each other via pulse sequences.

Historical overview

R. J. Blume reported the first electron spin echo in 1958, which came from a solution of sodium in ammonia at its boiling point, -33.8˚C. A magnetic field of 0.62 mT was used requiring a frequency of 17.4 MHz. The first microwave electron spin echoes were reported in the same year by Gordon and Bowers using 23 GHz excitation of dopants in
silicon Silicon is a chemical element with the symbol Si and atomic number 14. It is a hard, brittle crystalline solid with a blue-grey metallic luster, and is a tetravalent metalloid and semiconductor. It is a member of group 14 in the periodic tab ...
. Much of the pioneering early pulsed EPR was conducted in the group of W. B. Mims at
Bell Labs Nokia Bell Labs, originally named Bell Telephone Laboratories (1925–1984), then AT&T Bell Laboratories (1984–1996) and Bell Labs Innovations (1996–2007), is an American industrial research and scientific development company owned by mult ...
during the 1960s. In the first decade only a small number of groups worked the field, because of the expensive instrumentation, the lack of suitable microwave components and slow digital electronics. The first observation of electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) was made in 1961 by Mims, Nassau and McGee. Pulsed
electron nuclear double resonance Electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) is a magnetic resonance technique for elucidating the molecular and electronic structure of paramagnetic species.Kevan, L and Kispert, L. D. ''Electron Spin Double Resonance Spectroscopy'' Interscience: New ...
(ENDOR) was invented in 1965 by Mims. In this experiment, pulsed NMR transitions are detected with pulsed EPR. ESEEM and pulsed ENDOR continue to be important for studying nuclear spins coupled to electron spins. In the 1980s, the upcoming of the first commercial pulsed EPR and ENDOR spectrometers in the
X band The X band is the designation for a band of frequencies in the microwave radio region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In some cases, such as in communication engineering, the frequency range of the X band is rather indefinitely set at approxim ...
frequency range, lead to a fast growth of the field. In the 1990s, parallel to the upcoming high-field EPR, pulsed EPR and ENDOR became a new fast advancing magnetic resonance spectroscopy tool and the first commercial pulsed EPR and ENDOR spectrometer at W band frequencies appeared on the market.


The basic principle of pulsed EPR and NMR is similar. Differences can be found in the relative size of the magnetic interactions and in the relaxation rates which are orders of magnitudes larger (faster) in EPR than NMR. A full description of the theory is given within the quantum mechanical formalism, but since the magnetization is being measured as a bulk property, a more intuitive picture can be obtained with a classical description. For a better understanding of the concept of pulsed EPR consider the effects on the magnetization vector in the
laboratory frame In theoretical physics, a local reference frame (local frame) refers to a coordinate system or frame of reference that is only expected to function over a small region or a restricted region of space or spacetime. The term is most often used in t ...
as well as in the
rotating frame A rotating frame of reference is a special case of a non-inertial reference frame that is rotating relative to an inertial reference frame. An everyday example of a rotating reference frame is the surface of the Earth. (This article considers onl ...
. As the animation below shows, in the laboratory frame the static magnetic field B0 is assumed to be parallel to the z-axis and the microwave field B1 parallel to the x-axis. When an electron spin is placed in magnetic field it experiences a torque which causes its
magnetic moment In electromagnetism, the magnetic moment is the magnetic strength and orientation of a magnet or other object that produces a magnetic field. Examples of objects that have magnetic moments include loops of electric current (such as electromagnets ...
to precess around the magnetic field. The precession frequency is known as the
Larmor frequency In physics, Larmor precession (named after Joseph Larmor) is the precession of the magnetic moment of an object about an external magnetic field. The phenomenon is conceptually similar to the precession of a tilted classical gyroscope in an extern ...
ωL. : \omega_ = -\gamma B_ where γ is the
gyromagnetic ratio In physics, the gyromagnetic ratio (also sometimes known as the magnetogyric ratio in other disciplines) of a particle or system is the ratio of its magnetic moment to its angular momentum, and it is often denoted by the symbol , gamma. Its SI u ...
and B0 the magnetic field. The electron spins are characterized by two quantum mechanical states, one parallel and one antiparallel to B0. Because of the lower energy of the parallel state more electron spins can be found in this state according to the Boltzmann distribution. This imbalanced population results in a net magnetization, which is the vector sum of all magnetic moments in the sample, parallel to the z-axis and the magnetic field. To better comprehend the effects of the microwave field B1 it is easier to move to the rotating frame. EPR experiments usually use a microwave resonator designed to create a
linearly polarized In electrodynamics, linear polarization or plane polarization of electromagnetic radiation is a confinement of the electric field vector or magnetic field vector to a given plane along the direction of propagation. The term ''linear polarizati ...
microwave field B1, perpendicular to the much stronger applied magnetic field B0. The rotating frame is fixed to the rotating B1 components. First we assume to be on resonance with the precessing magnetization vector M0. : \omega_ = \omega_ Therefore, the component of B1 will appear stationary. In this frame also the precessing magnetization components appear to be stationary that leads to the disappearance of B0, and we need only to consider B1 and M0. The M0 vector is under the influence of the stationary field B1, leading to another precession of M0, this time around B1 at the frequency ω1. : \omega_ = -\gamma B_ This angular frequency ω1 is also called the
Rabi frequency The Rabi frequency is the frequency at which the probability amplitudes of two atomic energy levels fluctuate in an oscillating electromagnetic field. It is proportional to the Transition Dipole Moment of the two levels and to the amplitude (''not ...
. Assuming B1 to be parallel to the x-axis, the magnetization vector will rotate around the +x-axis in the zy-plane as long as the microwaves are applied. The angle by which M0 is rotated is called the tip angle α and is given by: : \alpha = -\gamma, B_, t_ Here tp is the duration for which B1 is applied, also called the pulse length. The pulses are labeled by the rotation of M0 which they cause and the direction from which they are coming from, since the microwaves can be phase-shifted from the x-axis on to the y-axis. For example, a +y π/2 pulse means that a B1 field, which has been 90 degrees phase-shifted out of the +x into the +y direction, has rotated M0 by a tip angle of π/2, hence the magnetization would end up along the –x-axis. That means the end position of the magnetization vector M0 depends on the length, the magnitude and direction of the microwave pulse B1. In order to understand how the sample emits microwaves after the intense microwave pulse we need to go back to the laboratory frame. In the rotating frame and on resonance the magnetization appeared to be stationary along the x or y-axis after the pulse. In the laboratory frame it becomes a rotating magnetization in the x-y plane at the Larmor frequency. This rotation generates a signal which is maximized if the magnetization vector is exactly in the xy-plane. This microwave signal generated by the rotating magnetization vector is called
free induction decay In Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, free induction decay (FID) is the observable NMR signal generated by non-equilibrium nuclear spin magnetization precessing about the magnetic field (conventionally along z). This non-e ...
(FID). Another assumption we have made was the exact resonance condition, in which the Larmor frequency is equal to the microwave frequency. In reality EPR spectra have many different frequencies and not all of them can be exactly on resonance, therefore we need to take off-resonance effects into account. The off-resonance effects lead to three main consequences. The first consequence can be better understood in the rotating frame. A π/2 pulse leaves magnetization in the xy-plane, but since the microwave field (and therefore the rotating frame) do not have the same frequency as the precessing magnetization vector, the magnetization vector rotates in the xy-plane, either faster or slower than the microwave magnetic field B1. The rotation rate is governed by the frequency difference Δω. : \Delta\omega = \omega - \omega_ If Δω is 0 then the microwave field rotates as fast as the magnetization vector and both appear to be stationary to each other. If Δω>0 then the magnetization rotates faster than the microwave field component in a counter-clockwise motion and if Δω<0 then the magnetization is slower and rotates clockwise. This means that the individual frequency components of the EPR spectrum, will appear as magnetization components rotating in the xy-plane with the rotation frequency Δω. The second consequence appears in the laboratory frame. Here B1 tips the magnetization differently out of the z-axis, since B0 does not disappear when not on resonance due to the precession of the magnetization vector at Δω. That means that the magnetization is now tipped by an effective magnetic field Beff, which originates from the vector sum of B1 and B0. The magnetization is then tipped around Beff at a faster effective rate ωeff. : \omega_ = (\omega_^ + \Delta\omega^)^ This leads directly to the third consequence that the magnetization can not be efficiently tipped into the xy-plane because Beff does not lie in the xy-plane, as B1 does. The motion of the magnetization now defines a cone. That means as Δω becomes larger, the magnetization is tipped less effectively into the xy-plane, and the FID signal decreases. In broad EPR spectra where Δω > ω1 it is not possible to tip all the magnetization into the xy-plane to generate a strong FID signal. This is why it is important to maximize ω1 or minimize the π/2 pulse length for broad EPR signals. So far the magnetization was tipped into the xy-plane and it remained there with the same magnitude. However, in reality the electron spins interact with their surroundings and the magnetization in the xy-plane will decay and eventually return to alignment with the z-axis. This relaxation process is described by the spin-lattice relaxation time T1, which is a characteristic time needed by the magnetization to return to the z-axis, and by the spin-spin relaxation time T2, which describes the vanishing time of the magnetization in the xy-plane. The spin-lattice relaxation results from the urge of the system to return to thermal equilibrium after it has been perturbed by the B1 pulse. Return of the magnetization parallel to B0 is achieved through interactions with the surroundings, that is spin-lattice relaxation. The corresponding relaxation time needs to be considered when extracting a signal from noise, where the experiment needs to be repeated several times, as quickly as possible. In order to repeat the experiment, one needs to wait until the magnetization along the z-axis has recovered, because if there is no magnetization in z direction, then there is nothing to tip into the xy-plane to create a significant signal. The spin-spin relaxation time, also called the transverse relaxation time, is related to homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening. An inhomogeneous broadening results from the fact that the different spins experience local magnetic field inhomogeneities (different surroundings) creating a large number of spin packets characterized by a distribution of Δω. As the net magnetization vector precesses, some spin packets slow down due to lower fields and others speed up due to higher fields leading to a fanning out of the magnetization vector that results in the decay of the EPR signal. The other packets contribute to the transverse magnetization decay due to the homogeneous broadening. In this process all the spin in one spin packet experience the same magnetic field and interact with each other that can lead to mutual and random spin flip-flops. These fluctuations contribute to a faster fanning out of the magnetization vector. All the information about the frequency spectrum is encoded in the motion of the transverse magnetization. The frequency spectrum is reconstructed using the time