statistics and
probability theory
Probability theory is the branch of mathematics concerned with probability. Although there are several different probability interpretations, probability theory treats the concept in a rigorous mathematical manner by expressing it through a set o ...
, a point process or point field is a collection of
mathematical points randomly located on a mathematical space such as the
real line
In elementary mathematics, a number line is a picture of a graduated straight line that serves as visual representation of the real numbers. Every point of a number line is assumed to correspond to a real number, and every real number to a po ...
Euclidean space
Euclidean space is the fundamental space of geometry, intended to represent physical space. Originally, that is, in Euclid's ''Elements'', it was the three-dimensional space of Euclidean geometry, but in modern mathematics there are Euclidean sp ...
[ Kallenberg, O. (1986). ''Random Measures'', 4th edition. Academic Press, New York, London; Akademie-Verlag, Berlin. , .][Daley, D.J, Vere-Jones, D. (1988). ''An Introduction to the Theory of Point Processes''. Springer, New York. , .]
Point processes can be used for
spatial data analysis,
[Diggle, P. (2003). ''Statistical Analysis of Spatial Point Patterns'', 2nd edition. Arnold, London. .] which is of interest in such diverse disciplines as forestry, plant ecology, epidemiology, geography, seismology, materials science, astronomy, telecommunications, computational neuroscience, economics and others.
There are different mathematical interpretations of a point process, such as a random counting measure or a random set.
Some authors regard a point process and stochastic process as two different objects such that a point process is a random object that arises from or is associated with a stochastic process,
though it has been remarked that the difference between point processes and stochastic processes is not clear.
Others consider a point process as a stochastic process, where the process is indexed by sets of the underlying space on which it is defined, such as the real line or
-dimensional Euclidean space.
Other stochastic processes such as renewal and counting processes are studied in the theory of point processes.
Sometimes the term "point process" is not preferred, as historically the word "process" denoted an evolution of some system in time, so point process is also called a random point field.
Point processes on the real line form an important special case that is particularly amenable to study,
[Last, G., Brandt, A. (1995).''Marked point processes on the real line: The dynamic approach.'' Probability and its Applications. Springer, New York. , ] because the points are ordered in a natural way, and the whole point process can be described completely by the (random) intervals between the points. These point processes are frequently used as models for random events in time, such as the arrival of customers in a queue (
queueing theory
Queueing theory is the mathematical study of waiting lines, or queues. A queueing model is constructed so that queue lengths and waiting time can be predicted. Queueing theory is generally considered a branch of operations research because the ...
), of impulses in a neuron (
computational neuroscience
Computational neuroscience (also known as theoretical neuroscience or mathematical neuroscience) is a branch of neuroscience which employs mathematical models, computer simulations, theoretical analysis and abstractions of the brain to ...
), particles in a
Geiger counter, location of radio stations in a
telecommunication network
A telecommunications network is a group of nodes interconnected by telecommunications links that are used to exchange messages between the nodes. The links may use a variety of technologies based on the methodologies of circuit switching, mes ...
or of searches on the
world-wide web.
General point process theory
In mathematics, a point process is a
random element whose values are "point patterns" on a
set ''S''. While in the exact mathematical definition a point pattern is specified as a
locally finite counting measure, it is sufficient for more applied purposes to think of a point pattern as a
In mathematics, a set is countable if either it is finite or it can be made in one to one correspondence with the set of natural numbers. Equivalently, a set is ''countable'' if there exists an injective function from it into the natural number ...
subset of ''S'' that has no
limit points.
To define general point processes, we start with a probability space
and a measurable space
is a
locally compact In topology and related branches of mathematics, a topological space is called locally compact if, roughly speaking, each small portion of the space looks like a small portion of a compact space. More precisely, it is a topological space in which e ...
second countable Hausdorff space
In topology and related branches of mathematics, a Hausdorff space ( , ), separated space or T2 space is a topological space where, for any two distinct points, there exist neighbourhoods of each which are disjoint from each other. Of the many ...
is its
Borel σ-algebra. Consider now an integer-valued locally finite kernel
, that is, a mapping
such that:
# For every
is a locally finite measure on
# For every
is a random variable over
This kernel defines a
random measure in the following way. We would like to think of
as defining a mapping which maps
to a measure
is the set of all locally finite measures on
Now, to make this mapping measurable, we need to define a
-field over
-field is constructed as the minimal algebra so that all evaluation maps of the form
, where
relatively compact,
are measurable. Equipped with this
-field, then
is a random element, where for every
is a locally finite measure over
Now, by ''a point process'' on
we simply mean ''an integer-valued random measure'' (or equivalently, integer-valued
constructed as above.
The most common example for the state space ''S'' is the Euclidean space R
''n'' or a subset thereof, where a particularly interesting special case is given by the real half-line [0,∞). However, point processes are not limited to these examples and may among other things also be used if the points are themselves compact subsets of R
''n'', in which case ''ξ'' is usually referred to as a ''particle process''.
It has been noted that the term ''point process'' is not a very good one if ''S'' is not a subset of the real line, as it might suggest that ξ is a stochastic process. However, the term is well established and uncontested even in the general case.
Every instance (or event) of a point process ξ can be represented as
denotes the
Dirac measure, ''n'' is an integer-valued random variable and
are random elements of ''S''. If
's are
almost surely
In probability theory, an event is said to happen almost surely (sometimes abbreviated as a.s.) if it happens with probability 1 (or Lebesgue measure 1). In other words, the set of possible exceptions may be non-empty, but it has probability 0 ...
distinct (or equivalently, almost surely
for all
), then the point process is known as ''
Another different but useful representation of an event (an event in the event space, i.e. a series of points) is the counting notation, where each instance is represented as an
function, a continuous function which takes integer values:
which is the number of events in the observation interval
. It is sometimes denoted by
, and
Expectation measure
The ''expectation measure'' ''Eξ'' (also known as ''mean measure'') of a point process ξ is a measure on ''S'' that assigns to every Borel subset ''B'' of ''S'' the expected number of points of ''ξ'' in ''B''. That is,
Laplace functional
The ''Laplace functional''
of a point process ''N'' is a
map from the set of all positive valued functions ''f'' on the state space of ''N'', to
They play a similar role as the Characteristic function (probability theory)">characteristic functions for random variable. One important theorem says that: two point processes have the same law if their Laplace functionals are equal.
Moment measure
nth power of a point process,
\xi^n, is defined on the product space
S^n as follows :
\xi^n(A_1 \times \cdots \times A_n) = \prod_^n \xi(A_i)
By monotone class theorem, this uniquely defines the product measure on
(S^n,B(S^n)). The expectation
E \xi^n(\cdot) is called
n th moment measure. The first moment measure is the mean measure.
S = \mathbb^d . The ''joint intensities'' of a point process
\xi w.r.t. the
Lebesgue measure
In measure theory, a branch of mathematics, the Lebesgue measure, named after French mathematician Henri Lebesgue, is the standard way of assigning a measure to subsets of ''n''-dimensional Euclidean space. For ''n'' = 1, 2, or 3, it coincides ...
are functions
\rho^ :(\mathbb^d)^k \to such that for any disjoint bounded Borel subsets B_1,\ldots,B_k
: E\left(\prod_i \xi(B_i)\right) = \int_ \rho^(x_1,\ldots,x_k) \, dx_1\cdots dx_k .
Joint intensities do not always exist for point processes. Given that moments of a random variable">Moment (mathematics)">moments of a random variable determine the random variable in many cases, a similar result is to be expected for joint intensities. Indeed, this has been shown in many cases.
A point process \xi \subset \mathbb^d is said to be ''stationary'' if \xi + x := \sum_^N \delta_ has the same distribution as \xi for all x \in \mathbb^d. For a stationary point process, the mean measure E \xi (\cdot) = \lambda \, \cdot\, for some constant \lambda \geq 0 and where \, \cdot\, stands for the Lebesgue measure. This \lambda is called the ''intensity'' of the point process. A stationary point process on \mathbb^d has almost surely either 0 or an infinite number of points in total. For more on stationary point processes and random measure, refer to Chapter 12 of Daley & Vere-Jones. Stationarity has been defined and studied for point processes in more general spaces than \mathbb^d.
Examples of point processes
We shall see some examples of point processes in \mathbb^d.
Poisson point process
The simplest and most ubiquitous example of a point process is the ''Poisson point process'', which is a spatial generalisation of the Poisson process. A Poisson (counting) process on the line can be characterised by two properties : the number of points (or events) in disjoint intervals are independent and have a Poisson distribution
In probability theory and statistics, the Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space if these events occur with a known ...
. A Poisson point process can also be defined using these two properties. Namely, we say that a point process \xi is a Poisson point process if the following two conditions hold
1) \xi(B_1),\ldots,\xi(B_n) are independent for disjoint subsets
2) For any bounded subset B, \xi(B) has a Poisson distribution
In probability theory and statistics, the Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space if these events occur with a known ...
with parameter \lambda \, B\, , where
\, \cdot\, denotes the Lebesgue measure
In measure theory, a branch of mathematics, the Lebesgue measure, named after French mathematician Henri Lebesgue, is the standard way of assigning a measure to subsets of ''n''-dimensional Euclidean space. For ''n'' = 1, 2, or 3, it coincides ...
The two conditions can be combined and written as follows : For any disjoint bounded subsets B_1,\ldots,B_n and non-negative integers k_1,\ldots,k_n we have that
:\Pr xi(B_i) = k_i, 1 \leq i \leq n= \prod_i e^\frac.
The constant \lambda is called the intensity of the Poisson point process. Note that the Poisson point process is characterised by the single parameter \lambda. It is a simple, stationary point process.
To be more specific one calls the above point process a homogeneous Poisson point process. An inhomogeneous Poisson process is defined as above but by replacing \lambda \, B\, with \int_B\lambda(x) \, dx where \lambda is a non-negative function on \mathbb^d.
Cox point process
A Cox process (named after Sir David Cox) is a generalisation of the Poisson point process, in that we use random measures in place of \lambda \, B\, . More formally, let \Lambda be a random measure. A Cox point process driven by the random measure \Lambda is the point process \xi with the following two properties :
#Given \Lambda(\cdot), \xi(B) is Poisson distributed with parameter \Lambda(B) for any bounded subset B.
#For any finite collection of disjoint subsets B_1,\ldots,B_n and conditioned on \Lambda(B_1),\ldots,\Lambda(B_n), we have that \xi(B_1),\ldots,\xi(B_n) are independent.
It is easy to see that Poisson point process (homogeneous and inhomogeneous) follow as special cases of Cox point processes. The mean measure of a Cox point process is E \xi(\cdot) = E \Lambda(\cdot) and thus in the special case of a Poisson point process, it is \lambda\, \cdot\, .
For a Cox point process, \Lambda(\cdot) is called the ''intensity measure''. Further, if \Lambda(\cdot) has a (random) density ( Radon–Nikodym derivative) \lambda(\cdot) i.e.,
:\Lambda(B) \,\stackrel\, \int_B \lambda(x) \, dx,
then \lambda(\cdot) is called the ''intensity field'' of the Cox point process. Stationarity of the intensity measures or intensity fields imply the stationarity of the corresponding Cox point processes.
There have been many specific classes of Cox point processes that have been studied in detail such as:
*Log-Gaussian Cox point processes: \lambda(y) = \exp(X(y)) for a Gaussian random field X(\cdot)
*Shot noise Cox point processes:,[Moller, J. (2003) Shot noise Cox processes, '' Adv. Appl. Prob.'', 35.] \lambda(y)= \sum_ h(X,y) for a Poisson point process \Phi(\cdot) and kernel h(\cdot , \cdot)
*Generalised shot noise Cox point processes:[Moller, J. and Torrisi, G.L. (2005) "Generalised Shot noise Cox processes", '' Adv. Appl. Prob.'', 37.] \lambda(y)= \sum_ h(X,y) for a point process \Phi(\cdot) and kernel h(\cdot , \cdot)
*Lévy based Cox point processes:[Hellmund, G., Prokesova, M. and Vedel Jensen, E.B. (2008)
"Lévy-based Cox point processes", '' Adv. Appl. Prob.'', 40. ] \lambda(y)= \int h(x,y)L(dx) for a Lévy basis L(\cdot) and kernel h(\cdot , \cdot), and
*Permanental Cox point processes:[Mccullagh,P. and Moller, J. (2006) "The permanental processes", '' Adv. Appl. Prob.'', 38.] \lambda(y) = X_1^2(y) + \cdots + X_k^2(y) for ''k'' independent Gaussian random fields X_i(\cdot)'s
*Sigmoidal Gaussian Cox point processes:[Adams, R. P., Murray, I. MacKay, D. J. C. (2009) "Tractable inference in Poisson processes with Gaussian process intensities", ''Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Machine Learning'' ] \lambda(y) = \lambda^/(1+\exp(-X(y))) for a Gaussian random field X(\cdot) and random \lambda^\star > 0
By Jensen's inequality, one can verify that Cox point processes satisfy the following inequality: for all bounded Borel subsets B,
: \operatorname(\xi(B)) \geq \operatorname(\xi_(B)) ,
where \xi_\alpha stands for a Poisson point process with intensity measure \alpha(\cdot) := E \xi(\cdot) = E \Lambda(\cdot). Thus points are distributed with greater variability in a Cox point process compared to a Poisson point process. This is sometimes called ''clustering'' or ''attractive property'' of the Cox point process.
Determinantal point processes
An important class of point processes, with applications to physics
Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. "Physical science is that department of knowledge which rel ...
, random matrix theory, and combinatorics
Combinatorics is an area of mathematics primarily concerned with counting, both as a means and an end in obtaining results, and certain properties of finite structures. It is closely related to many other areas of mathematics and has many a ...
, is that of determinantal point processes.[Hough, J. B., Krishnapur, M., Peres, Y., and Virág, B., Zeros of Gaussian analytic functions and determinantal point processes. University Lecture Series, 51. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2009.]
Hawkes (self-exciting) processes
A Hawkes process N_t, also known as a self-exciting counting process, is a simple point process whose conditional intensity can be expressed as
: \begin
\lambda (t) & = \mu (t) + \int_^t \nu (t - s) \, dN_s\\ pt & = \mu (t) + \sum_ \nu (t - T_k)
where \nu : \mathbb^+ \rightarrow \mathbb^+ is a kernel function which expresses the positive influence of past events T_i on the current value of the intensity process \lambda (t), \mu (t) is a possibly non-stationary function representing the expected, predictable, or deterministic part of the intensity, and \ \in \mathbb is the time of occurrence of the ''i''-th event of the process.
Geometric processes
Given a sequence of non-negative random variables \ , if they are independent and the cdf of X_k is given by F(a^x) for k=1,2, \dots , where a is a positive constant, then \ is called a geometric process (GP).
The geometric process has several extensions, including the ''α- series process'' and the ''doubly geometric process''.
Point processes on the real half-line
Historically the first point processes that were studied had the real half line R+ = + are typically described by giving the sequence of their (random) inter-event times (''T''1, ''T''2, ...), from which the actual sequence (''X''1, ''X''2, ...) of event times can be obtained as
: X_k = \sum_^ T_j \quad \text k \geq 1.
If the inter-event times are independent and identically distributed, the point process obtained is called a ''renewal process''.
Intensity of a point process
The ''intensity'' ''λ''(''t'' "> ''H''''t'') of a point process on the real half-line with respect to a filtration ''H''''t'' is defined as
\lambda(t \mid H_t)=\lim_\frac\Pr(\text\,[t,t+\Delta t\mid H_t) ,
''H''''t'' can denote the history of event-point times preceding time ''t'' but can also correspond to other filtrations (for example in the case of a Cox process).
In the N(t)-notation, this can be written in a more compact form:
: \lambda(t \mid H_t)=\lim_\frac\Pr(N(t+\Delta t)-N(t)=1 \mid H_t).
The ''compensator'' of a point process, also known as the ''dual-predictable projection'', is the integrated conditional intensity function defined by
: \Lambda (s, u) = \int_s^u \lambda (t \mid H_t) \, \mathrm t
Related functions
Papangelou intensity function
The ''Papangelou intensity function'' of a point process N in the n-dimensional Euclidean space
is defined as
\lambda_p(x)=\lim_\frac\ ,
where B_\delta (x) is the ball centered at x of a radius \delta, and \sigma[N(\mathbb^n \setminus B_\delta(x))] denotes the information of the point process N
outside B_\delta(x).
Likelihood function
The logarithmic likelihood of a parameterized simple point process conditional upon some observed data is written as
: \ln \mathcal (N (t)_)=\int_0^T (1 - \lambda (s)) \, ds + \int_0^T \ln \lambda (s) \, dN_s
Point processes in spatial statistics
The analysis of point pattern data in a compact subset ''S'' of R''n'' is a major object of study within spatial statistics. Such data appear in a broad range of disciplines,[Baddeley, A., Gregori, P., Mateu, J., Stoica, R., and Stoyan, D., editors (2006). ''Case Studies in Spatial Point Pattern Modelling'', Lecture Notes in Statistics No. 185. Springer, New York.
.] amongst which are
*forestry and plant ecology (positions of trees or plants in general)
*epidemiology (home locations of infected patients)
*zoology (burrows or nests of animals)
*geography (positions of human settlements, towns or cities)
*seismology (epicenters of earthquakes)
*materials science (positions of defects in industrial materials)
*astronomy (locations of stars or galaxies)
*computational neuroscience (spikes of neurons).
The need to use point processes to model these kinds of data lies in their inherent spatial structure. Accordingly, a first question of interest is often whether the given data exhibit complete spatial randomness (i.e. are a realization of a spatial Poisson process) as opposed to exhibiting either spatial aggregation or spatial inhibition.
In contrast, many datasets considered in classical multivariate statistics
Multivariate statistics is a subdivision of statistics encompassing the simultaneous observation and analysis of more than one outcome variable.
Multivariate statistics concerns understanding the different aims and background of each of the dif ...
consist of independently generated datapoints that may be governed by one or several covariates (typically non-spatial).
Apart from the applications in spatial statistics, point processes are one of the fundamental objects in stochastic geometry. Research has also focussed extensively on various models built on point processes such as Voronoi tessellations, random geometric graphs, and Boolean model
Any kind of logic, function, expression, or theory based on the work of George Boole is considered Boolean.
Related to this, "Boolean" may refer to:
* Boolean data type, a form of data with only two possible values (usually "true" and "false" ...
See also
* Empirical measure
* Random measure
* Point process notation
*Point process operation In probability and statistics, a point process operation or point process transformation is a type of mathematical operation performed on a random object known as a point process, which are often used as mathematical models of phenomena that can be ...
* Poisson process
*Renewal theory
Renewal theory is the branch of probability theory that generalizes the Poisson process for arbitrary holding times. Instead of exponentially distributed holding times, a renewal process may have any independent and identically distributed (IID) ho ...
* Invariant measure
* Transfer operator
*Koopman operator
In mathematics, the composition operator C_\phi with symbol \phi is a linear operator defined by the rule
C_\phi (f) = f \circ \phi
where f \circ \phi denotes function composition.
The study of composition operators is covered bAMS category 47B33 ...
*Shift operator
In mathematics, and in particular functional analysis, the shift operator also known as translation operator is an operator that takes a function
to its translation . In time series analysis, the shift operator is called the lag operator.
Shift ...
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Statistical data types
Spatial processes