


Ngeremlengui (also spelled Ngaremlengui,) is one of
Palau Palau,, officially the Republic of Palau and historically ''Belau'', ''Palaos'' or ''Pelew'', is an island country and microstate in the western Pacific. The nation has approximately 340 islands and connects the western chain of the Ca ...
's sixteen states. It has a
population Population typically refers to the number of people in a single area, whether it be a city or town, region, country, continent, or the world. Governments typically quantify the size of the resident population within their jurisdiction using ...
of 350 (according to the 2015
census A census is the procedure of systematically acquiring, recording and calculating information about the members of a given population. This term is used mostly in connection with national population and housing censuses; other common censuses in ...
), and is just
west West or Occident is one of the four cardinal directions or points of the compass. It is the opposite direction from east and is the direction in which the Sun sets on the Earth. Etymology The word "west" is a Germanic word passed into some ...
of the capital in
Melekeok Melekeok is a state of the Republic of Palau located on the central east coast of Babeldaob Island. The seat of government of the country, Ngerulmud, is located in the state. The state consists of long beaches, hills, steep ridges, rivers, and t ...


Ngeremlengui, located on the north-central west coast, includes the large hill mass of Roismlengui and vast tracts of the interior along the Ngermeskang River. The modern villages of Ngeremlengui include inhabited settlements at Ngermetengel, Imeong,and Ngchemesed. Along the west coast between the inlet to Ngeremeduu Bay and the Chometubet River, the terrain is very rugged with some of the highest hills in Palau including Badechemetei. Ngermetengel is located on the north side of the Chometubet, and Imeong is located a short distance to the northeast on the Imeong River. Ngchemesed is located on the north shore of Ngeremeduu Bay. To the north, the Kaud River has been considered the boundary between Ngeremlengui and
Ngardmau Ngardmau is one of Palau's sixteen states and is located on the west side of Babeldaob between the states of Ngaraard and Ngeremlengui. Geography The total area of Ngardmau is . At the time of the 2015 census, 185 people lived in the state. T ...
. Inland, the rolling hills rise to the highest points in Palau with elevations of 250m near the border with
Ngardmau Ngardmau is one of Palau's sixteen states and is located on the west side of Babeldaob between the states of Ngaraard and Ngeremlengui. Geography The total area of Ngardmau is . At the time of the 2015 census, 185 people lived in the state. T ...
. In the east part of Ngeremlengui is the drainage of the Ngermeskang River, the longest in Palau. This drainage is separated from Ngermetengel and Imeong by a line ofprominent hills collectively known as Roismlengui. To the southeast is the Ngerbechederngul River, better known as the Yamato, which joins the Ngermeskang near its mouth at the northeast corner of Ngeremeduu Bay. During the Japanese administration, Ngeremlengui was connected by road to
Ngatpang Ngatpang is one of Palau's sixteen states. It comprises an area of around 47 square kilometers in the west of Palau's largest island, Babeldaob, facing onto Ngeremeduu Bay. The state capital is Ngerdubech. It has a population of 282, making ...
Melekeok Melekeok is a state of the Republic of Palau located on the central east coast of Babeldaob Island. The seat of government of the country, Ngerulmud, is located in the state. The state consists of long beaches, hills, steep ridges, rivers, and t ...
, and
Ngardmau Ngardmau is one of Palau's sixteen states and is located on the west side of Babeldaob between the states of Ngaraard and Ngeremlengui. Geography The total area of Ngardmau is . At the time of the 2015 census, 185 people lived in the state. T ...
, but today most of the roads are impassable. Thick fringes of mangrove swamp forest are found along the Ngermeskang and Ngerbechederngul Rivers in the northeast corner of Ngeremeduu Bay and along the northern coast. Along a broad belt of low hills inland of the mangroves are large areas of savanna with patches of forest. Further inland, large tracts of forest cover much of the interior part of the state. According to informants, areas of savanna along the Ngermeskang River were created recently in the construction of the Japanese
Asahi Plantation Asahi (朝日, 旭, or あさひ) means "morning sun" in Japanese and may refer to: Cities * Asahi, Chiba (旭市; ''Asahi-shi'') Wards * Asahi-ku, Osaka (旭区; ''Asahi-ku'') * Asahi-ku, Yokohama (旭; ''Asahi-ku'') Towns * Asahi, Aichi ( ...
. Presently, most of the use of land in Ngeremlengui is confined to gardens surrounding the modern villages of Ngermetengel, Imeong, and Ngchemesed. Interspersed with these kitchen gardens are stands of agroforest which include
coconut The coconut tree (''Cocos nucifera'') is a member of the palm tree family (Arecaceae) and the only living species of the genus ''Cocos''. The term "coconut" (or the archaic "cocoanut") can refer to the whole coconut palm, the seed, or ...
, betelnut,
breadfruit Breadfruit (''Artocarpus altilis'') is a species of flowering tree in the mulberry and jackfruit family (Moraceae) believed to be a domesticated descendant of '' Artocarpus camansi'' originating in New Guinea, the Maluku Islands, and the Phil ...
, and almond trees, and
banana A banana is an elongated, edible fruit – botanically a berry (botany), berry – produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus ''Musa (genus), Musa''. In some countries, Cooking banana, bananas used for ...
plants. In and around many of the uninhabited villages are stands of coconut and betelnut palms, and occasionally patches of irregularly attended
taro Taro () (''Colocasia esculenta)'' is a root vegetable. It is the most widely cultivated species of several plants in the family Araceae that are used as vegetables for their corms, leaves, and petioles. Taro corms are a food staple in Afric ...
swamp gardens. According to informants, except for occasional forays to hunt pigeon or harvest special plants, there is little active use of most of the interior of Ngeremlengui. The capital of the state of Ngeremlengui is Imeong. Ngeremlengui is on the western side of
Babeldaob Babeldaob (also Babelthuap) is the largest island in the island nation of the Republic of Palau. It is in the western Caroline Islands, and the second largest island (after Guam) in the Micronesia region of Oceania. Palau's capital, Ngerulmud, i ...
, which is the largest island in Palau. Ngarelemgui is the largest of Palau's sixteen states in terms of land, and has an area of roughly 65 km2. The Mount Ngerchelchuus is the Republic of Palau's highest point and is located at the border of the states of Ngardmau and Ngeremlengui, on the island of Babeldaob.


The population of the state was 350 in the 2015 census and median age was 32.7 years. The official languages of the state are Palauan and
English English usually refers to: * English language * English people English may also refer to: Peoples, culture, and language * ''English'', an adjective for something of, from, or related to England ** English national id ...
. Ngirturong is the title of the traditional high chief from the state.

Traditional villages

At least eighteen traditional village sites are found in Ngeremlengui, and there may be as many as forty. Of special note, four villages lie in a cluster around the modern settlement of Imeong. These settlements were focused on the rich soil with a mixed forest on a thin strip of land along the coast, on the north shore of the bay, and along the major rivers just above the reaches of the mangroves. The traditional villages represent important symbols giving identity to families, clans, and regions. Within villages are numerous stone features with historical and traditional importance. Many of the stone platforms, odesongel, serve as clan cemeteries, and other stone features serve as shrines. The lagoon and Ngeremeduu Bay are important resource areas and were intensively exploited prehistorically. Important resources include the
mangrove crab Mangrove crabs are crabs that live among mangroves, and may belong to many different species and even families. They have been shown to be ecologically significant in many ways. They keep much of the energy within the forest by burying and con ...
, and many species of fish. Taro swamp gardens exist near Imeong and the other traditional villages, and garden plots surround most of the village sites.

Political system

The state of Ngeremlengui, with population of less than 400, has an elected chief executive, governor. The state also has a legislature elected every four years. The state population elects one of the members of the
House of Delegates of Palau The House of Delegates of Palau is the lower house of the Palau National Congress (''Olbiil era Kelulau''), Palau's bicameral legislature. The Senate of Palau is the upper house. The House of Delegates has 16 members, each serving four-year te ...


Ministry of Education An education ministry is a national or subnational government agency politically responsible for education. Various other names are commonly used to identify such agencies, such as Ministry of Education, Department of Education, and Ministry of Pub ...
operates public schools. Ngeremlengui Elementary School opened in 1945. Its permanent building was established around 1946.Ngeremlengui Elementary School
Ministry of Education (Palau) The Ministry of Education is a government agency of Palau, headquartered in Koror City. It operates the country's public schools. Schools Palau High School in Koror is the country's only public high school.Palau High School Palau High School (PHS) is a senior high school in Koror City, Palau. Opened in 1962, it is the country's only public high school, and the first high school established in Palau. The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accredits the ...
Koror Koror is the state comprising the main commercial centre of the Republic of Palau. It consists of several islands, the most prominent being Koror Island (also ''Oreor Island''). It is Palau’s most populous state. History In the oral tradition ...
is the country's only public high school, so children from this community go there.About
Palau High School Palau High School (PHS) is a senior high school in Koror City, Palau. Opened in 1962, it is the country's only public high school, and the first high school established in Palau. The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accredits the ...
. Retrieved on February 22, 2018.


External links

Flag A flag is a piece of fabric (most often rectangular or quadrilateral) with a distinctive design and colours. It is used as a symbol, a signalling device, or for decoration. The term ''flag'' is also used to refer to the graphic design emp ...
of Ngeremlengui:

More info. on Ngeremlengui:

{{authority control Ngeremlengui, States of Palau