Naser Manzuri



Naser Manzuri (
Azeri Azerbaijanis (; az, Azərbaycanlılar, ), Azeris ( az, Azərilər, ), or Azerbaijani Turks ( az, Azərbaycan Türkləri, ) are a Turkic peoples, Turkic people living mainly in Azerbaijan (Iran), northwestern Iran and the Azerbaijan, Republi ...
: ''Nasir Mənzuri''; Persian: ناصر منظوری) is an Iranian novelist and linguist, born in 1953 in Mianeh. He writes his novels in the
Azerbaijani language Azerbaijani () or Azeri (), also referred to as Azeri Turkic or Azeri Turkish, is a Turkic language from the Oghuz sub-branch spoken primarily by the Azerbaijani people, who live mainly in the Republic of Azerbaijan where the North Azerbaija ...
. He vastly concentrates on Azeri mythical thoughts in his themes and combines with reality. However, he writes his linguistic theoreticals in three languages (Azerbaijani, Persian and English).



* ''Son Nağıl Son Efsane'' (The Last Tale, the Last Myth) 1990 * ''Qaraçuxa'' (pronounced: Qarachookha, name of some mythical character, in fact, it is the personification of protection and luck for any one.) 1994 * ''Avava'' (call for gathering, done by tapping the hand at the mouth on the last moony nights of summer
Sonay In Azerbaijan folklore the last moony nights of summer is called Sonay (so-na-y)(سونای). In Azerbaijani mythical thought the sun and the moon are eternally in love. They will never get to each other. Sonay occurs at autumnal equinox when the ...
) 2005

Scholarly work

In his linguistic researches he concentrates on deterministic concepts. His books are (written in three languages): * ''نظام چهار بعدی زبان'' (Four-dimensional System of Language) 2002 * ''Deterministically Structuring Concepts'' 2003 * ''Dil ve Ayın Düşünce'' (Language and Mythical Thought) 2007 * ''آشوبی شدگی در شعر شهريار-1'' (Oral Tablets-1) (Sheriyar’s zeri poetPoetry going Chaotic -1) 2009 * ''آشوبی شدگی در شعر شهريار -2'' (Oral Tablets-2) (Sheriyar’s zeri poetPoetry going Chaotic -2) 2009 * ''زايش ادبيات'' (Oral Tablets-4) (Birth of Literature) 2011 * ''مفهوم صدا'' (Oral Tablets-5) (Concepts with the Sounds) 2011 * ''ساختار مفهومی فعل'' (Oral Tablets-6) (Conceptual Structuring of Verbs) 2012 * ''نظام فراجمله ای در زبان ترکی'' (Oral Tablets-7) (Ultra-sentential System in Turkish Language) 2012 * ٤ باى، ٤ فصل (Oral Tablets 8) (4 BAYs, 4 Seasons) 2014 * اساطیر یونانی در سیاه چاله زبان-فکر (Oral Tablets 9) (Greek Myths in the Black Hole of Language-thought) 2015 * مفهوم "مونث" در زبان-فکر (Oral Tablets 10) ("Femininity" as Conceptualized in Language-thought) 2015 * آذ (Oral Tablets 11) (Az) 2017


* *Scrutiny over Naser Manzuri's AVAVA Novel, Masters Thesis, (Nasır Menzuri’nin AVAVA ROMANI ÜZERİNE BİR İNCELEME), Sedef Ahenpençe, yüksek lisans tezi, CELAL BAYAR ÜNİ. SOSYAL BİLİMLER ENS. YENİ TÜRK EDEBİYATI ANABİLİM DALI, 2010 *Azərbaycan (Official Journal of Azerbaijan Writers) (9), 2005 *Alatoran "Azad Yazarlar Ocağı" (Journal of Free Writers) (12) & (13), 2008 *Writer and Scientist, "Ədəbiyyat Qəzeti" (Literature Journal), No 29 (4884), Baku, 2013 *Cənubi Azərbaycan Ədəbiyyatı Tarıxı XX əsr (South Azerbaijan Literature History XX era), II Vol., p. 617, Azerbaijan National Academia of Sciences, 2013 *Nasır Menzuri Hayatı, Edebi Kişiliyi və Karaçuha Romanı, (Nazer Manzuri's Life, Literary Personality and Qarachookha Novel), Nazanin Zolfaghari, Master Thesis, T.C., Ege Uni., Social Sciences Institute, Literature of Turk World ABD, 2013

External links

Azerbaijani-language writers 1953 births Living people Linguists from Iran People from Mianeh Iranian grammarians {{Iran-linguist-stub