Mukwe Constituency



Mukwe is a constituency in the
Kavango East Kavango East is one of the fourteen regions of Namibia. Its capital is Rundu, its governor is Bonifatius Wakudumo. The Region was created in 2013 when the Kavango Region was split into Kavango East and Kavango West. The only self-governed settl ...
region of
Namibia Namibia (, ), officially the Republic of Namibia, is a country in Southern Africa. Its western border is the Atlantic Ocean. It shares land borders with Zambia and Angola to the north, Botswana to the east and South Africa to the south and e ...
. The district centre is the settlement of Mukwe. It had a population of 27,690 in 2011, up from 27,250 in 2001. The constituency contains the major settlements of
Bagani Bagani or magani refers to the class of warrior-leaders of various Lumad ethnic groups of the island of Mindanao, Philippines. Bagani were most notably integral to the traditional society and government of the Mandaya, Mansaka, Manobo, and ...
, Kangongo and Divundu, and a number of small populated places such as
Andara Andara is a village in Mukwe Constituency in the Kavango East region of north-eastern Namibia. Located east of Rundu, it is inhabited primarily by the Hambukushu people. Founding of the Catholic mission Catholic fathers of the organization M ...
and Diyogha. the constituency had 16,678 registered voters. There is a bilateral agreement with
Angola , national_anthem = "Angola Avante"() , image_map = , map_caption = , capital = Luanda , religion = , religion_year = 2020 , religion_ref = , coordina ...
to allow mutual near-border immigration without travel documents. This applies to a maximum distance of 30 km, it is not valid for tourists.


General elections

The day after the 2009 general election, the
Electoral Commission of Namibia The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) is an agency of the Government of Namibia. It was founded in 1992 under the Electoral Act 24 of 1992. The aim of the commission is to oversee all Namibian electoral activities starting from voter registra ...
(ECN) called for a recount of Mukwe's ballots "after several political parties expressed their unhappiness over the counting process". There were 19 polling stations in the constituency. In the certified results, incumbent President and
SWAPO The South West Africa People's Organisation (, SWAPO; af, Suidwes-Afrikaanse Volks Organisasie, SWAVO; german: Südwestafrikanische Volksorganisation, SWAVO), officially known as the SWAPO Party of Namibia, is a political party and former ind ...
Hifikepunye Pohamba Hifikepunye Lucas Pohamba (born 18 August 1936) is a Namibian politician who served as the second president of Namibia from 21 March 2005 to 21 March 2015. He won the 2004 presidential election overwhelmingly as the candidate of SWAPO, and wa ...
received 6,227 votes of the 8,542 accepted votes. The closest candidates to Pohamba were Ignatius Shixwameni of the All People's Party (APP, 661 votes) and
Hidipo Hamutenya Hidipo Livius Hamutenya (17 June 1939 – 6 October 2016) was a Namibian politician. A long time leading member of the South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO), Hamutenya was a member of the Cabinet of Namibia from independence in 1990 to ...
of the Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP, 343 votes).

Regional elections

In the 2010 local and regional elections, SWAPO's Christian Muriki won a seat in the Kavango Regional Council with 3,774 votes over APP's Pankratius Kutenda with 783 votes. Petrus Dishara of the
Democratic Turnhalle Alliance The Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), formerly the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA), is an amalgamation of political parties in Namibia, registered as one singular party for representation purposes. In coalition with the United Democratic ...
(DTA) finished in third place with 414 votes and RDP's Justina Ngombara finished in last place 117 votes. The 2015 regional elections were again a landslide win for Swapo. Johannes John Haushiku Thighuru received 5,541 votes while Venantius Kambogho of the APP received 484 votes and Bernand Thimbonde of the DTA came third with 442 votes. The SWAPO candidate also won the 2020 regional election. Damian Marungu Maghambayi obtained 2,995 votes, far ahead of Benedict Dindo (APP, 596 votes).

See also

Constituencies of Namibia Each of the 14 regions of Namibia is further subdivided into electoral constituencies. The size of the constituencies varies with the size and population of each region. There are currently 121 constituencies in Namibia. The most populous con ...


{{coord, 16.8167, S, 24.5833, E, source:kolossus-dewiki, display=title Constituencies of Kavango East Region States and territories established in 1992 1992 establishments in Namibia