

Monsieur Pierre was the professional name of Pierre Jean Philippe Zurcher-Margolle (born c. 1890,
Toulon, France Toulon (, , ; oc, label= Provençal, Tolon , , ) is a city on the French Riviera and a large port on the Mediterranean coast, with a major naval base. Located in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, and the Provence province, Toulon is the ...
– died 1963, London). He was a professional dancer and dance teacher, largely responsible for introducing the
Latin American Latin Americans ( es, Latinoamericanos; pt, Latino-americanos; ) are the citizens of Latin American countries (or people with cultural, ancestral or national origins in Latin America). Latin American countries and their diasporas are multi-et ...
dances to England, and for codifying them, and laying the groundwork for their use in competitions and in
social dance Social dances are dances that have a social functions and context. Social dances are intended for participation rather than performance. They are often danced merely to socialise and for entertainment, though they may have ceremonial, compe ...
. The system he and his colleagues developed became the basis for all Latin and American competitions held under the
World Dance Council The World Dance Council Ltd (WDC), is a registered limited company, the legal successor to the ''International Council of Ballroom Dancing'', and was established at a meeting organized by Phillip J. S. Richardson on 22 September 1950 in Edinburgh, ...

Early life

As a young man, Pierre's engineering studies at Zurich University were abruptly halted when he was struck in the eye by a tennis ball. This accident resulted in the loss of sight in that eye. After this accident he went to live in Paris where his spare time was spent in the night clubs where Cuban and other Latin immigrants enjoyed their music and dances. He next worked in the French
consular service Consular assistance is help and advice provided by the diplomatic agents of a country to citizens of that country who are living or traveling overseas. The diplomats may be honorary consuls, or members of the country's diplomatic service. Such ...
Liverpool Liverpool is a City status in the United Kingdom, city and metropolitan borough in Merseyside, England. With a population of in 2019, it is the List of English districts by population, 10th largest English district by population and its E ...
, but was forced to resign when the eye strain began to affect the sighted eye. He moved to London, where he enjoyed
ice skating Ice skating is the self-propulsion and gliding of a person across an ice surface, using metal-bladed ice skates. People skate for various reasons, including recreation (fun), exercise, competitive sports, and commuting. Ice skating may be per ...
and dancing. After
World War I World War I (28 July 1914 11 November 1918), often abbreviated as WWI, was List of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll, one of the deadliest global conflicts in history. Belligerents included much of Europe, the Russian Empire, ...
ended in 1918 he started on a career as a professional ballroom dancer.Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing 2004. ''100 years of dance: a history of the ISTD Examinations Board'', London. p. 62. Although he spent the rest of his life resident in London, Pierre remained a
French citizen French nationality law is historically based on the principles of ''jus soli'' (Latin for "right of soil") and ''jus sanguinis'', according to Ernest Renan's definition, in opposition to the German definition of nationality, ''jus sanguinis'' ...
for his entire life.

Latin dance in England

The rhythms which make Latin American dance popular were brought to Britain between the two World Wars. Pierre was already an accomplished dancer and teacher in the English ballroom style. In Latin dances, his repertoire first consisted of the
Argentine tango Argentine tango is a musical genre and accompanying social dance originating at the end of the 19th century in the suburbs of Buenos Aires. It typically has a or rhythmic time signature, and two or three parts repeating in patterns such as ABA ...
, the
Paso doble Pasodoble (Spanish: ''double step'') is a fast-paced Spanish military march used by infantry troops. Its speed allowed troops to give 120 steps per minute (double the average of a regular unit, hence its name). This military march gave rise r ...
and the
Samba Samba (), also known as samba urbano carioca (''urban Carioca samba'') or simply samba carioca (''Carioca samba''), is a Brazilian music genre that originated in the Afro-Brazilian communities of Rio de Janeiro in the early 20th century. Havi ...
. :"The tango was always his speciality in demonstrations and as a result many teachers were attracted to it and first learnt it from him." :"Pierre had been a celebrated exponent and teacher of tango, dancing first with Countess Gioia, then Mme Bayo, followed by Meredyth Owen. He had established a reputation as the leading specialist for all Latin dances." For a number of years Pierre's studio was in or near Regent Street. Later, Doris Lavelle went to him to learn the tango. He quickly realised her potential and after training she became his next dance partner. They demonstrated as often as three nights a week at London restaurants, ballrooms and night clubs, of which there were many at that time. By the 1930s Pierre had moved more towards the Latin American dances, and in 1934 his full-page trade adverts featured the rumba. The studio stayed open all through
World War II World War II or the Second World War, often abbreviated as WWII or WW2, was a world war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved the World War II by country, vast majority of the world's countries—including all of the great power ...
, and was a popular meeting place for the
Free French Free France (french: France Libre) was a political entity that claimed to be the legitimate government of France following the dissolution of the Third Republic. Led by French general , Free France was established as a government-in-exil ...
fighters on leave in London. After the war, the studio was re-established at 15,
Greek Street Greek Street is a street in Soho, London, leading south from Soho Square to Shaftesbury Avenue. The street is famous for its restaurants and cosmopolitan nature. History It is thought to take its name from a Greek church that was built in 16 ...
Soho Soho is an area of the City of Westminster, part of the West End of London. Originally a fashionable district for the aristocracy, it has been one of the main entertainment districts in the capital since the 19th century. The area was develo ...
. A small studio on the top floor with a good maple floor, and a sound system installed by James Arnell, who later became
International Latin American dance champion The International Latin American Dance Championships were created after the Second World War in England by Elsa Wells, and are now organised by ''Dance News'' special events. The current full title is the ''Elsa Wells International Dance Champio ...
.Spencer, Frank and Peggy. 1968. ''Come dancing''. Allen, London. pp. 137, 179–81.
James Arnell won the International Amateur Latin American Championship in its first year (1953) with E. Pescador, and the Professional with Jillian LaValette five years in succession 1955–1959, and 1965.

The rumba arrives in London

The ballroom
rumba The term rumba may refer to a variety of unrelated music styles. Originally, "rumba" was used as a synonym for "party" in northern Cuba, and by the late 19th century it was used to denote the complex of secular music styles known as Cuban rumba. ...
is so called despite the music, and the dance, being of a different
genre Genre () is any form or type of communication in any mode (written, spoken, digital, artistic, etc.) with socially-agreed-upon conventions developed over time. In popular usage, it normally describes a category of literature, music, or other ...
from the authentic
Cuban rumba Rumba is a secular genre of Cuban music involving dance, percussion, and song. It originated in the northern regions of Cuba, mainly in urban Havana and Matanzas, during the late 19th century. It is based on African music and dance traditions, ...
. The rumba danced in America and Europe was, and is, a music of the '' son'' type: 'rumba' was a marketing term to cover several terms used by Cubans; salsa is a comparable case today. In 1932, Monsieur and Madame Chapoul, well known French demonstrators, gave an exhibition of rumba at the '' Café de Paris'' in London, followed by
Don Azpiazú Justo Ángel Azpiazú (Cienfuegos, 11 February 1893 – Havana, 20 January 1943), better known as Don Azpiazú, was a leading Cuban orchestral director in the 1920s and 1930s. His band introduced authentic Cuban dance music and Cuban music ...
and his band, the very group who had had such a hit with their recording of ''Peanut Vendor''. Pierre was present and later went to the ''Cabine Cubaine'' club in Paris to take a look at the dancers. Originally, Pierre had visited Paris to find out how their dancers and teachers dealt with the rumba. He discovered they used a system devised in the USA, the ''square rumba'', so called after its basic figure. By 1934 he was featuring the rumba in his demonstrations, his adverts, his classes and in magazine articles. Following the war, in 1947, Pierre visited Cuba, where he discovered to his surprise that the Cubans danced it differently. When he danced with Suzy of Pepe and Suzy Rivera, the then Cuban champions, according to Lavelle's diary, the first thing she said was "you are out of time". So he had a lesson every day and danced at the ''acadamias'' icevery night. After this period of study he returned to London determined to replace the square rumba with the Cuban rumba, "el sistema cubano". To this end, Pierre wrote the first account of his ideas on the rumba as a dance. In this short book, Pierre gives the square rumba at the start of the book, and the first published account of the Cuban 'rumba' in Chapter 7. This latter was substantially the same as in the finally agreed syllabus of 1955.Evans, Irene 1992. ''A concise history of Latin American dancing in the UK'' UK Alliance of Professional Teachers of Dancing; also web-site of ISTD LA Faculty. One of the characteristics of Cuban dance to the ''son'', and other similar rhythms, was, and still is, their method of taking three steps to four beats of music (whether 2/4 or 4/4). Whereas the Square rumba had been danced on beat 1, the Cuban rumba figure starts on beat 2, counting (pause) 2, 3, 4-1 as (pause) quick, quick, slow with the hip settling over the standing foot on 4-1. All social dances in Cuba involve a hip-sway over the standing leg and, though this is scarcely noticeable in fast salsa, it is more pronounced in the slow ballroom rumba. The ''Latin and American section'' of the
Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) is an international dance teaching and examination board based in London, England. The registered educational charity, which was established on 25 July 1904 as the ''Imperial Society of Dance Te ...
(ISTD) Ballroom Branch was formed in 1947 by Monsieur Pierre as Chairman, his partner Doris Lavelle, and their colleague, Doris Nichols. They were the first examiners, soon joined by Gwenethe Walshe and Dimitri Petrides. This small band of specialists worked to establish an examination system and syllabus for both amateur and professional dancers. Walter Laird and Peggy Spencer, were other important members, among others, added a few years later. The syllabus which was finally agreed in 1955 has been the foundation of teaching and competition in the Latin American dances ever since. This work naturally included the samba, paso doble and jive as well, but it was the composition of the rumba which was critical. After further visits to Cuba in the early 1950s, when Doris Lavelle and James Arnell accompanied Pierre, the cha cha cha was added to make the five Latin American dances that are still the basis of teaching and competition today in the international dance community. On Monsieur Pierre's death in 1963, his colleague Doris Nichols commented: "The Latin American dancing world was so influenced, fostered and built up by him that the names of 'Pierre' and 'Latin American' became virtually synonymous."Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing 2004. ''100 years of dance: a history of the ISTD Examinations Board'', London. pg. 62 Monsieur Pierre was a Fellow, Examiner and committee member of the
Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) is an international dance teaching and examination board based in London, England. The registered educational charity, which was established on 25 July 1904 as the ''Imperial Society of Dance Te ...
(ISTD) and a Member of the Official Board of Ballroom Dancing (OBBD).


Music of Cuba The music of Cuba, including its instruments, performance, and dance, comprises a large set of unique traditions influenced mostly by west African and European (especially Spanish) music. Due to the syncretic nature of most of its genres, Cuban mu ...


{{DEFAULTSORT:Pierre, Monsieur People from Toulon French ballroom dancers Dance teachers 1963 deaths Year of birth uncertain Date of birth unknown 20th-century French dancers