

''Metallosphaera sedula'' is a species of ''
Metallosphaera In taxonomy, ''Metallosphaera'' is a genus of the Sulfolobaceae Sulfolobaceae are a family of the Sulfolobales belonging to the domain Archaea. The family consists of several genera adapted to survive environmental niches with extreme temp ...
'' that is originally isolated from a volcanic field in Italy. ''Metallosphaera sedula'' can be roughly translated into “metal mobilizing sphere” with the word “sedulus” meaning busy, describing its efficiency in mobilizing metals. ''M. sedula'' is a highly thermoacidophilic
Archaea Archaea ( ; singular archaeon ) is a domain of single-celled organisms. These microorganisms lack cell nuclei and are therefore prokaryotes. Archaea were initially classified as bacteria, receiving the name archaebacteria (in the Archaebac ...
n that is unusually tolerant of heavy metals.


Due to its ability to oxidize pyrite (FeS2), ''M. sedula'' has the potential to be used for coal depyritization. With increased awareness of the environmental impact of the combustion of coals, the idea of coal pollution mitigation or “clean coal” was born. While there are several focuses of mitigation, one of which is the removal of impurities, such as sulfur found in pyrite, prior to combustion. The combustion of
sulfur Sulfur (or sulphur in British English) is a chemical element with the symbol S and atomic number 16. It is abundant, multivalent and nonmetallic. Under normal conditions, sulfur atoms form cyclic octatomic molecules with a chemical formula ...
leads to the formation of SO2, which has adverse health effects, and contributes to acid rain. Abiotic removal of pyrite from coal is currently the preferred method, as opposed to biotic extraction via microorganisms; however, the process is feasible. Other organisms have been studied for the purpose of coal depyritization (for example, '' Thiobacillus ferrooxidans''); however, the process occurs at a slower rate than traditional abiotic removal. ''M. sedula'', being thermophilic, is tolerant of higher temperatures, which results in faster extraction rates than with other organisms, making it a strong candidate for future use in coal depyritization.

Genome structure

''M. sedula'' contains a single, circular chromosome which is approximately 2.2 million base pairs in length. It encodes for approximately 2,300 proteins, some of which are necessary for metal tolerance and adhesion. The function for 35% of the proteins is currently unknown and for this reason they are called
hypothetical protein In biochemistry, a hypothetical protein is a protein whose existence has been predicted, but for which there is a lack of experimental evidence that it is expressed in vivo. Sequencing of several genomes has resulted in numerous predicted open rea ...
s. Based on sequence comparisons, ''M. sedula'' is most closely related to members of the genus ''
Sulfolobus ''Sulfolobus'' is a genus of microorganism in the family Sulfolobaceae. It belongs to the archaea domain. ''Sulfolobus'' species grow in volcanic springs with optimal growth occurring at pH 2-3 and temperatures of 75-80 °C, making them ...

Cell structure, metabolism and life cycle

''M. sedula'' is a coccus, roughly 1 
μm The micrometre ( international spelling as used by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures; SI symbol: μm) or micrometer (American spelling), also commonly known as a micron, is a unit of length in the International System of Unit ...
in diameter with pilus-like structures protruding from its surface when viewed via
electron microscopy An electron microscope is a microscope that uses a beam of accelerated electrons as a source of illumination. As the wavelength of an electron can be up to 100,000 times shorter than that of visible light photons, electron microscopes have a hi ...
. That is an obligate aerobe that grows best at 75 °C and pH 2.0. The high level of physiological diversity it displays is relatively unique amongst extremophiles. It is capable of heterotrophic growth using complex organic molecules (with the exception of
sugar Sugar is the generic name for sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. Simple sugars, also called monosaccharides, include glucose, fructose, and galactose. Compound sugars, also called disaccharides or double ...
s), autotrophic growth by the fixation of carbon dioxide in the presence of H2 through a proposed modified
3-hydroxypropionate cycle The 3-Hydroxypropionate bicycle, also known as the 3-Hydroxypropionate pathway, is a process that allows some bacteria to generate 3-Hydroxypropionic acid, 3-Hydroxypropionate utilizing carbon dioxide. In this pathway CO2 is fixed (i.e. incorporate ...
, and its highest rates of growth are seen when grown mixotropically on casamino acids and metal sulfides. The dissimilatory oxidation of iron and sulfur in ''M. sedula'', driven by its membrane oxidases, is key to the ability of ''M. sedula'' to mobilize metals and bioleach. When grown in the presence of H2, the ability of ''M. sedula'' to leach copper from chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), is reduced.


''M. sedula'' can be found in sulfur rich hot springs, volcanic fields, and acid mine drainage (AMD) communities. These communities are characterized by high metal ion concentrations, low pH and high temperatures. Though the dissolution of pyrite in AMD is a natural process, it is accelerated in the presence of acidophiles such as ''M. sedula'' that are found in these environments, leading to increased rates of acidification of water draining for active and abandoned mines. AMD communities are characterized by a diverse composition of microorganisms that fill available niches depending on their tolerance to temperature, metal resistance and pH. These communities display a complex
symbiosis Symbiosis (from Greek , , "living together", from , , "together", and , bíōsis, "living") is any type of a close and long-term biological interaction between two different biological organisms, be it mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasit ...
through the biogeochemical cycling of sulfur, iron, carbon and nitrogen. At high temperatures, ''M. sedula'' fills the niche of iron and sulfur oxidizer, a role that is filled by other acidophiles such as the mesophilic '' Ferroplasma'' spp. and '' Leptospirillum'' spp. at lower temperatures. ''M. sedula'' can also grow on
meteorite A meteorite is a solid piece of debris from an object, such as a comet, asteroid, or meteoroid, that originates in outer space and survives its passage through the atmosphere to reach the surface of a planet or Natural satellite, moon. When the ...
s in a lab.


Huber, G. ,Spinnler, C. , Gambacorta , A., and Stetter, K. “Metallosphaera sedula gen. and sp. nov. Represents a New Genus of Aerobic, Metal-Mobilizing, Thermoacidophilic Archaebacteria”. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 1989. p. 38-47.Auernik, K., and Kelly, R. “Physiological Versatility of the Extremely Thermoacidophilic Archaeon Metallosphaera sedula Supported by Transcriptomic Analysis of Heterotrophic, Autotrophic, and Mixotrophic Growth”. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2010. p. 931-935.Clark, T., Baldi, F., And Olson, G. “Coal Depyritization by the Thermophilic Archaeon Metallosphaera sedula”. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 1993. p. 2375-2379.
#http://www.epa.gov/oaqps001/sulfurdioxide/ #http://www.epa.gov/acidrain/what/index.html
Peeples, T.L., and Kelly, R.M., “Bioenergetics of the metal/sulfur-oxidizingextreme thermoacidophile, Metallosphaera sedula”. Fuel. 1993. p. 1577-1752.Auernik, K and Kelly, R. “Impact of Molecular Hydrogen on Chalcopyrite Bioleaching by the Extremely Thermoacidophilic Archaeon Metallosphaera sedula”. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2010. p. 2668-2672.

Alber, B., Kung, J., and Fuchs, G. "3-Hydroxypropionyl-Coenzyme A Synthetase from Metallosphaera sedula, an Enzyme Involved in Autotrophic CO2 Fixation". Journal of Bacteriology 2008. p. 1383-1389Baker, B., and Banfield, J. "Microbial Communities in Acid Mine Drainage". FEMS Microbial Ecology. 2002. p. 139-152Auernick, K. S., Maezato, Y., Blum, P. H., Kelly, R. M. “The Genome Sequence of the Metal-Mobilizing, Extremely Thermoacidophilic Archaeon Metallosphaera sedula Provides Insights into Bioleaching-Associated Metabolism”. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2008. p. 682-692

External links

Type strain of ''Metallosphaera sedula'' at Bac''Dive'' - the Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase
{{Taxonbar, from=Q5990371 Thermoproteota Archaea described in 1989