

Mean-field game theory is the study of strategic decision making by small interacting agents in very large populations. It lies at the intersection of game theory with stochastic analysis and control theory. The use of the term "mean field" is inspired by
mean-field theory In physics and probability theory, Mean-field theory (MFT) or Self-consistent field theory studies the behavior of high-dimensional random (stochastic) models by studying a simpler model that approximates the original by averaging over degrees of ...
in physics, which considers the behavior of systems of large numbers of particles where individual particles have negligible impacts upon the system. In other words, each agent acts according to his minimization or maximization problem taking into account other agents’ decisions and because their population is large we can assume the number of agents goes to infinity and a representative agent exists. In traditional game theory, the subject of study is usually a game with two players and discrete time space, and extends the results to more complex situations by induction. However, for games in continuous time with continuous states (differential games or stochastic differential games) this strategy cannot be used because of the complexity that the dynamic interactions generate. On the other hand with MFGs we can handle large numbers of players through the mean representative agent and at the same time describe complex state dynamics. This class of problems was considered in the economics literature by Boyan Jovanovic and
Robert W. Rosenthal Robert W. Rosenthal (1945 – February 7, 2002) was an American economist, most known for his contributions to game theory. He obtained a B.A. in political economy from Johns Hopkins University (1966), M.S. (1968) and Ph.D. (1971) in opera ...
, in the engineering literature by Minyi Huang, Roland Malhame, and Peter E. Caines and independently and around the same time by mathematicians and
Pierre-Louis Lions Pierre-Louis Lions (; born 11 August 1956) is a French people, French mathematician. He is known for a number of contributions to the fields of partial differential equations and the calculus of variations. He was a recipient of the 1994 Fields Me ...
. In continuous time a mean-field game is typically composed of a
Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation In optimal control theory, the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation gives a necessary and sufficient condition for optimality of a control with respect to a loss function. It is, in general, a nonlinear partial differential equation in the value ...
that describes the optimal control problem of an individual and a Fokker–Planck equation that describes the dynamics of the aggregate distribution of agents. Under fairly general assumptions it can be proved that a class of mean-field games is the limit as N \to \infty of an ''N''-player Nash equilibrium. A related concept to that of mean-field games is "mean-field-type control". In this case, a
social planner In welfare economics, a social planner is a hypothetical decision-maker who attempts to maximize some notion of social welfare. The planner is a fictional entity who chooses allocations for every agent in the economy—for example, levels of consu ...
controls the distribution of states and chooses a control strategy. The solution to a mean-field-type control problem can typically be expressed as a dual adjoint Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation coupled with Kolmogorov equation. Mean-field-type game theory is the multi-agent generalization of the single-agent mean-field-type control.

General Form of a Mean-field Game

The following system of equations can be used to model a typical Mean-field game: \begin \partial_t u-\nu \Delta u+H(x,m,Du)=0 &(1)\\ \partial_t m-\nu \Delta m-div(D_p H(x,m,Du) m)=0 &(2)\\ m(0)=m_0 &(3)\\ u(x,T)=G(x,m(T)) &(4) \end The basic dynamics of this set of Equations can be explained by an average agent's optimal control problem. In a mean-field game, an average agent can control their movement \alpha to influence the population's overall location by: d X_t=\alpha_t d_t+\sqrtB_t where \nu is a parameter and B_t is a standard Brownian motion. By controlling their movement, the agent aims to minimize their overall expected cost C throughout the time period ,T/math>: C=\mathbb int_^TL(X_s,\alpha_s,m(s))ds+G(X_T,m(T))/math> where L(X_s,\alpha_s,m(s)) is the running cost at time s and G(X_T,m(T)) is the terminal cost at time T. By this definition, at time t and position x, the value function u(t,x) can be determined as: u(t,x)=\inf_\mathbb int_^TL(X_s,\alpha_s,m(s))ds+G(X_T,m(T))/math> Given the definition of the value function u(t,x), it can be tracked by the Hamilton-Jacobi equation (1). The optimal action of the average players \alpha^*(x,t) can be determined as \alpha^*(x,t)=D_p H(x,m,Du). As all agents are relatively small and cannot single-handedly change the dynamics of the population, they will individually adapt the optimal control and the population would move in that way. This is similar to a Nash Equilibrium, in which all agents act in response to a specific set of others' strategies. The optimal control solution then leads to the Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck equation (2).

Finite State Games

A prominent category of mean field is games with a finite number of states and a finite number of actions per player. For those games, the analog of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation is the Bellman equation, and the discrete version of the Fokker-Planck equation is the Kolmogorov equation. Specifically, for discrete-time models, the players' strategy is the Kolmogorov equation's probability matrix. In continuous time models, players have the ability to control the transition rate matrix. A discrete mean field game can be defined by a tuple \mathcal=(\mathcal, \mathcal, \, _0, \, \beta), where \mathcal is the state space, \mathcal the action set, Q_ the transition rate matrices, _0 the initial state, \ the cost functions and \beta \in \mathbb a discount factor. Furthermore, a mixed strategy is a measurable function \pi: \mathbb \times \mathbb^+ \xrightarrow[] \mathcal, that associates to each state i \in \mathcal and each time t \geq 0 a probability measure \pi_i(t) \in \mathcal on the set of possible actions. Thus \pi_(t) is the probability that, at time t a player in state i takes action a, under strategy \pi. Additionally, rate matrices \_ define the evolution over the time of population distribution, where ^(t) \in \mathcal is the population distribution at time t.

Linear-quadratic Gaussian game problem

From Caines (2009), a relatively simple model of large-scale games is the linear-quadratic Gaussian model. The individual agent's dynamics are modeled as a
stochastic differential equation A stochastic differential equation (SDE) is a differential equation in which one or more of the terms is a stochastic process, resulting in a solution which is also a stochastic process. SDEs are used to model various phenomena such as stock p ...
dX_i = (a_i X_i + b_i u_i) \,dt + \sigma_i \,dW_i, \quad i = 1, \dots, N, where X_i is the state of the i-th agent, u_i is the control of the i-th agent, and W_i are independent Wiener processes for all i = 1, \dots, N. The individual agent's cost is J_i(u_i, \nu) = \mathbb\left\, \quad \nu = \Phi\left(\frac \sum_^N X_k + \eta\right). The coupling between agents occurs in the cost function.

General and Applied Use

The paradigm of Mean Field Games has become a major connection between distributed decision-making and stochastic modeling. Starting out in the stochastic control literature, it is gaining rapid adoption across a range of applications, including: a. Financial market Carmona reviews applications in financial engineering and economics that can be cast and tackled within the framework of the MFG paradigm. Carmona argues that models in macroeconomics, contract theory, finance, …, greatly benefit from the switch to continuous time from the more traditional discrete-time models. He considers only continuous time models in his review chapter, including systemic risk, price impact, optimal execution, models for bank runs, high-frequency trading, and cryptocurrencies. b. Crowd motions MFG assumes that individuals are smart players which try to optimize their strategy and path with respect to certain costs (equilibrium with rational expectations approach). MFG models are useful to describe the anticipation phenomenon: the forward part describes the crowd evolution while the backward gives the process of how the anticipations are built. Additionally, compared to multi-agent microscopic model computations, MFG only requires lower computational costs for the macroscopic simulations. Some researchers have turned to MFG in order to model the interaction between populations and study the decision-making process of intelligent agents, including aversion and congestion behavior between two groups of pedestrians, departure time choice of morning commuters, and decision-making processes for autonomous vehicle. c. Control and mitigation of Epidemics Since the epidemic has affected society and individuals significantly, MFG and mean-field controls (MFCs) provide a perspective to study and understand the underlying population dynamics, especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic response. MFG has been used to extend the SIR-type dynamics with spatial effects or allowing for individuals to choose their behaviors and control their contributions to the spread of the disease. MFC is applied to design the optimal strategy to control the virus spreading within a spatial domain, control individuals’ decisions to limit their social interactions, and support the government’s nonpharmaceutical interventions.

See also

Aggregative game In game theory, an aggregative game is a game in which every player’s payoff is a function of the player’s own strategy and the aggregate of all players’ strategies. The concept was first proposed by Nobel laureate Reinhard Selten in 1970 who ...
Complex adaptive system A complex adaptive system is a system that is '' complex'' in that it is a dynamic network of interactions, but the behavior of the ensemble may not be predictable according to the behavior of the components. It is '' adaptive'' in that the indiv ...
Differential game In game theory, differential games are a group of problems related to the modeling and analysis of conflict in the context of a dynamical system. More specifically, a state variable or variables evolve over time according to a differential equatio ...
Evolutionary game theory Evolutionary game theory (EGT) is the application of game theory to evolving populations in biology. It defines a framework of contests, strategies, and analytics into which Darwinian competition can be modelled. It originated in 1973 with John M ...
Quantal response equilibrium Quantal response equilibrium (QRE) is a solution concept in game theory. First introduced by Richard McKelvey and Thomas Palfrey, it provides an equilibrium notion with bounded rationality. QRE is not an equilibrium refinement, and it can give ...
Potential game In game theory, a game is said to be a potential game if the incentive of all players to change their strategy can be expressed using a single global function called the potential function. The concept originated in a 1996 paper by Dov Monderer and ...


External links

Mean Field Stochastic ControlSlides
, 2009 IEEE Control Systems Society Bode Prize Lecture by Peter E. Caines *
Notes on Mean Field Games
Pierre-Louis Lions Pierre-Louis Lions (; born 11 August 1956) is a French people, French mathematician. He is known for a number of contributions to the fields of partial differential equations and the calculus of variations. He was a recipient of the 1994 Fields Me ...
' lectures at
Collège de France The Collège de France (), formerly known as the ''Collège Royal'' or as the ''Collège impérial'' founded in 1530 by François I, is a higher education and research establishment ('' grand établissement'') in France. It is located in Paris n ...
Video lectures
by Pierre-Louis Lions
Mean field games and applications
by Olivier Guéant, Jean-Michel Lasry, and Pierre-Louis Lions {{Game theory Game theory Mathematical economics