Laris Phylactou



Lakis Fylaktou (born 28 January 1964) is a Cypriot swimmer. He competed in two events at the 1980 Summer Olympics at the age of 16. At the 1980 Summer Olympics, Fylaktou competed in the Men's 100 m freestyle and the Men's 100 m backstroke events. In the Men's 100 m freestyle event, Fylaktou was entered into heat two. He finished 7th of 8 swimmers beating only Angola's Jorge Lima with a time of 57.41 seconds. In the Men's 100 m backstroke, Fylaktou finished 7th out of 7 swimmers with a time of 1:08.92 seconds. Fylaktou didn't advance too the later stages of each of his events.


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* 1964 births Living people Cypriot male swimmers Olympic swimmers for Cyprus Swimmers at the 1980 Summer Olympics Place of birth missing (living people) {{Cyprus-swimming-bio-stub