List Of Woodcuts By Albrecht Dürer



The following is a list of woodcuts by the German painter and engraver
Albrecht Dürer Albrecht Dürer (; ; hu, Ajtósi Adalbert; 21 May 1471 – 6 April 1528),Müller, Peter O. (1993) ''Substantiv-Derivation in Den Schriften Albrecht Dürers'', Walter de Gruyter. . sometimes spelled in English as Durer (without an umlaut) or Due ...

Art catalogs

One of the earliest list of woodcuts by Dürer was assembled in 1808 by Adam Bartsch in his "Le Peintre Graveur" volume 7 and in the appendix. In 1862 Johann David Passavant expanded "Le Peintre Graveur" adding additional woodcuts. Bartsch and Passavant works, which were organized alphabetically, are the source of "B." and "P." numbers, referenced by all the later books.; (
PDF Portable Document Format (PDF), standardized as ISO 32000, is a file format developed by Adobe in 1992 to present documents, including text formatting and images, in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. ...
Another often cited reference is 1903 "Catalogue of Early German and Flemish Woodcuts in the British Museum, Vol. 1" by Campbell Dodgson organized by date and often referenced using "C. D." numbers. In the list below numbers used in 1938 "Albrecht Dürer: Complete woodcuts" (German: Albrecht Dürer: Sämtliche Holzschnitte) by Otto Fischer were provided, as this book offers a catalog of most Dürer woodcuts printed in the original size.

List of woodcuts

Authorship of many woodcuts is uncertain, with different sources disagreeing if the woodcut was made by Dürer alone, with help of one of his students, or by one of his students with or without Dürer supervision. For some prints we also have only copies from late printings, which could be by Dürer or a copy of a lost print by him. The prints with uncertain authorship will be marked by a note below the title. The list below contains great majority of the prints which were included in one of the Dürer's catalogue raisonné indicated, even if the source was not certain of the authorship or considered it to be work of School of Dürer. The list below includes some woodcut illustrations from books by Dürer, but many more were omitted or included in latter sections.

Illustrations from Books

Ritter von Turn (1493)

Set of 45 illustrations from "Ritter von Turn" or "The Book of the Knight of the Tower" published in 1493, which are attributed to Dürer. Demon of Vanity and Coquette - Book of the Knight of the Tower.jpg The Knight with his Daughters in the Garden.jpg The Knight offering his book to his daughters.jpg The woman and the bathing hermit.jpg Durer autopsy.png Kinderraub.jpg Illustration from the Ritter von Turn, 1493 MET DP816798.jpg Illustration from the Ritter von Turn, 1493 MET DP816799.jpg

The Comedie of Terence (ca. 1493)

List of illustrations from "The Comedie of Terence" published around 1493, which are attributed to Dürer. File:Eunuchus, from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint MET DP816814.jpg File:Eunuchus, from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint MET DP816813.jpg File:Eunuches, from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint MET DP816809.jpg File:Andria,from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint MET DP816810.jpg File:Andria, from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint MET DP816811.jpg File:Adelphi, from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint MET DP816803.jpg File:Phormio, from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint MET DP816805.jpg File:Illustration from The Comedie of Terence, 19th century reprint MET DP816823.jpg

Ship of Fools (1494)

List of illustrations from the book " Ship of Fools", which are attributed to Dürer. File:Narrenschiff.JPG, Frontiscipe of The Ship of fools File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 6, Of Negligent Fathers Ayenst Their Children.jpg, Of Negligent Fathers Ayenst Their Children File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 7, Of Taleberers And Mouers Of Debate.jpg, Of Taleberers And Mouers Of Debate File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 9, Of Vngoodly Maners, And Dysordred.jpg, Of Vngoodly Maners, And Dysordred File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 11, Of Dispysers Of Holy Scripture.jpg, Of Dispysers Of Holy Scripture File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 13, Of Disordred And Venerious Loue.jpg, Of Disordred And Venerious Loue File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 14, Of Them That Synne Trustynge Vpon The Mercy Of Almyghty God.jpg, Of Them That Synne Trustynge Vpon The Mercy Of Almyghty God File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 15, Of Folys Yt Begyn Great Byldynge Without Sufficient Prouysion.jpg, Of Folys Yt Begyn Great Byldynge Without Sufficient Prouysion File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 20, Of Them That Correct 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77, Of The Foly Of Cokes, Butlers, And Other Oflycers Of Housholde.jpg, Of The Foly Of Cokes, Butlers, And Other Oflycers Of Housholde File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 78, Of The Pryde Of Churles And Rude Men Of The Countrey.jpg, Of The Pryde Of Churles And Rude Men Of The Countrey File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 80, Of Suche Folys As Begyn To Do Well And Contynue Nat.jpg, Of Nat Folowers Of Good Counsel File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 81, Of Folys That Despyse Deth And Make No Prouysyon Therfore.jpg, Of Folys That Despyse Deth And Make No Prouysyon Therfore File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 82, Of Folys That Despyse God.jpg, Of Folys That Despyse God File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 84, Of The Plage And Indignacyon Of God.jpg, Of The Plage And Indignacyon Of God File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 85, Of Folysshe Exchaunges.jpg, Of Folysshe Exchaunges File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 86, Of Children That Dysdayne To Honoure And Worshyp Theyr Parentis.jpg, Of Children That Dysdayne To 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Folys Of Lyght Credence Vnto The Same File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 98, Of Marchauntis And Other Occupyers That Vse Falshode And Gyle.jpg, Of Marchauntis And Other Occupyers That Vse Falshode And Gyle File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 99, Of The Falshode Of Antichrist.jpg, Of The Falshode Of Antichrist File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 100, Of Hym That Dare Nat Vtter The Trouthe For Fere Of Displeasour.jpg, Of Hym That Dare Nat Vtter The Trouthe For Fere Of Displeasour File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 101, Of Suche As Withdrawe And Let Other From Good Dedes.jpg, Of Suche As Withdrawe And Let Other From Good Dedes File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 102, Of Leuyng Gode Warkes Vndone.jpg, Of Leuyng Gode Warkes Vndone File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 103, Of The Rewarde Of Wysdom.jpg, Of The Rewarde Of Wysdom File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 105, Of Bacbyters Of Good Workes And Ayenst Suche As Shall Dysprayse This Boke.jpg, Of Bacbyters Of Good Workes And Ayenst Suche As Shall Dysprayse This Boke File:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde 114, The Vnyuersall Shyp Of Craftysmen Or Laborers.jpg, The Vnyuersall Shyp Of Craftysmen Or Laborers File:BlasphemyDurer.jpg, Of Blasphemers Of God File:Dürer - Das Narrenschiff 001.jpg, A Rehersinge Of Dyuers Sortes Of Folys Oppressyd With Theyr Owne Foly File:Dürer - Das Narrenschiff 002.jpg, Of Folys That Stryue In The Lawe For Thynges Of Small Valour File:Gluttony.jpg, Of Glotons, And Droncardes File:Sebastian Brant - Die Unsinnigkeit.png, The Folly

Salus anime (1503)

Set of 63 illustrations from the book "Salus anime", which are attributed to Dürer. File:Albrecht Dürer, Saint Apollonia, c. 1500, NGA 51104.jpg, Saint Apollonia File:Albrecht Dürer, Saint Erasmus, c. 1500, NGA 51100.jpg, Saint Erasmus File:Albrecht Dürer, Saint Odilia, c. 1500, NGA 51105.jpg, Saint Odilia File:Albrecht Dürer, Saint Roch, c. 1500, NGA 51102.jpg, Saint Roch File:Albrecht Dürer, Saint Leonard, c. 1500, NGA 51101.jpg, Saint Leonard File:Albrecht Dürer, Saint Matthias, c. 1500, NGA 51099.jpg, Saint Matthias File:Albrecht Dürer, Saint Wolfgang, c. 1500, NGA 51103.jpg, Saint Wolfgang Apostel Andreas, RP-P-OB-1523.jpg, Apostle Andrew Apostel Jakobus de Meerdere, RP-P-OB-1524.jpg, Apostle James Major Apostel Jakobus de Mindere, RP-P-OB-1530.jpg, Apostle James Minor Apostel Mattheüs, RP-P-OB-1528.jpg, Apostle Matthew Apostel Petrus, RP-P-OB-1522.jpg, Apostle Peter Apostel Simon, RP-P-OB-1531.jpg, Apostle Simon Apostel Thomas, RP-P-OB-1529.jpg, Apostle Thomas Saint Judas MET DP816793.jpg, Apostle Judas Apostel Johannes de Evangelist, RP-P-OB-1525.jpg, John the Evangelist De Heilige Christoffel draagt het Christuskind, RP-P-OB-1534.jpg, Saint Christopher De Heilige Joris en de draak, RP-P-OB-1536.jpg, Saint George and the Dragon De Heilige Martinus deelt zijn mantel met een bedelaar, RP-P-OB-1538.jpg, Saint Martin Heilige Antonius, RP-P-OB-1533.jpg, Saint Anthony Heilige Barbara, RP-P-OB-1540.jpg, Saint Barbara Heilige Brigitta, RP-P-OB-1541.jpg, Saint Brigitta Heilige Dominicus, RP-P-OB-1535.jpg, Saint Dominic Heilige Helena, RP-P-OB-1542.jpg, Saint Helena Heilige Margaretha, RP-P-OB-1543.jpg, Saint Margaret Heilige Sebastiaan, RP-P-OB-1539.jpg, Saint Sebastian Heilige Veronica, RP-P-OB-1545.jpg, Saint Veronica Saint Michael MET DP816774.jpg, Saint Michael Annunciatie, RP-P-OB-1518.jpg, Annunciation The Nativity MET DP816790.jpg, Nativity Aanbidding door de herders, RP-P-OB-1519.jpg, Adoration of the Shepherds The Adoration of the Kings MET DP816788.jpg, Adoration of the kings File:Albrecht Dürer, The Virgin Nursing the Christ Child with Four Angels, c. 1500, NGA 51098.jpg, The Virgin Nursing the Christ Child with Four Angels Kruisiging, RP-P-OB-1520.jpg, Crucifixion File:Albrecht Dürer, The Lamentation, c. 1500, NGA 51097.jpg, The Lamentation The Resurrection MET DP816789.jpg, Resurrection Gregoriusmis, RP-P-OB-1537.jpg, Mass of Saint Gregory Avondgebed, RP-P-OB-1546.jpg, Evening Prayer

Four Books on Human Proportion (1528)

Among his many manuscripts Durer, along with his wife Agnes and friend Willibald Pirckheimer (posthumously) published "Four Books on Human Proportion". Many of Durer's handmade drawings were drawn on a grid to help him simplify the proportions of people in motion. Illustrations from the book ''Four Books on Human Proportion'' (German: Vier Bücher von Menschlicher Proportion). File:AlbrechtDürer01.jpg File:Houghton FA 6470.202 Albrecht Dürer - woman, front.jpg File:Houghton FA 6470.202 Albrecht Dürer - woman, back.jpg File:Durer’s Menschlicher Proportion.jpg File:Albrecht Dürer - Studies on the Proportions of the Female Body - WGA07263.jpg File:Proportions of a female figure-front view. Wellcome L0000296.jpg File:IIllustration from Dürers Vier Bucher von Menslicher Proportion, Nuremberg, 1528 MET DP816817.jpg File:IIllustration from Dürers Vier Bucher von Menslicher Proportion, Nuremberg, 1528 MET DP816818.jpg File:Illustration from Dürers Vier Bucher von Menslicher Proportion, Nuremberg, 1528 MET DP816815.jpg File:Illustration from Dürers Vier Bucher von Menslicher Proportion, Nuremberg, 1528 MET DP816816.jpg File:Illustration from Dürers Vier Bucher von Menslicher Proportion, Nuremberg, 1528 MET DP816821.jpg File:Dürer - Vier Bücher von menschlicher Proportion ita., 1594 - 168613 Illustrazione 3v.jpg File:Albrecht Dürer - Rear view of the female head type 7 - WGA07264.jpg File:Albrecht Dürer - Side and frontal view of the female head type 7 - WGA07262.jpg File:Illustration and Text from Dürers Vier Bucher von Menslicher Proportion, Nuremberg, 1528 MET DP816819.jpg File:Illustration and Text from Dürers Vier Bucher von Menslicher Proportion, Nuremberg, 1528 MET DP816820.jpg File:Durer face transforms.jpg File:Proportions of two faces, by A. Durer Wellcome L0002709.jpg File:Albrecht Dürer - Hand - WGA07265.jpg File:Durer foot.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000877 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000878 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000879 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person ^ Kopf.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000880 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000881 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000882 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000883 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000884 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000885 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000886 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000887 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000888 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000889 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000890 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000891 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000892 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000893 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000894 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000895 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000896 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000897 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000898 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000899 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000900 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000901 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg File:Fotothek df tg 0000902 Geometrie ^ Proportion ^ Person.jpg

See also

* List of engravings by Albrecht Dürer * List of paintings by Albrecht Dürer


Additional Sources

* Borer (Alain) & Bon (Cécile). L'oeuvre Graphique De Albrecht Dürer. Hubschmid & Bouret. 1980. {{DEFAULTSORT:List of woodcuts by Durer Woodcuts Durer