

This is a list of
open-access journal Open access (OA) is a set of principles and a range of practices through which research outputs are distributed online, free of access charges or other barriers. With open access strictly defined (according to the 2001 definition), or libre o ...
s by field. The list contains notable journals which have a policy of full open access. It does not include delayed open access journals, hybrid open access journals, or related collections or indexing services. True open-access journals can be split into two categories: * diamond or platinum open-access journals, which charge no additional publication, open access or article processing fees * gold open-access journals, which charge publication fees (also called article processing charges, APCs).


* '' African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development'' * '' Bulletin of Insectology'' * '' Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants'' * ''
Open Agriculture ''Open Agriculture'' is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal covering research on all aspects of agriculture, horticulture, plant science, soil science, food science, and related topics. Occasionally, the journal publishes special issues ...
'' *'' Journal of Horticultural Sciences''


* '' Journal of the Korean Astronomical Society'' * '' Open Astronomy''


* '' AMA Journal of Ethics'' * ''
Canadian Journal of Bioethics The ''Canadian Journal of Bioethics'' (French: ''Revue canadienne de bioéthique'') is a peer-reviewed Peer review is the evaluation of work by one or more people with similar competencies as the producers of the work (peers). It functions a ...
'' * '' Indian Journal of Medical Ethics''


* ''
African Invertebrates ''African Invertebrates'' is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal that covers the Taxonomy (biology), taxonomy, systematics, biogeography, ecology, Conservation biology, conservation, and paleontology, palaeontology of Afrotropical realm ...
'' * ''
Biology of Sex Differences ''Biology of Sex Differences'' is an online-only open access scientific journal covering the biological basis of sex differences in humans and other animals. It was established in 2010 and is published by BioMed Central on behalf of the Organiz ...
'' * '' Biology Open'' * ''
BMC Biology ''BMC Biology'' is an online open access scientific journal that publishes original, peer-reviewed research in all fields of biology, together with opinion and comment articles. The publication was established in 2003. The journal is part of a ser ...
'' * '' BMC Evolutionary Biology'' * '' BMC Genomics'' * '' BMC Systems Biology'' * '' Cell Reports'' * '' Check List'' * '' Contributions to Zoology'' * '' Ecology and Evolution'' * '' eLife'' * '' F1000Research'' * ''
Genome Biology ''Genome Biology'' is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal covering research in genomics. It was established in 2000 and is published by BioMed Central. The chief editor is currently Andrew Cosgrove ( BioMed Central, New York). Abstrac ...
'' * '' International Journal of Biological Sciences'' * '' Israel Journal of Entomology'' * ''
Molecular Systems Biology ''Molecular Systems Biology'' is a peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal covering systems biology at the molecular level (examples include: genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, microbial systems, the integration of cell signaling and r ...
'' * '' Myrmecological News'' * '' Oncotarget'' * '' Open Biology'' * '' Open Life Sciences'' * '' PLOS Biology'' * '' PLOS Computational Biology'' * ''
PLOS Genetics ''PLOS Genetics'' is a peer-reviewed open access Open access (OA) is a set of principles and a range of practices through which research outputs are distributed online, free of access charges or other barriers. With open access strictly defin ...
'' * '' Scientific Reports'' * ''
Stem Cell Reports ''Stem Cell Reports'' is a monthly peer-reviewed open access journal covering research into stem cells. It was established in 2013 and is published exclusively online by Cell Press. It is the official journal of the International Society for S ...
'' * '' ZooKeys''


* '' Acta Botanica Brasilica'' * '' Botanical Studies'' * '' Phytologia'' * '' Plant Ecology and Evolution''


* '' Arkivoc'' * '' Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry'' * '' Chemical Science'' * ''
Molecules A molecule is a group of two or more atoms held together by attractive forces known as chemical bonds; depending on context, the term may or may not include ions which satisfy this criterion. In quantum physics, organic chemistry, and bioc ...
'' * ''
Open Chemistry ''Open Chemistry'' is a monthly peer-reviewed open access scientific journal covering all fields of chemistry. It is published by Walter de Gruyter. The editor-in-chief is Joaquín Plumet, ( Complutense University). History The journal was establ ...
'' * '' Organic Syntheses'' * '' RSC Advances''

Computer science

* ''
Computational Linguistics Computational linguistics is an Interdisciplinarity, interdisciplinary field concerned with the computational modelling of natural language, as well as the study of appropriate computational approaches to linguistic questions. In general, comput ...
'' * '' IEEE Access'' * '' Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research'' * '' Journal of Computational Geometry'' * '' Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques'' * '' Journal of Formalized Reasoning'' * ''
Journal of Machine Learning Research The ''Journal of Machine Learning Research'' is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal covering machine learning. It was established in 2000 and the first editor-in-chief was Leslie Kaelbling Leslie Pack Kaelbling is an American robotic ...
'' * '' Journal of Object Technology'' *'' Journal of Open Source Software'' * '' Journal of Statistical Software'' * ''
Logical Methods in Computer Science ''Logical Methods in Computer Science'' (LMCS) is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal covering theoretical computer science and applied logic. It opened to submissions on September 1, 2004. The editor-in-chief is Stefan Milius ( Fried ...
'' * '' Semantic Web'' * '' Theory of Computing''


* ''
Ecography ''Ecography'' is a bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Nordic Society Oikos covering the field of spatial ecology. It has been published since 1978, the first 14 volumes under the name ''Holarcti ...

Economics and finance

* ''
The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance ''The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance'' is a biannual peer-reviewed open-access academic journal published by Pepperdine University. It was established in 1991 as ''The Journal of Small Business Finance''. From 1996 to 2000 it had the title ' ...
'' * '' Real-World Economics Review'' * '' Theoretical Economics''


* '' Australasian Journal of Educational Technology'' * ''
Comunicar ''Comunicar'' is a quarterly peer-reviewed open access academic journal covering research on education, communication, and social sciences. Articles are published in Spanish and English and have abstracts in Chinese and Portuguese. The journal was ...
'' * '' Education Policy Analysis Archives'' * '' Educational Technology & Society'' * ''
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement The ''Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement'' is a peer-reviewed open-access academic journal published by the University of Georgia. It was established in 1996 as the ''Journal of Public Service and Outreach''. The journal covers is ...
'' * '' Journal of International Students''


* '' Energies''


* '' Advances in Production Engineering & Management'' * ''
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer ''Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer'' is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal covering heat transfer and mass transfer. It is published by Tech Science Press and the editors-in-chief are Amir Faghri (University of Connecticut) and Yuwen ...
'' * ''
Open Engineering ''Open Engineering'' is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal, covering all aspects of engineering, from electrical and computer engineering, civil and environmental, mechanical, and aerospace engineering, to materials science. The edit ...

Geography and environmental studies

* ''
Conservation and Society ''Conservation and Society'' is a quarterly, open-access, peer-reviewed, academic journal covering political ecology, human–wildlife conflicts, decentralised conservation, conservation policy, ecosystem structure and functioning, systematics, ...
'' * '' Ecology and Society'' * '' Environmental Health Perspectives'' * '' Environmental Research Letters'' * '' Fennia'' * '' GSA Today'' * '' Journal of Political Ecology'' * '' Journal of Spatial Information Science'' * '' Open Geosciences'' * ''
Nature Environment and Pollution Technology ''Nature Environment and Pollution Technology'' is an open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal of environmental science. It is published quarterly by Technoscience Publications and was established in 2002. The journal is indexed in Scopus, Pro ...


* '' Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences'' *'' Brazilian Journal of Geology''

Humanities and other journals

* ''
Anamesa ''Anamesa'' is an interdisciplinary academic journal published by New York University, specifically by students of the John W. Draper John William Draper (May 5, 1811 – January 4, 1882) was an English-born American scientist, philosopher, p ...
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Continent A continent is any of several large landmasses. Generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, up to seven geographical regions are commonly regarded as continents. Ordered from largest in area to smallest, these seven ...
'' * '' Culture Machine'' * '' Digital Humanities Quarterly'' * ''
First Monday ''First Monday'' is an American legal drama television series which aired on CBS during the midseason replacement from January 15 to May 3, 2002. The series centered on the U.S. Supreme Court. Like another 2002 series, ''The Court'', it wa ...
'' * '' GHLL'' * '' Medieval Worlds'' * ''
Programming Historian The ''Programming Historian'' is a peer-reviewed open-access academic journal of digital humanities and digital history methodology. It covers digital humanities research methods and also publishes tutorials that help humanities scholars learn a w ...
'' * ''
Reti Medievali Rivista ''Reti Medievali Rivista'' is an online-only open-access double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal, published twice a year, devoted to the study of the European Middle Ages. The journal was founded in 2000. It is listed in the Directory of Open ...
'' * '' Sign Systems Studies'' * '' Southern Spaces'' * ''
Transmotion ''Transmotion'' is a biannual peer-reviewed academic journal covering Native American literatures and Indigenous culture more broadly. It is hosted by the University of Kent, UK, and results from a collaboration between California State Univers ...

Language and linguistics

* '' Glossa'' * '' Language Documentation & Conservation'' * '' Per Linguam''


* '' Duke Law Journal'' * '' German Law Journal'' * '' Health and Human Rights'' * '' Melbourne University Law Review''

Library and information science

* '' College & Research Libraries'' * ''
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Evidence-based library and information practice (EBLIP) or evidence-based librarianship (EBL) is the use of evidence-based practices (EBP) in the field of library and information science (LIS). This means that all practical decisions made within ...
'' * ''
In the Library with the Lead Pipe ''In the Library with the Lead Pipe'' is a peer-reviewed academic journal that covers topics about libraries. Abstracting and indexing The journal is abstracted and indexed in Library & Information Science Source and EBSCO databases EBSCO Inf ...
'' * ''
Information Technologies and International Development ''Information Technologies & International Development'' (''ITID'') is an open access print and online peer review, peer-reviewed academic journal covering studies on communication and international development, published quarterly by the USC Annen ...
'' * '' Scientific Data'' * ''
Webology ''Webology'' is an academic journal in English on the field of the World Wide Web. Abstracting and indexing This journal is indexed by the following services: * Scopus: Elsevier Bibliographic Databases 2006-2021 (discontinued) * ProQuest * EBS ...

Materials science

* '' Polymers'' * '' Science and Technology of Advanced Materials''


* '' Acta Mathematica'' * '' Advances in Group Theory and Applications'' * '' Algebraic Geometry'' * ''
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica ''Annales Fennici Mathematici'' (formerly ''Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Mathematica'' and ''Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ'') is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters since 19 ...
'' * '' Annales de l'Institut Fourier'' * '' Arkiv för Matematik'' * '' Ars Mathematica Contemporanea'' * '' Australasian Journal of Combinatorics'' * '' Discrete Analysis'' * '' Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science'' * ''
Documenta Mathematica The German Mathematical Society (german: Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung, DMV) is the main professional society of German mathematicians and represents German mathematics within the European Mathematical Society (EMS) and the International Mathe ...
'' * '' Electronic Communications in Probability'' * '' Electronic Journal of Combinatorics'' * '' Electronic Journal of Probability'' * '' Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis'' * '' Forum of Mathematics'' * ''
Hardy-Ramanujan Journal 1729 is the natural number following 1728 and preceding 1730. It is a taxicab number, and is variously known as Ramanujan's number and the Ramanujan-Hardy number, after an anecdote of the British mathematician G. H. Hardy when he visited Indian ...
'' * '' Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux'' * '' Journal of Formalized Reasoning'' * '' Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications'' * ''
Journal of Integer Sequences The ''Journal of Integer Sequences'' is a peer-reviewed open-access academic journal in mathematics, specializing in research papers about integer sequences. It was founded in 1998 by Neil Sloane. Sloane had previously published two books on in ...
'' * '' Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems'' * '' Münster Journal of Mathematics'' * '' The New York Journal of Mathematics'' * '' Open Mathematics'' * '' Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni'' * ''
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire The ''Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire'' (English: ''Lotharingian Seminar of Combinatorics'') is a peer-reviewed academic journal specialising in combinatorial mathematics, named after Lotharingia. It has existed since 1980 as a regular j ...

Medicine, pharmaceutical and health sciences

(omitting journals already previously mentioned) * '' Annals of Saudi Medicine'' * ''
Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology The ''Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology'' is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Bangladesh Pharmacological Society. The journal publishes papers on the studies of plant extracts or drugs on pharmacological effects using ...
'' * '' Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal'' * '' BMC Health Services Research'' * ''
BMC Medicine ''BMC Medicine'' is a peer-reviewed electronic-only medical journal published since 2003 by BioMed Central which is part of Springer Nature. It is described as "the flagship medical journal of the BMC series. An open access, open peer-reviewed ge ...
'' * ''
BMJ Open ''BMJ Open'' is a peer-reviewed open access medical journal that is dedicated to publishing medical research from all disciplines and therapeutic areas. It is published by BMJ and considers all research study types, from protocols through phase I ...
'' * ''
Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences ''Biomolecules and Biomedicine'' is a bimonthly peer-reviewed open-access medical journal published by the Association of Basic Medical Sciences of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The journal covers research across the spectrum of pre-clini ...
'' * ''
British Columbia Medical Journal The ''British Columbia Medical Journal'' is a peer-reviewed general medical journal covering scientific research, review articles, and updates on contemporary clinical practices written by British Columbian physicians or focused on topics likely t ...
'' * '' British Medical Journal'' * '' Canadian Medical Association Journal'' * ''
Clinical and Translational Science ''Clinical and Translational Science'' is a bimonthly peer-reviewed open-access medical journal covering translational medicine. It is published by Wiley-Blackwell and is an official journal of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and T ...
'' * '' Dermatology Online Journal'' * '' Emerging Infectious Diseases'' * '' International Journal of Medical Sciences'' * ''
Journal of the American Heart Association ''Journal of the American Heart Association: Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease'' is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal and an official journal of the American Heart Association. Since 2015, it is also published with John Wiley ...
'' * '' Journal of Clinical Investigation'' * ''
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine The ''Journal of Postgraduate Medicine'' is a multidisciplinary quarterly biomedical journal. The journal is the official publication of the Staff Society of Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College and King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, Ind ...
'' * '' The New England Journal of Medicine'' * '' Open Heart'' * '' Open Medicine'' * ''
PLOS Medicine ''PLOS Medicine'' (formerly styled ''PLoS Medicine'') is a peer-reviewed weekly medical journal covering the full spectrum of the medical sciences. It began operation on October 19, 2004, as the second journal of the Public Library of Science (PLO ...
'' * '' PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases'' * '' PLOS Pathogens'' * '' Scientia Pharmaceutica'' * '' Swiss Medical Weekly''


Music Theory Online ''Music Theory Online'' is a quarterly peer-reviewed open access academic journal covering music theory and analysis. It was established in 1993 and is published by the Society for Music Theory. The initial issues were designated as part of vo ...


* '' Journal of Nutrition''


* '' Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy'' * '' Philosophers' Imprint''


* '' New Journal of Physics'' * '' Open Physics'' * ''Optica'' *'' Optics Express'' * '' Physical Review X'' * '' Physical Review Research''


* '' GigaScience'' *'' Nature Communications'' * '' PLOS ONE'' * '' Royal Society Open Science'' * '' Science Advances'' * '' Scientific Reports''

Political science

* '' Caucasian Review of International Affairs'' * '' Central European Journal of International and Security Studies'' * '' Journal of Politics & Society''


* ''
Paladyn ''Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics'', is a peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal covering topics broadly related to neuronally and psychologically inspired robots and other behaving Autonomous robot, autonomous systems. It was establi ...

Social science

* ''
Cultural Anthropology Cultural anthropology is a branch of anthropology focused on the study of cultural variation among humans. It is in contrast to social anthropology, which perceives cultural variation as a subset of a posited anthropological constant. The portm ...
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Demography Demography () is the statistical study of populations, especially human beings. Demographic analysis examines and measures the dimensions and dynamics of populations; it can cover whole societies or groups defined by criteria such as ed ...
'' * '' Frontiers in Psychology'' * '' Jadaliyya'' * '' Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation'' * '' Journal of Political Ecology'' * '' Journal of World-Systems Research''


*'' Bayesian Analysis'' *'' Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics'' *''
Chilean Journal of Statistics The ''Chilean Journal of Statistics'' is a biannual peer-reviewed scientific journal of statistics. It is published by the Chilean Statistical Society. The journal was established in 1984 as ''La Revista de la Sociedad Chilena de Estadística'' an ...
'' *'' Electronic Journal of Statistics'' *'' Journal of Official Statistics'' *'' Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods'' *'' Journal of Statistical Software'' *''
Journal of Statistics Education The ''Journal of Statistics Education'' is a double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal. It was established in 1992 at North Carolina State University by E. Jacquelin Dietz, and became an official publication of the American Statistical Associ ...
'' *'' Revista Colombiana de Estadistica'' *''
REVSTAT ''REVSTAT'' is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal that publishes papers related to statistics. It is published in English by the Instituto Nacional de Estatística, the national statistical office of Portugal. The journal was establish ...
'' *'' SORT'' *''
Statistics Surveys ''Statistics Surveys'' is an open-access electronic journal, founded in 2007, that is jointly sponsored by the American Statistical Association, the Bernoulli Society, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the Statistical Society of Canada ...
'' *'' Survey Methodology/Techniques d'enquête'' *'' The R Journal''

See also

* Directory of Open Access Journals *
List of academic databases and search engines This article contains a representative list of notable databases and search engines useful in an academic setting for finding and accessing articles in academic journals, institutional repositories, archives, or other collections of scientific an ...
* Lists of academic journals * Open access around the world {{DEFAULTSORT:Open access journals, list of Internet-related lists Lists of academic journals