Indian literature
Indian literature refers to the literature produced on the Indian subcontinent until 1947 and in the Republic of India thereafter. The Republic of India has 22 officially recognised languages.
The earliest works of Indian literature were ...
, Kāma
''Shastra'' (, IAST: , ) is a Sanskrit word that means "precept, rules, manual, compendium, book or treatise" in a general sense.Monier Williams, Monier Williams' Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Article on 'zAstra'' The wo ...
refers to the tradition of works on
''Kama'' (Sanskrit ) means "desire, wish, longing" in Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and Sikh literature.Monier Williamsकाम, kāmaMonier-Williams Sanskrit English Dictionary, pp 271, see 3rd column Kama often connotes sensual pleasure, sexua ...
: Desire (love, erotic, sensual and sexual desire in this case). It therefore has a practical orientation, similar to that of
The ''Arthashastra'' ( sa, अर्थशास्त्रम्, ) is an Ancient Indian Sanskrit treatise on statecraft, political science, economic policy and military strategy. Kautilya, also identified as Vishnugupta and Chanakya, is ...
, the tradition of texts on politics and government. Just as the latter instructs kings and ministers about government, Kāmashastra aims to instruct the townsman (nāgarika) in the way to attain enjoyment and fulfillment.
Kaama ( ) is a
Sanskrit (; attributively , ; nominalization, nominally , , ) is a classical language belonging to the Indo-Aryan languages, Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European languages. It arose in South Asia after its predecessor languages had Trans-cul ...
word that has the general meanings of "wish", "desire", and "intention" in addition to the specific meanings of "pleasure" and "(sexual) love". Used as a proper name it refers to
Kama ( sa, काम, ), also known as Kamadeva and Manmatha, is the Hindu god of love and desire, often portrayed alongside his consort, Rati.
The Atharva Veda regards Kamadeva as the wielder of the creative power of the universe, also descri ...
, the
Hindu god of Love.
During the 8th century BC, Shvetaketu, son of Uddalaka, produced a work too vast to be accessible. A scholar called Babhravya, together with his group of disciples, produced a summary of Shvetaketu's summary, which nonetheless remained a huge and encyclopaedic tome. Between the 3rd and 1st centuries BC, several authors reproduced different parts of the Babhravya group's work in various specialist treatises. Among the authors, those whose names are known are Charayana, Ghotakamukha, Gonardiya, Gonikaputra, Suvarnanabha, and Dattaka.
However, the oldest available text on this subject is the ''
Kama Sutra
The ''Kama Sutra'' (; sa, कामसूत्र, , ; ) is an ancient Indian Sanskrit text on sexuality, eroticism and emotional fulfillment in life. Attributed to Vātsyāyana, the ''Kama Sutra'' is neither exclusively nor predominantly ...
'' ascribed to
Vātsyāyana was an ancient Indian philosopher, known for authoring the ''Kama Sutra''. He was a brahmin, and lived in India during the second or third century CE, probably in Pataliputra (modern day Patna in Bihar).
He is not to be confused ...
who is often erroneously called "Mallanaga Vātsyāyana". Yashodhara, in his commentary on the ''Kama Sutra'', attributes the origin of erotic science to Mallanaga, the "prophet of the
Asuras (Sanskrit: असुर) are a class of beings in Indic religions. They are described as power-seeking clans related to the more benevolent Devas (also known as Suras) in Hinduism. In its Buddhist context, the word is sometimes translated ...
s", implying that the ''Kama Sutra'' originated in prehistoric times. The attribution of the name "Mallanaga" to Vātsyāyana is due to the confusion of his role as editor of the ''Kama Sutra'' with the role of the mythical creator of erotic science. Vātsyāyana's birth date is not accurately known, but he must have lived earlier than the 7th century since he is referred to by Subandhu in his poem Vāsavadattā. On the other hand, Vātsyāyana must have been familiar with the Arthashastra of Kautilya. Vātsyāyana refers to and quotes a number of texts on this subject, which unfortunately have been lost.
Following Vātsyāyana, a number of authors wrote on Kāmashastra, some writing independent manuals of erotics, while others commented on Vātsyāyana. Later well-known works include
Kokkaka's ''
The ''Ratirahasya'' ( Sanskrit ) (translated in English as ''Secrets of Love'', also known as the ''Koka Shastra'') is a medieval Indian sex manual written by Kokkoka, a poet, who is variously described as Koka or Koka Pundit. The exact date o ...
'' (13th century) and ''
The ''Ananga Ranga'' ( hi, अनंगरंग, lit=Stage of Love) or ''Kamaledhiplava'' ( hi, link=no, कमलेधिप्लव, lit=Boat in the Sea of Love) is an Indian sex manual written by Kalyana malla in the 15th or 16th century. T ...
'' of Kalyanamalla (16th century). The most well-known commentator on Vātsyāyana is
Jayamangala (13th century).
List of Kamashastra works
Lost works
* Kâmashâstra of
Nandi may refer to:
* Nandy (surname), Indian surname
* Nandi (mother of Shaka) (1760–1827), daughter of Bhebe of the Langeni tribe
* Onandi Lowe (born 1974), Jamaican footballer nicknamed Nandi
* Nandi Bushell (born 2010), South Afr ...
or Nandikeshvara. (1000)
* Vâtsyâyanasûtrasara, by the
Kshemendra (; ) was an 11th-century Sanskrit polymath-poet, satirist, philosopher, historian, dramatist, translator and art-critic from Kashmir in India.
Kshemendra was born into an old, cultured, and affluent family. His father ...
: eleventh-century commentary on the ''Kama Sutra''
* Kâmashâstra, by Auddalaki Shvetaketu (500 chapters)
* Kâmashâstra or Bâbhravyakârikâ
* Kâmashâstra, by Chârâyana
* Kâmashâstra, by Gonikâputra
* Kâmashâstra, by Dattaka (according to legend, the author was transformed to a woman during a certain time)
* Kâmashâstra or Ratinirnaya, by Suvarnanâb
Kama Sutra
The ''Kama Sutra'' (; sa, कामसूत्र, , ; ) is an ancient Indian Sanskrit text on sexuality, eroticism and emotional fulfillment in life. Attributed to Vātsyāyana, the ''Kama Sutra'' is neither exclusively nor predominantly ...
, by
Medieval and modern texts
The ''Ananga Ranga'' ( hi, अनंगरंग, lit=Stage of Love) or ''Kamaledhiplava'' ( hi, link=no, कमलेधिप्लव, lit=Boat in the Sea of Love) is an Indian sex manual written by Kalyana malla in the 15th or 16th century. T ...
, by Kalyanmalla
* Dattakasûtra, by King Mâdhava II of the Ganga dynasty of
Mysore (), officially Mysuru (), is a city in the southern part of the state of Karnataka, India. Mysore city is geographically located between 12° 18′ 26″ north latitude and 76° 38′ 59″ east longitude. It is located at an altitude of ...
* Janavashya by Kallarasa: based on Kakkoka's ''Ratirahasya''
Jayamangala or Jayamangla, by Yashodhara: important commentary on the ''Kama Sutra''
* Jaya, by Devadatta Shâstrî: a twentieth-century Hindi commentary on the ''Kama Sutra''
* Kâmasamuha, by Ananta (fifteenth century)
* Kandarpacudamani
* Kuchopanishad or Kuchumâra Tantra, by Kuchumâra
* Kuchopanisad, by Kuchumara (tenth century)
* Kuttanimata, by the eighth-century Kashmiri poet Damodaragupta (Dāmodaragupta's ''Kuṭṭanīmata'', though often included in lists of this sort, is really a novel written in Sanskrit verse, in which an aged bawd
'kuṭṭanī''named Vikarālā gives advice to a young, beautiful, but as yet unsuccessful courtesan of Benares; most of the advice comes in the form of two long moral tales, one about a heartless and therefore successful courtesan, Mañjarī, and the other about a tender-hearted and therefore foolish girl, Hāralatā, who makes the mistake of falling in love with a client and eventually dies of a broken heart.)
* Mânasollâsa or Abhilashitartha Chintâmani by King Someshvara or Somadeva III of the Châlukya dynasty by
Kalyâni A part of this encyclopedia, the ''Yoshidupabhoga'', is devoted to the Kamashastra. (Manasolasa or Abhilashitachintamani)
* Nagarasarvasva or Nagarsarvasva, by Bhikshu Padmashrî, a tenth- or eleventh-century Buddhist
* Panchashâyaka, Panchasakya, or Panchsayaka, by Jyotirîshvara Kavishekhara (fourteenth century)
* Rasamanjari or Rasmanjari, by the poet
* Ratikallolini, by Dikshita Samaraja
The ''Ratirahasya'' ( Sanskrit ) (translated in English as ''Secrets of Love'', also known as the ''Koka Shastra'') is a medieval Indian sex manual written by Kokkoka, a poet, who is variously described as Koka or Koka Pundit. The exact date o ...
, by Kokkoka
Ratimanjari, by the poet
Jayadeva (; born ), also spelt Jaideva, was a Sanskrit poet during the 12th century. He is most known for his epic poem '' Gita Govinda'' which concentrates on Krishna's love with the '' gopi'', Radha, in a rite of spring. This poem, which prese ...
: a synthesis of the ''Smaradîpika'' by Minanatha
* Ratiratnapradîpika, by Praudha Devarâja, fifteenth-century
Mahārāja (; also spelled Maharajah, Maharaj) is a Sanskrit title for a "great ruler", "great Monarch, king" or "high king".
A few ruled states informally called empires, including ruler raja Sri Gupta, founder of the ancient Indian Gupta Em ...
Vijayanagara () was the capital city of the historic Vijayanagara Empire. Located on the banks of the Tungabhadra River, it spread over a large area and included the modern era Group of Monuments at Hampi site in Vijayanagara district, Bellar ...
* Shringararasaprabandhadîpika, by Kumara Harihara
* Smaradîpika, by Minanatha.
Samayamatrka, a satire by 11th century Kashmiri poet
* Shrngaradipika, by Harihar.
* Smarapradîpika or Smara Pradipa, by Gunâkara (son of Vachaspati)
* Sûtravritti, by Naringha Shastri: eighteenth-century commentary on the ''Kama Sutra''
Kamashastra and Kāvya poetry
One of the reasons for interest in these ancient manuals is their intimate connection with
Sanskrit (; attributively , ; nominalization, nominally , , ) is a classical language belonging to the Indo-Aryan languages, Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European languages. It arose in South Asia after its predecessor languages had Trans-cul ...
ornate poetry (
Kāvya (Devanagari: :wikt:काव्य#Devanagari, काव्य, IAST: ''kāvyá'') refers to the Sanskrit literary style used by Kingdoms of Ancient India, Indian court poets flourishing between c.200 BCE and 1200 CE.
This literary style, ...
). The poets were supposed to be proficient in the Kamashastra. The entire approach to love and sex in Kāvya poetry is governed by the Kamashastra.
*''The Complete Kama Sutra'', Translated by Daniélou, Alain.
Hindu tantra
Sanskrit literature
Hindu texts