

Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló (; 17 May 1845 – 10 June 1902) was a Catalan / Spanish writer, regarded as one of the greatest poets of
Catalan Catalan may refer to: Catalonia From, or related to Catalonia: * Catalan language, a Romance language * Catalans, an ethnic group formed by the people from, or with origins in, Northern or southern Catalonia Places * 13178 Catalan, asteroid ...
literature and a prominent literary figure of the
Renaixença The ''Renaixença'' (; also written ''Renaixensa'' before spelling standardisation), or Catalan Renaissance, was a romantic revivalist movement in Catalan language and culture through the mid 19th century, akin to the Galician '' Rexurdimento ...
, a cultural revival movement of the late
Romantic Romantic may refer to: Genres and eras * The Romantic era, an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement of the 18th and 19th centuries ** Romantic music, of that era ** Romantic poetry, of that era ** Romanticism in science, of that e ...
era. The bishop Josep Torras i Bages, one of the main figures of
Catalan nationalism Catalan nationalism is the ideology asserting that the Catalans are a distinct nation. Intellectually, modern Catalan nationalism can be said to have commenced as a political philosophy in the unsuccessful attempts to establish a federal state i ...
, called him the "Prince of Catalan poets". He was also known as ''mossèn'' (Father) Cinto Verdaguer, because of his career as a priest, and informally also simply "mossèn Cinto" (with Cinto being a short form of Jacint).


He was born in Folgueroles, a town on the
Plain of Vic The Plain of Vic (Catalan ''Plana de Vic'') is a 30 km long depression located at the eastern end of the Catalan Central Depression in the Osona comarca. It is named after the town of Vic, an important and ancient urban center in this natu ...
, in the ''
comarca A ''comarca'' (, or , or ) is a traditional region or local administrative division found in Portugal, Spain and some of their former colonies, like Brazil, Nicaragua, and Panama. The term is derived from the term ''marca'', meaning a " ...
'' of
Osona Osona () is a comarca situated in Catalonia, Northeast Spain. Its capital is Vic. Its population in 2001 was 129,543. Osona covers roughly the same area as the historic Catalan county of Osona. The name Osona comes from ''Ausetans'', a group of ...
Province of Barcelona Barcelona (, ) is a province of eastern Spain, in the center of the autonomous community of Catalonia. The province is bordered by the provinces of Tarragona, Lleida, and Girona, and by the Mediterranean Sea. Its area is .Tavèrnoles, 1817 – Folgueroles, 1876), was a brickmason and farmer. His mother, Josepa Santaló i Planes ( Folgueroles, 1819–1871), a housewife and farmer, was to exercise great influence over young Jacint, as she conveyed to him a love of literature, especially poetry, and was a deeply religious woman. He was the third of eight children, only three of whom survived. In 1855, at the age of 10, he entered the
Seminary A seminary, school of theology, theological seminary, or divinity school is an educational institution for educating students (sometimes called ''seminarians'') in scripture, theology, generally to prepare them for ordination to serve as clergy ...
Vic Vic (; es, Vic or Pancracio Celdrán (2004). Diccionario de topónimos españoles y sus gentilicios (5ª edición). Madrid: Espasa Calpe. p. 843. ISBN 978-84-670-3054-9. «Vic o Vich (viquense, vigitano, vigatán, ausense, ausetano, ausonense): ...
, as was expected for a child who was not the first-born under the system of primogeniture and had to make his livelihood without relying on an inheritance. Until then, he had lived like the other children in his town. The anecdotes told about him show that he stood out from his peers for his intelligence, astuteness and courage, as well as his athletic constitution. He displayed a balanced attitude without any apparent religious inclinations. In 1863, when he was 18, he started to work as a tutor for a family at the Can Tona
masia A masia in Catalan (or es, masía and an, pardina) is a type of rural construction common to the east of Spain: Catalonia, Valencian Community, Aragon, Languedoc and Provence (in the south of France). The estate in which the masia is located is ...
(where he also helped out on the farm), while he continued to study. Can Tona is in the municipal district of Sant Martí de Riudeperes, today Calldetenes (
Osona Osona () is a comarca situated in Catalonia, Northeast Spain. Its capital is Vic. Its population in 2001 was 129,543. Osona covers roughly the same area as the historic Catalan county of Osona. The name Osona comes from ''Ausetans'', a group of ...
). In 1865, he participated in
Barcelona Barcelona ( , , ) is a city on the coast of northeastern Spain. It is the capital and largest city of the autonomous community of Catalonia, as well as the second most populous municipality of Spain. With a population of 1.6 million within ...
's Jocs Florals—or "Floral Games"—poetry contest and won four prizes. The next year he won two prizes in the same Jocs Florals. On 24 September 1870 he was ordained a priest by the bishop Lluís Jordà in
Vic Vic (; es, Vic or Pancracio Celdrán (2004). Diccionario de topónimos españoles y sus gentilicios (5ª edición). Madrid: Espasa Calpe. p. 843. ISBN 978-84-670-3054-9. «Vic o Vich (viquense, vigitano, vigatán, ausense, ausetano, ausonense): ...
, and in October that same year, he said his first Mass, in the
Sant Jordi Saint George ( Greek: Γεώργιος (Geórgios), Latin: Georgius, Arabic: القديس جرجس; died 23 April 303), also George of Lydda, was a Christian who is venerated as a saint in Christianity. According to tradition he was a sold ...
hermitage. The next day he said his second Mass in the Sant Francesc hermitage near Vic. In 1871, his mother died (January 17) at the age of 52. On September 1 he was appointed bishop coadjutor of the small town of Vinyoles d'Orís and three days later he took up his charge. In 1873, he published the ''cant'' (ode or song) "Passió de Nostre Senyor Jesucrist" (Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ). He left Vinyoles d'Orís for health reasons and moved to
Vic Vic (; es, Vic or Pancracio Celdrán (2004). Diccionario de topónimos españoles y sus gentilicios (5ª edición). Madrid: Espasa Calpe. p. 843. ISBN 978-84-670-3054-9. «Vic o Vich (viquense, vigitano, vigatán, ausense, ausetano, ausonense): ...
. He went on a trip to
Roussillon Roussillon ( , , ; ca, Rosselló ; oc, Rosselhon ) is a historical province of France that largely corresponded to the County of Roussillon and part of the County of Cerdagne of the former Principality of Catalonia. It is part of th ...
and saw the mountain, El Canigó, possibly for the first time. In December, he joined the Companyia Transatlàntica trans-Atlantic steamship company as a chaplain because he was prescribed sea air for his health; he embarked in
Cádiz Cádiz (, , ) is a city and port in southwestern Spain. It is the capital of the Province of Cádiz, one of eight that make up the autonomous community of Andalusia. Cádiz, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Western Europe, ...
bound for
Havana Havana (; Spanish: ''La Habana'' ) is the capital and largest city of Cuba. The heart of the La Habana Province, Havana is the country's main port and commercial center.
. On 8 September 1876 his father died at the age of 65. On board the "Ciudad Condal", on the return voyage from
Cuba Cuba ( , ), officially the Republic of Cuba ( es, República de Cuba, links=no ), is an island country comprising the island of Cuba, as well as Isla de la Juventud and several minor archipelagos. Cuba is located where the northern Caribbea ...
, Jacint Verdaguer finished his epic poem ''L'Atlàntida''. In November he entered the palace of the Marquis of Comillas as an alms chaplain. In 1877, when he was 32, and having returned from his journey, the jury of the Jocs Florals awarded him the special prize of the Diputation of
Barcelona Barcelona ( , , ) is a city on the coast of northeastern Spain. It is the capital and largest city of the autonomous community of Catalonia, as well as the second most populous municipality of Spain. With a population of 1.6 million within ...
for '' L'Atlàntida''. Now he had earned his reputation as a poet. In 1878, he traveled to Rome, where he was granted an audience with Pope
Leo XIII Pope Leo XIII ( it, Leone XIII; born Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci; 2 March 1810 – 20 July 1903) was the head of the Catholic Church from 20 February 1878 to his death in July 1903. Living until the age of 93, he was the second-ol ...
. They discussed Verdaguer's poem ''L'Atlàntida''. In 1880, as the winner of three prizes in the Jocs Florals, he was proclaimed "Master of the Gay Sciences" (''Mestre en Gai Saber''). That same year he published his book of poetry, '' Montserrat'', which included "Llegenda de Montserrat", a legend (or two) in the form of a poem with 13 cantos. In 1883, the Barcelona City Council published a print-run of a hundred thousand copies of his "Oda a Barcelona" (Ode to Barcelona), a 46-stanza poem. Such a print-run was quite a remarkable given that the population of Barcelona at the time was 350,000, which would have amounted to about a copy per household. At the age of 39, Verdaguer traveled to Paris, Switzerland, Germany and Russia. His collection of poems ''Caritat'' (''Charity'', 1885) was published to raise funds for reconstruction after the
Andalusian earthquake of 25 December 1884 The 1884 Granadan earthquake ( es, Terremoto de Granada de 1884) occurred on 25 December 1884 at 9:08 p.m in the south of Spain, and had an estimated magnitude of 6.7 . It shook a poor region where many of the houses were built without foundations ...
. On 21 March 1886, when he was 41 years old, Bishop Morgades crowned him 'Poet of Catalonia' in the monastery of
Ripoll Ripoll () is the capital of the ''comarca'' of Ripollès, in the province of Girona, Catalonia, Spain. It is located on confluence of the Ter River and its tributary Freser, next to the Pyrenees near the French border. The population was 11,057 ...
. He published the epic poem '' Canigó'' and made a pilgrimage to the
Holy Land The Holy Land; Arabic: or is an area roughly located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Eastern Bank of the Jordan River, traditionally synonymous both with the biblical Land of Israel and with the region of Palestine. The term "Ho ...
. In 1893, following controversy about aspects of his work as a priest, he left the post of alms chaplain at the Marqués de Comillas' palace. The publication of the trilogy ''Jesús Infant'' was completed, and he was assigned to the sanctuary of La Gleva. For a period, he was stripped of his office as priest, although this was eventually restored. In 1894, the books ''Roser de tot l'any'' and ''Veus del bon pastor'' were published. On 31 March he left the sanctuary of La Gleva. On 17 May 1902, his 57th birthday, he moved from his home at Carrer Aragó 235 in Barcelona to the country house known as
Vil·la Joana Viŀla Joana is a masia located in Vallvidrera (Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district, Barcelona) in the middle of Collserola Natural Park. It is a two storey building with a watchtower and lateral galleries. One of its most distinctive elements is the cl ...
, in
Vallvidrera Vallvidrera is a neighbourhood of the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district of Barcelona, Spain. It is situated in one of the sides of the Collserola hills, considered to be the lungs of the city due to the abundant forests it has. This wealthy neighbou ...
(Barcelona), where he hoped to convalesce. On 10 June he died in Vil·la Joana, which is now one of the Barcelona City History Museum (MUHBA) heritage sites. Verdaguer was buried in
Montjuïc Cemetery Montjuïc Cemetery, known in Catalan as Cementiri del Sud-oest or Cementiri de Montjuïc, is located on one of the rocky slopes of Montjuïc hill in Barcelona. History It was opened on 17 March 1883 by the city of Barcelona as its main cemetery, ...
in Barcelona. He was depicted on the Spanish 1971 500 Pesetas banknote.

Selected works

Among his works are: * '' L'Atlàntida'' (Atlantis, 1876), epic poem * '' Idil·lis i cants místics'' (Idylls and Mystic Songs, 1879), book of poems * '' Montserrat'' (1880, 1899), book of poems on the topic of Montserrat * ''"
A Barcelona A Barcelona is a poem by Jacint Verdaguer, published in 1883. It is a triumphant song of the transformation undergone by Barcelona since the mid-19th century. Consisting of 46 quatrains of Alexandrine verses, and a re-editing process started i ...
"'' ("To Barcelona", 1883), ode in 46 stanzas * ''Caritat'' (Charity, 1885) * '' Canigó'' (1886), epic poem * '' Sant Francesc'' (Saint Francis, 1895) * '' Flors del Calvari'' (Flowers of Calvary, 1896) The scenic cantata ''Atlàntida'', composed by
Manuel de Falla Manuel de Falla y Matheu (, 23 November 187614 November 1946) was an Andalusian Spanish composer and pianist. Along with Isaac Albéniz, Francisco Tárrega, and Enrique Granados, he was one of Spain's most important musicians of the first ha ...
and completed after de Falla's death by
Ernesto Halffter Ernesto Halffter Escriche (16 January 19055 July 1989) was a Spanish composer and conductor. He was the brother of Rodolfo Halffter and part of the ''Grupo de los Ocho'' ( en, Group of Eight), which formed a sub-set of the ''Generation of '27'' ...
, is based on Verdaguer's '' L'Atlàntida''. Manuel de Falla considered this large-scale orchestral piece to be the most important of all his works. Some of his shorter poems are well known as songs in
Catalonia Catalonia (; ca, Catalunya ; Aranese Occitan: ''Catalonha'' ; es, Cataluña ) is an autonomous community of Spain, designated as a '' nationality'' by its Statute of Autonomy. Most of the territory (except the Val d'Aran) lies on the no ...
, especially "L'Emigrant" ("Sweet Catalonia, country of my heart...").


Verdaguer's works are collected in English in: * ''Selected Poems of Jacint Verdaguer: A Bilingual Edition'', edited and translated by Ronald Puppo, with an introduction by Ramon Pinyol i Torrents, University of Chicago Press, 2007, 339 pp. (), ()

See also

* Pi de les Tres Branques, a tree popularised by Verdaguer as a Catalan national symbol *
Verdaguer House-Museum The Verdaguer House Museum ( ca, Casa Museu Verdaguer) is a literary museum in Folgueroles, birthplace of poet Jacint Verdaguer, in the region of Osona. It was opened in 1967 and is part of the Barcelona Provincial Council Local Museum Network. Bui ...
in Folgueroles * Barcelona City History Museum and its
Vil·la Joana Viŀla Joana is a masia located in Vallvidrera (Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district, Barcelona) in the middle of Collserola Natural Park. It is a two storey building with a watchtower and lateral galleries. One of its most distinctive elements is the cl ...


General references

*This article draws heavily on the corresponding article in the Catalan-language Wikipedia, which was accessed in the versions of December 21, 2005 and February 2016.

External links

Jacint Verdaguer
at the Association of Writers in the Catalan Language website, with a biography , and a complete bibliography, a brief anthology (excerpts), a collection of articles of literary criticism on his work, etc. in Catalan.
About Jacint Verdaguer and his place in Catalan literature
in ''Visat'', a digital journal on literature and translation by the Catalan Chapter of
PEN International PEN International (known as International PEN until 2010) is a worldwide association of writers, founded in London in 1921 to promote friendship and intellectual co-operation among writers everywhere. The association has autonomous Internation ...
. ''Visat'' No. 10, October 2010.
Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló
Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana The ''Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana'' (in English: the ''Great Catalan Encyclopedia'') is a Catalan-language encyclopedia, started in fascicles, and published in 1968 by . The soul of the work was written by Max Cahner, and the first director was ...
in Folgueroles, near
Vic Vic (; es, Vic or Pancracio Celdrán (2004). Diccionario de topónimos españoles y sus gentilicios (5ª edición). Madrid: Espasa Calpe. p. 843. ISBN 978-84-670-3054-9. «Vic o Vich (viquense, vigitano, vigatán, ausense, ausetano, ausonense): ...

Vil·la Joana
, a
masia A masia in Catalan (or es, masía and an, pardina) is a type of rural construction common to the east of Spain: Catalonia, Valencian Community, Aragon, Languedoc and Provence (in the south of France). The estate in which the masia is located is ...
Collserola The Serra de Collserola (), or simply Collserola, is a mountain range between the rivers Besòs and Llobregat. It is part of the Catalan Coastal Range. These mountains separate Barcelona from the Vallès plain and their tallest peak is the Tib ...
forming part of the Barcelona City History Museum (MUHBA) {{DEFAULTSORT:Verdaguer, Jacint 1845 births 1902 deaths Burials at Montjuïc Cemetery Writers from Catalonia Catalan-language writers Catalan-language poets