

astronomical navigation Celestial navigation, also known as astronavigation, is the practice of position fixing using stars and other celestial bodies that enables a navigator to accurately determine their actual current physical position in space (or on the surface of ...
, the intercept method, also known as Marcq St. Hilaire method, is a method of calculating an observer's position on earth (
geopositioning Geopositioning, also known as geotracking, geolocalization, geolocating, geolocation, or geoposition fixing, is the process of determining or estimating the geographic position of an object. Geopositioning yields a set of geographic coordinates ...
). It was originally called the ''azimuth intercept'' method because the process involves drawing a line which intercepts the
azimuth An azimuth (; from ar, اَلسُّمُوت, as-sumūt, the directions) is an angular measurement in a spherical coordinate system. More specifically, it is the horizontal angle from a cardinal direction, most commonly north. Mathematicall ...
line. This name was shortened to ''intercept'' method and the ''intercept distance'' was shortened to 'intercept'. The method yields a
line of position A position line or line of position (LOP) is a line (or, on the surface of the earth, a curve) that can be both identified on a chart (nautical chart or aeronautical chart) and translated to the surface of the earth. The intersection of a minimum o ...
(LOP) on which the observer is situated. The intersection of two or more such lines will define the observer's position, called a "fix". Sights may be taken at short intervals, usually during hours of twilight, or they may be taken at an interval of an hour or more (as in observing the Sun during the day). In either case, the lines of position, if taken at different times, must be advanced or retired to correct for the movement of the ship during the interval between observations. If observations are taken at short intervals, a few minutes at most, the corrected lines of position by convention yield a "fix". If the lines of position must be advanced or retired by an hour or more, convention dictates that the result is referred to as a "running fix".


The intercept method is based on the following principle. The actual distance from the observer to the geographical position (GP) of a celestial body (that is, the point where it is directly overhead) is "measured" using a
sextant A sextant is a doubly reflecting navigation instrument that measures the angular distance between two visible objects. The primary use of a sextant is to measure the angle between an astronomical object and the horizon for the purposes of celes ...
. The observer has already estimated his position by
dead reckoning In navigation, dead reckoning is the process of calculating current position of some moving object by using a previously determined position, or fix, and then incorporating estimates of speed, heading direction, and course over elapsed time. ...
and calculated the distance from the estimated position to the body's GP; the difference between the "measured" and calculated distances is called the intercept. The diagram on the right shows why the zenith distance of a celestial body is equal to the angular distance of its GP from the observer's position. The rays of light from a celestial body are assumed to be parallel (unless the observer is looking at the moon, which is too close for such a simplification). The angle at the centre of the Earth that the ray of light passing through the body's GP makes with the line running from the observer's
zenith The zenith (, ) is an imaginary point directly "above" a particular location, on the celestial sphere. "Above" means in the vertical direction (plumb line) opposite to the gravity direction at that location (nadir). The zenith is the "highest" ...
is the same as the zenith distance. This is because they are
corresponding angles In geometry, a transversal is a line that passes through two lines in the same plane at two distinct points. Transversals play a role in establishing whether two or more other lines in the Euclidean plane are parallel. The intersections of a ...
. In practice it is not necessary to use zenith distances, which are 90° minus altitude, as the calculations can be done using observed altitude and calculated altitude. Taking a sight using the intercept method consists of the following process: * Observe the altitude above the horizon Ho of a celestial body and note the time of the observation. * Assume a certain geographical position (lat., lon.), it does not matter which one so long as it is within, say, 50 NM of the actual position (or even 100 NM would not introduce too much error). Compute the altitude Hc and azimuth Zn with which an observer situated at that assumed position would observe the body. * If the actual observed altitude Ho is smaller than the computed altitude Hc this means the observer is farther away from the body than the observer at the assumed position, and vice versa. For each minute of arc the distance is one NM and the difference between Hc and Ho expressed in minutes of arc (which equal NM) is termed the "intercept". The navigator now has computed the intercept and azimuth of the body. * On the chart he marks the assumed position AP and draws a line in the direction of the azimuth Zn. He then measures the intercept distance along this azimuth line, towards the body if Ho>Hc and away from it if Ho


Suitable bodies for celestial sights are selected, often using a Rude Star Finder. Using a
sextant A sextant is a doubly reflecting navigation instrument that measures the angular distance between two visible objects. The primary use of a sextant is to measure the angle between an astronomical object and the horizon for the purposes of celes ...
, an altitude is obtained of the sun, the moon, a star or a planet. The name of the body and the precise time of the sight in UTC is recorded. Then the sextant is read and the altitude (''Hs'') of the body is recorded. Once all sights are taken and recorded, the navigator is ready to start the process of
sight reduction In astronavigation, sight reduction is the process of deriving from a sight, (in celestial navigation usually obtained using a sextant), the information needed for establishing a line of position, generally by intercept method. Sight is defined ...
and plotting. The first step in sight reduction is to correct the sextant altitude for various errors and corrections. The instrument may have an error, IC or index correction (See article on adjusting a sextant). Refraction by the atmosphere is corrected for with the aid of a table or calculation and the observer's height of eye above sea level results in a "dip" correction, (as the observer's eye is raised the horizon dips below the horizontal). If the Sun or Moon was observed, a semidiameter correction is also applied to find the centre of the object. The resulting value is "observed altitude" (''Ho''). Next, using an accurate clock, the observed celestial object's geographic position (''GP'') is looked up in an almanac. That's the point on the Earth's surface directly below it (where the object is in the
zenith The zenith (, ) is an imaginary point directly "above" a particular location, on the celestial sphere. "Above" means in the vertical direction (plumb line) opposite to the gravity direction at that location (nadir). The zenith is the "highest" ...
). The latitude of the geographic position is called declination, and the longitude is usually called the
hour angle In astronomy and celestial navigation, the hour angle is the angle between two planes: one containing Earth's axis and the zenith (the '' meridian plane''), and the other containing Earth's axis and a given point of interest (the ''hour circle'' ...
. Next, the altitude and azimuth of the celestial body are computed for a selected position (assumed position or AP). This involves resolving a spherical triangle. Given the three magnitudes: local hour angle (''LHA''), observed body's declination (''dec''), and assumed latitude (''lat''), the altitude ''Hc'' and azimuth ''Zn'' must be computed. The local hour angle, ''LHA'', is the difference between the AP
longitude Longitude (, ) is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a point on the surface of the Earth, or another celestial body. It is an angular measurement, usually expressed in degrees and denoted by the Greek letter l ...
and the hour angle of the observed object. It is always measured in a westerly direction from the assumed position. The relevant formulas (derived using the spherical trigonometric identities) are: : \sin(Hc) = \sin(lat) \cdot \sin(dec) + \cos(lat) \cdot \cos(dec) \cdot \cos(LHA) : \begin \tan(Zn) = \tan(Zn \pm 180) &= \frac \triangleq tanZ \\ Z &= arctan(tanZ) \text \in 90,+90\\ Zn &= \begin Z & \textLHA \in ,90\\ Z+180 & \textLHA \in 0,270\ Z+360 & \textLHA \in 70,360&& \equiv \text\\ \end \\ \end :The adjustment from Z to Zn (which is in ,360/math>, and measured from North) has two reasons: ::(1)The angles in ,360with the same \tan is not unique (since \tan(X) = tan (X \pm 180)), but \arctan is defined only in 90,90/math>. ::(2)The negative angle must be adjusted to positive angle. or, alternatively, : \begin \cos(\pm Zn) &= \frac \triangleq cosZ \\ Z & = \arccos(cosZ) \text \in ,180\\ Zn &= \begin +Z & \textLHA \in 80,360\\ -Z+360 & \textLHA \in ,180\\ \end \\ \end :The adjustment for disambiguating \cos values has similar reasons. Where :''Hc'' = Computed altitude :''Zn'' = Computed azimuth (Zn=0 at North) :''Z'' = preliminary result for Zn (in some nautical almanacs) :''lat'' = Latitude :''dec'' = Declination :''LHA'' = Local Hour Angle These computations can be done easily using electronic calculators or computers but traditionally there were methods which used logarithm or haversine tables. Some of these methods were H.O. 211 (Ageton), Davies,
haversine The versine or versed sine is a trigonometric function found in some of the earliest (Sanskrit ''Aryabhatia'',haversine formula The haversine formula determines the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere given their longitudes and latitudes. Important in navigation, it is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of haversines, ...
for ''Hc'' is : \operatorname(\overline) = \operatorname(LHA) \cdot cos(lat) \cdot cos(dec) + \operatorname(lat \pm dec) Where ' is the zenith distance, or complement of ''Hc''. ' = 90° - ''Hc''. The relevant formula for Zn is : \operatorname(Zn) = \frac When using such tables or a computer or scientific calculator, the navigation triangle is solved directly, so any assumed position can be used. Often the dead reckoning DR position is used. This simplifies plotting and also reduces any slight error caused by plotting a segment of a circle as a straight line. With the use of astral navigation for air navigation, faster methods needed to be developed and tables of precomputed triangles were developed. When using precomputed sight reduction tables, selection of the assumed position is one of the trickier steps for the fledgling navigator to master. Sight reduction tables provide solutions for navigation triangles of integral degree values. When using precomputed sight reduction tables, such as H.O. 229, the assumed position must be selected to yield integer degree values for ''LHA'' (local hour angle) and latitude. West longitudes are subtracted and east longitudes are added to ''GHA'' to derive ''LHA'', so AP's must be selected accordingly. When using precomputed sight reduction tables each observation and each body will require a different assumed position. Professional navigators are divided in usage between sight reduction tables on the one hand, and handheld computers or scientific calculators on the other. The methods are equally accurate. It is simply a matter of personal preference which method is used. An experienced navigator can reduce a sight from start to finish in about 5 minutes using nautical tables or a scientific calculator. The precise location of the assumed position has no great impact on the result, as long as it is reasonably close to the observer's actual position. An assumed position within 1 degree of arc of the observer's actual position is usually considered acceptable. The calculated altitude (''Hc'') is compared to the observed altitude (''Ho'', sextant altitude (''Hs'') corrected for various errors). The difference between ''Hc'' and ''Ho'' is called "intercept" and is the observer's distance from the assumed position. The resulting line of position (''LOP'') is a small segment of the
circle of equal altitude The circle of equal altitude, also called circle of position (CoP), is defined as the locus (geometry), locus of points on Earth on which an observer sees a celestial object such as the sun or a star, at a given time, with the same observed altitud ...
, and is represented by a straight line perpendicular to the azimuth of the celestial body. When plotting the small segment of this circle on a chart it is drawn as a straight line, the resulting tiny errors are too small to be significant. Navigators use the memory aid "computed greater away" to determine whether the observer is farther from the body's geographic position (measure intercept from ''Hc'' away from the azimuth). If the ''Hc'' is less than ''Ho'', then the observer is closer to the body's geographic position, and intercept is measured from the AP toward the azimuth direction. The last step in the process is to plot the lines of position ''LOP'' and determine the vessel's location. Each assumed position is plotted first. Best practise is to then advance or retire the assumed positions to correct for vessel motion during the interval between sights. Each LOP is then constructed from its associated AP by striking off the azimuth to the body, measuring intercept toward or away from the azimuth, and constructing the perpendicular line of position. To obtain a fix (a position) this ''LOP'' must be crossed with another ''LOP'' either from another sight or from elsewhere e.g. a bearing of a point of land or crossing a depth contour such as the 200 metre depth line on a chart.


Until the age of satellite navigation ships usually took sights at dawn, during the forenoon, at noon (meridian transit of the Sun) and dusk. The morning and evening sights were taken during twilight while the
horizon The horizon is the apparent line that separates the surface of a celestial body from its sky when viewed from the perspective of an observer on or near the surface of the relevant body. This line divides all viewing directions based on whether i ...
was visible and the stars, planets and/or moon were visible, at least through the telescope of a
sextant A sextant is a doubly reflecting navigation instrument that measures the angular distance between two visible objects. The primary use of a sextant is to measure the angle between an astronomical object and the horizon for the purposes of celes ...
. Two observations are always required to give a position accurate to within a mile under favourable conditions. Three are always sufficient.

Running fix

A fix is called a ''running fix'' when one or more of the LOPs used to obtain it is an LOP advanced or retrieved over time. In order to get a fix the LOP must cross at an angle, the closer to 90° the better. This means the observations must have different azimuths. During the day, if only the Sun is visible, it is possible to get an LOP from the observation but not a fix as another LOP is needed. What may be done is take a first sight which yields one LOP and, some hours later, when the Sun's azimuth has changed substantially, take a second sight which yields a second LOP. Knowing the distance and course sailed in the interval, the first LOP can be advanced to its new position and the intersection with the second LOP yields a ''running fix''. Any sight can be advanced and used to obtain a ''running fix''. It may be that the navigator due to weather conditions could only obtain a single sight at dawn. The resulting LOP can then be advanced when, later in the morning, a Sun observation becomes possible. The precision of a running fix depends on the error in distance and course so, naturally, a running fix tends to be less precise than an unqualified fix and the navigator must take into account his confidence in the exactitude of distance and course to estimate the resulting error in the running fix. Determining a fix by crossing LOPs and advancing LOPs to get running fixes are not specific to the intercept method and can be used with any sight reduction method or with LOPs obtained by any other method (bearings, etc.).

See also

Celestial navigation Celestial navigation, also known as astronavigation, is the practice of position fixing using stars and other celestial bodies that enables a navigator to accurately determine their actual current physical position in space (or on the surface of ...
Circle of equal altitude The circle of equal altitude, also called circle of position (CoP), is defined as the locus (geometry), locus of points on Earth on which an observer sees a celestial object such as the sun or a star, at a given time, with the same observed altitud ...
Sight reduction In astronavigation, sight reduction is the process of deriving from a sight, (in celestial navigation usually obtained using a sextant), the information needed for establishing a line of position, generally by intercept method. Sight is defined ...
Intersection (air navigation) In aviation, an intersection is a virtual navigational fix that helps aircraft maintain their flight plan. It is usually defined as the intersection (in the geometrical sense) of two VOR radials. They are usually identified as major airway in ...
Intersection (land navigation) Position resection and intersection are methods for determining an unknown geographic position ( position finding) by measuring angles with respect to known positions. In ''resection'', the one point with unknown coordinates is occupied and sighting ...
Navigation Navigation is a field of study that focuses on the process of monitoring and controlling the movement of a craft or vehicle from one place to another.Bowditch, 2003:799. The field of navigation includes four general categories: land navigation, ...
Latitude In geography, latitude is a coordinate that specifies the north– south position of a point on the surface of the Earth or another celestial body. Latitude is given as an angle that ranges from –90° at the south pole to 90° at the north pol ...
Longitude Longitude (, ) is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a point on the surface of the Earth, or another celestial body. It is an angular measurement, usually expressed in degrees and denoted by the Greek letter l ...
Haversine formula The haversine formula determines the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere given their longitudes and latitudes. Important in navigation, it is a special case of a more general formula in spherical trigonometry, the law of haversines, ...
Longitude by chronometer Longitude by chronometer is a method, in navigation, of determining longitude using a marine chronometer, which was developed by John Harrison during the first half of the eighteenth century. It is an astronomical method of calculating the long ...


{{Reflist *''Nicholls's Concise Guide, Volume 1'', by Charles H. Brown F.R.S.G.S. Extra Master *''Norie's Nautical Tables'', edited by Capt. A.G. Blance *''The Nautical Almanac 2005'', published by Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office *''Navigation for School and College'', by A.C Gardner and W.G. Creelman

External links

* ''Navigational Algorithms'' http://sites.google.com/site/navigationalalgorithms/
WinAstro sight reduction software
Navigation Celestial navigation