

Indura (
Belarusian Belarusian may refer to: * Something of, or related to Belarus * Belarusians, people from Belarus, or of Belarusian descent * A citizen of Belarus, see Demographics of Belarus * Belarusian language * Belarusian culture * Belarusian cuisine * Byelor ...
: Індура; Russian; Индура; yi, אמדור, Amdur) is a village in the Grodno District of the Grodno Region of Belarus. The town's name in Yiddish is Amdur, which lends its name to the Amdur Hasidic dynasty founded by Chaim Chaykl of Amdur.


The first mention of Indura appears in the 16th century, when the settlement was under the rule of Jan Dovojnovich, who, in 1522, built a wooden church of the Holy Trinity in Indura. Between the 16th and 17th century, Indura was under the rule of Radziwill family, Pac family, and Kiszka family, later being owned by the Oginski family and
Massalski family 200px, Coat of Arms of the Massalski family The House of Massalski (Plural: Massalscy, feminine form: Massalska), sometimes Masalski , Massalsky or Mosalsky, is a Polish-Lithuanian, Russian-Lithuanian princely family of Ruthenian origin from th ...
in the 18th century. Following the third partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795, Indura became a part of the Russian Empire in the Grodno district and was under the rule of the Brzhostovsky family. In 1815, a stone church was built in the town and in 1881 the Orthodox church of St
Alexander Nevsky Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky (russian: Александр Ярославич Невский; ; 13 May 1221 – 14 November 1263) served as Prince of Novgorod (1236–40, 1241–56 and 1258–1259), Grand Prince of Kiev (1236–52) and Grand P ...
was built, which still stands to this day. In 1885, a synagogue was built which also stands to this day. According to the Riga Peace Treaty of 1921, Indura fell into the interwar Polish Republic. On 17 September 1939, after the Soviet invasion of Poland, Indura became part of the USSR, since 1940 it has been the center of the village council. During the Second World War from June 1941 to 21 July 1944 it was under German occupation. The Jews of the village (about 2000 people) were herded into the ghetto, and in 1942 they were sent to death camps.


* Church of the Holy Trinity, 1815. * Orthodox Church of Saint Alexander Nevsky, 1881. * Amdur Synagogue, 1885. * Noble estate, 19th century, the manor house and farm buildings have been preserved. * Jewish cemetery.


{{Authority control Populated places in Grodno Region