

Good Hope Hospital is a
teaching hospital A teaching hospital is a hospital or medical centre that provides medical education and training to future and current health professionals. Teaching hospitals are almost always affiliated with one or more universities and are often co-locate ...
in the Sutton Coldfield area of
Birmingham Birmingham ( ) is a city and metropolitan borough in the metropolitan county of West Midlands in England. It is the second-largest city in the United Kingdom with a population of 1.145 million in the city proper, 2.92 million in the We ...
England England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Wales to its west and Scotland to its north. The Irish Sea lies northwest and the Celtic Sea to the southwest. It is separated from continental Europe ...
. Covering north Birmingham and south east Staffordshire, it is managed by the
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust The University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust provides adult district general hospital services for Birmingham as well as specialist treatments for the West Midlands. The trust operates the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Edgbaston (Q ...


The hospital has its origins in a
Victorian Victorian or Victorians may refer to: 19th century * Victorian era, British history during Queen Victoria's 19th-century reign ** Victorian architecture ** Victorian house ** Victorian decorative arts ** Victorian fashion ** Victorian literature ...
house built for the Rev. Riland Bedford, the local
rector Rector (Latin for the member of a vessel's crew who steers) may refer to: Style or title *Rector (ecclesiastical), a cleric who functions as an administrative leader in some Christian denominations *Rector (academia), a senior official in an edu ...
, in 1882. Originally known as Broomieclose, it became known as Good Hope House after a change of ownership in 1912. It was converted into a convalescent centre in 1943 and two single-storey wards were added in the 1950s to act as a facility for the potential evacuation of patients from Birmingham in the event of a nuclear attack. The Sheldon Unit and the Fothergill Block were added in 1967, the Richard Salt Unit opened in 1971 and new facilities for endoscopy, outpatients and diagnostic services followed in 2005.


Good Hope is a teaching hospital with library and learning facilities in the Partnership Learning Centre, which is part-funded by the Medical School of the University of Birmingham. It has
accident and emergency An emergency department (ED), also known as an accident and emergency department (A&E), emergency room (ER), emergency ward (EW) or casualty department, is a medical treatment facility specializing in emergency medicine, the acute care of pa ...
facilities. In 2017 the
Care Quality Commission The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is an executive non-departmental public body of the Department of Health and Social Care of the United Kingdom. It was established in 2009 to regulate and inspect health and social care services in England. ...
rated the Good Hope Hospital as requiring improvement. Good Hope Hospital

See also

List of hospitals in England The following is a list of hospitals in England. For NHS trusts, see the list of NHS Trusts. East Midlands * Arnold Lodge, Leicestershire * Babington Hospital – Belper, Derbyshire *Bassetlaw District General Hospital – Worksop, Nottingham ...


External links

Official site
Hospital buildings completed in the 20th century Hospitals in Birmingham, West Midlands NHS hospitals in England Teaching hospitals in England Hospital buildings completed in the 19th century {{UK-hospital-stub