

The Glomma, or Glåma, is
Norway Norway, officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe, the mainland territory of which comprises the western and northernmost portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The remote Arctic island of Jan Mayen and t ...
's longest and most voluminous
river A river is a natural flowing watercourse, usually freshwater Fresh water or freshwater is any naturally occurring liquid or frozen water containing low concentrations of dissolved salts and other total dissolved solids. Although the ...
. With a total length of , it has a
drainage basin A drainage basin is an area of land where all flowing surface water converges to a single point, such as a river mouth, or flows into another body of water, such as a lake or ocean. A basin is separated from adjacent basins by a perimeter, ...
that covers fully 13% of Norway's surface area, all in the southern part of the country.


At its fullest length, the river runs from the lake
Aursund Aursunden or Aursund is a lake in the municipality of Røros in Trøndelag county, Norway. The village of Brekken lies along the eastern shore and the village of Glåmos lies along the western shore. There are several inflows to the lake includ ...
near Røros in Trøndelag and runs into the Oslofjord at Fredrikstad. Major tributaries include the
Vorma Vorma is a river in Norway that brings water from lake Mjøsa into the Glomma river. The Vorma is long and flows through the town of Eidsvoll. The Vorma flows from Lake Mjøsa at the village of Minnesund to join with the Glomma at Årnes. Vorma ...
River, which drains Lake Mjøsa, joining the Glomma River at Årnes in Nes. The Lågen drains into Lake Mjøsa, collecting drainage from the large Gudbrandsdalen and significantly increasing the Glomma's flow. Because it flows through some of the richest forest districts, it has historically been Norway's leading log-floating river. The combination of raw materials, water power, and easy transport has over the centuries encouraged industry along the Glomma. Some of the country's largest manufacturing and processing concerns are found around its mouth, where supplies of timber and
hydropower Hydropower (from el, ὕδωρ, "water"), also known as water power, is the use of falling or fast-running water to produce electricity or to power machines. This is achieved by converting the gravitational potential or kinetic energy of ...
have been backed by excellent port facilities. The upper limit of the Glomma valley farms is variable, but typically runs about in Østerdalen, slightly lower than in the Gudbrandsdalen, which reflects the colder climate. The treeline, with a light birch forest, rises to about in Østerdalen. Above Røros the forest is restricted to the valley floor. The upper river valleys of Norwegian rivers have distinctive names which are vestiges of earlier cultural distinctions such as building styles, traditional clothing or bunad and domestic crafts. The upper valley of the Glomma is the Østerdal (or East Valley). Upon entering Lake Øyeren at Fetsund, the Glomma has formed Europe's largest inland delta which reaches the opposite side of the lake, across its short axis. Some of the vast amount of silt that the Glomma deposits in Lake Øyeren is extracted to manufacture LECA building blocks widely used for in the construction of foundations in Norway.


The form ''Glomma'' is used in Østfold and Akershus counties, while in Innlandet and Trøndelag counties the river is called (and written) ''Glåma''. An older form was ''Glaumr''; another, in
Old Norse Old Norse, Old Nordic, or Old Scandinavian, is a stage of development of North Germanic languages, North Germanic dialects before their final divergence into separate Nordic languages. Old Norse was spoken by inhabitants of Scandinavia and t ...
, was ''Raumelfr'', meaning a "loud noise" or "thunder" + "river".Tolkien, Christopher (trans.),
The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise
' (London: Nelson, 1960), p. 67 fn. 4.
Several places are named after the river, for instance
Glåmdal Glåmdalen or Glommadal is a valley in Innlandet county (formerly Hedmark County) in Eastern Norway. The valley was formed by the river Glomma (also called Glåma), one of the major rivers for the region. The name "Glåmdalen" is also a newer de ...
and Glåmos.

See also

* :Populated places on the Glomma River


External links

* {{Authority control Rivers of Viken Rivers of Innlandet Rivers of Trøndelag Ramsar sites in Norway Rivers of Norway