

Martian dust devils ( dust devils on
Mars Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System, only being larger than Mercury. In the English language, Mars is named for the Roman god of war. Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmos ...
) were first photographed by the
Viking Vikings ; non, víkingr is the modern name given to seafaring people originally from Scandinavia (present-day Denmark, Norway and Sweden), who from the late 8th to the late 11th centuries raided, pirated, traded and s ...
orbiters in the 1970s. In 1997, the
Mars Pathfinder ''Mars Pathfinder'' (''MESUR Pathfinder'') is an American robotic spacecraft that landed a base station with a roving probe on Mars in 1997. It consisted of a lander, renamed the Carl Sagan Memorial Station, and a lightweight, wheeled roboti ...
lander detected a dust devil passing over it. In the first image below, photographed by the Mars Global Surveyor, the long dark streak is formed by a moving swirling column of Martian atmosphere. The dust devil itself (the black spot) is climbing the crater wall. The streaks on the right are sand dunes on the crater floor. Martian dust devils can be up to fifty times as wide and ten times as high as terrestrial dust devils, and large ones may pose a threat to terrestrial technology sent to Mars. On 7 November 2016, five such dust devils ranging in heights of 0.5 to 1.9 km were imaged in a single observation by the
Mars Orbiter Mission The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also called ''Mangalyaan'', was a space probe orbiting Mars since 24 September 2014. It was launched on 5 November 2013 by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). It was India's first interplanetary missio ...
in the Martian southern hemisphere. Mission members monitoring the
Spirit rover Spirit or spirits may refer to: Liquor and other volatile liquids * Spirits, a.k.a. liquor, distilled alcoholic drinks * Spirit or tincture, an extract of plant or animal material dissolved in ethanol * Volatile (especially flammable) liquids ...
on Mars reported on March 12, 2005, that a lucky encounter with a dust devil had cleaned the solar panels of that robot. Power levels dramatically increased and daily science work was anticipated to be expanded. A similar phenomenon (solar panels mysteriously cleaned of accumulated dust) had previously been observed with the
Opportunity rover ''Opportunity'', also known as MER-B (Mars Exploration Rover – B) or MER-1, is a robotic rover that was active on Mars from 2004 until 2018. ''Opportunity'' was operational on Mars for sols (). Launched on July 7, 2003, as part of NASA' ...
, and dust devils had also been suspected as the cause. The electrical activity associated with dust devils is widely thought to generate lightning on Mars, but this has not yet been conclusively detected.


Many areas on Mars experience the passage of giant dust devils. These dust devils leave tracks on the surface of Mars because they disturb a thin coating of fine bright dust that covers most of the Martian surface. When a dust devil goes by it blows away the coating and exposes the underlying dark surface. Within a few weeks, the dark track assumes its former bright colour, either by being re-covered through wind action or due to surface oxidation through exposure to sunlight and the Martian atmosphere.

Formation and dynamics

Dust devils occur when the sun warms up the air near a flat, dry surface. The warm air then rises quickly through the cooler air and begins spinning while moving ahead. This spinning, moving cell may pick up dust and sand and leave behind a clean surface.


Dust devils on Mars have been photographed both from the ground and high overhead from orbit. They have even blown dust off the solar panels of two Rovers on Mars, thereby greatly extending their useful lifetime. The pattern of the tracks has been shown to change every few months. A study that combined data from the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) and the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) found that some large dust devils on Mars have a diameter of and last at least 26 minutes. Measurements from the Curiosity Rover confirms that the pressure drops when a dust devil passes nearby.

Changes through time

A dust devil that was previously imaged in 2009, there was information found about two years later showing the tracks visible from the previous imaging are completely different from the old ones meaning there had been a dust storm to erase the old tracks.

Bright dust devil tracks

Generally, Martian dust devils leave a dark track, however light tracks have also been observed. Studies have been done on Earth to understand this phenomenon. Based on a study done in the Turpan desert in China, it is believed that the light Martian tracks are not truly light, and only appear to be so due to the unusually dark surrounding surface. In such cases, the surrounding surface is believed to appear unusually dark due to the clumping of surface particles, which in turn is due to static charge buildup and attraction.


Image:Kepler Crater.JPG, Kepler (Martian crater) showing dust devil tracks, as seen by Mars Global Surveyor. Image:Dust devil tracks in Eridania.JPG, Pattern of large and small tracks made by giant dust devils, as seen by Mars Global Surveyor under the MOC Public Targeting Program.. Image:Russel Crater Dust Devil Changes.JPG, Russell Crater dust devil changes in
Noachis quadrangle The Noachis quadrangle is one of a series of 30 quadrangle maps of Mars used by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Astrogeology Research Program. The Noachis quadrangle is also referred to as MC-27 (Mars Chart-27). The Noachis quadran ...
, as seen by HiRISE. Click on image to see changes in dust devil tracks in just 3 months. Image:Milankovic Crater.jpg, Milankovic Crater central area, as seen by HiRISE. Click on image to see more details: dark dunes, clear dust devil tracks, and boulders (small bright dots). Image:ESP 036631 2335devilsbottom.jpg, Dust devil tracks, as seen by HiRISE under HiWish program. Location is Casius quadrangle. WikidanielsonPSP 002522 1880devil.jpg, Layers in Danielson Crater, as seen by HiRISE. Dust devil tracks are also visible at the top. Location is Arabia quadrangle. Image:Mars-DustDevil-20170215.jpg, A dust devil on hilly terrain in the Amazonis quadrangle.

See also

* Amazonis Planitia * Dark slope streaks *
Geology of Mars The geology of Mars is the scientific study of the surface, crust, and interior of the planet Mars. It emphasizes the composition, structure, history, and physical processes that shape the planet. It is analogous to the field of terrestrial geo ...
HiRISE High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment is a camera on board the ''Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter'' which has been orbiting and studying Mars since 2006. The 65 kg (143 lb), US$40 million instrument was built under the direction o ...
* Martian soil ** Martian soil#Atmospheric dust


{{Portal bar, Solar System Geology of Mars Surface features of Mars