digital camera
A digital camera is a camera that captures photographs in digital memory. Most cameras produced today are digital, largely replacing those that capture images on photographic film. Digital cameras are now widely incorporated into mobile devic ...
s support the ability to choose among a number of configurations, or ''
modes'', for use in various situations. Professional
A digital single-lens reflex camera (digital SLR or DSLR) is a digital camera that combines the optics and the mechanisms of a single-lens reflex camera with a digital imaging sensor.
The reflex design scheme is the primary difference between ...
cameras provide several manual modes; consumer
point-and-shoot camera
A point-and-shoot camera, also known as a compact camera and sometimes abbreviated to P&S, is a still camera designed primarily for simple operation. Most use focus free lenses or autofocus for focusing, automatic systems for setting the exposure ...
s emphasize automatic modes; amateur
A prosumer is an individual who both consumes and produces. The term is a portmanteau of the words ''producer'' and ''consumer''. Research has identified six types of prosumers: DIY prosumers, self-service prosumers, customizing prosumers, colla ...
cameras often have a wide variety of both manual and automatic modes.
Manual-enabled modes
Manual-enabled modes give the photographer control over the various parameters of exposure. There are three exposure parameters – aperture, time (shutter speed), and sensitivity (
ISO), and in different modes, these are each set automatically or manually; this gives 2
3 = 8 possible modes. For a given exposure, this is an
underdetermined system, as there are three inputs but only one output. Accordingly, there are many combinations that result in the same exposure – for example, decreasing the aperture by one stop but increasing the exposure time or sensitivity to compensate, and there are various possible algorithms to automatically choose between these.
Most often, ISO is considered separately, being either set manually or set to Auto ISO, and then only aperture and shutter speed need be determined – either determines the other.
The four main modes, sometimes abbreviated "PASM", are:
* P: ''Program'' mode has the camera calculate both
shutter speed and
In optics, an aperture is a hole or an opening through which light travels. More specifically, the aperture and focal length of an optical system determine the cone angle of a bundle of rays that come to a focus in the image plane.
An ...
(given a manually or automatically selected ISO). Higher-end cameras offer partial manual control to shift away from the automatically calculated values (increasing aperture and decreasing shutter time or conversely). The difference between Program mode and Full Auto mode is that in program mode, only the ''exposure'' is automatic, while other camera settings (e.g. shooting mode, exposure compensation, flash) can be set manually; in Full Auto mode, everything is automatic.
* A or Av: ''
Aperture priority
Aperture priority, often abbreviated ''A'' or ''Av'' (for aperture value) on a camera mode dial, is a mode on some cameras that allows the user to set a specific aperture value (f-number) while the camera selects a shutter speed to match it tha ...
'' or ''Aperture value'' enables manual control of the aperture, and shutter speed is calculated by the camera for proper exposure (given an ISO sensitivity).
* S or Tv: ''
Shutter priority
Shutter priority (usually denoted as S on the mode dial), also called time value (abbreviated as Tv), refers to a setting on cameras that allows the user to choose a specific shutter speed while the camera adjusts the aperture to ensure correct ...
'' or ''Time value'' enables manual control of the shutter speed, and aperture is calculated by the camera for proper exposure (given an ISO sensitivity).
* M: ''Manual'' mode both shutter speed and aperture are independently set manually (with ISO sensitivity also set manually), where proper image exposure requires accurate manual adjustment.
Together with setting ISO manually or automatically, this (PASM) yields the 4×2 = 8 possible combinations of manual/auto.
Exposure is further controlled in each of the above modes with an independent setting for:
* Ev: ''Exposure value'' enables an increase/decrease in image exposure compensation to make the resulting image brighter/darker, typically selectable in steps of whole or partial exposure "stops" (discrete widening/tightening of the aperture). Many cameras offer "exposure bracketing" where sequential images will be exposed at the different compensations selected, so as to increase the probability of a perfectly exposed image.
Less commonly seen modes include:
* Sv: ''
Sensitivity priority'' or ''ISO priority'' controls the ''Sensitivity value'' (ISO speed), with ''both'' shutter and aperture calculated by camera, similar to Program mode. This mode is found on some Pentax cameras; on many cameras (such as Canon and Nikon) this is not a separate mode, but instead is accomplished by using Program mode and manually selecting an ISO.
* TAv: Some Pentax cameras such as
Pentax K-50 has this mode for rapidly changing lights by using the widest aperture and the lowest ISO of continuously changing ISO between 1,000 and 3,200. The range of continuously changing ISO is dependent on the camera manufacture. Other manufacturers may provide this functionality through an automatic selection of ISO speed in manual mode.
* DEP:
[DEP – Canon's Little-Understood Depth-of-Field Exposure Mode and How to Use it Effectively](_blank)
Luminous Landscape DEP (''DEPth of field'') mode, on some Canon cameras, set the aperture to yield the desired
depth of field
The depth of field (DOF) is the distance between the nearest and the furthest objects that are in acceptably sharp focus in an image captured with a camera.
Factors affecting depth of field
For cameras that can only focus on one object di ...
: one point at the nearest object that one wants to be in focus, half-presses the shutter, then points at the farthest object that one wants to be in focus, half-presses the shutter, at which point the camera sets both focus and aperture so that both objects are in focus. One then reframes the scene and fully depresses the shutter to take the photo. Unlike other modes, this also sets focus and requires two separate metering/focus stages.
* A-DEP:
Canon also offers A-DEP (''Automatic DEPth of field'') mode on some cameras, which sets the depth of field and focus in a single shot. However, this requires lining up both the nearest and further objects on autofocus points at the same time, which may be difficult.
In cases where there is camera discretion (e.g., Auto ISO), different cameras allow different configurations of how decisions are made. For example, , Nikon cameras allow one to set the maximum and minimum ISO sensitivities, and slowest shutter speed that will be used in automatic modes, while Canon cameras will select within the fixed range of ISO 400–ISO 800 in Auto ISO mode. In Nikon cameras, the Auto ISO mode first adjusts the shutter speed, keeping ISO at its minimum desired value, then, when shutter speed reaches the user-defined limit, the ISO is increased, up to the maximum value.
All of the above functions are independent of lens focus and stabilizing methods.
Automatic modes
In automatic modes the camera determines all aspects of exposure, choosing exposure parameters according to the application within the constraints of correct exposure, including exposure, aperture, focusing, light metering, white balance, and equivalent sensitivity. For example, in portrait mode, the camera would use a wider aperture to render the background out of focus and would seek out and focus on a human face rather than other image content. In the same light conditions, a smaller aperture would be used for a landscape, and recognition of faces would not be enabled for focusing.
Some cameras have tens of modes. Many cameras do not document exactly what their many modes do; for full mastery of the camera, one must experiment with them.
In general:
* Action or sports modes increase ISO and use a faster shutter speed to capture the action.
* Landscape modes use a small aperture to gain depth of field. Flash may be deactivated.
* Text mode increases in-camera sharpening to allow to photograph texts.
* Portrait mode widens the aperture to throw the background out of focus (see
In photography, bokeh ( or ; ) is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in out-of-focus parts of an image. Bokeh has also been defined as "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light". Differences in lens aberrations and ...
). The camera may recognize and focus on a human face.
* Night portrait modes use an exposure long enough to capture background detail, with fill-in flash to illuminate a nearby subject.
* Fireworks modes, for use on a
A tripod is a portable three-legged frame or stand, used as a platform for supporting the weight and maintaining the stability of some other object. The three-legged (triangular stance) design provides good stability against gravitational loads ...
, use an extended exposure (around four seconds) which results in showing several fireworks as well as their paths.
* Water modes, depending on what the mode is designed to do, will either widen the aperture and increase the shutter speed for an action shot or shrink the aperture and slow down the shutter speed to show the motion of the water.
* Snow modes compensate for the misinformation the white snow gives the light meter and increases exposure in order to properly photograph subjects.
* Natural light or night snapshot modes attempt to raise the ISO and use a very wide aperture in order to take a photograph using the limited natural light, rather than a flash. In Fujifilm cameras, a variation of this mode takes two pictures: one with flash and other without it.
* High-sensitivity modes use the highest ISO available, albeit at lower resolutions in order to cope with
Noise is unwanted sound considered unpleasant, loud or disruptive to hearing. From a physics standpoint, there is no distinction between noise and desired sound, as both are vibrations through a medium, such as air or water. The difference aris ...
* Macro or close-up modes tend to direct the camera's focus to be nearer the camera. They may shrink the aperture and restrict the camera to wide-angle in an attempt to broaden the depth-of-field (to include closer objects) – this last mode of operation is often known as ''Super Macro''.
* Movie mode allows a still camera to take
moving pictures.
* 'Scene' or Smart Shutter (SCN) mode (on
Canons) which uses
face detection
Face detection is a computer technology being used in a variety of applications that identifies human faces in digital images. Face detection also refers to the psychological process by which humans locate and attend to faces in a visual scene. ...
to take a picture either when a subject smiles, winks, or when a new subject enters the scene.
* Sunset modes enhance warm colors, such as those that can be found on
Sunset, also known as sundown, is the daily disappearance of the Sun below the horizon due to Earth's rotation. As viewed from everywhere on Earth (except the North and South poles), the equinox Sun sets due west at the moment of both the spr ...
* Dusk/Dawn mode, found on
(, ; ), also known just as Nikon, is a Japanese multinational corporation headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, specializing in optics and imaging products. The companies held by Nikon form the Nikon Group.
Nikon's products include cameras, camera ...
compacts, enhance the blue colors of
Twilight is light produced by sunlight scattering in the upper atmosphere, when the Sun is below the horizon, which illuminates the lower atmosphere and the Earth's surface. The word twilight can also refer to the periods of time when this ...
s and
Dawn is the time that marks the beginning of twilight before sunrise. It is recognized by the appearance of indirect sunlight being scattered in Earth's atmosphere, when the centre of the Sun's disc has reached 18° below the observer's ho ...
s, as well as raise the ISO to compensate for the low levels of the light present then.
* Beach modes enhance blue colors such as those of the sea and sky as well as prevent underexposure because of strong sunlight.
* Starry sky mode, on
formerly between 1935 and 2008 and the first incarnation of between 2008 and 2022, is a major Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation, headquartered in Kadoma, Osaka. It was founded by Kōnosuke Matsushita in 1918 as a lightbulb ...
compact and
bridge camera
Bridge cameras are cameras that fill the niche between relatively simple point-and-shoot cameras and interchangeable-lens cameras such as mirrorless cameras and single-lens reflex cameras (SLRs). They are often comparable in size and weigh ...
s, gives a long shutter speed (up to 60 seconds) to capture
star trail
A star trail is a type of photograph that uses long exposure times to capture ''diurnal circles'', the apparent motion of stars in the night sky due to Earth's rotation. A star-trail photograph shows individual stars as streaks across the ...
s as well as other subjects that require very long exposures.
* Foliage mode, present on Canon cameras, enhances green colors of vegetation.
Secondary modes
Aside from the main modes which control exposure, there are usually other, secondary settings common to digital cameras.
Drive mode
"Single" mode will take a single picture each time the shutter button is depressed. "Continuous" or "burst" mode will take multiple photographs in quick succession as long as the shutter button is held down, and is typically used to capture fast-moving subjects such as in
sports photography
Sports photography refers to the genre of photography that covers all types of sports.
In the majority of cases, professional sports photography is a branch of ''photojournalism,'' while amateur sports photography, such as photos of childre ...
Other drive modes commonly available include
self-timer, which takes a picture several seconds after the shutter button is pressed;
automatic exposure bracketing, used to take multiple photos each with different exposure settings; and remote shutter mode for use with a remote control accessory to trigger the camera at a distance. Some cameras also have an
intervalometer mode for
time-lapse photography
Time-lapse photography is a technique in which the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than the frequency used to view the sequence. When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thu ...
, possibly with the option to automatically create a video from the pictures taken.
An autofocus (or AF) optical system uses a sensor, a control system and a motor to focus on an automatically or manually selected point or area. An electronic rangefinder has a display instead of the motor; the adjustment of the optical syste ...
(AF) can either activate until a lock is found (single, AF-S) or be continuously active (continuous, AF-C, servo). Single-mode is especially favored for stationary subjects, when focus, once found, should stay fixed, while the continuous mode is used for moving subjects. Some AF systems also include anticipation of the position of moving subjects – Canon calls this ''
AI servo
An autofocus (or AF) optical system uses a sensor, a control system and a motor to focus on an automatically or manually selected point or area. An electronic rangefinder has a display instead of the motor; the adjustment of the optical system ...
'' (for
artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence—perceiving, synthesizing, and inferring information—demonstrated by machine
A machine is a physical system using Power (physics), power to apply Force, forces and control Motion, moveme ...
) – or can automatically switch between single and continuous depending on whether the subject is moving – Canon calls this "AI focus".
A separate but often related distinction is between and release priority – whether the camera will take a picture when the subject is out of focus or not. In focus priority, the camera will only take a picture when the subject is in focus (as detected by the AF system), while in release priority, the camera will take a picture whenever the shutter is pressed. Release priority is particularly used of fast-moving subjects, which may not be perfectly in focus, or by experienced photographers, who wish to override the camera's judgment of whether the scene is in focus.
These are usually combined: for stationary subjects, AF is set to single (lock when found) and release is set to focus priority, while for moving subjects, AF is set to continuous and release is set to release priority. Manual focus is generally in release priority – AF is neither detected nor set.
Note that these "priority" modes should not be confused with the same word in exposure modes.
Focus priority can also be used for the
trap focus
An autofocus (or AF) optical system uses a sensor, a control system and a motor to focus on an automatically or manually selected point or area. An electronic rangefinder has a display instead of the motor; the adjustment of the optical system ...
trick: to take a picture only when a subject hits a focus point, by using AF to detect focus but not set it.
Back button focus
In most digital cameras, by default autofocus is only activated (AF-on) when the shutter button is pressed halfway down, which helps to preserve battery life. However, some photographers find that having AF-on and the shutter release on the same button makes it harder to establish the correct focus point, or hold it once the desired point is established. By using a separate shutter and focus button, focus can be locked at the same time as shooting without changing exposure, allowing the photographer to focus on the subject through the viewfinder.
One technique to make this easier to control is called ''back button focus'': separating focus from the shutter control button by reassigning the AF-on function to a button on the back of the camera body. Some models of a camera may have a dedicated AF-ON button, and menu options to disable the focus via shutter button half-press. When photographing at golden hour and fighting off sun flare, the back button focus can become an essential tool to use.
Back button focus gives the benefit of being able to work with the three main possible focusing modes: manual focus, single focus, and continuous focus. It is a technique favored by many wildlife photographers due to the unpredictability of animal subjects.
Flash modes allow the user to choose between common settings such as: ''
Fill flash
Fill flash is a photographic technique used to brighten deep shadow areas, typically outdoors on sunny days, though the technique is useful any time the background is significantly brighter than the subject of the photograph, particularly in ba ...
'', to always use flash; ''Auto flash'', which will use flash in low-lit areas; ''Red-eye reduction'', which may flash once before the actual photo in order to shrink the subject's pupils and reduce red-eye; or, ''Flash off'', which will never use flash.
Flash can have its own exposure compensation–how brightly it flashes–which allows one to independently adjust the exposure of the foreground (lit by flash) and background (out of flash range).
Other modes
* Although also sometimes used as a scenery mode, macro modes are often not used with the scene mode and rather only change the focus area and nothing else.
* Some cameras provide options for fine-tuning settings such as sharpness and saturation, which may be referred to as "Styles" or "Films".
* Some cameras offer color-altering settings to do things such as make the photograph black-and-white or sepia, swap specific colors, or isolate colors.
See also
Mode dial
A mode dial or camera dial is a dial used on digital cameras to change the camera's mode. Most digital cameras, including dSLR and SLR-like cameras, support modes, selectable either by a rotary dial or from a menu. On point-and-shoot cameras ...
Digital camera
A digital camera is a camera that captures photographs in digital memory. Most cameras produced today are digital, largely replacing those that capture images on photographic film. Digital cameras are now widely incorporated into mobile devic ...
Photography is the visual art, art, application, and practice of creating durable images by recording light, either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film. It i ...
A digital single-lens reflex camera (digital SLR or DSLR) is a digital camera that combines the optics and the mechanisms of a single-lens reflex camera with a digital imaging sensor.
The reflex design scheme is the primary difference between ...
List of digital single-lens reflex cameras