

Huánuco () is a department and region in central
Peru , image_flag = Flag of Peru.svg , image_coat = Escudo nacional del Perú.svg , other_symbol = Great Seal of the State , other_symbol_type = Seal (emblem), National seal , national_motto = "Fi ...
. It is bordered by the La Libertad, San Martín, Loreto and
Ucayali The Ucayali River ( es, Río Ucayali, ) is the main headstream of the Amazon River. It rises about north of Lake Titicaca, in the Arequipa region of Peru and becomes the Amazon at the confluence of the Marañón close to Nauta city. The city ...
regions in the north, the Ucayali Region in the east, the
Pasco Region Pasco () is a department and region in central Peru. Its capital is Cerro de Pasco. Political division The region is divided into 3 provinces ( es, provincias, singular: ), which are composed of 28 districts (''distritos'', singular: ''distrito ...
in the south and the
Lima Lima ( ; ), originally founded as Ciudad de Los Reyes (City of The Kings) is the capital and the largest city of Peru. It is located in the valleys of the Chillón, Rímac and Lurín Rivers, in the desert zone of the central coastal part of t ...
Ancash Ancash ( qu, Anqash; es, Áncash ) is a department and region in northern Peru. It is bordered by the departments of La Libertad on the north, Huánuco and Pasco on the east, Lima on the south, and the Pacific Ocean on the west. Its capital i ...
regions in the west. Its capital is the city Huánuco. Huánuco has a rough topography comprising parts of the
Sierra Sierra (Spanish for "mountain range" and "saw", from Latin '' serra'') may refer to the following: Places Mountains and mountain ranges * Sierra de Juárez, a mountain range in Baja California, Mexico * Sierra de las Nieves, a mountain range i ...
and the High Jungle (mountain rim) regions. Being equidistant from the north and the south of the country, it has the privilege of having a mild weather with an average annual temperature of 20 °C (68 °F). This region is important for its geographical location, history, and for the richness of its land, where the presence of man goes back to ancient times. ''El Hombre de Lauricocha'' (Man of Lauricocha) is among the most distinctive examples, dating from 10,000 BC, as well as Kotosh, where vestiges of the oldest settlement in the Americas (4200 BC) took place. Several ethnic groups inhabited this region. However, after a severe resistance, they started to incorporate as part of the
Inca empire The Inca Empire (also known as the Incan Empire and the Inka Empire), called ''Tawantinsuyu'' by its subjects, ( Quechua for the "Realm of the Four Parts",  "four parts together" ) was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America. The adm ...
. Huánuco then became part of the Cusco-Cajamarca-Cusco route. In the beginning of the 19th century, during the emancipation process, Huánuco was one of the first cities to promote Peru's independence. Moreover, a first oath took place in this city on December 15, 1820, after several uprisings in Huamalíes, Huallanca and Ambo.

Political division

The region is divided into 11 provinces ( es, provincias, singular: ''provincia''), which are composed of 75 districts (''distritos'', singular: ''distrito''). The provinces, with their capitals in parentheses, are: * Ambo ( Ambo) * Dos de Mayo ( La Unión) * Huacaybamba ( Huacaybamba) * Huamalíes (
Llata Llata is a town in central Peru, capital of Huamalíes Province in Huánuco Region Huánuco (; qu, Wanuku) is a city in central Peru. It had a population of 196,627 as of 2017 and in 2015 it had a population of 175,068. It is the capital of ...
) * Huánuco ( Huánuco) * Lauricocha ( Jesús) * Leoncio Prado ( Tingo María) * Marañón (
Huacrachuco Huacrachuco (''Waqra-chuko'') is a town in central Peru, capital of Marañón Province in Huánuco Region. Toponymy The word "huacrachuco" would be made up of two words, ''waqra'', meaning 'horn' or 'antler', and ''chuku'' which is either from ...
) * Pachitea ( Panao) *
Puerto Inca Puerto Inca is a town in Central Peru, capital of the province Puerto Inca in the region Huánuco Huánuco (; qu, Wanuku) is a city in central Peru. It had a population of 196,627 as of 2017 and in 2015 it had a population of 175,068. It is ...
Puerto Inca Puerto Inca is a town in Central Peru, capital of the province Puerto Inca in the region Huánuco Huánuco (; qu, Wanuku) is a city in central Peru. It had a population of 196,627 as of 2017 and in 2015 it had a population of 175,068. It is ...
) * Yarowilca ( Chavinillo)

The People


According to the
2007 Peru Census The 2007 Peru Census was a detailed enumeration of the Peruvian population. It was conducted by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática on Sunday, October 21, 2007. Its full name in Spanish is XI Censo de Población y VI de Vivien ...
, the language learned first by most of the residents was
Spanish Spanish might refer to: * Items from or related to Spain: ** Spaniards are a nation and ethnic group indigenous to Spain **Spanish language, spoken in Spain and many Latin American countries **Spanish cuisine Other places * Spanish, Ontario, Ca ...
(70.92%) followed by Quechua (28.56%). The Quechua variety spoken in Huánuco is Huánuco Quechua. The following table shows the results concerning the language learnt first in the Huánuco Region by province:inei.gob.pe
INEI, Peru, Censos Nacionales 2007

Places of interest

Awkillu Waqra Auquilohuagra (possibly from ''awkillu'', local Quechua word for deity, ''waqra'' hornTeofilo Laime Ajacopa, Diccionario Bilingüe Iskay simipi yuyayk'ancha, La Paz, 2007 (Quechua-Spanish dictionary) is an archaeological site in Peru. It is situa ...
* Awkimarka * El Sira Communal Reserve * Qillqay Mach'ay *
Huayhuash mountain range Huayhuash (possibly from Quechua ''waywash'', weasel'','' or ''waywashi'', squirrel) is a mountain range within the Andes of Peru, in the boundaries of the regions of Ancash, Lima and Huánuco.escale.minedu.gob.pe - UGEL map of the Cajatam ...


External links

Noticias de la RegiónOfficial web site of the Huánuco region
{{DEFAULTSORT:Huanuco Region Regions of Peru