

David Stephen Knight (January 16, 1928 – December 20, 2020) was an American film and television actor who worked for many years in Britain. He began his screen career as a contract player for the Rank Organisation who used him as the male lead in several of its productions. He was married to the Scottish actress Wendy McClure (1930–2022).

Selected filmography


* '' The Young Lovers'' (1954) * '' Out of the Clouds'' (1955) * ''
Eyewitness Eyewitness or eye witness may refer to: Witness * Witness, someone who has knowledge acquired through first-hand experience ** Eyewitness memory ** Eyewitness testimony Arts, entertainment, and media Films * ''Eyewitness'' (1956 film), a Britis ...
'' (1956) * '' Lost (film)'' (1956) * '' Across the Bridge'' (1957) * ''
Battle of the V-1 ''Battle of the V-1'' (also known as ''Battle of the V.1'', ''Battle of the V1'', ''Missiles from Hell'' and ''Unseen Heroes'') is a British war film from 1958, starring Michael Rennie, Patricia Medina, Milly Vitale, David Knight and Christophe ...
'' (1958) * '' Clue of the Twisted Candle'' (1960) * '' A Story of David'' (1961) * '' The Devil's Agent'' (1962) * ''
Nightmare A nightmare, also known as a bad dream, Retrieved 11 July 2016. is an unpleasant dream that can cause a strong emotional response from the mind, typically fear but also despair, anxiety or great sadness. The dream may contain situations of d ...
'' (1964)


* '' A Mask for Alexis'' (1959) * '' Interpol Calling'' (1960) * '' Sergeant Cork'' (1966) * '' Mrs Thursday'' (1966) * '' The Newcomers'' (1966-67) * '' Emergency-Ward 10'' (1967)



* Ryall, Tom. ''Anthony Asquith''. Manchester University Press, 2013. * Spicer, Andrew. ''Sydney Box''. Manchester University Press, 2006.

External links

* 1928 births 2020 deaths People from Niagara Falls, New York American male film actors American male television actors American emigrants to the United Kingdom {{US-film-bio-stub