

Congestion games are a class of games in game theory first proposed by American economist Robert W. Rosenthal in 1973. In a congestion game the payoff of each player depends on the resources it chooses and the number of players choosing the same resource. Congestion games are a special case of
potential game In game theory, a game is said to be a potential game if the incentive of all players to change their strategy can be expressed using a single global function called the potential function. The concept originated in a 1996 paper by Dov Monderer and ...
s. Rosenthal proved that any congestion game is a potential game and Monderer and Shapley (1996) proved the converse: for any potential game, there is a congestion game with the same potential function.


Consider a traffic net where two players originate at point O and need to get to point T. Suppose that node O is connected to node T via connection points A and B, where A is a little closer than B (i.e. A is more likely to be chosen by each player). However, both connection points get easily congested, meaning the more players pass through a point the greater the delay of each player becomes, so having both players go through the same connection point causes extra delay. Good outcome in this game will be for the two players to "coordinate" and pass through different connection points. Can such outcome be achieved? And if so, what will the cost be for each player?


Discrete congestion games are games with the following components. * A base set of congestible elements E; * n players; * A finite set of strategies S_i for each player, where each strategy P \in S_i is a subset of E; * For each element e and a vector of strategies (P_1, P_2, \ldots, P_n), a load x_e = \#\; * For each element e, a delay function d_e : \mathbb \longrightarrow \mathbb; * Given a strategy P_i, player i experiences delay \textstyle \sum_ d_e(x_e). Assume that each d_e is positive and monotone increasing.


Consider the following directed graph where each player has two available strategies – going through A or going through B – leading to a total of four possibilities. The following matrix expresses the costs of the players in terms of delays depending on their choices: Both (A,B) and (B,A) are pure
Nash equilibria In game theory, the Nash equilibrium, named after the mathematician John Nash, is the most common way to define the solution of a non-cooperative game involving two or more players. In a Nash equilibrium, each player is assumed to know the equili ...
in this game, since any uni-lateral change by one of the players increases the cost of this player (note that the values in the table are costs, so players prefer them to be smaller).

Existence of Nash equilibria

The existence of
Nash equilibria In game theory, the Nash equilibrium, named after the mathematician John Nash, is the most common way to define the solution of a non-cooperative game involving two or more players. In a Nash equilibrium, each player is assumed to know the equili ...
can be shown by constructing a ''potential function'' that assigns a value to each outcome. Moreover, this construction will also show that iterated
best response In game theory, the best response is the strategy (or strategies) which produces the most favorable outcome for a player, taking other players' strategies as given (; ). The concept of a best response is central to John Nash's best-known contribu ...
finds a Nash equilibrium. Define \textstyle\Phi = \sum_ \sum_^ d_e(k). Note that this function is ''not'' the social welfare \textstyle\sum_ x_e d_e(x_e), but rather a discrete integral of sorts. The critical property of a potential function for a congestion game is that if one player switches strategy, the change in his delay is equal to the change in the potential function. Consider the case when player i switches from P_i to Q_i. Elements that are in both of the strategies remain unaffected, elements that the player leaves (i.e. e \in P_i - Q_i) decrease the potential by d_e (x_e), and the elements the player joins (i.e. e \in Q_i - P_i) increase the potential by d_e(x_e+1). This change in potential is precisely the change in delay for player i, so \Phi is in fact a potential function. Now observe that any minimum of \Phi is a pure Nash equilibrium. Fixing all but one player, any improvement in strategy by that player corresponds to decreasing \Phi, which cannot happen at a minimum. Now since there are a finite number of configurations and each d_e is monotone, there exists an equilibrium.

Continuous congestion games

Continuous congestion games are the limiting case as n \rightarrow \infty. In this setup, we consider players as "infinitesimally small." We keep E a ''finite'' set of congestible elements. Instead of recognizing n players, as in the discrete case, we have n ''types'' of players, where each type i is associated with a number r_i, representing the ''rate'' of traffic for that type. Each type picks a strategy from a strategy set S_i, which we assume are disjoint. As before, assume that the d_e are monotone and positive, but add the assumption that they are continuous as well. Finally, we allow players in a type to distribute fractionally over their strategy set. That is, for P \in S_i, let f_P denote the fraction of players in type i using strategy P. Assume that \textstyle \sum_ f_P = r_i.

Existence of equilibria in the continuous case

Note that strategies are now collections of strategy profiles f_P. For a strategy set S_i of size n, the collection of all valid profiles is a
compact subset In mathematics, specifically general topology, compactness is a property that seeks to generalize the notion of a closed and bounded subset of Euclidean space by making precise the idea of a space having no "punctures" or "missing endpoints", i. ...
of ,r_in. As before, define the potential function as \textstyle \Phi = \sum_ \int_0^ d_e(z) \, dz, replacing the discrete integral with the standard one. As a function of the strategy, \Phi is continuous: d_e is continuous, and x_e is a continuous function of the strategy. Then by the
extreme value theorem In calculus, the extreme value theorem states that if a real-valued function f is continuous on the closed interval ,b/math>, then f must attain a maximum and a minimum, each at least once. That is, there exist numbers c and d in ,b/math> su ...
, \Phi attains its global minimum. The final step is to show that a minimum of \Phi is indeed a Nash equilibrium. Assume for contradiction that there exists a collection of f_P that minimize \Phi but are not a Nash equilibrium. Then for some type i, there exists some improvement Q over the current choice P. That is, \textstyle \sum_ d_e(x_e) > \sum_ d_e(x_e). The idea now is to take a small amount \delta < f_P of players using strategy P and move them to strategy Q. Now for any x_e \in Q, we have increased its load by \delta, so its term in \Phi is now \textstyle \int_0^ d_e(z)dz. Differentiating the integral, this change is approximately \delta \cdot d_e(x_e), with error \delta^2. The equivalent analysis of the change holds when we look at edges in P. Therefore, the change in potential is approximately \textstyle \delta (\sum_ d_e(x_e) - \sum_ d_e(x_e)), which is less than zero. This is a contradiction, as then \Phi was not minimized. Therefore, a minimum of \Phi must be a Nash equilibrium.

Quality of solutions and Price of anarchy

Since there exist Nash equilibria in continuous congestion games, the next natural topic is to analyze their quality. We will derive bounds on the ratio between the delay at Nash and the optimal delay, otherwise known as the
Price of Anarchy The Price of Anarchy (PoA) is a concept in economics and game theory that measures how the efficiency of a system degrades due to selfish behavior of its agents. It is a general notion that can be extended to diverse systems and notions of effici ...
. First, we begin with a technical condition on the delay functions. Definition The delay is (\lambda, \mu) smooth if for all x,y > 0, y d(x) \leq \lambda y d(y) + \mu x d(x). Now if the delay is (\lambda, \mu) smooth, f is a Nash equilibrium, and f^* is an optimal allocation, then \textstyle \sum_e x_ed_e(x_e) \leq \frac \sum_e x_e^* d_e(x_e^*). In other words, the price of anarchy is \textstyle \frac. See thes
lecture notes
for a proof.

See also

Potential game In game theory, a game is said to be a potential game if the incentive of all players to change their strategy can be expressed using a single global function called the potential function. The concept originated in a 1996 paper by Dov Monderer and ...


* *Lecture notes of Michal Feldman and Noam Nisan abou
Potential and congestion games

External links

* Lecture notes of Yishay Mansour abou
Potential and congestion games
* ּResource allocation games {{Cite journal, doi= 10.1007/BF01128293, title= Resource allocation games, journal= Computational Mathematics and Modeling, volume= 1, issue= 4, pages= 433, year= 1990, last1= Kukushkin, first1= N. S., last2= Men'Shikov, first2= I. S., last3= Men'Shikova, first3= O. R., last4= Morozov, first4= V. V. are somewhat related to congestion games. Game theory game classes