

computational geometry Computational geometry is a branch of computer science devoted to the study of algorithms which can be stated in terms of geometry. Some purely geometrical problems arise out of the study of computational geometric algorithms, and such problems ar ...
, Chan's algorithm, named after
Timothy M. Chan Timothy Moon-Yew Chan is a Founder ProfessorTwo ...
, is an optimal
output-sensitive algorithm In computer science, an output-sensitive algorithm is an algorithm whose running time depends on the size of the output, instead of, or in addition to, the size of the input. For certain problems where the output size varies widely, for example fro ...
to compute the
convex hull In geometry, the convex hull or convex envelope or convex closure of a shape is the smallest convex set that contains it. The convex hull may be defined either as the intersection of all convex sets containing a given subset of a Euclidean space ...
of a set P of n points, in 2- or 3-dimensional space. The algorithm takes O(n \log h) time, where h is the number of vertices of the output (the convex hull). In the planar case, the algorithm combines an O(n \log n) algorithm (
Graham scan Graham's scan is a method of finding the convex hull of a finite set of points in the plane with time complexity O(''n'' log ''n''). It is named after Ronald Graham, who published the original algorithm in 1972. The algorithm finds all vertices ...
, for example) with Jarvis march (O(nh)), in order to obtain an optimal O(n \log h) time. Chan's algorithm is notable because it is much simpler than the
Kirkpatrick–Seidel algorithm The Kirkpatrick–Seidel algorithm, proposed by its authors as a potential "ultimate planar convex hull algorithm", is an algorithm for computing the convex hull of a set of points in the plane, with \mathcal(n \log h) time complexity, where n is th ...
, and it naturally extends to 3-dimensional space. This paradigm has been independently developed by Frank Nielsen in his Ph.D. thesis.



A single pass of the algorithm requires a parameter m which is between 0 and n (number of points of our set P). Ideally, m = h but h, the number of vertices in the output convex hull, is not known at the start. Multiple passes with increasing values of m are done which then terminates when m \geq h(see below on choosing parameter m). The algorithm starts by arbitrarily partitioning the set of points P into K = \lceil n/m \rceil subsets (Q_k)_ with at most m points each; notice that K=O(n/m). For each subset Q_k, it computes the convex hull, C_k, using an O(p \log p) algorithm (for example,
Graham scan Graham's scan is a method of finding the convex hull of a finite set of points in the plane with time complexity O(''n'' log ''n''). It is named after Ronald Graham, who published the original algorithm in 1972. The algorithm finds all vertices ...
), where p is the number of points in the subset. As there are K subsets of O(m) points each, this phase takes K\cdot O(m \log m) = O(n \log m) time. During the second phase, Jarvis's march is executed, making use of the precomputed (mini) convex hulls, (C_k)_. At each step in this Jarvis's march algorithm, we have a point p_ in the convex hull (at the beginning, p_ may be the point in P with the lowest y coordinate, which is guaranteed to be in the convex hull of P), and need to find a point p_ = f(p_,P) such that all other points of P are to the right of the line p_p_, where the notation p_ = f(p_,P) simply means that the next point, that is p_, is determined as a function of p_ and P. The convex hull of the set Q_k, C_k, is known and contains at most m points (listed in a clockwise or counter-clockwise order), which allows to compute f(p_,Q_k) in O(\log m) time by
binary search In computer science, binary search, also known as half-interval search, logarithmic search, or binary chop, is a search algorithm that finds the position of a target value within a sorted array. Binary search compares the target value to the m ...
. Hence, the computation of f(p_,Q_k) for all the K subsets can be done in O(K \log m) time. Then, we can determine f(p_,P) using the same technique as normally used in Jarvis's march, but only considering the points (f(p_,Q_k))_ (i.e. the points in the mini convex hulls) instead of the whole set P. For those points, one iteration of Jarvis's march is O(K) which is negligible compared to the computation for all subsets. Jarvis's march completes when the process has been repeated O(h) times (because, in the way Jarvis march works, after at most h iterations of its outermost loop, where h is the number of points in the convex hull of P, we must have found the convex hull), hence the second phase takes O(Kh \log m) time, equivalent to O(n \log h) time if m is close to h (see below the description of a strategy to choose m such that this is the case). By running the two phases described above, the convex hull of n points is computed in O(n \log h) time.

Choosing the parameter m

If an arbitrary value is chosen for m, it may happen that m. In that case, after m steps in the second phase, we interrupt the Jarvis's march as running it to the end would take too much time. At that moment, a O(n \log m) time will have been spent, and the convex hull will not have been calculated. The idea is to make multiple passes of the algorithm with increasing values of m; each pass terminates (successfully or unsuccessfully) in O(n \log m) time. If m increases too slowly between passes, the number of iterations may be large; on the other hand, if it rises too quickly, the first m for which the algorithm terminates successfully may be much larger than h, and produce a complexity O(n \log m) > O(n \log h).

Squaring Strategy

One possible strategy is to ''square'' the value of m at each iteration, up to a maximum value of n (corresponding to a partition in singleton sets). Starting from a value of 2, at iteration t, m = \min \left(n,2^ \right) is chosen. In that case, O(\log\log h) iterations are made, given that the algorithm terminates once we have :m = 2^ \geq h \iff \log \left( 2^ \right) \geq \log h \iff 2^t \geq \log h \iff \log \geq \log \iff t \geq \log , with the logarithm taken in base 2, and the total running time of the algorithm is : \sum_^ O\left(n \log \left(2^ \right)\right) = O(n) \sum_^ 2^t = O\left(n \cdot 2^\right) = O(n \log h).

In three dimensions

To generalize this construction for the 3-dimensional case, an O(n \log n) algorithm to compute the 3-dimensional convex hull by Preparata and Hong should be used instead of Graham scan, and a 3-dimensional version of Jarvis's march needs to be used. The time complexity remains O(n \log h).


In the following pseudocode, text between parentheses and in italic are comments. To fully understand the following pseudocode, it is recommended that the reader is already familiar with
Graham scan Graham's scan is a method of finding the convex hull of a finite set of points in the plane with time complexity O(''n'' log ''n''). It is named after Ronald Graham, who published the original algorithm in 1972. The algorithm finds all vertices ...
and Jarvis march algorithms to compute the convex hull, C, of a set of points, P. :Input: Set P with n points . :Output: Set C with h points, the convex hull of P. :: ''(Pick a point of P which is guaranteed to be in C: for instance, the point with the lowest y coordinate.)'' :: ''(This operation takes \mathcal(n) time: e.g., we can simply iterate through P.)'' ::p_1 := PICK\_START(P) ::''(p_0 is used in the Jarvis march part of this Chan's algorithm,'' :: ''so that to compute the second point, p_2, in the convex hull of P.)'' :: ''(Note: p_0 is not a point of P.)'' ::''(For more info, see the comments close to the corresponding part of the Chan's algorithm.)'' ::p_0 := (-\infty, 0) :: ''(Note: h, the number of points in the final convex hull of P, is not known.)'' :: ''(These are the iterations needed to discover the value of m, which is an estimate of h.)'' :: ''(h \leq m is required for this Chan's algorithm to find the convex hull of P.)'' :: ''(More specifically, we want h \leq m \leq h^2, so that not to perform too many unnecessary iterations'' :: ''and so that the time complexity of this Chan's algorithm is \mathcal(n \log h).)'' :: ''(As explained above in this article, a strategy is used where at most \log \log n iterations are required to find m.)'' :: ''(Note: the final m may not be equal to h, but it is never smaller than h and greater than h^2.)'' :: ''(Nevertheless, this Chan's algorithm stops once h iterations of the outermost loop are performed,'' :: ''that is, even if m \neq h, it doesn't perform m iterations of the outermost loop.)'' :: ''(For more info, see the Jarvis march part of this algorithm below, where C is returned if p_

.)'' ::for 1\leq t\leq \log \log n do ::: ''(Set parameter m for the current iteration. A "squaring scheme" is used as described above in this article.'' ::: ''There are other schemes: for example, the "doubling scheme", where m = 2^t, for t=1, \dots, \left \lceil \log h \right\rceil .'' ::: ''If the "doubling scheme" is used, though, the resulting time complexity of this Chan's algorithm is \mathcal(n \log^2 h).)'' ::: m:=2^ ::: ''(Initialize an empty list (or array) to store the points of the convex hull of P, as they are found.)'' ::: C := () ::: ADD(C, p_1) ::: ''(Arbitrarily split set of points P into K = \left\lceil \frac \right\rceil subsets of roughly m elements each.)'' :::Q_1, Q_2, \dots , Q_K := SPLIT(P, m) ::: ''(Compute the convex hull of all K subsets of points, Q_1,Q_2, \dots , Q_K.)'' ::: ''(It takes \mathcal(K m \log m) = \mathcal(n \log m) time.)'' ::: ''If m \leq h^2, then the time complexity is \mathcal(n \log h^2) = \mathcal(n \log h).)'' :::for 1\leq k\leq K do :::: ''(Compute the convex hull of subset k, Q_k, using Graham scan, which takes \mathcal(m \log m) time.)'' :::: ''(C_k is the convex hull of the subset of points Q_k.)'' :::: C_k := GRAHAM\_SCAN(Q_k) ::: ''(At this point, the convex hulls C_1, C_2, \dots, C_K of respectively the subsets of points Q_1, Q_2, \dots , Q_K have been computed.)'' ::: ''(Now, use a modified version of the Jarvis march algorithm to compute the convex hull of P.)'' ::: ''(Jarvis march performs in \mathcal(nh) time, where n is the number of input points and h is the number of points in the convex hull.)'' ::: ''(Given that Jarvis march is an
output-sensitive algorithm In computer science, an output-sensitive algorithm is an algorithm whose running time depends on the size of the output, instead of, or in addition to, the size of the input. For certain problems where the output size varies widely, for example fro ...
, its running time depends on the size of the convex hull, h.)'' ::: ''(In practice, it means that Jarvis march performs h iterations of its outermost loop.'' ::: ''At each of these iterations, it performs at most n iterations of its innermost loop.)'' ::: ''(We want h \leq m \leq h^2, so we do not want to perform more than m iterations in the following outer loop.)'' ::: ''(If the current m is smaller than h, i.e. m < h, the convex hull of P cannot be found.)'' ::: ''(In this modified version of Jarvis march, we perform an operation inside the innermost loop which takes \mathcal(\log m) time.'' ::: ''Hence, the total time complexity of this modified version is'' ::: ''\mathcal(m K \log m) = \mathcal(m \left\lceil \frac \right\rceil \log m) = \mathcal(n \log m) = \mathcal(n \log 2^) = \mathcal(n 2^t).'' ::: ''If m \leq h^2, then the time complexity is \mathcal(n \log h^2) = \mathcal(n \log h).)'' :::for 1\leq i\leq m do :::: ''(Note: here, a point in the convex hull of P is already known, that is p_1.)'' :::: ''(In this inner for loop, K possible next points to be on the convex hull of P, q_, q_, \dots, q_, are computed.)'' :::: ''(Each of these K possible next points is from a different C_k:'' :::: ''that is, q_ is a possible next point on the convex hull of P which is part of the convex hull of C_k.)'' :::: ''(Note: q_, q_, \dots, q_ depend on i: that is, for each iteration i, there are K possible next points to be on the convex hull of P.)'' :::: ''(Note: at each iteration i, only one of the points among q_, q_, \dots, q_ is added to the convex hull of P.)'' :::: for 1\leq k\leq K do ::::: ''(JARVIS\_BINARY\_SEARCH finds the point d \in C_k such that the angle \measuredangle p_p_id is maximized ,'' ::::: ''where \measuredangle p_p_id is the angle between the vectors \overrightarrow and \overrightarrow. Such d is stored in q_.)'' ::::: ''(Angles do not need to be calculated directly: the orientation test can be used .)'' ::::: ''(JARVIS\_BINARY\_SEARCH can be performed in \mathcal(\log m) time.)'' ::::: ''(Note: at the iteration i = 1, p_ = p_0 = (-\infty, 0) and p_1 is known and is a point in the convex hull of P:'' ::::: ''in this case, it is the point of P with the lowest y coordinate.)'' ::::: q_ := JARVIS\_BINARY\_SEARCH(p_, p_i, C_k) :::: ''(Choose the point z \in \ which maximizes the angle \measuredangle p_p_iz to be the next point on the convex hull of P.)'' :::: p_ := JARVIS\_NEXT\_CH\_POINT(p_, p_i, (q_, q_, \dots, q_)) :::: ''(Jarvis march terminates when the next selected point on the convext hull, p_, is the initial point, p_.)'' ::::if p_

::::: ''(Return the convex hull of P which contains i = h points.)'' ::::: ''(Note: of course, no need to return p_ which is equal to p_.)'' ::::: return C := (p_1, p_2, \dots, p_) ::::else :::::ADD(C, p_) ::: ''(If after m iterations a point p_ has not been found so that p_

, then m < h.)'' ::: ''(We need to start over with a higher value for m.)''


Chan's paper contains several suggestions that may improve the practical performance of the algorithm, for example: * When computing the convex hulls of the subsets, eliminate the points that are not in the convex hull from consideration in subsequent executions. * The convex hulls of larger point sets can be obtained by merging previously calculated convex hulls, instead of recomputing from scratch. * With the above idea, the dominant cost of algorithm lies in the pre-processing, i.e., the computation of the convex hulls of the groups. To reduce this cost, we may consider reusing hulls computed from the previous iteration and merging them as the group size is increased.


Chan's paper contains some other problems whose known algorithms can be made optimal output sensitive using his technique, for example: * Computing the
lower envelope In mathematics, the lower envelope or pointwise minimum of a finite set of functions is the pointwise minimum of the functions, the function whose value at every point is the minimum of the values of the functions in the given set. The concept of ...
L(S) of a set S of n line segments, which is defined as the lower boundary of the unbounded
trapezoid A quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides is called a trapezoid () in American and Canadian English. In British and other forms of English, it is called a trapezium (). A trapezoid is necessarily a Convex polygon, convex quadri ...
of formed by the intersections. * Hershberger gave an O(n\log n) algorithm which can be sped up to O(n\log h) , where h is the number of edges in the envelope * Constructing output sensitive algorithms for higher dimensional convex hulls. With the use of grouping points and using efficient data structures, O(n\log h) complexity can be achieved provided h is of polynomial order in n.

See also

Convex hull algorithms Algorithms that construct convex hulls of various objects have a broad range of applications in mathematics and computer science. In computational geometry, numerous algorithms are proposed for computing the convex hull of a finite set of points ...


{{reflist Convex hull algorithms