Carnassials are paired upper and lower teeth modified in such a way as to allow enlarged and often self-sharpening edges to pass by each other in a shearing manner. This adaptation is found in
carnivorans, where the carnassials are the modified fourth upper
The premolars, also called premolar teeth, or bicuspids, are transitional teeth located between the canine and molar teeth. In humans, there are two premolars per quadrant in the permanent set of teeth, making eight premolars total in the mouth ...
and the first lower
molar, however this may vary in family. These teeth are also referred to as sectorial teeth.
The name carnivoran is applied to a member of the order
Carnivora is a Clade, monophyletic order of Placentalia, placental mammals consisting of the most recent common ancestor of all felidae, cat-like and canidae, dog-like animals, and all descendants of that ancestor. Members of this group are f ...
. Carnivorans possess a common arrangement of teeth called carnassials, in which the first lower
molar and the last upper
The premolars, also called premolar teeth, or bicuspids, are transitional teeth located between the canine and molar teeth. In humans, there are two premolars per quadrant in the permanent set of teeth, making eight premolars total in the mouth ...
possess blade-like enamel
crowns that act similar to a pair of shears for cutting meat. This dental arrangement has been modified by adaptation over the past 60 million years for diets composed of meat, for crushing vegetation, or for the loss of the carnassial function altogether as in seals, sea lions, and walruses.
Carnassial dentition
Carnassial teeth are modified molars (and in the case of carnivorans premolars) which are adapted to allow for the shearing (rather than tearing) of flesh to permit the more efficient consumption of meat. These modifications are not limited to the members of the order Carnivora, but are seen in a number of different mammal groups. Not all carnivorous mammals, however, developed carnassial teeth.
Mesonychids, for example, had no carnassial adaptations, and as a result, the blunt, rounded cusps on its molars had a much more difficult time reducing meat. Likewise, neither members of
Oxyclaenidae nor
Arctocyonidae had carnassial teeth.
On the other hand, carnivorous marsupials have teeth of a carnassial form. Both the living
Tasmanian devil
The Tasmanian devil (''Sarcophilus harrisii'') (palawa kani: purinina) is a carnivorous marsupial of the family Dasyuridae. Until recently, it was only found on the island state of Tasmania, but it has been reintroduced to New South Wales in ...
(''Sarcophilus harrisii'') and the recently extinct
Tasmanian wolf (''Thylacinus cynocephalus'') possessed modified molars to allow for shearing, although the Tasmanian wolf, the larger of the two, had dentition more similar to the dog. The
Pleistocene marsupial lion (''
Thylacoleo carnifex'') had massive carnassial molars. A recent study concludes that these teeth produced the strongest bite of any known land mammal in history. Moreover, these carnassial molars appear to have been used, unlike in any other known mammal, to inflict the killing blow to the prey by severing the spinal cord, crushing the windpipe or severing a major artery. Like these true marsupials, the closely related
borhyaenids of South America had three carnassial teeth involving the first three upper molars (M1-M3) and the second through fourth lower molars (m2-m4). In the borhyaenids the upper carnassials appear to have been rotated medially around the anteriorposterior axis of the tooth row in order to maintain tight occlusional contact between the upper and lower shearing teeth.
Creodonts have two or three pairs of carnassial teeth, but only one pair performed the cutting function: either M1/m2 or M2/m3, depending on the family. In
Oxyaenidae, it is M1 and m2 that form the carnassials. Among the
hyaenodontids it is M2 and m3. Unlike most modern carnivorans, in which the carnassials are the sole shearing teeth, in the creodonts other molars have a subordinate shearing function. The fact that the two lineages developed carnassials from different types of teeth has been used as evidence against the validity of Creodonta as a clade.
Modern carnivorous bats generally lack true carnassial teeth, but the extinct ''
''Necromantis'' is an extinct genus of bat that lived during the Eocene. Its fossils are found in the Quercy Phosphorites Formation of France and the Djebel Chambi in Tunisia. Specimens of ''Necromantis'' are notable for their large size and ...
'' had particularly convergent teeth, in particular M1 and M2, which bore expanded heels and broad stylar shelves. These were particularly suited for crushing over an exclusively slicing action.
Though not superficially similar, the triconodont teeth of some early mammals such as
eutriconodonts are thought to have had a function similar to those of carnassials, sharing a similar shearing function. Eutriconodonts possess several speciations towards animalivory, and the larger forms such as ''
Repenomamus'', ''
Gobiconodon'' and ''
Jugulator'' probably fed on vertebrate prey. Similarly the "tooth lips" of
clevosaurid sphenodontians such as ''
Clevosaurus'' are described as "carnassial-like". A lineage of
pycnodont fish also developed carnassials eerily convergent with those of modern carnivorans.
In modern carnivorans the carnassial teeth pairs are found on either side of the jaw and are composed of the fourth upper pre-molar and the first lower molar (P4/m1). The location these carnassial pairs is determined primarily by the
masseter muscle. In this position, the carnassial teeth benefit from most of the force generated by this
Chewing or mastication is the process by which food is crushed and ground by teeth. It is the first step of digestion, and it increases the surface area of foods to allow a more efficient break down by enzymes. During the mastication process, th ...
muscle, allowing for efficient shearing and cutting of flesh, tendon and muscle.
The scissor-like motion is created by the movement between the carnassial pair when the jaw occludes. The inside of the fourth upper pre-molar closely passes by the outer surface of the first lower molar, thus allowing the sharp cusps of the carnassial teeth to slice through meat.
The length and size of the carnassial teeth vary between species, taking into account factors such as:
*the size of the carnivorous animal
*the extent to which the
diet is carnivorous
*the size of the chunk of meat that can be swallowed.
Evolution of carnassial teeth
![Group Carnassial teeth](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Group_Carnassial_teeth.jpg)
fossil record indicates the presence of carnassial teeth 50 million years ago, implying that
Carnivora is a Clade, monophyletic order of Placentalia, placental mammals consisting of the most recent common ancestor of all felidae, cat-like and canidae, dog-like animals, and all descendants of that ancestor. Members of this group are f ...
family members descend from a
common ancestor.
The shape and size of sectorial teeth of different carnivorous animals vary depending on diet, illustrated by the comparisons of bear (''Ursus'') carnassials with those of a leopard (''Panthera''). Bears, being
omnivores, have a flattened, more blunt carnassial pair than leopards. This reflects the bear's diet, as the flattened carnassials are useful both in slicing meat and grinding up vegetation, whereas the leopard's sharp carnassial pairs are more adapted for its
hypercarnivorous diet. During the
Late Pleistocene
The Late Pleistocene is an unofficial Age (geology), age in the international geologic timescale in chronostratigraphy, also known as Upper Pleistocene from a Stratigraphy, stratigraphic perspective. It is intended to be the fourth division of ...
– early
Holocene a now extinct
hypercarnivorous wolf
ecomorph existed that was similar in size to a large extant
gray wolf
The wolf (''Canis lupus''; : wolves), also known as the gray wolf or grey wolf, is a large canine native to Eurasia and North America. More than thirty subspecies of ''Canis lupus'' have been recognized, and gray wolves, as popularly ...
but with a shorter, broader
palate and with large carnassial teeth relative to its overall skull size. This adaptation allowed the
megafaunal wolf to predate and scavenge on
Pleistocene megafauna.
Wear and cracking of the carnassial teeth in a wild carnivore (e.g. a
wolf or
The lion (''Panthera leo'') is a large Felidae, cat of the genus ''Panthera'' native to Africa and India. It has a muscular, broad-chested body; short, rounded head; round ears; and a hairy tuft at the end of its tail. It is sexually dimorphi ...
) may result in the death of the individual due to starvation.
Carnassial teeth infections are common in domestic dogs. They can present as
abscesses (a large swollen lump under the eye). Extraction of the tooth is necessary to ensure that no further complications occur, as well as pain medication and
Types of teeth
Mammal anatomy
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