Bay is a
hair coat color of
The horse (''Equus ferus caballus'') is a domesticated, one-toed, hoofed mammal. It belongs to the taxonomic family Equidae and is one of two extant subspecies of ''Equus ferus''. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million ...
s, characterized by a reddish-brown or brown body color with a black
point coloration on the
Mane may refer to:
* Mane (horse), the line of hair along the spine of the neck
* Mane (lion), the hair found around the male mammal's neck
In arts and entertainment
* ''Mane'' (film) is a 1990 Kannada language film directed by Girish Kasaravall ...
ear edges, and lower legs. Bay is one of the most common coat colors in many horse breeds.
The black areas of a bay horse's hair coat are called "black points", and without them, a horse is not a bay horse. Black points may sometimes be covered by white
markings; however such markings do not alter a horse's classification as "bay". Bay horses have dark skin – except under white markings, where the skin is pink. Genetically, bay occurs when a horse carries both the
Agouti gene and a
black base coat. While the basic genetics that create bay coloring are fairly simple, the genes themselves and the mechanisms that cause shade variations within the bay family are quite complex and, at times, disputed. The genetics of dark shades of bay are still under study. The genetic mechanism that produces
seal brown has yet to be isolated.
Sooty genetics also appear to darken some horses' bay coats, and that genetic mechanism is yet to be fully understood.
The addition of
dilution gene
A dilution gene is any one of a number of genes that act to create a lighter coat color in living creatures. There are many examples of such genes:
Diluted coat colors have melanocytes, but vary from darker colors due to the concentration ...
s or various spotting pattern genes create many additional coat colors, although the underlying bay coat color genetics usually manifest by a warm-toned red, tan, or brownish body color and the appearance of black points.
Color variations and terminology

Bay horses range in color from a light copper red, to a rich red ''blood bay'' (the best-known variety of bay horse) to a very dark red or brown called ''dark bay,'' ''mahogany bay,'' ''black-bay,'' or ''brown'' (or "seal brown"). The dark brown shades of bay are referred to in other languages by words meaning "black-and-tan." Dark bays/browns may be so dark as to have nearly black coats, with brownish-red hairs visible only under the eyes, around the muzzle, behind the elbow, and in front of the stifle. Dark bay should not be confused with
"Liver" chestnut, which is also a very dark brown color, but a liver chestnut has a brown mane, tail and legs, and no black points.
Bay horses have black skin and dark eyes, except for the skin under
markings, which is pink. Skin color can help an observer distinguish between a bay horse with white markings and a horse which resembles bay but is not.
The pigment in a bay horse's coat, regardless of shade, is rich and fully saturated. This makes bays particularly lustrous in the sun if properly cared for. Some bay horses exhibit ''dappling,'' which is caused by textured, concentric rings within the coat. Dapples on a bay horse suggest good condition and care, though many well-cared for horses never dapple. The tendency to dapple may also be, to some extent, genetic.

The red areas of a bay coat usually have a two-toned hair shaft, which, if shaved closely (such as when body-clipping for a
horse show
A horse show is a judged exhibition of horses and ponies. Many different horse breeds and equestrian disciplines hold competitions worldwide, from local to the international levels. Most horse shows run from one to three days, sometimes longe ...
), may cause the horse to appear several shades lighter, a somewhat dull orange-gold, almost like a
dun. However, as the hair grows out, it will darken again to the proper shade. This phenomenon is linked to the genetics that produce red coloration in horses, but usually not seen in body-clipped darker shades of bay because there is less red in the hair shaft.
There are many terms that are used to describe particular shades and qualities of a bay coat. Some shade variations can be related to nutrition and grooming, but most appear to be caused by inherited factors not yet fully understood.
The shades with the least amount of point coloration are called ''wild bays.'' Wild bays are true bays with fully pigmented reddish coat color and black manes and tails, but the black points only extend up to the
pastern or fetlock. Wild bay is sometimes found in conjunction with a trait called "
pangare" that produces pale color on the underbelly and soft areas, such as near the stifle and around the muzzle.
Some breed registries use the term "brown" to describe darker bays, though modern genetics have resulted in some terminology revisions such as the use of "bay or brown." However, "liver"
chestnuts, horses with a red or brown mane and tail as well as a dark brownish body coat, are sometimes called "brown" in some
colloquial contexts. Therefore, "brown" can be an ambiguous term for describing horse coat color. It is clearer to refer to dark-colored horses as dark bays or liver chestnuts.

To further complicate matters, there apparently exists more than one genetic mechanism that darkens coat colors. One is a theorized
sooty gene which produces dark shading on any coat color. The other is a specific allele of Agouti linked to a certain type of dark bay, called
seal brown. The seal brown horse has dark brown body and lighter areas around the eyes, the muzzle, and flanks. A DNA test said to detect the seal brown (A
t) allele was developed, but the test was never subjected to peer review and due to unreliable results was subsequently pulled from the market.
Effect of gray gene
foals are born bay, but carry the
dominant gene for graying, and thus will turn
gray as they mature until eventually their hair coat is completely white. Foals that are going to become gray must have one parent that is gray. Some foals may be born with a few white hairs already visible around the eyes, muzzle, and other fine-haired, thin-skinned areas, but others may not show signs of graying until they are several months old.
Colors confused with bay
Chestnuts, sometimes called "Sorrels," have a reddish body coat similar to a bay, but no black points. Their legs and ear edges are the same color as the rest of their body (unless they have white markings) and their manes and tails are the same shade as their body color or even a few shades lighter.
Black is a color which results from the absence or complete absorption of visible light. It is an achromatic color, without hue, like white and grey. It is often used symbolically or figuratively to represent darkness. Black and white ha ...
is occasionally confused with dark bays and liver chestnuts because some black horses "sunburn," that is, when kept out in the sun, they develop a bleached-out coat that looks brownish, particularly in the fine-haired areas around the flanks. However, a true black can be recognized by looking at the fine hairs around the muzzle and eyes. These hairs are always black on a black horse, but are reddish, brownish, or even a light gold on a bay or chestnut.
The bay color is created with two colors of
melanin pigment, the black
eumelanin, which gives the black color of the mane, tail, and lower legs, and the "red"
pheomelanin, which gives the body its red-brown color. Unlike the
point coloration of
Siamese cats and
Himalayan rabbits, the points on horses are not produced by an
Albinism is the congenital absence of melanin in an animal or plant resulting in white hair, feathers, scales and skin and pink or blue eyes. Individuals with the condition are referred to as albino.
Varied use and interpretation of the term ...
In biology, the word gene (from , ; "... Wilhelm Johannsen coined the word gene to describe the Mendelian units of heredity..." meaning ''generation'' or ''birth'' or ''gender'') can have several different meanings. The Mendelian gene is a b ...
. Instead, two genes called ''extension'' and ''
agouti'' interact to create this pattern.
At ''agouti'', the dominant, ancestral ''A'' allele limits the location of black pigment to the points, seen in the bay color. The recessive ''a'' allele allows black pigment to cover the whole body, resulting in a fully
black horse.
At ''extension'', horses with the dominant,
An ancestor, also known as a forefather, fore-elder or a forebear, is a parent or ( recursively) the parent of an antecedent (i.e., a grandparent, great-grandparent, great-great-grandparent and so forth). ''Ancestor'' is "any person from w ...
''E'' allele are able to produce either red or black pigment, and depending on ''agouti'' genotype horses with ''E'' can be bay or black. The recessive ''e'' alleles replaces all black pigment in the coat with red, creating a solid red
chestnut coat regardless of ''agouti'' genotype. To be bay, a horse must have at least one ''E'' at ''extension'' and at least one ''A'' at ''agouti''.
The extent to which a bay passes on its color varies. Two bay horses heterozygous for E (Ee x Ee) have a 25% statistical probability to produce a chestnut. Similarly, bay horses heterozygous for A (Aa x Aa) may produce a black foal.
Because chestnut's ''e'' at ''extension'' is recessive to bay's ''E'', two chestnut horses can never have a bay foal. Likewise, because black's ''a'' at ''agouti'' is recessive, two black horses cannot have a bay foal either. However, it's possible for a chestnut horse and a black horse to produce a bay foal, if the chestnut horse is ''AA'' or ''Aa'' at ''agouti''. The foal can inherit the ''A'' allele from its chestnut parent and the ''E'' allele from its black parent, resulting in a bay color.
The genetics behind the different shades of bay are still under investigation. A genome wide association study identified a region of equine chromosome 22 that appears to correlate with the extent of black pigment on bay horses. This region includes the 5' end of the agouti gene as well as another gene called ''
RALY'', both known to affect coat color in other species. Further research is needed to pinpoint the causative mutation.
The oldest known horse coat color is
bay dun, a tan color with a black mane, tail, dorsal stripe, and lower legs. The legs may sometimes have zebra-like black stripes; these, along with the dorsal stripe seen on all dun horses, are called
primitive markings. Over 42,000 years ago, a mutation called non-dun 1 appeared, which allowed horses to be bay. Non-dun 1 replaces the tan dun color with the darker brown of bay, but keeps the primitive markings seen on dun. Later a second mutation to the
dun gene
The dun gene is a dilution gene that affects both red and black pigments in the equine coat color, coat color of a horse. The dun gene lightens most of the body while leaving the mane (horse), mane, tail, legs, and primitive markings the shade of ...
, called non-dun 2, was able to remove the primitive markings altogether to create the non-striped bay color common today.
Bay-family colors
The effects of additional equine coat color genes on a bay template alter the basic color into other shades or patterns:
Buckskin horses have a black mane and tail, but instead of a red or brown coat, they have a cream or gold coat. Though once called a "Sandy" bay in older texts on horse color, the genetic distinction created by the
cream gene is significant. They are a bay horse that is also
heterozygous for the dominant creme (CCr) allele. The black pigment remains largely unchanged, but any red pigment in the coat is diluted to gold. Buckskins are seldom mistaken for bays because their coats are significantly lighter and have no hint of a red or orange tint.
Perlinos are bay horses who are
homozygous for the dominant creme (CCr) allele. Both black and red pigment are diluted to some shade of creme, though the formerly black points often have a stronger reddish cast. The skin is a slightly pigmented pink and the eyes are blue.
Bay duns are bay horses with at least one
dominant dun
An allele (, ; ; modern formation from Greek ἄλλος ''állos'', "other") is a variation of the same sequence of nucleotides at the same place on a long DNA molecule, as described in leading textbooks on genetics and evolution.
::"The chro ...
. Red and black pigment at the extremities remains largely unchanged, but on the body, black pigment is diluted to slate and red pigment is diluted to a dustier shade. The effect is similar to buckskin, but the coat of a bay dun is a flatter tan rather than bronze, and all duns have some form of
primitive markings that include a dorsal stripe along the backbone, and sometimes faint horizontal striping at the back of the front legs.
Amber champagne refers to a bay horse with at least one dominant champagne allele. Black pigment is diluted to warm brown and red pigment to gold. The effect is similar to buckskin, but the points of an amber champagne do not remain black, and the skin is mottled. Amber champagnes also have hazel eyes rather than brown.
Silver bays are bay horses with at least one dominant silver (Z) allele. Red pigment is unaffected, but black pigment in the short coat is diluted to dark, flat, brown-gray while the longer hairs are diluted to silver. The overall effect on a bay is that of a chocolate-colored horse with a pale mane and tail.
Bay Roan horses are bays with at least one dominant roan (Rn) allele. The roan gene creates an effect of white hairs intermingled with the red body coat. This color was formerly lumped together with chestnut or "strawberry" roans and called "red roan."
Bay pintos are bay horses with any number of white spotting genes, including but not limited to
tobiano, frame
overo or
splashed white, and so on. The pattern has no bearing on whether or not the horse is bay. Pinto horses also may have a bay base coat overlaid by white spots. Sometimes the term "
skewbald" or "
tricolor" is used, especially in the UK, to refer to bay pintos.
Sabino is a color pattern in the pinto family, but in some cases, the gene may be minimally expressed in the form of very bold
white markings
Markings on horses are usually distinctive white areas on an otherwise dark base coat color. Most horses have some markings, and they help to identify the horse as a unique individual. Markings are present at birth and do not change over the co ...
or slight body spotting and such horses will be registered by their owners as "bay," particularly in
breed registries
A breed registry, also known as a herdbook, studbook or register, in animal husbandry and the hobby of animal fancy, is an official list of animals within a specific breed whose parents are known. Animals are usually registered by their breede ...
that do not have a category for pinto.
Bay Leopards are horses that carry the leopard (Lp) gene or gene complex characteristic of the
Appaloosa and other breeds. This gene also produces secondary characteristics that include mottled skin, a white
sclera around the eye, and striped
*A few bay horses may carry the
rabicano gene, which either produces faint roaning on only some parts of the body or can cause some white or cream hairs to appear in the mane or tail, sometimes creating a "skunk" effect. Most bays with rabicano are registered as either bays or as bay roans.
See also
Equine coat color genetics
Equine coat color
"Introduction to Coat Color Genetics"''from'' Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis. Web Site accessed January 12, 2008
External links
Horse coat colors