

An ameloblastic fibroma is a
fibroma Fibromas are benign tumors that are composed of fibrous or connective tissue. They can grow in all organs, arising from mesenchyme tissue. The term "fibroblastic" or "fibromatous" is used to describe tumors of the fibrous connective tissue. Whe ...
of the
ameloblast Ameloblasts are cells present only during tooth development that deposit tooth enamel, which is the hard outermost layer of the tooth forming the surface of the crown. Structure Each ameloblast is a columnar cell approximately 4 micrometers in d ...
ic tissue, that is, an odontogenic
tumor A neoplasm () is a type of abnormal and excessive growth of tissue. The process that occurs to form or produce a neoplasm is called neoplasia. The growth of a neoplasm is uncoordinated with that of the normal surrounding tissue, and persists ...
arising from the
enamel organ The enamel organ, also known as the dental organ, is a cellular aggregation seen in a developing tooth and it lies above the dental papilla. The enamel organ which is differentiated from the primitive oral epithelium lining the stomodeum.The ename ...
dental lamina The dental lamina is a band of epithelial tissue seen in histologic sections of a developing tooth. The dental lamina is first evidence of tooth development and begins (in humans) at the sixth week in utero or three weeks after the rupture of the ...
. It may be either truly
neoplastic A neoplasm () is a type of abnormal and excessive growth of tissue. The process that occurs to form or produce a neoplasm is called neoplasia. The growth of a neoplasm is uncoordinated with that of the normal surrounding tissue, and persists ...
or merely
hamartoma A hamartoma is a mostly benign, local malformation of cells that resembles a neoplasm of local tissue but is usually due to an overgrowth of multiple aberrant cells, with a basis in a systemic genetic condition, rather than a growth descended fr ...
tous (an
odontoma An odontoma, also known as an odontome, is a benign tumour linked to tooth development. Specifically, it is a dental hamartoma, meaning that it is composed of normal dental tissue that has grown in an irregular way. It includes both odontogenic h ...
). In neoplastic cases, it may be labeled an ameloblastic fibrosarcoma in accord with the terminological distinction that reserves the word ''
fibroma Fibromas are benign tumors that are composed of fibrous or connective tissue. They can grow in all organs, arising from mesenchyme tissue. The term "fibroblastic" or "fibromatous" is used to describe tumors of the fibrous connective tissue. Whe ...
'' for benign tumors and assigns the word ''
fibrosarcoma Fibrosarcoma (fibroblastic sarcoma) is a malignant mesenchymal tumour derived from fibrous connective tissue and characterized by the presence of immature proliferating fibroblasts or undifferentiated anaplastic spindle cells in a storiform patte ...
'' to malignant ones. It is more common in the first and second decades of life, when
odontogenesis Tooth development or odontogenesis is the complex process by which teeth form from embryonic cells, grow, and erupt into the mouth. For human teeth to have a healthy oral environment, all parts of the tooth must develop during appropriate stage ...
is ongoing, than in later decades. In 50% of cases an unerupted tooth is involved.
Histopathology Histopathology (compound of three Greek words: ''histos'' "tissue", πάθος ''pathos'' "suffering", and -λογία '' -logia'' "study of") refers to the microscopic examination of tissue in order to study the manifestations of disease. Spe ...
alone is usually not enough to differentiate neoplastic cases from hamartomatous ones, because the
histology Histology, also known as microscopic anatomy or microanatomy, is the branch of biology which studies the microscopic anatomy of biological tissues. Histology is the microscopic counterpart to gross anatomy, which looks at larger structures vis ...
is very similar. Other clinical and radiographic clues are used to narrow the diagnosis.


An ameloblastic fibroma is classified by The World Health Organisation as a benign mixed odontogenic tumour (1). It develops from the dental tissues that grow into teeth.  During human development, embryonic cells of
ectoderm The ectoderm is one of the three primary germ layers formed in early embryonic development. It is the outermost layer, and is superficial to the mesoderm (the middle layer) and endoderm (the innermost layer). It emerges and originates from t ...
mesenchyme Mesenchyme () is a type of loosely organized animal embryonic connective tissue of undifferentiated cells that give rise to most tissues, such as skin, blood or bone. The interactions between mesenchyme and epithelium help to form nearly every o ...
produce epithelial and ectomesenchyme tissues. These proliferate and mature into ameloblasts and fibrous connective tissue (3), and ultimately teeth. Ameloblastic fibromas contain both of these tissues, and its name is derived from them. It is a neoplasm, meaning it is a mass of abnormal growth of cells or tissue.  If the mass contains hard dental tissues they are known as odontoma, which are not true neoplasm, but classified as hamartomatous lesions (4) Epidemiology and prevalence Odontogenic tumours are uncommon, with a prevalence of around 2% (5) and only 1-2% of these are ameloblastic fibromas (6). As they are rare, there is limited evidence available, mostly case studies. There is a slight male predilection, developing most commonly within the first two decades of life. They are often identified when tooth development is complete with the posterior mandible being the most common site. Although benign, ameloblastic fibromas that occur in later decades as well as a third of treated ameloblastic fibromas can recur and around 11% may undergo malignant transformation, though this figure is questioned (4, 7). Odontoma are the most prevalent of the odontogenic tumours in the early decades and ameloblastic fibromas diagnosis should be considered.


The histopathology of ameloblastic fibromas resembles the stages of normal tooth development (6). These mixed lesions consist of histologically distinct epithelial and mesenchymal tissues (7). The epithelial tissue resembles dental lamina and enamel organ tissues, while the mesenchyme resembles the dental papilla (9). The epithelial component features strands which branch and join together, or anastomose. This results in knots of differing mass, resembling islands in a loose stroma (9). Cells in the strands tend to be cuboidal, but where budding occurs from the strands the knots resemble tooth caps. The bud-cap stage of normal development shows ameloblasts forming palisades of columnar cells adjacent to a starry-like, loosely formed layer known as stellate reticulum (8). However, the pattern of budding strands is distinctive from normal development (9). The Ameloblastic Fibroma epithelial tissue could be confused with the most common odontogenic tumour, the Ameloblastoma. Therefore the mesenchymal component is histologically important in differential diagnosis (9). The mesenchymal stroma in normal development is a rich myxoid connective tissue. It gives rise to the dental follicle which encapsulates the developing tooth (8). In Ameloblastoma the stroma is mature, often fibrous. This is distinct from the mesenchymal element of Ameloblastic Fibroma which is devoid of collagen (1). The Ameloblastic Fibroma stroma remains primitive, undifferentiated, cell-rich and myxoid (9). Rarely, it may contain granular cells. However, it should be noted this may also be observed in a hyperplastic dental follicle, and therefore other histological and radiological diagnostic features should be observed (5). The malignant ameloblastic fibroma will have features of malignant transformation such as mitotic figures in either epithelial or mesenchymal tissue (8). There is a resemblance to fibrosarcoma. The malignant Ameloblastic Fibroma histologically shows transformation in the mesenchymal component with increased cellularity, accompanied by a progressive reduction in epithelial tissue (4) .

Clinical Features

Ameloblastic fibroma is a rare benign mixed epithelial and mesenchymal odontogenic tumour as it contributes to approximately 2% of all odontogenic tumours. It often occurs in the first or second decade of life. Ameloblastic fibroma usually appears as painless swelling of the jaw in the posterior region of the mandible. It can be associated with an impacted tooth and it might impede eruption of other teeth. The lesion can be asymptomatic when it is small and most are incidental findings of routine dental radiographic imaging, etc.

Radiographic Features

Radiographically, ameloblastic fibroma has a variable appearance. It can appear as a unilocular lesion with smooth, well-defined margin when smaller. However, it can be multilocular when it is enlarged. It can be mistaken as dentigerous cyst as the lesion is often associated with an impacted tooth.


As ameloblastic fibromas are rare and the literature regarding treatment is limited there is controversy regarding treatment approach. A conservative treatment strategy, such as enucleation and curettage, is usually sufficient for small ameloblastic fibromas. However, extensive and aggressive lesions may require radical treatment such as in older patients who have likely high recurrence tendency. If the ameloblastic fibroma is small, ‘reconstruction’ will not be required. Conservative treatment usually involves enucleation and thorough curettage of the affected area alongside extraction of the affected teeth. Enucleation is the removal of an organ or tumor in such a way that it comes out clean and whole. Thorough enucleation is important as there are reports of a high recurrence rate (Trodahl reported a 36.4% recurrence rate). Immediate reconstruction is required post enucleation and curettage of the affected area. Some patients may require reconstruction which can include a full thickness bone graft. This treatment allows the patient to retain oral function and as much facial structure as possible.   Occasionally, more radical treatment is required with excision of the tumour with a margin of healthy tissue. This kind of treatment also requires reconstruction of the affected area, with bone grafts often being the preferred choice for remodelling. This is done when the tumour is large or is deemed to have a high chance of malignant transformation. In some cases the fibroma may envelop a nerve and may have to be removed too. Implants in compromised areas filled with a bone graft can prove useful for functional and aesthetic stability. Implant retained prosthesis can be placed and can make a vital overall functional and masticatory difference. Close radiographic and clinical follow up is important to identify recurrence and malignant transformation.

See also

Ameloblastoma Ameloblastoma is a rare, benign or cancerous tumor of odontogenic epithelium (ameloblasts, or outside portion, of the teeth during development) much more commonly appearing in the lower jaw than the upper jaw. It was recognized in 1827 by Cusack. ...
Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma The ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (AFO) is essentially a benign tumor with the features characteristic of ameloblastic fibroma along with enamel and dentin (hard tissues). Though it is generally regarded as benign, there have been cases of its malig ...


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