

The 1946 Turin Grand Prix was a
Grand Prix Grand Prix ( , meaning ''Grand Prize''; plural Grands Prix), is a name sometimes used for competitions or sport events, alluding to the winner receiving a prize, trophy or honour Grand Prix or grand prix may refer to: Arts and entertainment ...
motor race Motorsport, motorsports or motor sport is a global term used to encompass the group of competitive sporting events which primarily involve the use of motorized vehicles. The terminology can also be used to describe forms of competition of tw ...
held at
Valentino Park Parco del Valentino (also known as Valentino Park) is a popular public park in Turin, Italy. It is located along the west bank of the Po (river), Po river. It covers an area of 500,000m², which makes it Turin's second largest park (Turin's larges ...
on 1 September 1946. It is claimed to be the first ever
Formula One Formula One (also known as Formula 1 or F1) is the highest class of international racing for open-wheel single-seater formula racing cars sanctioned by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA). The World Drivers' Championship ...
race, as the race regulations anticipated the official introduction of the new formula on 1 January 1947.



Turin Grand Prix Turin Grand Prix Grand Prix race reports {{italy-sport-stub