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A penitential is a book or set of church rules concerning the Christian sacrament of penance, a "new manner of reconciliation with God" that was first developed by Celtic monks in Ireland in the sixth century AD. It consisted of a list of sins and the appropriate penances prescribed for them, and served as a type of manual for confessors. Origin Before the church was formalized, there was nothing to correspond with the modern conception of absolution – the pardon or remission of sin by one human being to another. Capitular confession was the ancient public confession. In the primitive Church, confession to God was the only form enjoined. According to St. Clement of Rome the Lord requires nothing of any man save confession to Him. The Didache shows us that this confession was public, in church, and that each believer was expected to confess his transgressions on Sunday, before breaking bread in the Eucharistic feast, for no one was to come to prayer with an evil conscience. Th ...
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Paenitentiale Theodori
The ''Paenitentiale Theodori'' (also known as the ''Iudicia Theodori'' or ''Canones Theodori'') is an early medieval penitential handbook based on the judgements of Archbishop Theodore of Canterbury. It exists in multiple versions, the fullest and historically most important of which is the ''U'' or ''Discipulus Umbrensium'' version (hereafter the ''Paenitentiale Umbrense''), composed (probably) in Northumbria within approximately a decade or two after Theodore's death. Other early though far less popular versions are those known today as the ''Capitula Dacheriana'', the ''Canones Gregorii'', the ''Canones Basilienses'', and the ''Canones Cottoniani'', all of which were compiled before the ''Paenitentiale Umbrense'' probably in either Ireland and/or England during or shortly after Theodore's lifetime. Background It is generally accepted by scholars today that Theodore himself is not responsible for any of the penitential works ascribed to him. Rather, a certain associate of Th ...
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Paenitentiale Ecgberhti
The ''Paenitentiale Ecgberhti'' (also known as the ''Paenitentiale Pseudo-Ecgberhti'', or more commonly as either Ecgberht's penitential or the Ecgberhtine penitential) is an early medieval penitential handbook composed around 740, possibly by Archbishop Ecgberht of York. This work should not be confused with the vernacular works known as the ''Old English Penitential'' (formerly the ''Paenitentiale Pseudo-Ecgberhti'') and the '' Scriftboc'' (formerly the ''Confessionale Pseudo-Ecgberhti''). Background Authorship Sources Manuscripts and Transmission There are eleven extant manuscripts that contain the ''Paenitentiale Ecgberhti'', dating from as early as the end of the eighth century to as late as the thirteenth, ranging geographically from southern Germany to Brittany to England. The sigla given below (V6, O1, etc.) are based on those established by the Körntgen–Kottje Editionsprojekt for the ''Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina'', vol. 156, a project whose goal is t ...
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Penance is any act or a set of actions done out of repentance for sins committed, as well as an alternate name for the Catholic, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession. It also plays a part in confession among Anglicans and Methodists, in which it is a rite, as well as among other Protestants. The word ''penance'' derives from Old French and Latin ''paenitentia'', both of which derive from the same root meaning repentance, the desire to be forgiven (in English see contrition). Penance and repentance, similar in their derivation and original sense, have come to symbolize conflicting views of the essence of repentance, arising from the controversy as to the respective merits of "faith" and " good works". Word derivations occur in many languages. According to dictionary definitions, the primary meaning of ''penance'' is the deeds done out of ''penitence'', which also focuses more on the external actions than does ''repe ...
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Paenitentiale Bedae
The ''Paenitentiale Bedae'' (also known as the ''Paenitentiale Pseudo-Bedae'', or more commonly as either Bede's penitential or the Bedan penitential) is an early medieval penitential handbook composed around 730, possibly by the Anglo-Saxon monk Bede. Background Authorship Sources Manuscripts and transmission There are four extant manuscripts that contain the ''Paenitentiale Bedae'', all dating to the ninth century, ranging geographically from northeastern France to the Main river region. The sigla given below (W9, Z2, etc.) are those introduced by Reinhard Haggenmüller. Haggenmüller divided the four main surviving witnesses of the ''Paenitentiale Bedae'' into two groups, based broadly on the regions in which they were produced, the nature and arrangement of their accompanying texts, and shared readings in the ''Paenitentiale Bedae'' itself.:Haggenmüller, ''Überlieferung'', 129–49. the 'Rhine-Main river' group consists of the oldest manuscripts (W9 and Se1), while ...
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Penitential Of Cummean
The ''Penitential of Cummean'' is an Irish penitential, presumably composed c. 650 by an Irish monk named Cummean (or Cominianus). It served as a type of handbook for confessors. Manuscripts Of the remaining manuscript versions, notable are Codex Vat. Pal. Lat. 485, written in the ninth century in Irish-influenced Lorsch Abbey (in modern-day Germany), and Codex Vat. 1349. Although Codex Vat. Pal. Lat. 485 was written in Lorsch, J. Zettinger believed that the book was compiled about the middle of the seventh century in either Scotland or Ireland.Mc Neill, J., ''Medieval Handbooks of Penance: A Translation of the Principal Libri Poenitentiales and Selections from Related Documents'', Chapter 1, “Early Irish Penitentials,”, ser: Records of Civilization Sources and Studies, no. 29 (Columbia University Press, New York, 1938) The precise identification of Cummean is fraught with difficulties. The prologue of Codex Vat. 1349 shows an ascription to “Cumianus Longus” (Cummean Fad ...
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Excarpsus Cummeani
The ''Excarpsus Cummeani'', also called the ''Pseudo-Cummeani'', is an eighth-century penitential, probably written in the north of the Frankish Empire in Corbie Abbey. Twenty-six copies of the manuscript survive; six of those were copied before 800 CE. It is possible that the penitential, which extends its scope beyond monasticism to include clerics and lay people, has a connection to Saint Boniface and his efforts to reform the Frankish church in the first half of the eighth century. Geographic spread by the end of the eighth century and continued copying of the manuscript into the 9th and 10th centuries have been interpreted to mean the work was considered "by the Christian authorities" a canonical text. It was used as late as the eleventh century, "as the main source of the ''P. Parisiense compositum". Genesis and authorship A penitential is a set of church rules concerning the Christian sacrament of penance; such sets were first developed by Celtic monks in Ireland in the ...
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Halitgar (Halitgarius, Halitcharius, Halitgaire, Aligerio) was a ninth-century bishop of Cambrai (in office 817–831). He is known also as an apostle to the Danes, and the writer of a widely known penitential. Life In 822 he travelled to Denmark as a missionary with Ebbo of Rheims and Willeric of Bremen, though not to great immediate effect. In 823 he dedicated the church and relics of St Ursmer at Lobbes. In 825, with Amalarius of Metz, he carried the conclusions of a Paris synod on iconoclasm to Louis the Pious. He went as ambassador to Byzantium in 828. De Paenitentia His ''De Paenitentia'' laid down qualities Christians should aspire to in their lives. He discussed a distinction between killing in warfare (a sin), and in self-defense in battle. Heavy penances for homosexual acts were imposed on older men. The work is also a source for information about surviving pagan practices. It was written in five volumes, at Ebbo's request. Ebbo's intention was to have a normativ ...
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The Book of Psalms ( or ; he, תְּהִלִּים, , lit. "praises"), also known as the Psalms, or the Psalter, is the first book of the ("Writings"), the third section of the Tanakh, and a book of the Old Testament. The title is derived from the Greek translation, (), meaning "instrumental music" and, by extension, "the words accompanying the music". The book is an anthology of individual Hebrew religious hymns, with 150 in the Jewish and Western Christian tradition and more in the Eastern Christian churches. Many are linked to the name of David, but modern mainstream scholarship rejects his authorship, instead attributing the composition of the psalms to various authors writing between the 9th and 5th centuries BC. In the Quran, the Arabic word ‘Zabur’ is used for the Psalms of David in the Hebrew Bible. Structure Benedictions The Book of Psalms is divided into five sections, each closing with a doxology (i.e., a benediction). These divisions were probably intro ...
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Finnian Of Clonard
Finnian of Clonard ('Cluain Eraird') – also Finian, Fionán or Fionnán in Irish; or Finianus and Finanus in its Latinised form (470–549) – was one of the early Irish monastic saints, who founded Clonard Abbey in modern-day County Meath. The Twelve Apostles of Ireland studied under him. Finnian of Clonard (along with Enda of Aran) is considered one of the fathers of Irish monasticism. Early life Finnian was born at the Kingdom of Leinster, son of Findlog. His birthplace is generally supposed to have been near the present town of New Ross. He was a member of Clanna Rudhraighe from the Ulaid. Abban baptised Finnian, and at an early age, he was placed under the care of Bishop Fortchern of Trim. According to some sources, Finnian studied for a time at the monastic centre of Martin of Tours in Gaul. Tours was noted for its austerity. He later went to Wales and continued his studies at the monastery of Cadoc the Wise, at Llancarfan (whose place-name translates as 'the ...
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Gildas ( Breton: ''Gweltaz''; c. 450/500 – c. 570) — also known as Gildas the Wise or ''Gildas Sapiens'' — was a 6th-century British monk best known for his scathing religious polemic ''De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae'', which recounts the history of the Britons before and during the coming of the Saxons. He is one of the best-documented figures of the Christian church in the British Isles during the sub-Roman period, and was renowned for his Biblical knowledge and literary style. In his later life, he emigrated to Brittany where he founded a monastery known as St Gildas de Rhuys. Hagiography Differing versions of the ''Life of Saint Gildas'' exist, but both agree that he was born in what is now Scotland on the banks of the River Clyde, and that he was the son of a royal family. These works were written in the eleventh and twelfth centuries and are regarded by scholars as unhistorical. He is now thought to have his origins farther south. In his own work, he claims to ...
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Adomnán or Adamnán of Iona (, la, Adamnanus, Adomnanus; 624 – 704), also known as Eunan ( ; from ), was an abbot of Iona Abbey ( 679–704), hagiographer, statesman, canon jurist, and saint. He was the author of the ''Life of Columba'' ( la, Vita Columbae), probably written between 697 and 700. This biography is by far the most important surviving work written in early-medieval Scotland, and is a vital source for our knowledge of the Picts, and an insight into the life of Iona and the early-medieval Gaelic monk. Adomnán promulgated the Law of Adomnán or "Law of Innocents" ( la, Lex Innocentium). He also wrote the treatise ('On Holy Places'), an account of the great Christian holy places and centres of pilgrimage. Adomnán got much of his information from a Frankish bishop called Arculf, who had personally visited Egypt, Rome, Constantinople and the Holy Land, and visited Iona afterwards. Life Adomnán was born about 624, a relative on his father's side o ...
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Alain De Lille
Alain de Lille (Alan of Lille) (Latin: ''Alanus ab Insulis''; 11281202/03) was a French theologian and poet. He was born in Lille, some time before 1128. His exact date of death remains unclear as well, with most research pointing toward it being between 14 April 1202, and 5 April 1203. He is known for writing a number of works on that are based upon the teachings of the liberal arts, with one of his most renowned poems, ''De planctu Naturae'' (The Complaint of Nature), focusing on human nature in regard to sexual conduct. Although, Alain was widely known during his lifetime, there is not a great deal known about his personal life, with the majority of our knowledge of the theologian coming from the content of his works. As a theologian, Alain de Lille opposed scholasticism in the second half of the 12th century. His philosophy is characterized by rationalism and mysticism. Alan claimed that reason, guided by prudence, could discover most truths about the physical order without ...
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