Persona 4 The Animation

Persona 4 The Animation
''Persona 4: The Animation'' is an anime television series based on Atlus' PlayStation 2 video game, '' Persona 4''. The story revolves around Yu Narukami, a young teenager who moves to the town of Inaba, where a mysterious string of murders is taking place. Upon discovering a distorted TV World and acquiring a mysterious power known as "Persona", Yu and his friends decide to investigate the murders and save others from being killed. The first series, produced by AIC ASTA and directed by Seiji Kishi, aired in Japan between October 2011 and March 2012 on MBS, TBS, CBC, and Animax, with an original video animation episode released in August 2012. A condensed film adaptation, ''Persona 4: The Animation -The Factor of Hope-'', was released in Japanese theaters in June 2012. The series was licensed by Sentai Filmworks in North America and by Kazé and Manga Entertainment in the United Kingdom. Critical reception to the anime series has been generally positive as it has b ...
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Urban Fantasy
Urban fantasy is a subgenre of fantasy which places imaginary and unreal elements in an approximation of a contemporary urban setting. The combination provides the writer with quixotic plot-drivers, unusual character traits, and a platform for classic fantasy tropes, without demanding the creation of an entirely-imagined world. Although precursors of urban fantasy date back to the 19th century, the term dates back to the 1970s. The current popularity began in the 1980s, with writers encouraged by the success of Stephen King and Anne Rice. Characteristics Urban fantasy combines selected imaginary/unrealistic elements of plot, character, theme, or setting with a largely-familiar world—combining the familiar and the strange. Such elements may exist secretly in the world or may occur openly. Fantastic components may be magic, paranormal beings, recognizable mythic or folk-tale plots, or thematic tropes (a quest, battle of good/evil, &c.). Authors may use current ''urban myths'', ...
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Aniplex Of America
Aniplex of America Inc. or Aniplex USA is the U.S. distribution enterprise of Aniplex, an anime and music production company owned by Sony Music Entertainment Japan. It was established in March 2005 in Santa Monica, California, with the goal of reinforcing the parent company's licensing business in the North American market. They operate the English language version of the Aniplex+ store, and from 2013 to 2017 operated a streaming service called Aniplex Channel through their website. The company most of the time only directly releases its titles in the Americas, however, some of its titles have been released in other territories by other distributors, such as Anime Limited, Manga Entertainment, MVM Films, Madman Anime Group, and Siren Visual. Their home video sets are distributed in the North American market by Right Stuf Anime and their titles are usually streamed on Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, and Hidive, and occasionally streamed on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and HBO M ...
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Kanji Tatsumi
is a fictional character introduced in the 2008 PlayStation 2 video game ''Persona 4'' by Atlus. In the game Kanji is a high school student who becomes famous in television after fighting delinquents in the streets. Kanji becomes a victim of a series of kidnappings where the person is thrown to a dimension known as the TV World and the main cast of characters goes to save him from his alternate self, his Shadow. After Kanji is saved from the experience with the Shadow being turned into a power known as Persona, he joins the Investigation Team, befriending them in the process. He has also appeared in other works such as the fighting game ''Persona 4 Arena'' and the crossover '' Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth''. He is voiced by Tomokazu Seki in Japanese, and Troy Baker in English in ''Persona 4'', ''Persona 4 Golden'', ''Persona 4: Arena'', and the first twelve episodes of ''Persona 4: The Animation''; his English voice actor for the remainder of ''Persona 4: The Animation'', a ...
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