
Mitchell's Embedding Theorem
Mitchell's embedding theorem, also known as the Freyd–Mitchell theorem or the full embedding theorem, is a result about abelian categories; it essentially states that these categories, while rather abstractly defined, are in fact concrete categories of modules. This allows one to use element-wise diagram chasing proofs in these categories. The theorem is named after Barry Mitchell and Peter Freyd. Details The precise statement is as follows: if A is a small abelian category, then there exists a ring ''R'' (with 1, not necessarily commutative) and a full, faithful and exact functor ''F'': A → ''R''-Mod (where the latter denotes the category of all left ''R''-modules). The functor ''F'' yields an equivalence between A and a full subcategory of ''R''-Mod in such a way that kernels and cokernels computed in A correspond to the ordinary kernels and cokernels computed in ''R''-Mod. Such an equivalence is necessarily additive. The theorem thus essentially says that the objec ...
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Abelian Category
In mathematics, an abelian category is a category in which morphisms and objects can be added and in which kernels and cokernels exist and have desirable properties. The motivating prototypical example of an abelian category is the category of abelian groups, Ab. The theory originated in an effort to unify several cohomology theories by Alexander Grothendieck and independently in the slightly earlier work of David Buchsbaum. Abelian categories are very ''stable'' categories; for example they are regular and they satisfy the snake lemma. The class of abelian categories is closed under several categorical constructions, for example, the category of chain complexes of an abelian category, or the category of functors from a small category to an abelian category are abelian as well. These stability properties make them inevitable in homological algebra and beyond; the theory has major applications in algebraic geometry, cohomology and pure category theory. Abelian categories are na ...
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Projective Object
In category theory, the notion of a projective object generalizes the notion of a projective module. Projective objects in abelian categories are used in homological algebra. The dual notion of a projective object is that of an injective object. Definition An object P in a category \mathcal is ''projective'' if for any epimorphism e:E\twoheadrightarrow X and morphism f:P\to X, there is a morphism \overline:P\to E such that e\circ \overline=f, i.e. the following diagram commutes: That is, every morphism P\to X factors through every epimorphism E\twoheadrightarrow X. If ''C'' is locally small, i.e., in particular \operatorname_C(P, X) is a set for any object ''X'' in ''C'', this definition is equivalent to the condition that the hom functor (also known as corepresentable functor) : \operatorname(P,-)\colon\mathcal\to\mathbf preserves epimorphisms. Projective objects in abelian categories If the category ''C'' is an abelian category such as, for example, the category of abeli ...
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Module Theory
In mathematics, a module is a generalization of the notion of vector space in which the field of scalars is replaced by a ring. The concept of ''module'' generalizes also the notion of abelian group, since the abelian groups are exactly the modules over the ring of integers. Like a vector space, a module is an additive abelian group, and scalar multiplication is distributive over the operation of addition between elements of the ring or module and is compatible with the ring multiplication. Modules are very closely related to the representation theory of groups. They are also one of the central notions of commutative algebra and homological algebra, and are used widely in algebraic geometry and algebraic topology. Introduction and definition Motivation In a vector space, the set of scalars is a field and acts on the vectors by scalar multiplication, subject to certain axioms such as the distributive law. In a module, the scalars need only be a ring, so the module conce ...
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Exact Category
In mathematics, an exact category is a concept of category theory due to Daniel Quillen which is designed to encapsulate the properties of short exact sequences in abelian categories without requiring that morphisms actually possess kernels and cokernels, which is necessary for the usual definition of such a sequence. Definition An exact category E is an additive category possessing a class ''E'' of "short exact sequences": triples of objects connected by arrows : M' \to M \to M''\ satisfying the following axioms inspired by the properties of short exact sequences in an abelian category: * ''E'' is closed under isomorphisms and contains the canonical ("split exact") sequences: :: M' \to M' \oplus M''\to M''; * Suppose M \to M'' occurs as the second arrow of a sequence in ''E'' (it is an admissible epimorphism) and N \to M'' is any arrow in E. Then their pullback exists and its projection to N is also an admissible epimorphism. Dually, if M' \to M occurs as the first arrow of a ...
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Endomorphism Ring
In mathematics, the endomorphisms of an abelian group ''X'' form a ring. This ring is called the endomorphism ring of ''X'', denoted by End(''X''); the set of all homomorphisms of ''X'' into itself. Addition of endomorphisms arises naturally in a pointwise manner and multiplication via endomorphism composition. Using these operations, the set of endomorphisms of an abelian group forms a (unital) ring, with the zero map 0: x \mapsto 0 as additive identity and the identity map 1: x \mapsto x as multiplicative identity. The functions involved are restricted to what is defined as a homomorphism in the context, which depends upon the category of the object under consideration. The endomorphism ring consequently encodes several internal properties of the object. As the resulting object is often an algebra over some ring ''R,'' this may also be called the endomorphism algebra. An abelian group is the same thing as a module over the ring of integers, which is the initial object in the c ...
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Grothendieck Category
In mathematics, a Grothendieck category is a certain kind of abelian category, introduced in Alexander Grothendieck's Tôhoku paper of 1957English translation in order to develop the machinery of homological algebra for modules and for sheaves in a unified manner. The theory of these categories was further developed in Pierre Gabriel's seminal thesis in 1962. To every algebraic variety V one can associate a Grothendieck category \operatorname(V), consisting of the quasi-coherent sheaves on V. This category encodes all the relevant geometric information about V, and V can be recovered from \operatorname(V) (the Gabriel–Rosenberg reconstruction theorem). This example gives rise to one approach to noncommutative algebraic geometry: the study of "non-commutative varieties" is then nothing but the study of (certain) Grothendieck categories. Definition By definition, a Grothendieck category \mathcal is an AB5 category with a generator. Spelled out, this means that * \mathcal is an ...
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Generator (category Theory)
In mathematics, specifically category theory, a family of generators (or family of separators) of a category \mathcal C is a collection \mathcal G \subseteq Ob(\mathcal C) of objects in \mathcal C, such that for any two ''distinct'' morphisms f, g: X \to Y in \mathcal, that is with f \neq g, there is some G in \mathcal G and some morphism h : G \to X such that f \circ h \neq g \circ h. If the collection consists of a single object G, we say it is a generator (or separator). Generators are central to the definition of Grothendieck categories. The dual concept is called a cogenerator or coseparator. Examples * In the category of abelian groups, the group of integers \mathbf Z is a generator: If ''f'' and ''g'' are different, then there is an element x \in X, such that f(x) \neq g(x). Hence the map \mathbf Z \rightarrow X, n \mapsto n \cdot x suffices. * Similarly, the one-point set is a generator for the category of sets. In fact, any nonempty set is a generator. * In the category ...
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AB5 Category
In mathematics, in his " Tôhoku paper" introduced a sequence of axioms of various kinds of categories enriched over the symmetric monoidal category of abelian groups. Abelian categories are sometimes called AB2 categories, according to the axiom (AB2). AB3 categories are abelian categories possessing arbitrary coproducts (hence, by the existence of quotients in abelian categories, also all colimits). AB5 categories are the AB3 categories in which filtered colimits of exact sequences are exact. Grothendieck categories are the AB5 categories with a generator. References *{{Citation , last1=Grothendieck , first1=Alexander , author1-link=Alexander Grothendieck , title=Sur quelques points d'algèbre homologique , url=http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.tmj/1178244839 , mr=0102537 , year=1957 , journal=Tohoku Mathematical Journal The ''Tohoku Mathematical Journal'' is a mathematical research journal published by Tohoku University in Japan. It was founded in August 1911 b ...
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Yoneda Lemma
In mathematics, the Yoneda lemma is arguably the most important result in category theory. It is an abstract result on functors of the type ''morphisms into a fixed object''. It is a vast generalisation of Cayley's theorem from group theory (viewing a group as a miniature category with just one object and only isomorphisms). It allows the embedding of any locally small category into a category of functors (contravariant set-valued functors) defined on that category. It also clarifies how the embedded category, of representable functors and their natural transformations, relates to the other objects in the larger functor category. It is an important tool that underlies several modern developments in algebraic geometry and representation theory. It is named after Nobuo Yoneda. Generalities The Yoneda lemma suggests that instead of studying the locally small category \mathcal , one should study the category of all functors of \mathcal into \mathbf (the category of sets with ...
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Covariance And Contravariance Of Functors
In mathematics, specifically category theory, a functor is a mapping between categories. Functors were first considered in algebraic topology, where algebraic objects (such as the fundamental group) are associated to topological spaces, and maps between these algebraic objects are associated to continuous maps between spaces. Nowadays, functors are used throughout modern mathematics to relate various categories. Thus, functors are important in all areas within mathematics to which category theory is applied. The words ''category'' and ''functor'' were borrowed by mathematicians from the philosophers Aristotle and Rudolf Carnap, respectively. The latter used ''functor'' in a linguistic context; see function word. Definition Let ''C'' and ''D'' be categories. A functor ''F'' from ''C'' to ''D'' is a mapping that * associates each object X in ''C'' to an object F(X) in ''D'', * associates each morphism f \colon X \to Y in ''C'' to a morphism F(f) \colon F(X) \to F(Y ...
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Category Of Abelian Groups
In mathematics, the category Ab has the abelian groups as objects and group homomorphisms as morphisms. This is the prototype of an abelian category: indeed, every small abelian category can be embedded in Ab. Properties The zero object of Ab is the trivial group which consists only of its neutral element. The monomorphisms in Ab are the injective group homomorphisms, the epimorphisms are the surjective group homomorphisms, and the isomorphisms are the bijective group homomorphisms. Ab is a full subcategory of Grp, the category of ''all'' groups. The main difference between Ab and Grp is that the sum of two homomorphisms ''f'' and ''g'' between abelian groups is again a group homomorphism: :(''f''+''g'')(''x''+''y'') = ''f''(''x''+''y'') + ''g''(''x''+''y'') = ''f''(''x'') + ''f''(''y'') + ''g''(''x'') + ''g''(''y'') :       = ''f''(''x'') + ''g''(''x'') + ''f''(''y'') + ''g''(''y'') = (''f''+''g'')(''x'') + (''f''+''g'')(''y'') The third e ...
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